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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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Showing posts with label Vocabulary. Show all posts

August 01, 2022

Talking About Jobs & Routine Tasks

Talking About Jobs
alking about jobs and professions or occupations is very common in social interactions, especially when we want to know more about a person that we have just met. Small talks on jobs or professions is one of the safest topic to talk about in initial meetings. You can build a light and comfortable conversations by talking or asking about jobs or professions, for example discussing the type of job you do and where you work.
Tips: In talking about jobs or routine tasks, we mainly use the simple present tense.

Here are some gambits and expressions that you can use in talking about jobs or professions.

A. Asking about jobs / professions.
  • Do you have a job?
  • Do you work full-time or part-time?
  • Where do you work?
  • What are you?
  • What is he?
  • What is your job?
  • What is his job?
  • What is your father's job?
  • What is your occupation?
  • What is your profession?
  • What do you do?
  • What type of job do you do?
  • What does he do?
  • What does your father do?
  • What does he do for a living?
  • How does he earn a living?
  • What do you do to make a living?
B. Telling about jobs / professions.
  • I am a student / a teacher / a bank clerk, etc.
  • He is a soldier / a teacher / a doctor, etc.
  • I work as a teacher in a vocational school.
  • He works as a consultant.
  • I work for a foreign company.
  • He works in a garment manufacturer and exporter.
  • My job is selling computers online.
  • Her job is handling telephone calls.
  • He is in charge of the front office department.
  • Her job mainly deals with customers' complaints.
C. Showing interest
  • Are you?
  • Wow! That must be interesting.
  • How interesting!
  • It must be a well-paid job.
  • That sounds like a lot of hard work.
  • That must be a lot of work.
  • That must be a rewarding job.
D. Example Dialogue
Read the following conversation and practice it.
Anne :Hi, Jim. I heard that you've got a new job now.
Jim :Yes. I resigned from my old job two months ago, and moved to an exporting company.
Anne :How do you travel to work now?
Jim :By city bus. I usually take the A17 bus at 6:45 every morning.
Anne :What time do you start work?
Jim :At 8 sharp.
Anne :And how do you spend the day in your new job?
Jim :Well, in the morning I usually type letters to customers.
Anne :What time is your lunch break?
Jim :We have a one-hour break from 12 pm until 1 pm.
Anne :And what do you do in the afternoon?
Jim :I usually make telephone calls, and check incoming emails.
Anne :Sounds interesting! What time do you finish work?
Jim :I usually leave the office at 4.30 pm.
Anne :I hope you like your new job, Jim. See you!
Jim :Thanks, Anne. See you!
I. Guess what profession is being talked about.
II. Answer these questions by referring to the example dialogue between Anne and Jim above.
  1. Where does Jim work?
  2. How long has he been working there?
  3. How does he go to work?
  4. What time does he catch the bus to work?
  5. What time does he start work?
  6. What does he usually do in the morning?
  7. What time does he have lunch?
  8. What does he usually do after lunch?
  9. What time does he leave work?
  10. What can you infer about the relationship between the speakers?
III. Explain these occupations. Use the Simple Present to tell about the places of work and what he or she usually does.
A policeman : He usually works in the police station, but sometimes on the street. He controls the traffic and keeps situation in order.
  1. A bell boy : ....
  2. A receptionist : ....
  3. A teacher : ....
  4. A waitress : ....
  5. A farmer : ....
  6. A nurse : ....
  7. A firefighter : ....
  8. A front desk clerk : ....
  9. A carpenter : ....
  10. An architect : ....
  11. A shopkeeper : ....
  12. A tailor : ....
  13. A lawyer : ....
  14. A chef : ....
  15. A room boy : ....

January 01, 2022

Report Text With Exercises For Elementary - Intermediate Learners

ead the text below and do the exercises.
You may look at your dictionary while doing the exercises.

Things Around Us

There are many things around us. They can be different in size, shape, color, smell or texture. They can also be made from different materials. Things are different because they have different properties.

Things are similar in some ways too. Let's take a look at how things can be similar.

Reading Text For Elementary
Things have weight
The weight of a book tells us how heavy that book is. Every thing, be it big or small, has weight. We often use 'heavy' or 'light' to describe the weight of something.

Some things, such as a pencil or a feather, are light. We can lift them easily. Some things, such as a cupboard or a desk, are heavy. We cannot lift them easily.

It is easy to lift an empty pail, but when the pail is full of water, it is harder to lift it. This shows that water has weight.

What about air? Does it have weight? Air, like water, and all the things around us, has weight too.

Things occupy space
Look at this cupboard. Only one shelf is filled with books.

The books occupy half the space in the cupboard. There is still space for some more books.

The glass is filled with colored water. The water occupies all the space in the glass. What do you think will happen if you put a few pieces of ice into the glass of water?

Air occupies space too. When we blow air into a balloon, the air fills the space inside the balloon.

In science, anything that has weight and occupies space is called matter.

I. Match each word with its synonym.
II. State whether these sentences are "TRUE" or "FALSE"
III. Complete this crossword puzzle.

November 26, 2021

Participial Adjectives (Participle sebagai Adjective)

Participial Adjectives
pakah yang dimaksud dengan PARTICIPIAL ADJECTIVE? Participial adjective adalah bentuk participle, yang berfungsi sebagai ajektiva. Ajektiva (adjective), atau seringkali disebut sebagai kata sifat, memiliki fungsi untuk menjelaskan kata benda (nouns).

Participle itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah turunan dari kata kerja (verb). Ada 2 (dua) jenis participle, yaitu;

  1. Present participle, yang dikenal sebagai kata kerja (verb) berakhiran -ing, contoh; interesting, drawing, amazing, shocking, dsb.
  2. Past participle, atau dikenal sebagai kata kerja ke-3 (verb 3), contoh; interested, drawn, amazed, shocked, dsb.
A. Perbedaan antara Present Participle dengan Past Participle

Sebagai kata sifat, kedua jenis participle ini memberikan makna yang berbeda terhadap kata benda yang dibicarakan. Lihat contoh kalimat yang menggunakan participle di bawah ini:

  1. Winning the match was an exciting experience for the players. (Present participle)
  2. The excited players were celebrating the victory. (Past participle)

Present participle pada contoh no. 1 memiliki makna aktif, yaitu menyebabkan atau melakukan sesuatu. Kata benda (noun) ‘experience’ menyebabkan sesuatu hal, sehingga disebut sebagai ‘exciting experience'.

Sedangkan, past participle memiliki makna pasif. Kata benda (noun) yang dimaksud menjadi obyek dan terdampak oleh berbagai situasi. Pada contoh no. 2, kata benda "players" menjadi obyek dari sesuatu, sehingga disebut sebagai ‘excited players’.

B. Daftar Participial Adjective
Kenalilah beberapa participial adjective yang ada di dalam daftar berikut dan cobalah memahami maknanya. Lengkapilah daftar ini dengan participial adjective yang kalian ketahui.
VerbPresent ParticiplePast Participle
A. Horse Race Game
To win the horse race. Choose the correct answer for each of the following sentences. Only the fastest answer can get the full score and all others get only half a point. Now, let's get the race started.

B. Sentence Completion Exercise
Do the following exercise. Use either present participle or past participle of the verbs in the brackets.
  1. The ... announcement has raised questions among the students. (confuse)
  2. The ... students did not know what uniform to wear on the following day. (confuse)
  3. The ... film caused me to fall asleep. (bore)
  4. The ... audience fell asleep during the speech. (bore)
  5. The ... brochure provides tourists with the information they need. (enclose)
  6. The team were ... when they heard about the approval. (excite).
  7. I was very ... to see what was happening at that time. (shock)
  8. This is one of the most ... books I’ve ever read. (interest)
  9. The children soon fell asleep after the ... journey. (tire)
  10. Our vacation was ruined by the ... experience. (frighten)
  11. Aceh was completely destroyed by a ... tsunami on December 26, 2004. (devastate)
  12. The process of repairing ... buildings and streets took years to complete. (damage)
  13. The snake is still a ... sight for most women. (terrify)
  14. The ... workers sat down to rest under the shade of a tree. (exhaust)
  15. His experiences in Jakarta were rather .... (depress)
  16. The woman was trying to comfort the ... child when a policeman came. (cry)
  17. Lapindo tragedy clearly wiped out many ... business opportunities in the area. (promise)
  18. To anticipate the ... volume of air passengers in the holiday season, the airline has added more than 40,000 seats to 14 routes. (increase)
  19. The new ... system is equipped with an advanced protection system. (operate)
  20. A month after the theft, the ... jewelry was recovered. (steal)
Prev: BSE SMP Cls IX 072311 0343PM PV 5113

November 01, 2020

Perbedaan Agree on, Agree about, Agree with, Dan Agree to

Penggunaan Agree with, Agree on, Agree about, Dan Agree to
asih berkaitan dengan materi "Asking And Giving Opinions", kali ini kita akan membahas makna sebuah kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan untuk merespon atau memberi tanggapan terhadap suatu pendapat, yaitu "agree". "Agree" adalah kata kerja (verb) yang makna umumnya adalah "setuju", "sepakat", dan kadang meluas menjadi "cocok".

Akan tetapi, tahukah kalian bahwa kata "agree" bisa memiliki beragam makna, tergantung pada kata yang mengikutinya? Perbedaan makna tersebut bisa dilihat dari obyek atau jenis kata yang mengikutinya.

Selengkapnya, mari kita pelajari makna kata "agree" beserta contoh kalimat penggunaannya di bawah ini. Parhatikan bagian kalimat yang bergaris bawah.

  1. Agree on / about
    "Agree on / about" berarti sependapat atau memiliki pendapat yang sama tentang sesuatu.
    • All members of the committee agreed on/about the plan to merge the two sections.
    • They agree on the issue that the company should pay more attention to the ecosystem.
    • She agreed on some points of the debate.
    • The committee agreed on the results of the discussion.
    • They finally agreed about the establishment of a new regulation.
  2. Agree with
    "Agree with" berarti memiliki pendapat yang sama dengan orang lain, setuju terhadap sesuatu, atau suatu fakta sesuai dengan fakta lainnya.
    • She didn't agree with my opinion.
    • I agree with you that human rights must be respected by anyone.
    • The field evaluation showed that their statements didn't agree with the facts.
    • Basically, people agree with the approach that the government adopted.
    • We found out that the survey result agreed with the goverment's data.
  3. Agree to
    "Agree to" berarti menerima atau menyetujui suatu permintaan / persyaratan (demand, requirement, recommendation) atau memiliki komitmen untuk melakukan suatu tindakan (to do an action).
    • The bank agreed to provide funding for small and medium enterprises.
    • The committee agreed to implement a new approach to address the environmental issues.
    • The principal agreed to the recommendation given by the school committee.
    • She agreed to the auditor's demands.
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan "on", "about", "with", atau "to".
  1. They agreed ... his demands.
  2. She agreed ... see me after school.
  3. Some members didn't agree ... the manager's decision.
  4. The organisation has agreed ... the recommendations given by the local government.
  5. Parents mostly agree ... the school's plan to adopt the new system.
  6. In English, the subject of a sentence must agree ... the verbs.
  7. I'm sorry, spicy hot food never agrees ... my stomach.
  8. After the meeting, the board of directors agreed ... implement new marketing strategies.
  9. After the meeting, the board of directors agreed ... the implementation of new marketing strategies.
  10. We couldn't agree ... some points of the new regulation.

April 20, 2020

Daftar Irregular Verbs Lengkap Dengan Artinya

Daftar Irregular Verbs Lengkap

alam bahasa Inggris, irregular verb adalah kata kerja yang bentuk lampaunya (past tense) tidak dibentuk dengan cara biasa yaitu menambahkan akhiran -ed. Jadi untuk bentuk Past Simple (verb 2) dan Past Participle (verb 3), irregular verb tidak harus selalu berakhiran -d, -ed, atau -ied, karena itu disebut Irregular verb, atau kata kerja tidak beraturan.

Pengetahuan tentang irregular verb atau kata kerja tidak beraturan dalam bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting jika kita ingin mengikuti aturan tata bahasa Inggris secara benar terutama saat kita berbicara tentang masa lampau (past tense), menggunakan kalimat pasif (passive voice), atau kalimat conditional. Apalagi beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang paling sering digunakan kebetulan adalah irregular verbs, seperti; come, do, go, get, make, say, see, think, take, know.

Berikut ini daftar Irregular Verbs (kata kerja tak beraturan) dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan artinya. Tautan (link) untuk mengunduh ada di bawah daftar ini.

Irregular Verbs (Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan) dalam Bahasa Inggris
(Verb 1)
(Verb 2)
(Verb 3)
abideabode, abidedabode, abidedpatuh, bertahan
arisearosearisentimbul, muncul
awakeawokeawaked, awokenterbangun, sadar
bewas, werebeen
beatbeatbeatenmemukul, mengalahkan
bereavebereaved, bereftbereaved, bereftkehilangan
betbet, bettedbet, bettedbertaruh
bidbade, bidbidden, bidmenawar
blendblended, blentblended, blentmencampur
broadcastbroadcasted, broadcastbroadcasted, broadcastmenyiarkan
cleaveclove, cleftcloven, cleftmembelah
clotheclothed, cladclothed, cladmenutupi
crowcrowed, crewcrowedberkokok
divedived, dove (US)divedmenyelam
dreamdreamed, dreamtdreamed, dreamtbermimpi
feedfedfedmemberi makan
fleefledfledmelarikan diri
forbearforboreforbornemenahan diri
getgotgot, gotten (US)menjadi, mendapat
hanghanged, hunghanged, hungmenggantung
heaveheaved, hoveheaved, hovemengangkat beban berat
holdheldheldmemegang, memeluk
hurthurthurtmenyakiti, sakit
inlayinlaidinlaidmenempelkan hiasan
keepkeptkeptmenjaga, tetap
knitknitted, knitknitted, knitmerajut
leanleaned, leantleaned, leantmenyandarkan
leapleaped, leaptleaped, leaptmeloncat
learnlearned, learntlearned, learntbelajar
lightlighted, litlighted, litmenyala
loselostlostkehilangan, kalah
meltmeltedmelted, moltenmencair
misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstoodsalah paham
mowmowedmown, mowed (US)memotong rumput
outbidoutbidoutbidkalah menawar
proveprovedproved, provenmembuktikan
quitquitted, quitquitted, quitkeluar
ridridded, ridridded, ridmembersihkan
riseroserisennaik, terbit
sawsawedsawed, sawnmenggergaji
sewsewedsewed, sewnmenjahit
showshowedshowed, shownmenunjukkan
shrinkshrank, shrunkshrunk, shrunkenmenyusut
smellsmeltsmeltberbau, membaui
smitesmotesmittenmemukul keras
sowsowedsowed, sownmenanam benih
spellspelled, speltspelled, speltmengeja
spillspilled, spiltspilled, spiltmenumpahkan
spoilspoiled, spoiltspoiled, spoiltmerusak
stavestaved, stovestaved, stovemendobrak
stinktank, stunkstunkberbau busuk
stridestrodestriddenmelangkah tegap
strikestruckstruck, strickenmenghantam
swellswelledswelled, swollenmembengkak
thrivethrived, throvethrived, throveberkembang, maju
withdrawwithdrewwithdrawnmenarik mundur
Kata kerja tak beraturan (Irregular verb) yang anda cari tidak ditemukan? Unduh Daftar Irregular Verbs yang lebih lengkap beserta artinya melalui tautan di bawah ini. Reference:
  • Hornby A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1974.
  • Azar B.S. Understanding and Using English Grammar (2nd Ed). NJ: Prentice-Hall. Inc, 1989.
Th061710 1129PM 113

September 22, 2019

Singkatan Bahasa Inggris dalam Obrolan dan Pesan

Singkatan Bahasa Inggris dalam Obrolan dan Pesan
eringkali, saat kita sedang membaca obrolan (chat), surat bisnis, email, atau pesan (message), kita menjumpai kata-kata aneh yang tidak pernah kita temui dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia, seperti ASAP, IDK, LOL, dan lain-lain. Itulah singkatan yang umum digunakan untuk menyingkat berbagai ungkapan bahasa Inggris dalam obrolan, surat-menyurat, atau pesan.

Apa saja singkatan dalam bahasa Inggris yang perlu kita ketahui dan sering digunakan untuk percakapan melalui pesan? Berikut ini Mister Guru bagikan beberapa singkatan yang seringkali digunakan dalam berkirim pesan.

AFAIKAs far as i knowsetahu saya, sepengetahuan saya
AFKaway from keyboardtidak di depan komputer
AKAAlso known asalias
ASAPAs soon as possiblesegera, secepatnya, secepat mungkin
B4NBye for nowSampai di sini dulu
BBLBe back latersegera kembali, sebentar lagi kembali
BRBBe right backsegera kembali, sebentar lagi kembali
BTWBy the wayOmong-omong
CBCoffee breakistirahat sebentar
CIDCrying in disgracemenangis karena malu / terhina
CMIIWCorrect me if im wrongkoreksi jika aku salah
Cray CraySo crazy“Gila!”
CNPContinued (in next post)dilanjutkan pada postingan berikutnya
CRBTCrying really big tearsmenangis sejadi-jadinya
CUSee youSampai jumpa
CULSee you laterSampai jumpa lagi
DBATBDont beat around the bushjangan berbelit-belit, jangan bertele-tele
DMdirect messagepesan langsung
DMdoesn’t mattertidak masalah, tidak apa-apa
DIYDo it yourselfkerjakan sendiri
IDK / DunnoI dont know(saya) tidak tahu
EGEvil grinseringai jahat
EMSGEmail messagepesan email
F2FFace to facetatap muka, bertemu langsung
FCFinger Crossedmendoakan (seseorang)
FTBOMHFrom the bottom of my heartdari lubuk hati terdalam
FWIWFor what’s it’s worthbermanfaat atau tidak, penting atau tidak
FYIFor your informationsekedar informasi
GimmeGive meberikan saya
GR8GreatHebat! Keren!
GTSYGlad to see yousenang bertemu denganmu
H & KHug and kissPeluk cium
HAGNHave a good nightsemoga mimpi indah
HellaSo/very/hell ofsangat
HHISHanging head in shamesangat malu
HUBHead up buttonpikiran mesum
IKRI know, right?Benar, kan?
IAEIn any eventpada suatu kesempatan
ICI seeOoh gitu ya
IMCOIn my considered opinionmenurut pendapat saya
IMHOIn my humble opinionmenurut saya
IOWIn the other wordsdengan kata lain
IRLIn real lifepada kenyataannya
IWALUI will always love youaku akan selalu mencintaimu
JJJust jokingbercanda, hanya gurauan
JKJust kiddingbercanda, hanya gurauan
JMOJust my opinion(sekedar) pendapat saya
JTLYKJust to let you knowbiar kamu tau
KITKeep in touchjaga komunikasi, tetap kontak
LMKLet me knowBeritahu saya
LOLLaugh out loudtertawa terbahak-bahak, ngakak
LMAOLaughing my a$$ offtertawa terbahak-bahak, ngakak
LTNSLong time no seelama tak bertemu
LYLove youcinta kamu
LY2Love you toocinta kamu juga
MYOSMake your own sandwichKerjakan saja sendiri!
MTFMore to followselanjutnya
NADTNot a damn thingbukan apa-apa kok
NMnothing muchgak ngapa-ngapain
NRNo replytidak ada jawaban
NRNNo reply neededtidak butuh balasan
NvmNevermindtidak masalah, tidak apa-apa
OLOld ladyIbu/wanita tua
OMOld ManBapak/pria tua
OOTOut of topicKeluar dari topik
OTTOMHOff the top of my headdiluar kemampuan (pemikiran) saya
PMprivate message
PLUPrice look-up unitKode barang (dalam transaksi online)
RGDSRegardsSalam hormat
ROFLRolling on the floor laughingterbahak-bahak
SOTShort of timewaktu terbatas
SMHShaking my headGeleng-geleng (kepala)
STFUShut the f*** upDiam!
TAThanks againTerima kasih sekali lagi
TBHTo be honestTerus terang, sejujurnya
TLDRtoo long, don’t readPesan yang panjang, tidak perlu dibaca
TCOYTake care of yourselfjaga diri baik-baik
TGIFThank God it's FridaySyukurlah, hari ini sudah Jumat
TOYThinking of youMemikirkan dirimu
TTYLTalk to you laterKita bicarakan lagi nanti
VIPVery important personOrang penting
WBWelcome backSelamat datang kembali
WTFWhat the f***Astaga! Apa-apaan?
WTHWhat the hellAstaga! Apa-apaan?
WYDWhat are you doing?Sedang apa?
WYWDwhat do you want to do?Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan?
WFHWork from homeKerja di rumah
YGYoung gentlemenPria muda
YLYoung ladyWanita muda
Jika sahabat Mister Guru ingin menambahkan singkatan baru atau yang belum tercantum dalam posting ini, silahkan menuliskannya di komentar. Semoga bermanfaat.

October 30, 2011

Which is Right? In Front of, In the Front of, or At the Front of?

When using English, especially in conversation, English learners usually make mistakes when they describe places. This is because there are different "rules" in their native language and when they use English, the "rules" are still applied by mistake.

In talking about specific locations, English learners often confuse the use of "in front of", "in the front of", and "at the front of". Probably, it is because those three phrases have one meaning in their native language. For example, "in front of", "in the front of", and "at the front of" in the Indonesian language have the same meaning, that is "di depan". There will be a confusion in saying "di depan" in English if we don't know the correct use of "in front of", "in the front of", and "at the front of".

To avoid such mistakes, let's learn how to use "in front of", "in the front of", and "at the front of" correctly. It can also help us in TOEIC test, especially in the Listening Section" Analying Pictures, in which we often have to identify the specific location of things in a picture.

Common Mistakes in using "in front of"

The most common mistakes in using "in front of" happens when people talk about things which are on opposite sides of a road, street, river, room, etc. "Opposite" or "facing" should be used instead.

In Indonesia, when people want to say "Dia tinggal didepan rumah saya" or "Rumahnya berada di depan rumah saya", they usually say:
  • He lives in front of my house.
  • His house is in front of mine.
The above sentences are incorrect. Remember, in front of is not used to talk about things which are on opposite sides of a road, street, river, room, etc. Instead, we should use opposite or facing.

These are the correct sentences to describe the picture:
  • He lives opposite my house.
  • His house is opposite mine.
  • There is a truck parked in front of the house.
  • A car is parked in front of the house.

"In front of"

Which is Right? In Front of, In the Front of, or At the Front of?"In front of" is the antonym / opposite of "behind".
  • There was a flagpole in front of the building.
  • We were delayed by a slow heavy truck in front of us for about thirty minutes until we overtook it.
  • Although she sits in front of me, I don't know much about her.
  • He couldn't enjoy the movie since the couple in front of him kept talking loudly.
  • An old lady was standing in front of me in the queue.
  • Shy students always get nervous when they speak in front of the class.

"In the front of"

Which is Right? In Front of, In the Front of, or At the Front of?"In the front" is the antonym / opposite of "in the back".
  • My father and grandfather were sitting in the front of the car, while the rest of us were sitting in the back.
  • The new student sat in the front of the class. (in the front row)

"At the front of"

"At the front of" is the antonym / opposite of "at the back of".
  • There's a big advertisement board at the front of the building.
  • The car has a distinguished trademark at the front.
  • The boy is standing at the front of the queue.


Fill in the blanks with "in front of", "opposite", "in the front of", or "at the front of".
  1. She was very surprised and stood there ... him for a moment.
  2. You will be able to find the office easily. There's a big billboard ... it.
  3. I can't see the writing on the board clearly. I think I'll sit ... the class.
  4. Walk along this street. The office is ... the museum.
  5. Watch out. The car ... us is swaying in and out carelessly.
  6. When traveling, my daughter prefers sitting ... the car.
  7. I enjoyed watching the sunset from the balcony ... my room.
  8. He lives in a big old house ... a vocational school.
  9. Who is the young girl sitting ... Anna? I've never seen her before.
  10. A police car was ... the convoy.

Reference: Swan, M. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.