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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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April 09, 2019

Exercise: How to Use Past Perfect Tense with Simple Past Tense

How to Use Past Perfect Tense
ada halaman Past Perfect Tense: Dialog sebelumnya, kita sudah mempelajari bagaimana bentuk dan penggunaan Past Perfect tense dalam dialog untuk membicarakan kegiatan atau kejadian lampau. Selengkapnya, untuk mengetahui lebih banyak lagi tentang materi Past Perfect dan kapan Past Perfect harus digunakan, silahkan kunjungi halaman-halaman berikut ini:
  1. Membandingkan perbedaan Past Perfect dengan Simple Past tense: Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense.
  2. Latihan soal membedakan penggunaan Simple Past VS the Past Perfect tense: Exercise: Past Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense
  3. Contoh dialog dan penjelasan penggunaan Past Perfect: Dialog Using the Past perfect tense to talk about Past Events
Sekarang, mari kita uji pemahaman kita tentang bentuk dan penggunaan Past Perfect Tense dengan mengerjakan soal latihan di halaman ini. Selamat berlatih, and good luck with your English.

Latihan soal Past Perfect Tense

Isilah tempat yang kosong dengan menggunakan bentuk Past Perfect yang benar dari kata kerja di dalam kurung. Perhatikan bahwa pada beberapa kalimat, Past Perfect tense bisa digunakan setara dengan Simple Past tense atau Past Perfect Continuous tense.

  1. The students ...(finish)... the test before the bell rang.
  2. The big old tree, which ...(stand)... there for hundreds of years, suddenly crashed to the ground.
  3. After he ...(leave)..., she told me his name.
  4. Peter, who ...(wait)... since three o'clock, was very angry with his sister when she eventually turned up.
  5. He thanked me for what I ...(do)....
  6. He ...(serve)... in the army for ten years; then he retired and married.
  7. Before we ...(go)... very far, we found that we ...(loose)... our way.
  8. I left my office after I ...(finish)... my work.
  9. He died after he ...(be)... ill a long time.
  10. ... (you-sign)... the letter before you sent it?
  11. ...(he-clean)... the mess when you arrived?
  12. ...(she-learn)... English before she went abroad?
  13. She told me she ...(not meet)... him before.
  14. The fire ...(not spread)... to the next house when the firemen arrived.
  15. The train ...(not depart)... when we arrived at the station.
  16. The politician declared that his party ...(always stand)... for social security.
  17. We were surprised to hear that she ...(write)... five novels .
  18. The wet grass told us that the rain ...(fall)... in the night.
  19. He asked why she ...(not come)... to his sister's birthday party.
  20. The news told us that a big flood ...(happen)... in the small town.
Kembali ke halaman Past Perfect Tense: Dialog untuk mempelajari bentuk dan penggunaan Past Perfect tense.
Untuk mengerjakan latihan soal ini secara online (CBT) dan mengetahui skor kalian, kunjungi link di bawah ini. Reference:
  • Thomson & Martinet (1986). A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Allen W. Stannard (1989). Living English Structure. Hong Kong: Longman.
  • Radio Australia, English for You. Victoria: The Dominion Press.

April 07, 2019

English Dialogue: Using Past Perfect Tense to Talk about Past Events

English dialogue: Using Past Perfect Tense to Talk about Past Events
etelah kita mempelajari bagaimana penggunaan dan perbedaan antara Simple Past dengan Past Perfect tense pada halaman Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense, sekarang mari kita berlatih bagaimana penggunaan Past Perfect tense dalam dialog untuk membicarakan kegiatan atau kejadian lampau. Selengkapnya, untuk membaca lebih banyak lagi tentang materi Past Perfect dan penggunaannya, silahkan kunjungi halaman-halaman berikut ini:
  1. Membandingkan perbedaan Past Perfect dengan Simple Past tense: Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense.
  2. Latihan soal membedakan penggunaan Simple Past VS the Past Perfect tense: Exercise: Past Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense
  3. Latihan soal Past Perfect tense: Exercise: How to Use Past Perfect Tense
Selanjutnya, mari kita berlatih menggunakan bentuk Past Perfect Tense dalam dialog atau percakapan sehari-hari. Selamat berlatih, and good luck with your English.

Past Perfect Tense dalam Dialog

ALDO:"I'm sorry you couldn't come to the play with me last night, Nina."
NINA:"I'm sorry too, Aldo, but I'd already made other arrangements before you invited me."
ALDO:"I know. But if you'd been able to come, you would have enjoyed it very much."
NINA:"Was it a good play?"
ALDO:"Yes, it was a good play, but there's another reason why you would have enjoyed yourself."
"Why would I have enjoyed myself, then?"
ALDO:"Because it was so funny?"
NINA:"But it wasn't a comedy, was it? I thought that they'd decided to do a drama."

"That's right! They'd decided to do a serious drama, and they did a drama! But they hadn't prepared the play properly."
NINA:"And so it became funny?"

"Yes! I laughed till I cried. Until I saw that play last night, I hadn't realized that a serious drama could be so amusing."
NINA:"Oh, please tell me all about it, Aldo."
NINA:"What happened?"

"At the beginning of the play, there was nobody on the stage. Then, one of the actors entered, and sit on a chair."
NINA:"Oh please, Aldo. Don't laugh! Tell me what happened."

"Well, he'd just sat down when someone knocked at the door. He turned around suddenly - and the chair broke!"
NINA:"Oh dear! And by that time he hadn't spoken a word, I suppose."

"No. Everybody laughed. The actor who was knocking at the door hadn't heard the crash, so he knocked again. The actor who had broken the chair called out: "Come in!" The first actor hadn't got up from the floor when the second one came in and started to laugh too!"
NINA:"And then what happened?"
ALDO:"When they removed the broken chair, the play really began."
NINA:"But you said that the actors hadn't learnt the play properly. Tell me about that!"

"A little later, at one of the most interesting moments in the play, one of the actors forgot what to say next. He couldn't remember what to say, and nobody helped him."
NINA:Oh, poor man! What did he do?"

"After he'd stood there for a few moments, he started to speak again, but they weren't the right words. Because he hadn't said the right words, the other actors didn't know what to say next."
NINA:"And I suppose everyone laughed again!"

"Yes, and when they'd started to laugh, they couldn't stop laughing during the rest of the play. The actors made a lot more mistakes, and people laughed more and more. It was a wonderful play!"
NINA:"Well, Aldo, I'm really sorry I'd made those other arrangements!"

Bagaimanakah bentuk Past Perfect Tense?

Bacalah lagi dialog di atas dengan memperhatikan kalimat-kalimat yang dicetak miring.
  • ... I'd (I had) already made ....
    Using Past Perfect Tense to Talk about Past Events
  • ... you'd (you had) been able to come, ....
  • ... They'd (They had) decided to do ....
  • ... they hadn't prepared the play ....
  • ... I hadn't realized ....
  • ... they hadn't chosen the furniture ....
  • ... he'd just sat down ....
  • ... by that time, he hadn't spoken a word, ....
  • ... The actor who was knocking at the door hadn't heard the crash, ....
  • ... The actor who had broken the chair ....
  • ... The first actor hadn't got up ....
  • ... the actors hadn't learnt the play ....
  • ... After he'd stood there ....
  • ... he hadn't said the right words ....
  • ... when they'd started to laugh ....
Perhatikan bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk had + perfect infinitive (had verb 3). Bentuk kata kerja inilah yang disebut Past Perfect tense. Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut:
  1. Affirmative: "I had/I'd studied."
  2. Negative: "I had not/hadn't studied."
  3. Interrogative: "Had I studied?"
  4. Negative interrogative: "Had I not/hadn't I studied?"

Bagaimana dan kapan bentuk Past Perfect Tense digunakan?

  1. Past perfect sebagai bentuk lampau dari present perfect. Contoh:
    Present perfect: "Ann has just left. If you hurry you'll catch her".
    Past: "When I arrived Ann had just left".
    Present: "I have lost my eraser. I have to borrow one from my friend."
    Past: "I had lost my eraser and had to borrow one from my friend."
  2. Past perfect dengan "since/for/always", digunakan untuk kegiatan/kejadian yang baru saja selesai atau masih berlanjut sampai pada saat itu. Contoh:
    I met Lisa at the restaurant a few months ago. She had worked there as a waiter for a year/since she moved here. (Past perfect continuous "She had been working ...." juga bisa digunakan di situasi tersebut)
    Lisa had worked as a cashier in a shop for two years. Then, she decided to find another job. (Bentuk past perfect continuous "had been working" tidak bisa digunakan pada kalimat ini karena kondisi yang dimaksud sudah tidak berlangsung lagi)
  3. Past perfect sebagai bentuk lampau yang ekuivalen/setara dengan simple past, digunakan untuk membicarakan suatu kondisi/kejadian yang lebih lampau lagi. Contoh:
    The boy had to work hard at an early age. His father had died years before and since then he had lived alone with his mother. His father had left him a small farm and had taught him how to be a farmer.
    I was late. When I arrived, she was a bit upset as she had waited for half an hour. (Past perfect continuous "she had been waiting" bisa dipakai dalam kalimat ini karena kejadian yang dimaksud masih berlangsung)


Dalam penggunaan yang ke-3, yaitu dalam hal menceritakan kejadian yang lebih lampau, pemakaian Past perfect tense tidak diperlukan jika kita bercerita secara berurutan sesuai dengan kronologi waktu kejadian, tanpa harus melompat lagi ke waktu yang lebih lampau. Dalam hal ini, bentuk waktu yang harus digunakan adalah Simple past tense. Contoh:
His father taught him how to be a farmer. When he was sixteen, his father died and left him a small farm. Then, he lived alone with his mother.

  • Thomson & Martinet (1986). A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Allen W. Stannard (1989). Living English Structure. Hong Kong: Longman.
  • Radio Australia, English for You. Victoria: The Dominion Press.

March 20, 2019

Soal UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK Listening & Reading

Soal Prediksi Ujian Nasional (UNBK) Bahasa Inggris Versi 3

Soal Multiple Choice - Try Out 3

Music File Hosting - Free Audio -
Listening Section.

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures : Questions: 1 to 3.

For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape. These statements will be spoken twice, but are NOT WRITTEN out in your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement (A), (B), (C), or (D) that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.
Example: Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
EXAMPLEA. The girl is wearing a T-shirt.
B. The girl has curly hair.
C. The girl looks unhappy.
D. The girl is holding something.
Choice (D) "The girl is holding something"; best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.

Now let's begin with picture number 1.

1. Look at picture number 1.
Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK
2. Look at picture number 2.
Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK
3. Look at picture number 3.
Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK
4. Look at picture number 4.
Soal Simulasi UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMK

Part II. Questions: 5 to 8.

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: "Where can I pick up my tickets?"
You will also hear:
(A)Thursday morning, if that's convenient.
(B) At the Overseas Travel Desk.
(C) I think it's at nine o'clock.
Choice (B) "At the Overseas Travel Desk" is the appropriate response to the question "Where can I pick up my tickets?" Therefore you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let's begin with question number 5.

  1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
  2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
  3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
  4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III: Questions: 9 to 12

In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice. The conversations will NOT be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear:
"Are you a student here?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Where is the English class?"
"Next to the laboratory."
You will read:
Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A. At the hospital.
B. At the station.
C. At the market.
D. In a school.
Choice (D) "In a school" is the best answer to the question "Where does the dialogue probably take place?" Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
Now let's begin with question number 9.

  1. What is the woman planning to do?
    1. Go to the evening session
    2. Dance in the convention hall.
    3. Try a different session.
    4. Sleep early.
  2. Why does the man eat at noon?
    1. The afternoon seems shorter.
    2. He is hungry.
    3. He is diabetic.
    4. He doesn't want to be late.
  3. What did the man decide?
    1. To make coffee.
    2. To get a replacement.
    3. To buy a coffeemaker.
    4. To get his money back.
  4. What is the woman's solution to the problem?
    1. Buy a new ribbon.
    2. Get a different typewriter.
    3. Learn to use a computer.
    4. Get another job.

Part IV. Questions: 13 to 15

In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken twice. They will NOT be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.
Now let's begin with question number 13.

  1. What are the tips for?
    1. Saving a device battery.
    2. Extending device's life.
    3. Closing unused applications.
    4. Adjusting the backlighting.
  2. If you would like information about lectures, what should you do?
    1. Go to the Museum.
    2. Write a letter.
    3. Call another number.
    4. Stay on the line.
  3. What is this ad announcing?
    1. Job openings.
    2. Food service.
    3. A new phone number.
    4. A new restaurant.

Reading Section.

V. Incomplete dialogs
Choose the best answer to complete the following dialogs.

  1. Rudi: "I am looking for a job. Do you have any information?"
    Ani: "... to BKK? They have the latest job-vacancy information."
    Rudi: "Good idea. I'll go there tomorrow."
    1. Should I go
    2. May I go
    3. Why didn't you go
    4. Why don't you go
  2. Operator: "Good morning. May I help you?"
    Man: "Good morning. May I speak with Mr. Jones, the Personnel Manager?"
    Operator: "I'm sorry, he has a meeting until twelve. ...?"
    Man: "Alright. Please tell him Mr. Ferry from PT. Abadi called."
    1. May I leave a message?
    2. May I take a message?
    3. Would you like to stay on the line?
    4. Would you put me through, please?
  3. Deni: "You speak English very well. ...?"
    Lia: "I've been studying English since Junior high school. It's my favorite subject."
    1. How long will you be learning English?
    2. What is your motivation in learning English?
    3. What was your favorite subject in junior high school?
    4. How long have you been learning the language?
  4. Tini: 'My friends and I are going on a picnic this weekend. ...?"
    Tina: "I'd love to, but I have to go to Surabaya this weekend."
    1. Are you going away this weekend?
    2. Did you go with us?
    3. Will you go with us?
    4. Do you like going on a picnic?
  5. Eko: "I need to type this document. ...?"
    Yesi: "Yes, of course. I just have 2 more pages to print."
    1. Should we use the printer?
    2. Could you turn off the computer?
    3. Will I use the computer?
    4. May I use the computer?
  6. Shop assistant: "May I help you, Sir?"
    Customer: "Yes. I bought the trousers this morning, but I didn't notice that the zipper is broken. ...?"
    Shop assistant: "Do you have the receipt with you, Sir? We'll replace it."
    1. May I return it, please?
    2. Check the receipt.
    3. I'd like another color.
    4. Please repair the zipper.
  7. Hani: "This printer doesn't seem to be working."
    Rika: ".... It may have been unplugged."
    Hani: "You're right. Maybe someone used it with a laptop computer."
    1. Repair the printer.
    2. Check the cord.
    3. Unplug the cord.
    4. Use it for printing.
  8. Yeni: "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"
    Lusi: "Yes. ...."
    1. I am going to visit my uncle.
    2. I won't do anything this weekend.
    3. I went to Surabaya last weekend.
    4. I want to ask you some questions.
  9. Romi: "It's very hot in this room."
    Inna: "Yes, I know. If we had more windows, ...."
    1. there will be more fresh air.
    2. we would have more fresh air.
    3. the room wouldn't have been dusty.
    4. we would have had more fresh air.
  10. Olga: "Have you heard about Novi?"
    Julia: "No. What happened to her?"
    Olga: "She had a motorcycle accident yesterday."
    Julia: "....:
    1. I feel very sorry for you.
    2. It must be very pleasant.
    3. I'm glad to hear that.
    4. I'm sorry to hear that.
  11. Wiwit: "When you were a child, what did you usually do after school?"
    Yana: "...."
    1. I am used to playing football in the afternoon.
    2. I wanted to play traditional games with my friends.
    3. I used to play with my friends in the neighborhood.
    4. I was going to do my homework when they arrived.
  12. Receptionist: "Good morning, Liston Hotel. Can I help you?"
    Caller : "Yes, .... Is it possible to get two double rooms for this Saturday?"
    Receptionist: "Of course, Sir. May I have your name and address, please?"
    1. I'd like to make a reservation.
    2. I'd like to check in my room.
    3. I need to confirm my reservation.
    4. I want to cancel my reservation.
  13. Poppy: "Can the government eliminate corruption in the next five years?"
    Mirna: ".... Law enforcement must be strictly applied."
    1. I think it's impossible.
    2. I don't think so.
    3. I think it's possible.
    4. I disagree with you.
  14. Dewi: "Do you think we can get to the airport on time?"
    Anto: "Yes. If ..., we will arrive before three o'clock."
    1. the road is blocked
    2. the traffic is smooth
    3. there were heavy traffic
    4. the plane is not late

Questions 30 to 31 refer to the following dialog.
Ann: Oh, it feels so cold this morning.
Mary: It sure is. The wind has made it much colder, I guess.
Ann: Who would have thought it could be this cold in early February, especially in this town.
Mary: I know. When I took a bath this morning, the cold water made me trembled.
Ann: I cannot remember when it was this cold in early December.
Mary: Brace yourself for the rain this afternoon. Cold and wet, Yuck!
Ann: Is it going to rain this afternoon?
Mary: Not only this afternoon, but also the rest of the week.
Ann: Oh, it is going to be miserable.

  1. What is the topic of the conversation?
    1. The weather
    2. The rain
    3. Weather forecast
    4. Cold water
  2. What does Ann mean by saying "Who would have thought it could be this cold in early February ...."?
    1. The weather has always been very cold.
    2. The wind has made it colder than usual in the area.
    3. She got trembled when she took a bath that morning.
    4. The weather has never been as cold as that.

Read the dialog and answer the question.
Hilda: Mom, I am home.
Mother: How was school? How did you do on the test?
Hilda: School was OK, and I think I did great on the test. I was so worried before that, but now I feel great. What a relief!
Mother: I am glad to hear it. You've been studying hard the past few weeks. Now, you can relax and enjoy life.

  1. How did Hilda feel after the test?
    1. Worried
    2. Terrible
    3. Restless
    4. Relieved

Read the dialog and answer questions 33 to 34.
Kayla: Good morning, Mr. Aslan. How are you doing?
Mr. Aslan: Good morning, Kayla. I am doing well. And you?
Kayla: I'm great, thank you. This is my friend Farah. She is thinking about applying to the scholarship program. She has a few questions. Would you mind telling us about the process, please?
Mr. Aslan: Hello, Farah! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm more than happy to speak with you. Please stop by my office tomorrow.
Farah: It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. Thank you so much for helping us.
Mr. Aslan: Don't mention it. Hopefully, I will be able to answer your questions!

  1. What is the purpose of the conversation?
    1. To know more about a teacher
    2. To answer a teacher's questions
    3. To ask about a scholarship
    4. To introduce a friend to a teacher
  2. What is Farah expected to do?
    1. Meet Mr. Aslan in his office
    2. Stop next to Mr. Aslan's office
    3. Tell about the process to Kayla
    4. Ask Kayla a few questions

Read the letter and answer question 35 to 37.

To: "The Shoe People" (
From: "John Trimbald" (
Subject: Customer Complaint

To Whom It May Concern,
I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots, the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty. The boots are unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
Thank you,

John Trimbald
Foreman, JT Construction

  1. What product was purchased?
    1. Boots
    2. Crew
    3. Shoe-soles
    4. Feet
  2. What is the purpose of the letter?
    1. To express gratitude
    2. To order a product
    3. To notify a payment
    4. To complain
  3. What was the problem?
    1. The price was too high
    2. The soles fell apart
    3. The delivery was late
    4. The product was too hot

Read the text and answer question 38-40.

As of Sunday afternoon, at least 50 people were reported killed and 273 families had been left homeless following a flash flood in Jayapura regency, Papua. The flash flood occurred after heavy downpours in the area from Saturday afternoon to the early hours of Sunday.

Jayapura Regent Matius Awoitauw told The Jakarta Post on Sunday that the survivors were in “urgent need” of emergency aid such as food and medication and facilities for burying the dead. Currently, 200 people are taking refuge at his residence while 1,400 others are sheltering in nearby schools. Dead bodies are being taken to hospitals in the region for identification purposes.

He added that the regional government was working with the National Police and the Indonesian Military to record and evacuate any other residents from the area while building public facilities for evacuees. The Cendrawasih Military Command has set up a public kitchen that distributed 5,000 meals on Sunday at lunchtime.

According to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), the flooding mostly struck the Sentani Kota district, affecting Sentani Kota, Hinekombe and Dobonsolo subdistricts and five villages, Kampung Sereh, Yoboy, Yahim, Yobeh and Ifar Besar. The regency administration also estimated that the flooding destroyed around 350 houses, 100 shophouses and two bridges.

  1. What does the text talk about?
    1. A recent flash flood
    2. Districts in Jayapura
    3. Victims and dead bodies
    4. Homeless families in Papua
  2. How many people were reported dead?
    1. Less than 50
    2. 50
    3. More than 50
    4. More than 270
  3. According to the text, what was the cause of the disaster?
    1. Deforestation near the area
    2. Prolonged downpours
    3. Destroyed public facilities
    4. Shortage of food and medication

Read the text and answer question 41 to 42.

Fernando Alvez

Famed International Pianist
Recently arrived from the Philippines
Jazz, modern, and classical pieces
Surrey Room, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Admission gratis for hotel guests

  1. Where is Mr. Alcuaz performing?
    1. At a jazz festival
    2. In the Philippines
    3. At a hotel
    4. In Surrey
  2. The word "admission" is closest in meaning to ....
    1. Call
    2. Room rate
    3. Seats
    4. Entrance money

Complete the text with the correct word.
Enclosed you will find your new “First Bank” Automatic Bank Card.
Follow these simple instructions to ... (43)... it.
  • Call the telephone number on the back of the card and press #1.
  • State your full name as it appears on the card. You will then be asked for your city of birth for identification purposes.
  • Upon answering, you will be prompted to enter a four-digit secret identification password. You are ...(44)... to select a non-obvious password. You will then be asked to repeat it.
  • A representative will confirm your account number. Now, you’re ready to use our bank card.
  • Please keep the card in a secure place and do not give your password to anyone. At any time, you can call the telephone number if you ...(45)... your card or want to change your password.

  1. ...(43)....
    1. actively
    2. activation
    3. active
    4. activate
  2. ...(44)....
    1. encouraged
    2. encourage
    3. encouraging
    4. encourages
  3. ...(45)....
    1. give
    2. sell
    3. lose
    4. send
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Soal Essay HOTS Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA - SMK: Versi 1



Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan tepat dan benar.

Soal Essay HOTS Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMA SMK: Versi 1
According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death, i.e. heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. More than 75 percent of all physician office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

What causes stress at the work place? Unreasonable deadlines, a toxic environment or fear of losing one’s job are some of the reasons people experience high stress levels at work.

Stress, if channeled properly, can help us focus, speed up our learning and memory as well as accelerate our output, giving us a competitive advantage over our peers. However, if our stress levels are unmanageable and are sustained over a long period of time, it can result in mental, emotional and physical damage.

The good news is that in order for us to manage our stress, we don't need to radically overhaul our lives. Small changes that are consistent and applied over a long period of time can make a great impact and reduce our stress levels drastically. Heighten your sense of awareness: Being aware of ourselves and what thoughts we entertain is the first step towards managing stress. We need to "think about what we think."

  1. What does the text talk about?
  2. Mention 1 (one) cause of stress among workers as stated in the text.
  3. In what way can stress be advantageous? It can ....
  4. What kind of damage may stress bring if it is not managed properly? ..., ..., and ....
  5. What is one way to reduce stress levels mentioned in the text?

This is the end of the test.

Untuk mengerjakan versi CBT (computer-based test) dari soal ini dan mengetahui skor anda, klik tautan di bawah ini. Selamat mengerjakan dan semoga sukses di ujian anda.

March 15, 2019

English dialogue: Using Future Perfect Tense to Talk about Future Events

A. Future Perfect Tense dalam Dialog

BETTY:"Jim! ... Jim!"
JIM:"Wait. I'm still busy working."
BETTY:"Jim! Will you listen to me? I want to talk to you."
JIM:"Oh! Do you want to talk to me?"
BETTY:"Of course, I want to talk to you."

"Well, what do you want to talk about? Do you really want to talk to me while I am working? I'll be able to come inside and talk to you when we have coffee. I'll have drunk my coffee by about eleven o'clock, and then I'll finish making the box. I'll have finished making it by about half past eleven, and then I'll paint it. By lunch time, I'll have made myself a new fishing box and I'll have painted it."
JIM:"What's the matter, Betty? Is the coffee ready now?"

"No, the coffee isn't ready now! That's what I want to talk to you about. You won't have drunk your coffee by eleven o'clock."
JIM:"Why not? It's only half past ten now."
BETTY:"You won't have drunk your coffee by eleven o'clock because I won't have made it."
JIM:"Why won't you have made it?"
BETTY:"I won't have made it because we don't have any coffee."
JIM:"Oh! ... Why don't you say so?"

"I've tried to tell you several times, but you started hammering again, or sawing, and I had to shout at you."
JIM:"I'm sorry, Betty."
BETTY:"Now, are you listening?"
JIM:"Yes, I'm listening."
BETTY:"When I came outside, I wanted to ask you to go in the car to get some coffee."

"But that will take time! If I don't keep on working now, I won't have painted the fishing box by lunchtime."

"Unless you leave off working now, you won't have any coffee. In fact, you won't have coffee again until Monday, because the shops will be shut until then."

"I see! Hmmm. Oh well, I won't have painted my fishing box by lunchtime but that won't really matter. I don't mind going to get some coffee. I'll go now. Is everything ready except the coffee?"
BETTY:"No, the cups aren't ready yet."

Well, you'd better hurry! I won't be long. If you don't hurry, I'll have returned with the coffee, and you still won't be ready."
BETTY:"All right, I'll hurry."
JIM:"I won't be long."

B. Bagaimanakah bentuk Future Perfect Tense?

Using Future Perfect Tense to Talk about Future Events
Bacalah lagi dialog di atas dengan memperhatikan kalimat-kalimat yang dicetak miring. Perhatikan bahwa kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk will/shall + perfect infinitive (will/shall + have verb 3). Bentuk kata kerja inilah yang disebut Future Perfect tense.

C. Bagaimana penggunaan Future Perfect Tense?

  1. Shall bisa digunakan jika subyek berupa orang pertama (I atau We), meskipun shall sudah jarang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris modern .
  2. Future perfect tense sangat sering digunakan bersama keterangan waktu yang diawali dengan kata by then, by that time, by the ....
  3. Future perfect tense bisa digunakan untuk mengutarakan kejadian/keadaan yang pada suatu saat nanti akan menjadi kejadian/keadaan lampau, atau baru saja selesai dikerjakan.
    Agar lebih mudah memahami penjelasan tentang future perfect tense ini, mari kita perhatikan contoh situasi di bawah ini.
    It is March 7th today. The third-grade students are busy preparing for the final exam that they are taking in the end of this month. We'd better wait till April to hold the students' art show. The students will have had their exam by then, so they'll be able to enjoy themselves.

D. Soal Latihan Future Perfect Tense

A. Isilah bagian kosong dengan bentuk Future Perfect tense dari kalimat di dalam kurung.
Contoh: (Tina is washing the carpet now.) When we arrive home, Tina will have washed the carpet.
  1. (Ms. Ida is making the beds now.) By ten o'clock, Ms. Ida ....
  2. (The men are repairing the computer now.) When you come from lunch this afternoon, the men ....
  3. (Margaret is writing her essay this week.) By next Tuesday, Margaret ....
  4. (Mr. Adi is reading the book.) Mr. Adi ... by this time next week.
  5. (I'm polishing my shoes now.) When breakfast is ready, I ....
  6. (We're cutting this big tree down now.) By this evening, we ....
  7. (Rio is planting some plants in the garden now.) Rio ... by half past two.
  8. (She's sewing herself a dress today.) When her mother comes home, she ....
  9. (They're moving into their new house.) By tomorrow, they ....
  10. (Dwi and Sasha are doing their university courses.) They ... by the year after next.
B. Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat tanya.
She will have completed the exercise by one o'clock.
Answer: WIll she have completed the exercise by one o'clock?
(How long) he'll have been in this office by next year.
Answer: How long will he have been in this office by next year?
  1. You'll have finished that job by next Friday.
    ... by next Friday?
  2. (What time) they will have cleaned this room.
    What time ...?
  3. (When) she'll have cooked the dinner.
    When ...?
  4. They will have explored the forest soon.
    ... soon?
  5. (What) you'll have done by the time I return.
    What ... by the time I return?
  6. The lawn service agent will have mown our lawn by this evening.
    ... by this evening?
C. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan menggunakan kalimat lengkap dalam bentuk Future Perfect tense.
  1. Romy will save one hundred thousand rupiahs in April. He'll save fifty thousand rupiahs in May. Will he have saved two hundred thousand rupiahs by the end of May?
    Answer : No, he ... by the end of May.
  2. It is 2019. Hana moved here in 2012. Will she have lived here for ten years by next year?
    Answer : No, she ... by next year.
  3. It is 9 a.m. now. We will drive at the speed of 70 kilometer per hour. Surabaya is 100 kilometers away from here. Will we have arrived in Surabaya by ten o'clock?
    Answer : No, we ... by ten o'clock.
Untuk mengerjakan soal ini dalam versi CBT (computer-based test) dan melihat kunci jawaban serta mengetahui skor anda, klik tautan di bawah ini. Reference:
  • Thomson & Martinet (1986). A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Radio Australia, English for You. Victoria: The Dominion Press.

March 13, 2019

Soal Ujian Sekolah (USBK) dan Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTS Paket 6

Multiple choice questions

Directions: Choose the best answer, A, B, c, or D, to each question.
    Questions 1 to 4 refer to the following text.
    The word "marine" comes from the Latin word "mare" which means "sea". Marine life means all the animal and plant species that live in the waters of the sea.

    On the surface of the sea there are tiny floating plants and animals, including the eggs and young of larger animals and jellyfishes, that are called plankton. The plankton is important because a great many fishes feed on it.

    Several kinds of animals such as crabs, lobsters, shrimps, squids, octopuses, mollusks (shellfish of all kinds), anemones and sponges live on the seashore. Such animals can also be found on the continental shelf, but the animals that live in the deeper waters are usually larger.

  1. What is the best title for the above text?
    1. Seashore Animals
    2. Marine Life
    3. Floating Plankton
    4. Sea Surface Life
  2. What does paragraph 2 talk about?
    1. The sea surface
    2. Animals' eggs
    3. Fish feed on plankton
    4. Plankton
  3. According to the text, these animals can live on the continental shelf, except ....
    1. crabs
    2. whales
    3. ctopuses
    4. squids
  4. "... is important ...." (paragraph 2)
    The underlined word means ....
    1. very small
    2. necessary
    3. potential
    4. interesting

  5. Complete the dialogue.
    Librarian : "Show me your library card, please."
    Student : "Oops. ... I forgot to bring it."
    Librarian : "If that's the case, you can't borrow this book."
    1. Here you are.
    2. 'm sorry
    3. I'm sad
    4. With pleasure
  6. Complete the dialogue.
    Rahma : "I heard that Ani has received a scholarship."
    Umi : "Yes, you're right. She is not only smart ... can speak English well."
    1. but
    2. but also
    3. and
    4. also
  7. Complete the dialogue.
    Mother : "What are you looking for?"
    Son : "Some food. I am starving."
    Mother : "It's in the fridge."
    Son : "... nothing here, Mom."
    1. There is
    2. There are
    3. There isn't
    4. There aren't
  8. Complete the dialogue.
    Susanti : "I'd like to buy some apples, please."
    Fruit seller: "... do you want?"
    Susanti : "The green ones."
    1. Which
    2. How many
    3. How much
    4. What
  9. Complete the dialogue.
    Erwan : "How was your vacation?"
    Riko : "It was great. ...."
    Erwan : "I'm happy to hear that."
    Riko : "Thanks."
    1. We will enjoy it.
    2. We would enjoy it.
    3. We have been enjoying it.
    4. We really enjoyed it.
  10. Rini: "Do you like gardening, too?"
    Putri: "Yes, I do, but my garden is not as large as yours."
    What do we know from the above dialogue?
    1. Putri's garden is smaller than Rini's.
    2. Rini's garden is smaller than Putri's.
    3. Putri's garden is the same size as Rini's.
    4. They don't share the same hobby.
  11. Complete the dialogue.
    Dion: "Dad, I have a sore throat. It hurts to swallow my food."
    Father: "Have you taken some medicine?"
    Dion: "Yes, but ...."
    Father: "Then I should take you to the doctor."
    1. It helps much.
    2. I'm recovering.
    3. I feel better already.
    4. it doesn't get better
  12. Complete the dialogue.
    Tono: "Could you bring me that hammer, please?"
    Tina: ".... Here you are."
    Tono: "Thank you."
    1. Certainly
    2. Don't mention it.
    3. I doubt it.
    4. Of course I am.
  13. Complete the dialogue.
    Tri : "Would you like to go to the beach with me this weekend?"
    Ria: "I'm sorry I can't. .... my uncle in Malang."
    1. I was visiting
    2. I had to visit
    3. I visited
    4. I am going to visit
  14. Complete the dialogue.
    Ulfa : "Have you got Susi's birthday party invitation? It will be celebrated at Sederhana restaurant next Sunday."
    Dea : "Not yet. I met her yesterday but she didn't say anything about it."
    Ulfa : ".... She has been very busy preparing all the stuff. It might have slipped her mind."
    Eka : "OK. I'll contact her."
    1. Why don't you go to the party?
    2. Will you come with me?
    3. Have you tried to persuade her?
    4. How about asking her about it?
  15. Complete the dialogue.
    Dinda : "There will be a good concert in the stadium this Saturday. ... to see it, Mom?"
    Mother: "I'm afraid not. It will be too crowded for a young girl like you."
    1. Are you going
    2. Did I go
    3. Can I go
    4. Will you go
  16. Look at the picture and answer the question.
    Based on the picture above, we know that ....
    1. Samsung 32N4003 is more expensive than Toshiba 32L5650VJ.
    2. Toshiba 32L5650VJ is less expensive than Samsung 32N4003.
    3. Samsung 32N4003 is as expensive as Toshiba 32L5650VJ.
    4. Samsung 32N4003 is cheaper than Toshiba 32L5650VJ.
  17. Complete the dialogue.
    Sari : "Have you ever eaten blueberries?"
    Indah : "No, I haven't. What about you?"
    Sari : "I haven't ...."
    1. too
    2. either
    3. neither
    4. so
  18. Complete the dialogue.
    Yuni : "Mom, is an ostrich a bird?"
    Mother : "Yes, it is. Most birds can fly ... an ostrich can't."
    1. and
    2. but
    3. but also
    4. so
  19. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.
    Deka: "Be careful. Don't you see that sign?"
    Priska: "Of course. It means ...."
    1. no u-turn
    2. slippery when wet
    3. very crowded traffic
    4. no speeding
  20. Complete the dialogue.
    Kiki : "What did the policeman tell you just now?"
    Toni : "He told me ... here."
    1. not to park
    2. to not park
    3. not park
    4. to be not park
  21. Complete the dialogue.
    Rio: Do you need help with the table?
    Edi: No, thanks. It's ... to move.
    1. too heavy
    2. too light
    3. heavy enough
    4. light enough
  22. Complete the dialogue.
    Wanda : "I'm starving. Let's try the new restaurant near here."
    Bram : ".... I heard that the food is delicious and quite cheap."
    1. Let's not to.
    2. I disagree with you.
    3. I don't think so.
    4. That's a good idea.
  23. Arrange these words into the correct sentence.
    1. 3 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 8 – 2
    2. 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 8 – 7
    3. 3 – 7 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 8 – 2
    4. 3 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 2
  24. Arrange these words into the correct sentence.
    1. 3 - 1 - 8 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 5
    2. 3 - 8 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 5 - 1
    3. 3 - 8 - 1 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 5
    4. 3 - 5 - 8 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 1
  25. Arrange these words into the correct sentence.
    informationthea lotfindonYouofinternetcan
    1. 6 – 9 – 4 – 2 – 8 – 5 – 3 – 7 – 1
    2. 6 – 9 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 8 – 5 – 2 – 1
    3. 6 – 9 – 4 – 2 – 8 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 5
    4. 6 – 9 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 8

  26. Questions 26 to 28 refer to the following text.
    For students who would like to improve their English, now it’s the right time. Join our English club for free and practice speaking English most of the time. If you are interested, see your English teachers and fill out the registration form. Meeting schedule will follow.

  27. What should you do if you are interested?
    1. Fill out a registration form
    2. Practice your English
    3. Find the time for appointment
    4. Follow meeting schedule
  28. Which is true according to the text?
    1. There is no registration fee.
    2. We should arrange a club meeting.
    3. The club is for English teachers.
    4. New members will be tested.
  29. ... fill out the registration form.
    What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. identification
    2. enrollment
    3. confirmation
    4. judgement
  30. Questions 29 to 32 refer to the following text.
    Tomatoes grow better in loamy soil than sandy or clayey soil. Loamy soil has good drainage. The soil retains enough water to supply the plant's needs. Sandy soil doesn't retain much water so the plants become water stressed on hot windy days. Clayey soil retains too much water, so the plant's roots become waterlogged.

  31. The text talks about ....
    1. types of soil
    2. how to plant tomatoes
    3. where tomatoes grow well
    4. the difference of soil
  32. Which is NOT true according to the text?
    1. Loamy soil retains sufficient water for plants.
    2. There is very little water in clayey soil.
    3. Sandy soil is not good for plants on hot days.
    4. Plants' roots may get waterlogged in clayey soil.
  33. According to the text, which is the best soil for tomatoes?
    1. Watery soil
    2. Clayey soil
    3. Sandy soil
    4. Loamy soil
  34. Sandy soil doesn't retain much water ....
    Which of the following is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Keep
    2. Attract
    3. Reach
    4. Manage

  35. Questions 33 to 35 refer to the following letter.
    The Manager
    PT. Arjuna Air
    Jalan Mangga 53

    I am one of the customers of your flight company. Through this letter, I would like to tell you something about the service of your company.

    Last Monday, I flew to Makassar on flight number AA 739. On the schedule board, it was stated that the plane would depart at 7.00 A.M. In fact, we had to wait for about an hour before we took off. Because of that, I was late to attend an important business meeting with our client.

    I believe you have to pay serious attention to this problem and do your best for your company. I am sure you realize how important the customers are for your company. I do hope that you will consider this letter and make sure that such problem will not happen again in the future. Thank you.

    Yours faithfully,

  36. What is the letter about?
    1. Informing about a late meeting
    2. Responding to a complaint
    3. Complaining about a service
    4. Asking for information
  37. Why was the writer late for meeting?
    1. He arrived late at the airport.
    2. He didn't know the flight schedule.
    3. He forgot the flight schedule
    4. The flight to Makassar was delayed
  38. Which of the following words best describes the writer's feeling?
    1. Disappointed
    2. He didn't know the flight schedule.
    3. He forgot the flight schedule
    4. The flight to Medan was delayed

  39. Questions 36 to 38 refer to the following text.

    Main Ingredients
    • 12 chicken wings
    • 120 ml ABC Sweet Soy Sauce (Kecap Manis)
    • 1 large onion (finely chopped)
    • 4 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
    • 5 green chilis (thinly sliced)
    • 150ml Swanson Chicken Broth
    • ½ tablespoon salt
    • ½ teaspoon ground pepper
    • 2 tablespoon cooking oil
    Directions To Cook
    1. In a wok, stir-fry garlic and onions in the cooking oil for 3 mins.
    2. Add green chili and stir-fry for 1 min or until fragrant.
    3. Add chicken wings and cook for 20 mins or longer, stirring regularly.
    4. When chicken is thoroughly cooked, add sweet soy sauce, chicken stock, salt, pepper and simmer for 5 mins or until gravy has thickened to your taste.
    5. Garnish this chicken wings in sweet soy sauce and serve.

  40. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To tell the reader how to describe chicken wings.
    2. To tell the reader how to make something.
    3. To describe the composition of chicken wings.
    4. To explain the process of garnishing some food.
  41. What should you do after you stir-fry garlic and onions?
    1. Cook the oil for 3 minutes.
    2. Add green chilis into the wok.
    3. Stir chicken wings for 20 minutes.
    4. Put green chilis into chicken wings.
  42. "When chicken is thoroughly cooked, ....
    What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Partially
    2. Half
    3. Completely
    4. Quickly

  43. Questions 39 to 41 refer to the following text.
    There was once a boy whose father told him to look after their sheep and watch them as they grazed on the grass fields everyday. The boy was unhappy. He wanted to run and play, not watch the boring sheep. He wanted to have some fun. He cried, "Wolf! Wolf!". Soon, the entire village came running with wooden sticks and stones to chase away the wolf. Once they saw that there was no wolf, they left muttering about how the boy was wasting their time and making them worried. The next day, the boy again cried, "Wolf! Wolf!" and the villagers again rushed to chase the wolf away.

    As the boy laughed, the villagers left, some angrier than the others. The third day, the boy suddenly saw a wolf attacking his sheep. He cried as hard as he could, "Wolf! Wolf! WOLF!", but the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again and did not come to rescue the sheep. The little boy lost three sheep that day, all because of the joke he had made before.

  44. What is the moral of the story?
    1. Carelessness will bring us regret.
    2. Do not play with danger.
    3. No one will believe a liar.
    4. Good deeds will bring you fortune.
  45. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To describe what the boy should do.
    2. To explain why the boy lost his sheep.
    3. To entertain the readers.
    4. To give information about a boy.
  46. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Whole
    2. All
    3. Only
    4. Partial

  47. Questions 42 to 44 refer to the following text.
    Bell The Cat
    There was once a grocer who lived in a town. He got really worried because a lot of mice lived in his grocery shop. The mice ate everything and spoiled all the bags, the bread, biscuits and fruits in the shop.

    One day, he bought a nice, big cat. The cat soon hunted the mice and killed them. The mice could not move freely now. The cat might eat them up any time.

    The mice wanted to do something. They held a meeting to find a way to get rid of the cat. Then, a smart looking mouse stood up and said, "The cat moves softly. That is the problem. If we can tie a bell around her neck, then things will be fine. We can know the movements of the cat".

    "Yes, that is answer," stated all the mice. An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, "Who would tie the bell?" There was no one there to answer this question.

  48. What is the moral of the story?
    1. Cats and mice can never be friends.
    2. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    3. We should get rid of the mice in our home.
    4. Empty solutions are of no worth.
  49. In your opinion, why did nobody answer the old mouse's question?
    1. The mice didn't know who gave them the impossible solution.
    2. None of the mice wanted to tie the bell around the cat's neck.
    3. All of the mice were possibly afraid of the old mouse.
    4. Because without the bell, the mice didn't know the movements of the cat.
  50. What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Ate
    2. Bit
    3. Destroyed
    4. Took

  51. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

    1. For example, snakes can be useful to farmers.
    2. They feed on the farmers' chickens.
    3. Animals, like plants, can be both useful and harmful to man.
    4. However, snakes can be harmful to farmers too.
    5. They feed on mice which destroy grains in the field.
    1. 3 - 2 - 1 - 5 - 4
    2. 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 5
    3. 3 - 4 - 2 - 5 - 1
    4. 3 - 1 - 5 - 4 - 2
  52. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph.

    1. The housefly's saliva may contain germs, which may cause illness.
    2. Then it sucks in the partly-digested food.
    3. The germs will be passed on to the person who eats the food.
    4. The housefly is a pest that spreads diseases.
    5. To prevent this, we should always cover our food.
    6. When a housefly feeds, it puts saliva onto the food to partly digest it.
    1. 4 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 5
    2. 6 - 4 - 5 - 1 - 2 - 3
    3. 4 - 5 - 6 - 1 - 2 - 3
    4. 6 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 4
  53. Question 47 refers to the following advertisement
  54. Who will probably be interested in the advertisement?
    1. People who want to buy new shoes.
    2. People who want to repair their shoes.
    3. People who wish to polish their new shoes.
    4. People who want to clean their new shoes.

  55. Fill the underlined blank space with the correct word
    Anthony was a very lazy boy and always used to postpone things. One day, he came to know that he had won the first prize in a singing competition that ...(i)... the previous month. He was asked to collect the prize the same day. He didn't care and ...(ii)... to collect the prize the next day. But the prize became ...(iii)... for him. It was a ticket to a circus show on the previous day.
    Anthony learnt a lesson from this. He promised himself not to postpone things anymore.
  56. ...(i)....
    1. were held
    2. held
    3. hold
    4. was held
  57. ...(ii)....
    1. went
    2. go
    3. goes
    4. gone
  58. ...(iii)....
    1. using
    2. usage
    3. useful
    4. useless
This is the end of the test

Untuk mengerjakan soal ini dalam bentuk CBT (Computer-Based Test) online dan melihat kunci jawaban serta nilai kalian, silahkan klik tautan di bawah ini.

March 08, 2019

Soal Simulasi Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK/MAK: Versi 1

ebagai bahan latihan soal bagi siswa SMK/SMA kelas XII yang akan menghadapi Ujian Sekolah, Mister Guru mempersembahkan salinan soal simulasi Ujian Sekolah tingkat provinsi yang diadakan beberapa waktu lalu. Demi kepuasan pembaca, sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas dan validitas soal, Mister Guru telah melakukan revisi dan perbaikan pada sebagian besar soal simulasi CBT Ujian Sekolah tersebut. Jangan lupa untuk bergabung agar selalu mendapatkan update soal-soal bermutu dari Mister Guru. Selamat belajar.



    Questions 1 to 2 refer to the following text.Announcement Soal Simulasi Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK / MAK: Versi 1
  1. What is the announcement about?
    1. A National Day speech
    2. Students' English competency
    3. An English competition
    4. Students' organization committee
  2. What will interested students probably do after reading the announcement?
    1. Meet the committee in school hall
    2. Contact the English teacher
    3. Celebrate the National Education day
    4. Go to Students' Organization room

  3. Adi: "Did you hear what Tina said yesterday?"
    Risa : "Yes. She said that ... the assignment last week,"
    1. she had submitted
    2. we will submit
    3. she has submitted
    4. she was submitted

  4. Questions 4 to 6 refer to the following text.Text 4 Soal Simulasi USBN Bahasa Inggris SMK / MAK: Versi 1
  5. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To warn people not to enter a stranded elevator.
    2. To provide information on repairing a broken elevator.
    3. To explain the reasons why an elevator can be jammed.
    4. To remind people of what to do in emergency situation.
  6. According to the text, what should you do when it is dark in the elevator?
    1. Find a source of light.
    2. Try to do power cut.
    3. Go out and get a light.
    4. Stay calm and wait for help.
  7. "However, use it wisely so that you can conserve battery." (line 4)
    What does the underlined word in the above sentence refer to?
    1. Battery.
    2. The source of light.
    3. Elevator.
    4. The button.

  8. Rio: "What does your sister do for a living?"
    Jaka: "She works as an usher in the new CGV cinema."
    Rio: "What is it? What are her responsibilities?"
    Jaka: "She shows the guests where they should sit."

    Based on the dialogue, we know that ....
    1. Jaka's sister loves to watch movies.
    2. Rio knows Jaka's sister very well.
    3. Jaka will introduce his sister to Rio.
    4. Jaka's sister helps people find their seats.

  9. Questions 8 to 10 refer to the following text.Text Soal Simulasi Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK - MAK: Versi 1
  10. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To close all tourist transportations to Bali.
    2. To refrain from using all of home entertainments.
    3. To ask people about the religious island,
    4. To inform people about a religious practice.
  11. What should tourists NOT do during Hindu Day of Silence?
    1. Stay in hotel compounds.
    2. Ride vehicles on the streets.
    3. Respect the religious practice.
    4. Avoid going to public places.
  12. "... tourists will be confined to hotel compounds."
    What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Detained
    2. Derived
    3. Refined
    4. Conducted

  13. Eli: "I think Randi has started smoking. I saw him smoking in the park two days ago."
    Ovi: "Why don't you tell it to his brother? He's wise enough to talk him out of that."
    Eli: "That's a good idea. I'll tell him when I meet him tomorrow."

    What is the purpose of their conversation?
    1. To give reasons why Randi smoked in the park.
    2. To prevent Eli from meeting Randi's brother.
    3. To ask Ovi to meet and talk to Randi's brother.
    4. To help Randi stop his smoking habit.
  14. Anto : "How about repairing the broken computers in our laboratory?"
    Lisa : "Let's wait. We haven't got the budget. If we have the money, ...."
    Anto : "I think we can hire someone from PT. Galaxy."
    1. we will call a technician.
    2. they will return the computer.
    3. we will send them a complaint.
    4. we will give a chance to practice.
  15. Eka: "What do you think about technology nowadays?"
    Lili: "In my opinion, technology is developing rapidly. It brings not only opportunities but also threats to our nation's culture."
    Eka: "I'm on your side. Today, technology is like a double-edged sword."

    From the dialogue, we can conclude that ....
    1. technology needs a double-edged sword.
    2. technology brings only opportunities.
    3. our nation's culture needs to develop rapidly.
    4. technology has good and bad sides.
  16. Oki: "Have you got Susi's birthday party invitation? It will be celebrated next Sunday."
    Dea: "Not yet. I met her yesterday but she didn't say anything about it."
    Oki: ".... She's been very busy preparing the stuff. It might have slipped her mind."
    Eka: "OK. I'll contact her."
    1. Why don't you go to the party?
    2. Will you come with me?
    3. Have you tried to persuade her?
    4. How about asking her about it?

  17. Questions 15 to 17 refer to the following text. Text Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK

  18. What is the text about?
    1. Trash discarded by national park visitors.
    2. Komodo National Park conservation agency.
    3. Clean-up events in several national parks.
    4. National park conditions in Indonesia.
  19. "Meanwhile, hundreds of volunteers collected over 500 kg of trash ...." (paragraph 5)
    What does the underlined word mean?
    1. Persons who clean national park areas.
    2. Persons whose job is at conservation agency.
    3. Activists who work for the government.
    4. Persons who perform work without payment.
  20. According to the text, what are visitors expected to do?
    1. Throw their rubbish in provided trash bins.
    2. Join the massive trash-clean-up events.
    3. Discard their trash in the national park area.
    4. Promote economic empowerment through tourism.

  21. Mr. Shaw : "I was wondering if you could play a round of golf with me tomorrow afternoon."
    Mr. Jones: "Well, I'd love to, but .... I have to go to a conference in Surabaya."
    Mr. Shaw : "Oh, that's a pity."
    1. I think it's great
    2. I don't think I can
    3. I'd love to come
    4. that's a good idea
  22. Wina : "I haven't met your brother for ages. ...?"
    Vina : "Well, he's awesome now. He's in good shape for a man at his age."
    Wina : "Is he? Please take him to my party next week."
    Vina : "I will. I'm sure you won't recognize him."
    1. What is he doing now
    2. What does he look like
    3. How is he
    4. What does he do

  23. Questions 20 to 22 refer to the following text.Text Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK

  24. What is the purpose of the letter?
    1. To apply for a job
    2. To get more experience
    3. To set an interview date
    4. To make an advertisement
  25. Which is NOT included in the job application?
    1. Curriculum vitae
    2. Reference
    3. Contact information
    4. Skill certifications
  26. Where did the writer find the job information?
    1. Television news
    2. Radio news
    3. Internet
    4. Newspaper

  27. Imran: "I got some extra money from my job. I think it's enough to buy a new motorcycle. What do you think, Mom?"
    Mother: "Your motorcycle is still in good shape. Besides, I think education is more important. If you have enough money, ...."
    Imran: "OK. I'll think about it, Mom.
    1. would you have continued your study?
    2. why don't you continue your study?
    3. will you try to find a new job?
    4. you won't need a new motorcycle.
  28. Adi: "You look terrible. Are you sleepy?"
    Dita: "I really am. I stayed awake until midnight last night."
    Adi: "Really? What happened?"
    Dita: ".... Today is the deadline."
    1. I had to finish my job report.
    2. I am going to work on a project.
    3. The proposal must have finished.
    4. I slept late last night.
  29. Ami: "What does your little brother do in the afternoon?"
    Yuni: "Well, .... He loves martial art very much."
    1. He got some support.
    2. He attends an art class.
    3. He usually played soccer.
    4. He joins a karate class.
  30. Koko: "Hi, Rina. You look gorgeus in that red batik dress."
    Rina: "Thank you. I'm glad you like it."
    Koko: "Is it new? ... you wearing it before."
    Rina: "Yes. My sister bought it for me when she was in Jogjakarta."
    1. I could never see
    2. I must have seen
    3. I've never seen
    4. I had seen
  31. Siska: "I heard that you've passed the test for the scholarship program. Congratulations, Nina."
    Nina: "Thank you. I'm so lucky to get this opportunity."
    Siska: "If I get good grades this semester, I will apply for that program, too."
    Nina: "You should. I wish you luck, Siska."

    From the dialogue, we know that ....
    1. Nina feels happy with Siska's achievement.
    2. Siska wishes to get the scholarship, too.
    3. Siska didn't pass the scholarship program.
    4. Nina thinks that Siska gets the scholarship.

  32. Questions 28 to 31 refer to the following dialogue.
    Dialog Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK
  33. What is the purpose of the call?
    1. To express concern for electricity problem
    2. To complain about electricity bill
    3. To confirm an electricity account number
    4. To apply for a change of electricity account
  34. What happens with Mr. Kusuma?
    1. He has been called to attention.
    2. He has caused an inconvenience.
    3. He has been overcharged.
    4. He was charged in the wrong account.
  35. What can we infer about the customer service representative's attitude towards Mr. Kusuma's problem?
    1. Helpful
    2. Ignorant
    3. Indecisive
    4. Useless
  36. What will the customer service representative probably do after the call?
    1. Give a discount to Mr. Kusuma's electricity bill.
    2. Make necessary corrections to Mr. Kusuma's electricity bill.
    3. Send an apology for the overcharged electricity bill.
    4. Send a service representative to Mr. Kusuma's address.

  37. Questions 32 to 34 refer to the following text.
    News Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK
  38. What is the news about?
    1. A recent natural disaster
    2. Families in Bandung
    3. Districts in Bandung
    4. Bandung Disaster Mitigation Agency
  39. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?
    1. The worst-hit districts are located alongside the Citarum River.
    2. Thousands of families in three districts were affected by the flood.
    3. Thousands of people in Baleendah decided to leave their homes.
    4. Road access to nearby districts was cut due to the flood.
  40. "The rescue team was very cautious in conducting the rescue mission ...."
    The underlined word has the closest meaning to ....
    1. capable
    2. fatal
    3. ambitious
    4. careful

  41. Questions 35 to 38 refer to the following text.
    Text Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMK
  42. What does the text talk about?
    1. Why Gunung Bromo is considered the most magnificent volcano in Java.
    2. How Gunung Bromo becomes surrounded by the desolate Sea of Sands.
    3. How Gunung Bromo became flanked by the peaks of Kursi and Batok.
    4. What made Gunung Bromo rise from the guts of the ancient Tengger caldera.
  43. According to the text, which one mainly contributes to the beauty of Gunung Bromo?
    1. Its size
    2. Its setting
    3. Its age
    4. Its shadow
  44. Why does the writer describe Gunung Bromo as a midget?
    1. To describe one of Indonesia's most breathtaking sights.
    2. To compare its size with Java's other volcanoes.
    3. To explain its rise from the guts of the ancient caldera.
    4. To describe the specific location of Gunung Bromo.
  45. "... all set in the vast caldera of yet another volcano."
    What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Intense
    2. Appropriate
    3. Huge
    4. Fast

  46. Ardi: "I heard that you were sent to a workshop in Surabaya."
    Bella: "Yes, I was. It finished yesterday."
    Ardi : ":...?"
    Bella : "Well, it was mostly about how to improve labor's skills and work efficiency."
    Ardi: "Wow, that sounds interesting."
    1. Should we improve our work efficiency?
    2. Would you come to the workshop again?
    3. What did you learn in the workshop?
    4. Did you mostly have a great time?
  47. Fina: "How was your English test, Indra?"
    Indra: "Thank God, I passed with flying colors. I got 95."
    Fina: "That's remarkable. ...."
    Indra: "Thank you."
    1. I'm disappointed with you.
    2. I don't believe it at all.
    3. I'm very proud of you.
    4. I agree with you in this case.

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