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August 20, 2022

Narrative Text: The Story Of Roro Jonggrang - The Legend Of Prambanan Temples (A Folktale From Central Java)

The Story Of Roro Jonggrang
nce upon a time, there was a kingdom in Central Java named Baka. It was named after the king, Prabu Baka, who was a man-eating giant. Despite being a giant, the king had a very beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang (The Slim Girl).

The time came when Prabu Baka wanted to expand his territory by conquering the neighboring kingdom, Pengging. The king of Pengging, Prabu Damar Maya, responded and sent his son, Raden Bandung Bandawasa, to defend their kingdom.

Raden Bandung Bandawasa, renowned for his supernatural power, won the war. He managed to kill Prabu Baka. Soon, Baka kingdom fell into the hands of Bandung Bandawasa.

In victory, Bandung Bandawasa entered the palace where Prabu Baka used to live. When he saw Roro Jonggrang, he fell in love. He wanted to marry her.

Of course, Roro Jonggrang didn't want to marry the man who had killed her beloved father. She refused. However, Bandung Bandawasa persuaded her to marry him. In the end, Roro Jonggrang accepted his marriage proposal with two conditions that seemed impossible to fulfil.

"I want you to make a well and a thousand temples in just one night. They must be ready before the sun rises tomorrow morning," she demanded. She felt sure that it would be impossible for Bandung Bandawasa to fulfil her requirement and marry her.

Bandung Bondowoso agreed. After a few hours, he was able to make a well with his great supernatural power.

"Done!" he said with satisfaction. "I've finished the well, now the temples. I will ask my genie soldiers and helpers to help me build them."

Bandung Bandawasa then summoned genies and ordered them to build one-thousand temples. The genies worked hard and soon, there were able to build nearly 999 temples.

Seeing that the job was almost completed, Roro Jonggrang panicked. “Marrying Bandung Bondowoso is the last thing I want to do in my life. I have to make him fail one way or another,” she thought.

Then she had a great idea. She gathered all her servants and village girls and asked them to help her. "Listen, the genies are building the temples and it's unfair! We have to collect a lot of straw. Come on! Hurry up!" said Roro Jonggrang to them.

"What are you going to do with the straw, Princess?" asked one of the women.

"We will fake the dawn by burning the straw and pounding rice pestles. When the sky gets red and the sound of people pounding rice pestles is heard, the genies will think that the sun is rising and they will stop working and run away." she added.

So they did. They burnt the straw and started pounding the rice pestles in their homes as if they had been grinding some rice.

It worked! Seeing the reddish sky and hearing the sound of people pounding rice pestles, the genies thought that the sun was rising. They fled, leaving the last temple unfinished. They did not know that they had been tricked by Roro Jonggrang and her women.

Seeing this, Bandung Bondowoso was angry. He knew that Roro Jonggrang was trying to trick him and fail his attempt to marry her.

Durga Mahisashuramardini Statue

"You cannot fool me, Roro Jonggrang. I have built 999 temples. I just need one more temple to fulfil your requirement. Now, you'll complete my task and be the one-thousandth temple!"

Suddenly, Roro Jonggrang's body became stiffer and stiffer. She could not move. The curse had made her become a statue.

It is believed that Ratu Baka's site near Prambanan area was the palace of Prabu Baka, whereas the 999 unfinished temples is now known as Candi Sewu (a thousand temples). Arca Durga (Durga Mahisashuramardini), a very beautiful statue in the north part of Prambanan's main temple, is believed to be a manifestation of the cursed princess. People name it the statue of Roro Jonggrang.

Go to the worksheet page and do some exercises for this narrative text HERE.

January 30, 2021

Making Small Talk - Video Material And Exercise

et's imagine you have just arrived at your office and are ready to start your shift. You meet your colleague of the previous shift whom you are going to replace. What would you say to be polite? Let's imagine again you are sitting in a waiting room, next to a stranger. How would you start conversation in order to break the uncomfortable and awkward silence?

Yes, you need small talk.

What is small talk?

To be short, small talk refers to "basa-basi" in Bahasa Indonesia. It is a social conversation about unimportant and uncontroversial matters, which helps manage interpersonal distance and define the relationships between friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances.

We make small talk when we want to avoid uncomfortable silence and talk to someone we have never met before, or a colleague in order to appear polite and friendly and create a positive interaction. Small talk serves many social functions, such as conversation opener, conversation closing, and silence filler.

Small talk topics should be universal, positive, and situational to enable the conversation to flow naturally. Common small talk topics may range from the weather, sports, entertainment, introduction, occupation, and common interests.

To help you with clearer and more practical understanding of small talk, watch the video below and do the following exercise.

Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer; A, B, C, or D.
  1. How did the man start the conversation?
    1. By asking the woman's name and nationality
    2. By asking the woman's favorite weather
    3. By creating small talk about the weather
    4. By telling the woman about his hard day
  2. What did the woman think about the weather?
    1. It was a sign that summer had started.
    2. The weather had been oficially forecast.
    3. The officials said that summer was hot.
    4. It didn't look like summer had started.
  3. What did the man say he wanted to buy?
    1. Sun glasses
    2. Sun roof
    3. Some blocks
    4. Sun block
  4. The man said, "My name is John, by the way."
    From the dialogue, we may conclude that the phrase "by the way" can be used to ....
    1. clarify that an information may have been wrongly perceived
    2. introduce a topic not directly connected with the previous subject
    3. confirm a very important information in an informal conversation
    4. ask about a very casual topic in a formal or non-formal conversation
  5. How did they greet each other in their introduction?
    1. Nice to miss you.
    2. Nights to meet you.
    3. Nice to me, too.
    4. Nice to meet you.
  6. What do we know about the woman's origin?
    1. She lives around the area.
    2. They both live in Hokkaido.
    3. She will move to Hokkaido.
    4. She is from an Asian country.
  7. What did she say about the weather in Hokkaido?
    1. It's warmer in Hokkaido.
    2. It's much colder in Hokkaido.
    3. Hokkaido is not as cold as that.
    4. Hokkaido is colder than before.
  8. What did the man say about the weather in his hometown?
    1. It has a little rain.
    2. It's very windy.
    3. It's hotter when it rains.
    4. It often rains.
  9. The man said, "I'm not used to these summer temperatures."
    What did he imply?
    1. He usually lived in a much colder place.
    2. He cannot do many activities in summer.
    3. The temperature in summer is usual.
    4. He likes summer temperatures more.
  10. What does the woman like to do in summer?
    1. She likes running into the sea.
    2. She likes to take her dog for jogging.
    3. She likes to spend time at the beach.
    4. She usually allows her dog to go out.
  11. What does the man usually do in his hometown during summer?
    1. If it's sunny, he meets up with his friends in a bar.
    2. He spends time sunbathing in a parking lot.
    3. He travels around London to see nice parks.
    4. He often has picnic in the park on sunny days.
  12. Has the woman been to London before?
    1. Yes, she has.
    2. Yes, to visit museums.
    3. No, never.
    4. No, she doesn't want to.
  13. What did the woman want to visit in London?
    1. The beach
    2. The park
    3. The museums
    4. The football game
  14. According to the man, what do the people in his hometown mostly do at the weekend?
    1. They play football with their team.
    2. They play football video games.
    3. They go to their favorite teams.
    4. They watch football games.
  15. Why did the woman relate to "baseball" in the conversation?
    1. To tell which Japanese baseball teams are popular
    2. To describe her favorite sports when she is in Japan
    3. To imply that both games are super popular in Japan
    4. To give information about equally popular sports
  16. In chronological order, the topic of the conversation can be defined as ....
    1. the weather, place of origin, sports, summer activities
    2. the weather, place of origin, summer activities, sports
    3. the weather, place of origin, names, favorite sports
    4. the season, names, activities, personal sports
  17. Based on the dialogue, which of the following statements is FALSE?
    1. The speakers have never met before.
    2. The speakers are probably tourists.
    3. They come from different countries.
    4. They both have the same preference.
  18. What do you think the speakers are most probably doing?
    1. They are making a business trip.
    2. They are meeting new colleagues
    3. They are studying about the weather.
    4. They are enjoying their vacation.
  19. Which of the following topics is best to continue the conversation?
    1. The beaches in London
    2. Favorite sports
    3. Religions
    4. Political view
  20. Which of the following is NOT true about "small talk"?
    1. It is a polite way to start a conversation.
    2. It is mostly about uncontroversial matters.
    3. The topic is often popular and unimportant.
    4. It is effective in political and job interviews.
Video source:
Small Talk | Making Small Talk | Everyday English, YouTube, uploaded by Learn English by Pocket Passport, Jul 6, 2020,
For more resources on small talk, you can refer to the following pages:

April 12, 2020

The White Dragon's Egg: The Legend Of Lok Si Naga

Narrative Text-The White Dragon's Egg

long time ago, there lived a humble fisherman's family near a big river in South Kalimantan. They were very hard-working. Every day, they would go to the river to catch fish using a big rattan scoop called "tangguk" and sold the fish they had caught in a nearby market. Every time they went fishing to the river, they would leave their only son at home as he was still too young to be taken to the big river.

One day, as usual, the fisherman and his wife were fishing in the river. They had been fishing for hours but unfortunately, they were hardly able to catch any fish. Time and time again, they lifted the tangguk only to find to their disappointment that the tangguk was still empty. The fisherman sighed and almost gave up in despair, "What's happening? Where are the fish?" "If we don't catch enough fish, what should we eat?" said his wife. The fisherman didn't say anything but kept on working with the tangguk.

Suddenly, he felt his bucket was much heavier. "Aha!" He shouted with delight, feeling sure that he had caught a very big fish, and quickly lifted the trap out of the water. His heart jumped when he saw what was inside the scoop. It was a huge egg instead of a fish! "What on earth is it? An egg?" Feeling scared, he quickly put the tangguk back into the water to return the egg. However, every time he lifted the tangguk out of the water the egg was still there. It seemed that the egg didn’t want to leave the scoop. This happened several times until the fisherman and his wife decided to take the egg home.

Their boy was asleep when they arrived. "I'm hungry, but we caught nothing except the big egg." said the fisherman softly to his wife, not wanting to disturb the little boy's sleep. Having no fish to eat or sell, they decided to boil the egg they had found in the river. They both ate it and spared some for their son to eat when he woke up.

However, as soon as they had finished eating the egg, they felt something strange. Their skin became scaly and their body grew longer and longer. Now they realized that they had been cursed by the white dragon, an evil dragon living in the big river. But it was too late! They had turned into two big dragons!

When the boy woke up, he was very frightened of what he saw. Much to his horror, two big dragons were lying next to him. He screamed and cried for help, "Daaad ... help!" The two dragons soon tried to soothe him. They convinced him that they were his parents. They hugged their beloved son and told him how they turned into dragons. They reminded him not to eat the egg on the dining table as it was cursed by the white dragon. Whoever ate the white dragon's egg, they would change into a dragon.

They told their son that they had to find the white dragon and kill him to stop the curse. Before disappearing into the river, the two dragons told him that when he saw red blood on the surface of the river, it would mean that they had lost the fight, whereas white blood would be a sign of the white dragon's defeat. The sign would appear on a rainy day with an arch of a rainbow in the sky.

From then on, the boy would go to the riverbank every day, and sat there looking at the surface of the water for hours, worrying about his parents. And so it happened that, one day, after a slight rain on a sunny day and a rainbow appeared in the sky, he saw milky white blood on the surface of the water. It was the sign of the white dragon's defeat! Feeling certain that the two dragons had won the fight, he waited for them to return, but they never did. Nevertheless, he kept waiting patiently his entire life, by the river which the locals call "Lok Si Naga" or "Lok Lua", the River of the Dragons.

This narrative text is a folktale from South Kalimantan, retold in English by Mister Guru. Click the arrow sign on the left to learn more about narrative texts.

What is a narrative text?
A narrative text is a genre of writing which aims to entertain its readers by telling a story with the text type that includes adventures, fairy tales, fantasies, historical fictions, mysteries, personal narratives, realistic fictions, and science fictions.

What is the purpose of a narrative text?
A narrative text serves the purpose of amusing, entertaining and dealing with actual or vicarious experience, or problematic events leading to a crisis or turning point which in turn often finds a resolution.

What is the generic structure of a narrative text like?
A narrative text mostly consists of:

  • The orientation, which is a setting of the scene to introduce the participants, the time and place the story happened (who/what, when, and where).
  • The complication, which talks about a crisis or problem(s) that occurred.
  • The resolution, which mostly talks about how the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
  • The re-orientation (optional), which ends the story

What are the lexicogrammatical features of a narrative text?
A narrative text mostly;

  • focuses on specific and usually individualized participants,
  • uses verbs showing us what happened/happens,
  • uses verbs of relational and mental processes,
  • uses temporal conjunctions and circumstances.
  • use verbs in past tense.

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August 26, 2011

Mudik: Haruskah Tujuan Mulia Membahayakan Jiwa?

Mudik - Haruskah Tujuan Mulia Membahayakan Jiwa?
Bagi mereka yang beragama Islam dan dibesarkan di Indonesia, lebaran pasti menyisakan sederet kenangan indah masa kecil. Keceriaan dan kegembiraan sebagai anak-anak dalam menyambut Idul Fitri bersama teman-teman sebaya dan keluarga di kampung halaman cenderung akan membekas sepanjang hidup. Sehingga tidak afdol rasanya jika lebaran harus berlalu di tanah rantau jauh dari orang-tua dan sanak-saudara.

Rasa inilah yang mendorong para perantau untuk pulang-kampung, mudik, atau ber-holiday travel ke kota kelahiran setiap lebaran Idul Fitri tiba. Niatan mulia untuk sungkem di pangkuan ayah dan ibu, atau sekedar berziarah ke makam mereka bila mereka telah meninggal, lalu bersilaturrahim dengan sanak-saudara, telah menjadi motivator handal yang mampu menggerakkan jutaan manusia meninggalkan kota tempatnya bekerja, pulang ke kampung halaman. Hampir semua orang, apapun statusnya, seolah tidak ingin melewatkan lebaran tanpa mudik. Mudik, sebagai sebuah proses untuk menelusuri dan mengikatkan diri kepada akar sosial kita, mungkin telah mencapai makna terluasnya, dan menjadi kebutuhan jiwa yang harus dipenuhi setiap tahun.

Budaya Mudik, yang telah menjadi ritual unik di Indonesia, bukanlah tanpa pengorbanan. Dana yang relatif besar harus dikeluarkan. Jarak ratusan bahkan ribuan kilometer harus ditempuh. Bahaya dan resiko kecelakaan pun mengintai di balik kelelahan fisik dan kelalaian di sepanjang perjalanan. Berdasarkan data yang dihimpun oleh Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI), sebanyak 702 orang meninggal, 1.646 luka berat, dan 1.697 orang luka ringan dalam kecelakaan lalu-lintas selama arus lebaran 2009. Sementara, pada tahun 2010, jumlah korban kecelakaan menurun secara signifikan menjadi 328 korban tewas, 438 luka berat, dan 892 korban luka ringan.

Mudik - Haruskah Tujuan Mulia Membahayakan Jiwa?Mudik - Haruskah Tujuan Mulia Membahayakan Jiwa?

Menyedihkan bukan? Harus sedemikian banyakkah kerugian serta nyawa yang terenggut sia-sia demi niatan mulia untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga? Alangkah bijaksananya jika kita selalu mengutamakan keselamatan dalam perjalanan dan selama mudik, ketimbang harus membahayakan nyawa diri sendiri serta orang-orang yang kita cintai.

Jika menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, kita harus memeriksa kondisi kendaraan kita sebelum memulai perjalanan. Sudah layak dan amankah kendaraan kita untuk menempuh perjalanan jauh? Pastikan bahwa ban, lampu-lampu, aki, hingga mesin dalam kondisi baik. Setelah itu, periksalah kelengkapan berkendara, mulai dari SIM, STNK, sepatu, jaket, dan helm bagi pengendara motor. Hindarilah mengangkut beban atau penumpang yang berlebihan hingga melampaui batas keamanan. Terlebih lagi jika kita membonceng anak kecil. Pastikan bahwa anak anda berada dalam posisi yang terlindung dan aman. Sedapat mungkin, hindarilah meletakkan anak di depan pengemudi motor. Dalam posisi begitu, tanpa disadari, anak seolah-olah menjadi "tameng" atau "perisai" yang melindungi sang ayah dari terjangan angin, atau jika terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan.

Saat berkendara, tetaplah waspada dengan memperhatikan kondisi jalan, lalu-lintas, serta rambu-rambu lalu-lintas. Jagalah selalu etika dan kesopanan dalam berkendara, dan jangan mudah terpancing oleh pengendara yang agresif atau provokatif. Ingat. sebagian besar kecelakaan terjadi akibat kelalaian dan kecerobohan para pemakai jalan.

Yang tidak kalah pentingnya, perhatikan kondisi tubuh kita. Berkendaralah jika tubuh memang fit untuk berkendara. Berhentilah untuk beristirahat di tengah perjalanan jika tubuh sudah menunjukkan gejala kelelahan atau mengantuk. Sebagaimana kendaraan kita, tubuh juga memiliki hak untuk beristirahat. Jagalah shalat dan jangan tinggalkan doa. Saat shalat, kita memberikan kesempatan bagi syaraf dan otot tubuh untuk kembali rileks. Doa juga terbukti ampuh untuk mendinginkan pikiran yang tegang.
Doa Rasulullah SAW sebelum melakukan perjalanan:
Allaahumma innii as'aluka fi safarii hadzaa minal birri wat-taqwaa, wa minal amali wa tardhaa. Allaahumma hawwin alainaal masiira wathwi annaa bu'dal ardhi. Allaahumma antash-shaahibu fis-safar wal khaliifatu fil ahli. Allaahummash-habnaa fi safarinaa wahlufnaa fi ahlinaa.
Yaa Allah. Sesungguhnya kami memohon kepadamu kebaikan dan ketakwaan dalam perjalanan ini, dan dari segala perilakuku di bawah keridhaan-Mu. Yaa Allah, tuntunlah dan mudahkanlah perjalanan kami ini, dan singkatkanlah perjalanan kami yang jauh. Yaa Allah, Engkaulah pemilik perjalanan kami, dan penguasa di bumi ini. Yaa Allah, aku memohon perlindungan-Mu dari bencana dan kesusahan perjalanan, dan dari pandangan yang tercela, serta dari segala bencana dalam keluargaku.
Mudik adalah tentang sebuah budaya mulia, niat sederhana untuk kembali kepada "jati diri" asli kita. Selamat mudik. Semoga selamat sampai tujuan, dan semoga Allah selalu melindungi kita. Amin.