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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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Showing posts with label Causative. Show all posts

September 02, 2012

Causative Verbs Exercise

After studying causative verbs, now it's time to do these exercises.

Causative Verbs ExerciseA. Why did you do these things? Answer the questions by using "have something done".
  1. Why did you go to the hairdresser? (my hair - cut)
    Answer: To have my hair cut.
  2. Why did you take your car to the garage? (it - service)
    Answer: ....
  3. Why did you take your jacket to the cleaner's? (it - clean)
    Answer: ....
  4. Why did you call the plumber? (the leak - repair)
    Answer: ....
  5. Why did you go to the jeweller's? (my watch - repair)
    Answer: ....
B. Complete the sentences by using the words in brackets. Use the structure "have something done".
  1. We ... (the house / paint) ... at the moment.
    Answer: We are having the house painted at the moment.
  2. I've lost my key. I'll have to ... (another key / make) ....
    Answer: ....
  3. Your hair is long. When was the last time you ... (your hair / cut) ....
    Answer: ....
  4. You look different. Have you ... (your hair / cut) ...?
    Answer: ....
  5. Do you ... (a newspaper / deliver) ... to your house or do you go to the shop to buy one?
    Answer: ....
  6. A: What are those workmen doing in your garden?
    B: Oh, we ... (a swimming pool / build) ....
    Answer: ....
  7. A: Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday?
    B: I'm afraid I ... (not / the film / develop) ... yet.
    Answer: ....
  8. This coat is dirty. I must ... (it / clean) ....
    Answer: ....
  9. If you want to wear earrings, why don't you ... (your ears / pierce) ...?
    Answer: ....
  10. This pair of trousers is too long for you. I think you should ... (it / shorten) ....
    Answer: ....
C. Reword the following sentences, using have or get with a past participle.
  1. Someone washed my car for me yesterday.
    Answer: I had my car washed yesterday.
  2. I asked someone to paint the gate last week.
    Answer: ....
  3. Can I ask someone to deliver the pizza?
    Answer: ....
  4. We ordered someone to check the printer.
    Answer: ....
  5. We are running out of time. We must ask someone to send the invitation today.
    Answer: ....
  6. I'm going to tell someone to add an extra room.
    Answer: ....
  7. Ask someone to post the announcement soon.
    Answer: ....
  8. The knife wants sharpening.
    Answer: ....
  9. The letter is in Indonesian. I'm going to ask someone to translate it into English.
    Answer: ....
  10. The computer program doesn't work well. We should ask them to reinstall it.
    Answer: ....

August 28, 2012

Causative Verbs; Make, Have, Let

Causative Verbs; Make, Have, Let
Ketika melihat seorang teman telah memotong rambutnya, pertanyaan mana yang lebih tepat kita utarakan? "When did you cut your hair?" atau "When did you have your hair cut?". Begitu juga jawabannya, mana yang lebih tepat, "I cut my hair yesterday." atau "I had it cut yesterday."?

Kedua bentuk pertanyaan dan jawaban tersebut sebenarnya memiliki perbedaan makna yang sangat mendasar "When did you cut your hair?" ~ "I cut my hair yesterday." sebenarnya bermakna memotong rambut kita sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Jika kita menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu (misal: memotong rambut kita), akan lebih tepat jika kita mengatakan "When did you have your hair cut?" ~ I had it cut yesterday." Inilah yang disebut causative verb.

Penggunaan Causative verbs dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris memiliki makna bahwa seseorang menyuruh atau membuat orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Causative verbs juga bisa mengindikasikan bahwa seseorang meminta suatu hal terjadi. Causative verb bisa berbentuk kata kerja (tense) apapun.
Causative verb selalu diikuti kata kerja (verb) berbentuk simple (Verb 1), infinitive (to + Verb 1), atau past participle (Verb 3):
  1. Bentuk simple (The simple form)
    Causative verbs followed by the simple verb
    NounCausative verbNoun (person)Verb (simple)Noun
    The teachermakes
    his studentsspeakEnglish.

  2. Bentuk Infinitive (The infinitive form)
    Causative verbs followed by the infinitive
    NounCausative verbNoun (person)Verb (simple)Noun
    The teachergets
    his studentsto speakEnglish.

  3. Bentuk Past Participle (The past participle form).
    Causative verbs followed by the past participle
    NounCausative verbNoun (person)Verb (simple)Noun
    The teacherhad
    the essaywrittenin English.

  1. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu, causative verb bisa diikuti bentuk simple (verb 1) atau infinitive (to Verb 1). Bentuk ini juga disebut Active Causative (nomer 1 & 2).
  2. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang menyuruh sesuatu dikerjakan oleh seseorang, causative verb harus diikuti bentuk past participle (verb 3). Bentuk ini juga disebut Passive Causative (nomer 3).
Do you know the difference?
  1. a. He repaired the broken window last Sunday.
    b. He had the broken window repaired last Sunday.
  2. a. She makes her own dresses.
    b. She always gets her dresses made.
  3. a. She is typing the letter now.
    b. She is having the letter typed.
  4. a. They are going to repaint the house.
    b. They are going to have the house repainted.
  5. a. I translated the story into English.
    b. I had the story translated into English.
Click here to do the exercise on causative verbs.