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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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August 16, 2021

Factual Reports About Covid-19

Reading text 1

Covid in Indonesia

Covid-19 Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease-2019 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus called SARS-Cov-2. This disease was first identified in Wuhan, China, in the end of 2019. The virus widely spread over many countries and then in March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic.

This disease attacks respiratory system. Covid-19 also makes infected people experience several symptoms. The common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Some also experience aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, and loss of taste or smell. More serious symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pain, and loss of speech. However, there are many who do not experience symptoms.

It takes about 5-6 days for the symptoms to show. However, the incubation period takes 14 days. People who have mild to moderate illness may recover without hospitalization. Meanwhile, those who experience serious symptoms have to seek medical attention. The virus spreads through droplets when infected people sneeze or cough. Therefore, WHO recommends us to prevent infection by wearing a mask, washing hands regularly with soap and water, avoiding touching the face, covering our mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing, staying at home, and practicing physical distancing.

Questions A:
  1. What does "COVID-19" stand for?
  2. When and where was the disease first identified?
  3. What are the common symptoms of the disease?
  4. What happens in more serious cases?
  5. How long does it take for the symptoms to show?
  6. How long is the common incubation period?
  7. How does the virus spread?
  8. How can we prevent the disease according to WHO?

Reading text 2


Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus namely SARS-Cov-2. This virus first appeared in Wuhan, China and eventually spread into many countries, including Indonesia.

In Indonesia, the first case of Covid-19 was reported on March 2, 2020. After WHO declaring Covid-19 a pandemic, activities such as working and studying have been done in homes.

However, the number of novel coronavirus cases kept growing. By the end of March 2020, the total case of the disease had reached 1528 cases. To respond to this pandemic, UNICEF has been leading efforts with governments, the World Health Organization and other partners.

The President also issued regulations regarding the pandemic, including Government Regulation No. 21/2020 which regulates a large-scale social restriction (PSBB, now PPKM) and has been implemented in coordination and collaboration with various parties, in accordance with statutory provisions.

Questions B:
  1. According to the text, what virus causes Covid-19?
  2. When was the first case of Covid-19 identified in Indonesia?
  3. How many cases had been identified by the end of March 2020?
  4. What did United Nations' organizations do to deal with the pandemic?
  5. What did the President do to respond to the pandemic?
  6. What is Government Regulation No. 21/2020 about?
Adapted from

July 21, 2020

Talking About Family And Relatives (KD 3.1 & 4.1)

Kompetensi Dasar:
3.1Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective, possessive)
4.1Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks penggunaannya.
I. Read the following conversations and practice them with your friend.
Conversation 1
Jean:Who's that, David?
David:Oh, that's my cousin, Amy. She's Aunt Dina's daughter.
Jean:Oh, I see. She's very pretty. How old is she?
Jean:What does she do?
David:She's an accountant. She works in an office.
Jean:Is she married or single?
David:She's still single.
Conversation 2
David:I just got an email from Aunt Shinta. You remember her, don't you?
Jean:Yes, I remember. She's the one who has been working abroad since last year.
David:She has two children, doesn't he?
Jean:That's right. She said they would probably be able to visit us next year.
David:Great. You must be very happy to meet your cousins again.
Jean:Yes. I'm looking forward to seeing my uncle's family again.
II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word from the list on the right.
1.My father's parents are my ....cousin
2.My mother's sister is my ....grandparents
3.My mother's brother is my ....nephew
4.My uncle's son is my ....grandmother
5.My sister's daughter is my ....aunt
6.My brother's son is my ....grandchildren
7.My son's children are my
8.My uncle is my father's ....grandfather
9.My aunt is my father's ....uncle
10.My father's mother is my ....niece
11.My father's father is my ....step-sister
12.My father's sister is my mother's ....sister
III. Use the possessive form of the pronoun in each of the following sentences (my/our/your/their/his/her/its).
... brother had another child. (I)
My brother had another child.
  1. ... brother works in a foreign company. (She)
  2. ... cousin has been married for a long time. (He)
  3. When is ... parents' wedding anniversary? (You)
  4. When is ... mother's birthday? (They)
  5. ... grandfather died five years ago. (I)
  6. We are busy preparing. ... sister's wedding will take place next week.
  7. She is a widow. ... husband passed away last year.
  8. Andi and Susi has a baby. ... baby was born last month.
  9. Mr. and Mrs. Ali live alone. ... children work abroad.
  10. My sister has just started ... career as a secretary.
IV. Complete the following sentences by referring to the family tree below.

Family Tree
  1. Robert is my ....
  2. Tina is my ....
  3. Susy is my ....
  4. Ronald and Annie are my ....
  5. Bobby and Anita are my ....
  6. Pamela is Robert's ....
  7. Robert is Anita's ....
  8. Nick is Bobby's ....
  9. Tina and I are .... Ronald's ....
  10. Ronald is Bobby's ....
Blog pic 071810 1248am
Exercises adapted from: English 900, A Basic Course (Three), Unit 4

April 21, 2019

Exercise: Changing an Active Voice to a Passive Voice

ada halaman Active and Passive Voice, kita sudah belajar tentang bentuk kata kerja kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris (Passive voice) serta bagaimana dan kapan kita harus menggunakannya. Sekarang, sebagai pemantapan dan pengayaan materi Passive voice, mari kita kerjakan latihan tambahan di halaman ini. Jangan lupa, jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah dalam mengerjakan soal essay berikut ini, berilah komentar atau hubungi kami. Selamat mengerjakan.

Active to Passive Voice Exercise

Exercise A.

Complete the following passive voice sentences using the given verbs and tenses.
  1. This big temple (always admire) by tourists. - Present
    This big temple ... by tourists.
  2. His left leg (hurt) in the accident. - Past
    His left leg ... in the accident.
  3. The box (not open) for hundreds of years. - Present perfect
    The box ... for hundreds of years.
  4. A big battle (fight) here in 1945. - Past
    A big battle ... here in 1945.
  5. The road repair (complete) next year. - Future
    The road repair ... next year.
  6. English (speak) all over the world. - Present
    English ... all over the world.
  7. The answers must (write) on the answer sheet. - Infinitive
    The answers ... on the answer sheet.
  8. The new office building (paint). - Present Continuous
    The new office building ....
  9. The stolen motorcycle (find) in another town. - Present perfect
    The stolen motorcycle ... in another town.
  10. He said that a new proof (find). - Past perfect
    He said that a new proof ....

Exercise B.

Put the following sentences into the passive voice. Use the phrase in bold type as the subject where shown.
  1. Our receptionists will guide the guests to the conference room.
    The guests ... to the conference room.
  2. We have informed her about the registration date.
    She ... about the registration date.
  3. They have invited my little brother to their daughter's birthday party.
    My little brother ... to their daughter's birthday party.
  4. You should return this book in time.
    This book ... in time.
  5. The police asked the witness several questions about the robbery.
    The witness ... several questions about the robbery.
  6. They requested the stranger to leave the meeting.
    The stranger ... to leave the meeting.
  7. They are still investigating reports of possible abuse.
    Reports of possible abuse ....
  8. He had told us to be quick.
    We ... to be quick.
  9. Someone has stolen my friends' mobile phone.
    My friend's mobile phone ....
  10. My father promised me a new bicycle if I passed my examination.
    I ... a new bicycyle if I passed my examination.
  11. As soon as we had received the confirmation, we canceled the renovation plan.
    As soon as ..., ....
  12. After they had repaired the bridge, they reopened the road.
    After ..., ....
  13. We do not allow students to leave the classroom during lessons.
    ... during lessons.
  14. Visitors must park vehicles in the designated area.
  15. We took these photographs after the ceremony.
Untuk mengerjakan soal latihan ini secara online, klik tautan di bawah ini.

April 20, 2019

Past Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense Exercise

Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense
reviously, we have learnt about contrasting The Past Perfect to the Simple Past tense in Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense. Now, let's practice how to use the Simple Past and the Past Perfect tense correctly.

For more resources on the Past Perfect tense, please read:

  1. The difference between the Simple Past and the Past Perfect tense: Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect tense
  2. English grammar exercise: Using the Past Perfect tense Exercise
  3. Dialog and Explanation: Dialog Using the Past perfect tense to talk about Past Events

Exercise A: The Past Perfect tense

Complete the sentences below with Past Perfect verbs based on the situations given in brackets.
  1. (Rina was doing her assignment from six o'clock till half past seven last night.)
    Answer: By a quarter to eight, Rina (finish) her assignment.
  2. (Jim washed his car from nine till eleven o'clock. Tika arrived at half past eleven.)
    Answer: When Tika arrived, Jim (wash) his car.
  3. (He graduated from university in 2016. His father retired in 2017.)
    Answer: When his father retired in 2017, he (graduate) from the university.
  4. (The movie began at seven o'clock. We arrived at the cinema at ten minutes past seven.)
    Answer: When we arrived at the cinema, the movie (already begin).
  5. (Ika typed the letter at half past eight. She finished it in twenty minutes. The manager called at nine o'clock.)
    Answer: By the time the manager called, Ika (type) the letter.
  6. (The teacher explained the lesson. Then we understood it.)
    Answer: We understood the lesson after the teacher (explain) it.
  7. (The train stopped. Then he got off.)
    Answer: He got off after the train (stop).
  8. (I'm speaking to Maya. She has not finished her work.)
    Answer: When I spoke to Maya, she (not finish) her work.
  9. (They repaired our motorcycle. We were able to continue our trip.)
    Answer: We were able to continue our trip after they (repair) our motorcycle.
  10. (The guests left. Then I mowed the lawn.)
    Answer: I mowed the lawn as soon as the guests (leave).

Exercise B: Past Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense

In this exercise, you are to change the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Simple Past tense. Please keep in mind that when we want to refer to an earlier event or a more past time (past in the past), the Past Perfect should be used. However, when the events are told in chronological order, the Simple Past can be used.

Example: They (go) home after they (finish) their work.
Answer: They went home after they had finished their work.
  1. She (just go) out when I (call) at her house.
    Answer: ....
  2. I (tell) them that I (never be) to that place before.
    Answer: ....
  3. My little brother (eat) all the pie before we (get) back.
    Answer: ....
  4. We (ask) them what countries they (visit).
    Answer: ....
  5. The police (ask) the witness what (happen) to the victim the previous night.
    Answer: ....
  6. His mother (worry) a lot about him before she (hear) that he was safe.
    Answer: ....
  7. The house (be) much smaller than he (think) at first.
    Answer: ....
  8. The archaeologist (say) that the glories of Tutankhamen (not at all be) exaggerated.
    Answer: ....
  9. He (refuse) to admit that he (steal) his friends' mobile phone.
    Answer: ....
  10. She (tell) her teacher that her mother (help) her with her homework.
    Answer: ....
  11. As soon as we (receive) the confirmation, we (proceed) with our plans.
    Answer: ....
  12. After the bridge (be) repaired, the road (be) reopened.
    Answer: ....
  13. After she (graduate) from the university, she (move) back to her hometown.
    Answer: ....
  14. After we (finish) our lunch, we (continue) our journey.
    Answer: ....
  15. Before the teacher (come), we (finish) cleaning our classroom.
    Answer: ....
If you wish to do the exercise online and know your score, click the link below.

March 20, 2019

Soal Essay HOTS Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA - SMK: Versi 1



Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat dan benar.

Soal Essay HOTS Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA SMK: Versi 1
According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death, i.e. heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. More than 75 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

What causes stress at the work place? Unreasonable deadlines, a toxic environment or fear of losing one’s job are some of the reasons people experience high stress levels at work.

Stress, if channeled properly, can help us focus, speed up our learning and memory as well as accelerate our output, giving us a competitive advantage over our peers. However, if our stress levels are unmanageable and are sustained over a long period of time, it can result in mental, emotional and physical damage.

The good news is that in order for us to manage our stress, we don't need to radically overhaul our lives. Small changes that are consistent and applied over a long period of time can make a great impact and reduce our stress levels drastically. Heighten your sense of awareness: Being aware of ourselves and what thoughts we entertain is the first step towards managing stress. We need to "think about what we think."

  1. What does the text talk about?
  2. Mention 1 (one) cause of stress among workers as stated in the text.
  3. In what way can stress be advantageous? It can ....
  4. What kind of damage may stress bring if it is not managed properly? ..., ..., and ....
  5. What is one way to reduce stress levels mentioned in the text?

This is the end of the test.

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