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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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April 23, 2020

Present Continuous Tense: Bentuk, Penggunaan, & Latihan Soal

Latihan soal Present Continuous Tense
resent continuous tense atau present progressive tense adalah salah satu bentuk waktu (tense) yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Present continuous tense berbeda dengan simple present tense, baik dalam penggunaannya maupun struktur dan bentuk kata kerjanya. Dalam materi kali ini, kita akan membahas struktur, bentuk, dan penggunaan present continuous tense secara lengkap, lalu diikuti dengan latihan soal untuk memastikan pemahaman kalian tentang present continuous tense.
I. Bagaimana struktur & bentuk Present Continuous tense?
Struktur dan bentuk Present Continuous tense adalah sbb:
(+) Subject + auxiliary verb (be) + main verb (verb + ing)
(?) Auxiliary verb (be) + subject + main verb (verb + ing)?
(-) Subject + auxiliary verb (be) not + main verb (verb + ing)

Lihatlah contoh-contoh kalimat Present continuous tense di bawah ini:
Contoh kalimat positif dalam Present Continuous tense
Subject auxiliary verb (be)main verb
(verb + ing)
Iamworkingwith a laptop.
Aniisreadinga magazine.
The studentsaredoinga test.
Contoh kalimat tanya dalam Present Continuous tense
Auxiliary verb (be)Subjectmain verb
(verb + ing)
AmIworkingwith a laptop?
IsAnireadinga magazine?
Arethe studentsdoinga test?
Contoh kalimat negatif dalam Present Continuous tense
Subject auxiliary verb
(be) + not
main verb
(verb + ing)
Iam notworkingwith a laptop.
Youare notstudyingEnglish.
Aniis notreadinga magazine.
The studentsare notdoinga test.
II. Bagaimana penggunaan Present Continuous Tense?
Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk:
  • Membicarakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang dilakukan sekarang / pada saat ini juga, biasanya dengan keterangan waktu; now, at the moment, at present. Contoh:
    • You are studying how to use the present continuous tense.
    • Right now you are looking at this screen.
    • You are reading these example sentences.
  • Membicarakan kegiatan di masa sekarang yang bersifat sementara, bukan merupakan kebiasaan dan tidak bersifat permanen, biasanya dengan keterangan waktu; at this time, temporarily, for the time being. Contoh:
    • The government is trying to stop the spread of Covid-19.
    • Experts are working hard to develop a vaccine for Covid-19.
    • He is living with his sister until he finds a boarding house.
  • Membicarakan kegiatan yang sudah direncanakan / dipersiapkan dan akan segera dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang, dan harus disertai dengan keterangan waktu (adverbs of time), seperti; this evening, tomorrow, next week, in July, atau paling tidak waktu kegiatan sudah dipahami / diketahui. Contoh:
    • We are leaving at 8 this evening. We have booked the train tickets.
    • I am seeing my dentist tomorrow. We have made an appointment.
    • We are going to the beach this weekend.
  • Digunakan dengan always, umumnya dalam kalimat positif, untuk membicarakan suatu kebiasaan, disengaja atau tidak disengaja, yang dianggap mengganggu dan menjengkelkan karena terjadi berulang kali. Contoh:
    • She is always asking me questions.
    • Rama is always complaining about his job.
    • Oh no. You are always losing your keys.
    Dalam penggunaan ini, always + present continuous tense berbeda dengan always + simple present tense yang membicarakan rutinitas biasa.
III. Bagaimana penulisan ejaan dalam Present Continuous tense?
Present Continuous tense disusun dengan menggunakan kata kerja bentuk "ing" (verb -ing), caranya dengan menambahkan akhiran "ing" pada kata kerja dasar. Ada beberapa aturan dalam pembentukan verb-ing, sebagai berikut:
  • Tidak ada perubahan pada kata kerja dasar jika huruf terakhir berupa konsonan yang pengucapannya tidak mendapat penekanan.
    Contoh: walk > walking, work > working, stand > standing, blow > blowing, rain > raining, steer > steering, play > playing, open > opening, dll.
  • Menggandakan huruf terakhir jika huruf terakhir berupa konsonan yang pengucapannya mendapat penekanan.
    Contoh: stop > stopping, run > running, begin > beginning, drop > dropping, bid > bidding, get > getting, dll.
  • Jika kata kerja dasar berakhiran "ie", gantilah "ie" dengan "y".
    Contoh: lie > lying, die > dying, tie > tying, dll.
  • Jika kata kerja dasar berakhiran dengan huruf vokal (vowel) "e", hilangkan "e".
    Contoh: come > coming, make > making, take > taking, choose > choosing, give > giving, write > writing, dll.
Latihan Soal
Task 1.
Ubahlah kata kerja berikut ini ke dalam bentuk "verb-ing".
stay = ....
hire = ....
delete = ....
tap = ....
move = ....
shine = ....
kick = ....
win = ....
send = ....
wave = ....
boil = ....
listen = ....
leave = ....
practice = ....
erase = ....
fly = ....
cut = ....
use = ....
Task 2.
Tambahkanlah "be" dan ubahlah kata kerja dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk "-ing" sehingga menjadi kalimat dalam bentuk Present Continuous tense yang benar. Lihat contoh pada nomer 1.
  1. We (eat) in a restaurant tonight.
    Jawaban: We are eating in a restaurant tonight.
  2. They (not work) tomorrow.
  3. When ... you (start) your new job?
  4. ... they (wait) for the bus?
  5. Look! That man (climb) the coconut tree.
  6. What ... you (do)?
  7. Rinda (type) the letter now.
  8. She (not use) the washing machine right now.
  9. Hendra (learn) to drive.
  10. My friends (come) to see me this evening.
Task 3.
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan memberikan kata kerja yang sesuai dalam bentuk Present Continuous tense. Setiap kalimat bisa memiliki lebih dari 1 (satu) jawaban benar.
buy - play - cook - listen to - read - do - water - drink - watch - sleep

  1. My grandma ... the flowers in our garden.
  2. Tono and his brother ... a kite in the yard now.
  3. The cat ... on the sofa.
  4. My mother ... dinner in the kitchen.
  5. Andi ... not ... music right now.
  6. My father ... today's newspaper in the living room.
  7. ... she ... TV at the moment?
  8. The animals ... water from the pond.
  9. ... you ... this bed sheet? It's expensive.
  10. What ... they ... in the garage?
060711 0915PM 1408

April 20, 2020

Simple Past Tense: Bentuk, Penggunaan, dan Latihan Soal

3.6Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan / tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple past tense vs present perfect tense)
4.6Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan unsur dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Simple Past Tense
imple Past tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk membicarakan kegiatan atau kejadian di waktu lampau. Ada beberapa tenses yang bisa digunakan untuk membicarakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau, akan tetapi simple past tense inilah yang paling sering digunakan. Dalam materi ini, kita akan mempelajari bentuk atau struktur serta penggunaan Simple Past tense melalui contoh-contoh kalimat dan latihan soal untuk membantu kalian dalam belajar.
1. Bagaimana struktur kalimat dan bentuk kata kerja Simple Past tense?
Untuk membuat kalimat dalam Simple Past tense, kita menggunakan;
kata kerja bentuk lampau (Verb 2)
auxiliary (did) + kata kerja dasar (verb 1)

Struktur kalimat positif, kalimat tanya, dan kalimat negatif dalam Simple Past tense secara lengkap adalah sebagai berikut:
(+) Subject + verb 2
(?)Did + subject + verb 1?
(-) Subject + did not (didn't) + verb 1

Lihatlah contoh-contoh kalimat dalam Simple Past tense berikut ini.
Contoh kalimat positif dalam Simple Past tense
SubjectPast verb (verb 2)
Isentthe email yesterday.
Hecleanedthe windows this morning.
Alyaplanteda flower in the garden.
Contoh kalimat tanya dalam Simple Past tense
Didsubjectverb 1
Didyousendthe email yesterday?
Didhecleanthe windows this morning?
DidAlyaplanta flower in the garden?
Contoh kalimat negatif dalam Simple Past tense
Subjectdid not (didn't)verb 1
Idid not (didn't)sendthe email yesterday.
Hedid not (didn't)cleanthe windows this morning.
Alyadid not (didn't)planta flower in the garden.
Di bawah ini adalah contoh beberapa kata kerja dasar (verb 1), baik regular maupun irregular verbs, dengan perubahannya dalam bentuk Simple Past (verb 2).
Regular verbsIrregular verbs
Verb 1Verb 2Verb 1Verb 2
Untuk daftar irregular verbs yang lebih lengkap, bisa dilihat dan diunduh di halaman Daftar Irregular Verbs Lengkap Dengan Artinya.
2. Bagaimana dengan kata kerja "to be" dalam Simple Past tense?
Penting diketahui bahwa kata kerja "to be" tidak menggunakan struktur kalimat past tense seperti di atas. Kata kerja "to be" (was, were) tidak membutuhkan auxiliary pada kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya. Subyek I/he/she/it membutuhkan bentuk "to be" was, sedangkan we/you/they membutuhkan bentuk "to be" were. Perhatikan struktur kalimat Simple Past tense dengan kata kerja "to be" berikut ini:
Struktur kalimat Simple Past tense dengan kata kerja "to be"
Subjectto be
here yesterday.
here yesterday.
here yesterday.
here yesterday?
here yesterday?
here yesterday?
was not (wasn't)
was not (wasn't)
were not (weren't)
here yesterday.
here yesterday.
here yesterday.
3. Bagaimana dan kapan kita menggunakan Simple Past tense?

Seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, Simple Past tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk kegiatan atau kejadian di waktu lampau. Karena itu, Simple Past tense hampir selalu digunakan dalam teks recount tentang pengalaman seseorang atau biografi seorang tokoh, narrative, seperti dongeng, legenda, dan cerita rakyat, serta teks berita (news item).

Secara lebih spesifik, Simple Past tense digunakan untuk:

  • Membicarakan suatu keadaan, kejadian atau kegiatan di waktu lampau dan waktu kejadiannya disebutkan atau sudah diketahui. Contoh:
    • The coronavirus first surfaced in a Chinese seafood and poultry market in Wuhan at the end of 2019.
    • On January 11 2020, Chinese state media reported the first known death from an illness caused by the virus.
    • Wage Rudolf Supratman, the writer of "Indonesia Raya" national anthem, was born on March 9, 1903 in Somongari, Purworejo, Central Java.
  • Membicarakan suatu keadaan, kejadian atau kegiatan yang sudah jelas terjadi di waktu lampau meskipun waktu kejadian tidak disebutkan secara spesifik. Contoh:
    • I graduated from a vocational high school in Probolinggo.
    • She worked in that factory for two years. (but she does not work there now.)
    • I bought this book in a book market in Malang.
  • Membicarakan suatu keadaan, kejadian atau kegiatan yang terjadi di suatu periode waktu lampau yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi. Contoh:
    • Ismail Marzuki wrote at least 22 songs in his life.
    • My father took me to the zoo twice when I was a child.
    • It rained three times last week.
    Di sinilah letak perbedaan Simple Past dengan Present Perfect tense.

    Peristiwa-peristiwa lampau dalam kalimat contoh di atas tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi karena jangka waktunya sudah berakhir. Jika jangka waktu masih belum berakhir dan masih ada kemungkinan untuk terjadi lagi, kita harus menggunakan bentuk Present Perfect tense.

  • Menanyakan kapan waktu terjadinya suatu keadaan, kejadian, atau kegiatan di waktu lampau. Contoh:
    • When did you arrive from Surabaya?
    • When did you meet her?
    • What time did you leave the office last night?
  • Dengan adverbs of frequency seperti always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, Simple Past digunakan untuk membicarakan kebiasaan di masa lampau, sama seperti penggunaan used to untuk membicarakan kebiasaan lampau. Contoh:
    • My father always picked me up from school.
    • They never came late.
    • He was always busy in the morning.
  • Membuat kalimat conditional (conditional sentence) type 2. Contoh:
    • If you took a closer look, you would be able to see the difference between these two pictures.
    • If they weren't so noisy, we would be able to concentrate.
    • It would not be so cold if you closed that window.
A. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan bentuk Simple Past (verb 2) dari kata kerja yang sesuai.

borrow - drive - give - watch - be - eat - spend - teach - decide - play

  1. He ... his childhood in a small village in East Java.
  2. I ... a good movie last night.
  3. We ... a very satisfying dinner last night.
  4. Before moving here, we always ... an hour to work every day.
  5. Lusi often ... tennis on weekends.
  6. The Japanese teacher ... our class last semester.
  7. She ... absent from school yesterday.
  8. We ... to work until late last night in order to meet the deadline.
  9. My Mom ... me a wonderful present on my last birthday.
  10. He ... my dictionary a few days ago.
B. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan mengubah kata kerja di dalam kurung ke dalam Simple Past tense. Lakukan perubahan susunan kalimat jika diperlukan.
  • She (make) this delicious cake this morning.
    Answer: She made this delicious cake this morning.
  • How you (get) your present job?
    Answer: How did you get your present job?
  1. My grandmother once (live) in Jember, East Java.
  2. She (work) in a foreign company for 3 years.
  3. They (buy) the car from a showroom last month.
  4. She (go) to the movie last night?
  5. I am sorry. I (not hear) the telephone.
  6. When you (send) the email?
  7. She (be) late because of the traffic jam.
  8. On 17 August 1945, Soekarno and Hatta (proclaim) the independence of Indonesia.
  9. They (not celebrate) the event because of Covid-19 outbreak.
  10. You (enjoy) your holiday?
C. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan mengubah kata kerja di dalam kurung ke dalam Simple Past tense. Pilihlah antara kalimat positif dan negatif sesuai dengan makna kalimat.
  • It was hot in the room, so we ... the windows. (open)
    Answer: It was hot in the room, so we opened the windows.
  • It was cold outside, so we ... the windows. (open)
    Answer: It was cold outside, so we didn't open the windows.
  1. It was very crowded, so we ... the concert. (enjoy)
  2. It was very cloudy this morning, so I ... my umbrella. (bring)
  3. I was very tired, but I ... very well. The bed was uncomfortable. (sleep)
  4. Atri ... to work yesterday because he was sick. (go)
  5. I have submitted the documents they need. I ... it by email about an hour ago. (send)
  • Azar B.S. Understanding and Using English Grammar (2nd Ed). NJ: Prentice-Hall. Inc, 1989.
  • Thomson and Martinet (1986). A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BSESD Cls 3 081310 0751 AM 1273

Daftar Irregular Verbs Lengkap Dengan Artinya

Daftar Irregular Verbs Lengkap

alam bahasa Inggris, irregular verb adalah kata kerja yang bentuk lampaunya (past tense) tidak dibentuk dengan cara biasa yaitu menambahkan akhiran -ed. Jadi untuk bentuk Past Simple (verb 2) dan Past Participle (verb 3), irregular verb tidak harus selalu berakhiran -d, -ed, atau -ied, karena itu disebut Irregular verb, atau kata kerja tidak beraturan.

Pengetahuan tentang irregular verb atau kata kerja tidak beraturan dalam bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting jika kita ingin mengikuti aturan tata bahasa Inggris secara benar terutama saat kita berbicara tentang masa lampau (past tense), menggunakan kalimat pasif (passive voice), atau kalimat conditional. Apalagi beberapa kata kerja bahasa Inggris yang paling sering digunakan kebetulan adalah irregular verbs, seperti; come, do, go, get, make, say, see, think, take, know.

Berikut ini daftar Irregular Verbs (kata kerja tak beraturan) dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan artinya. Tautan (link) untuk mengunduh ada di bawah daftar ini.

Irregular Verbs (Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan) dalam Bahasa Inggris
(Verb 1)
(Verb 2)
(Verb 3)
abideabode, abidedabode, abidedpatuh, bertahan
arisearosearisentimbul, muncul
awakeawokeawaked, awokenterbangun, sadar
bewas, werebeen
beatbeatbeatenmemukul, mengalahkan
bereavebereaved, bereftbereaved, bereftkehilangan
betbet, bettedbet, bettedbertaruh
bidbade, bidbidden, bidmenawar
blendblended, blentblended, blentmencampur
broadcastbroadcasted, broadcastbroadcasted, broadcastmenyiarkan
cleaveclove, cleftcloven, cleftmembelah
clotheclothed, cladclothed, cladmenutupi
crowcrowed, crewcrowedberkokok
divedived, dove (US)divedmenyelam
dreamdreamed, dreamtdreamed, dreamtbermimpi
feedfedfedmemberi makan
fleefledfledmelarikan diri
forbearforboreforbornemenahan diri
getgotgot, gotten (US)menjadi, mendapat
hanghanged, hunghanged, hungmenggantung
heaveheaved, hoveheaved, hovemengangkat beban berat
holdheldheldmemegang, memeluk
hurthurthurtmenyakiti, sakit
inlayinlaidinlaidmenempelkan hiasan
keepkeptkeptmenjaga, tetap
knitknitted, knitknitted, knitmerajut
leanleaned, leantleaned, leantmenyandarkan
leapleaped, leaptleaped, leaptmeloncat
learnlearned, learntlearned, learntbelajar
lightlighted, litlighted, litmenyala
loselostlostkehilangan, kalah
meltmeltedmelted, moltenmencair
misunderstandmisunderstoodmisunderstoodsalah paham
mowmowedmown, mowed (US)memotong rumput
outbidoutbidoutbidkalah menawar
proveprovedproved, provenmembuktikan
quitquitted, quitquitted, quitkeluar
ridridded, ridridded, ridmembersihkan
riseroserisennaik, terbit
sawsawedsawed, sawnmenggergaji
sewsewedsewed, sewnmenjahit
showshowedshowed, shownmenunjukkan
shrinkshrank, shrunkshrunk, shrunkenmenyusut
smellsmeltsmeltberbau, membaui
smitesmotesmittenmemukul keras
sowsowedsowed, sownmenanam benih
spellspelled, speltspelled, speltmengeja
spillspilled, spiltspilled, spiltmenumpahkan
spoilspoiled, spoiltspoiled, spoiltmerusak
stavestaved, stovestaved, stovemendobrak
stinktank, stunkstunkberbau busuk
stridestrodestriddenmelangkah tegap
strikestruckstruck, strickenmenghantam
swellswelledswelled, swollenmembengkak
thrivethrived, throvethrived, throveberkembang, maju
withdrawwithdrewwithdrawnmenarik mundur
Kata kerja tak beraturan (Irregular verb) yang anda cari tidak ditemukan? Unduh Daftar Irregular Verbs yang lebih lengkap beserta artinya melalui tautan di bawah ini. Reference:
  • Hornby A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1974.
  • Azar B.S. Understanding and Using English Grammar (2nd Ed). NJ: Prentice-Hall. Inc, 1989.
Th061710 1129PM 113

April 16, 2020

Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP Paket Soal 2C

Choose the best answer to the following questions.
  1. Mr. Eka: What are you doing, Adi?
    Adi: I ... my school assignment, Dad.
    1. do
    2. did
    3. am doing
    4. am
  2. Rama: Where does your father work?
    Tina: He works in an office. He is a ....
    1. lawyer
    2. blacksmith
    3. mechanic
    4. gardener
  3. Yoni: ... bicycle is that?
    Tria: Oh, it is my brother's.
    1. What
    2. Who
    3. Which
    4. Whose
  4. Sam: Look at those people! What are they doing?
    Tami: They are .... They are reporting news items on the radio.
    1. singers
    2. entertainers
    3. broadcasters
    4. readers
  5. Ulfa: What is your hobby?
    Edo: Photography. I like taking ... of people and nature.
    1. cameras
    2. pictures
    3. paintings
    4. drawings
  6. Ria: ... a shopping center near your house?
    Ida: Yes, there is. There's a modern shopping center just a few blocks from us.
    1. There is
    2. Is there
    3. There are
    4. Are there
  7. Ria: ... does the shopping in your family?
    Ida: My mother does. She does the grocery shopping on weekends.
    1. What
    2. How
    3. Whom
    4. Who
  8. Akiko is Japanese. She ... from Japan.
    1. comes
    2. is coming
    3. come
    4. coming
  9. Hanis: How did you go to Mount Bromo?
    Reza: We went there ....
    1. with car
    2. on the car
    3. in the car
    4. by car
  10. Fahri: Do you know Danau Toba?"
    Udin: Yes, it's a ... in Sumatra.
    1. hill
    2. lake
    3. river
    4. island
  11. Heri: Is that your dictionary?
    Refa: No, that isn’t. It ... to Dewa, my brother.
    1. belong
    2. belonged
    3. belongs
    4. belonging
  12. Yana: I'm so tired.
    Tita: You work very hard. You should ....
    1. take some medicine
    2. eat much
    3. take some rest
    4. do some sports
  13. Kiki: What is your hobby, Yoko?
    Yoko: I like music. My hobby is playing the guitar.
    Kiki: ... do you practice music?
    Yoko: Usually twice a week.
    1. When
    2. How many
    3. How
    4. How often
  14. Mom: Where's your little sister, Ika?
    Ika: She's playing with ... dolls in the living-room, Mom.
    1. its
    2. hers
    3. her
    4. his
  15. Mia: ... I borrow your dictionary? I'm doing an English assignment.
    Yoyo: Please do. I'm not using it.
    1. Will
    2. Would
    3. May
    4. Must
The following text is for questions number 16 to 22.
Dody gets up at 5 0'clock every morning. He has breakfast at 6 o'clock, and he leaves for school at 6.30. He gets out of school at 3.30 in the afternoon. He gets home at about 4 o'clock every afternoon. He has dinner at 6 o'clock. He does his school assignment after dinner. After he does his assignment, he watches TV. He goes to bed at 9.30.
  1. What is the text about?
    1. Dody's daily activities
    2. Dody's favorite activities
    3. Dody's hobbies
    4. Daily study schedule
  2. What time does Dody go to school?
    1. Half past five
    2. Six o'clock
    3. Half past six
    4. Half past three
  3. What time is Dody's school over?
    1. Half past six
    2. Half past two
    3. Half past three
    4. Half past four
  4. What time does he arrive home?
    1. Half past three
    2. Four o'clock
    3. Half past four
    4. Six o'clock
  5. What does he do at six p.m.?
    1. He does his assignment.
    2. He goes to bed.
    3. He watches TV.
    4. He has dinner.
  6. Dody usually ... before he watches TV.
    1. does his assignment
    2. goes to bed
    3. makes the bed
    4. prepares dinner
  7. From the text, we know that Dody's evening activities are ....
    1. having dinner, making the bed, doing school assignments
    2. preparing dinner, watching TV, doing school assignments
    3. having dinner, watching TV, doing school assignments
    4. having dinner, watching movies, doing school assignments

The following text is for questions number 23 to 28.

My name is Sonia. I live at Jalan Kenanga no. 433. My house is not too big but it is beautiful. I live with my parents and my brother.

In the living-room, there is a set of red sofa with six cushions. There is a vase of flowers on the table. You can see some pictures of our family on the wall.

There are three bedrooms in my house. My bedroom is my favorite place. I spend a lot of time studying and listening to music in my room. I sleep with my dolls, blanket, pillows and bolsters.

In the kitchen, there are many utensils for cooking. Kitchen is my mother’s favorite place. She spends most of her time here cooking delicious food. But don’t make it dirty, or she will be angry.

In the dining-room, there is a round dining table and four chairs around it. We always have meals there. There are some pictures of flowers and a clock on the wall.

  1. What does the text talk about?
    1. Sonia's favorite places
    2. Sonia's family
    3. Sonia's house
    4. Sonia's home activities
  2. How many rooms does Sonia mention in the text?
    1. Four
    2. Five
    3. Six
    4. Seven
  3. Based on the text, we know that Sonia likes ....
    1. sleeping
    2. music
    3. cooking
    4. eating
  4. Based on the text, we know that Sonia's mother likes ....
    1. kitchen utensils
    2. being angry
    3. eating
    4. cooking
  5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
    1. You can find pictures of flowers in the kitchen.
    2. There are utensils for cooking in the kitchen.
    3. There are pictures of our family in the living-room.
    4. Sonia's house has three bedrooms.
  6. "But don’t make it dirty, ...." (paragraph 4)
    The underlined word "it" means ....
    1. delicious food
    2. Sonia's mother
    3. her time
    4. the kitchen

  7. Rearrange the following words into the correct sentence.
    timeyouWhatevery daytodoschoolgo
    1. 3 - 1 - 6 - 2 - 8 - 5 - 7 - 4
    2. 3 - 7 - 6 - 2 - 8 - 5 - 4 - 1
    3. 3 - 6 - 2 - 8 - 5 - 7 - 4 - 1
    4. 3 - 1 - 6 - 2 - 8 - 4 - 5 - 7
  8. Rearrange the following words into the correct sentence.
    becausemusthomeisstudyCovid-19 outbreakWethereat
    1. 7 - 2 - 5 - 6 - 1 - 8 - 4 - 9 - 2
    2. 6 - 4 - 9 - 3 - 1 - 7 - 2 - 5 - 8
    3. 7 - 2 - 5 - 9 - 3 - 1 - 8 - 4 - 6
    4. 7 - 5 - 9 - 3 - 1 - 8 - 4 - 2 - 6
BSESMK 052211 1253PM 2736

April 12, 2020

The White Dragon's Egg: The Legend Of Lok Si Naga

Narrative Text-The White Dragon's Egg

long time ago, there lived a humble fisherman's family near a big river in South Kalimantan. They were very hard-working. Every day, they would go to the river to catch fish using a big rattan scoop called "tangguk" and sold the fish they had caught in a nearby market. Every time they went fishing to the river, they would leave their only son at home as he was still too young to be taken to the big river.

One day, as usual, the fisherman and his wife were fishing in the river. They had been fishing for hours but unfortunately, they were hardly able to catch any fish. Time and time again, they lifted the tangguk only to find to their disappointment that the tangguk was still empty. The fisherman sighed and almost gave up in despair, "What's happening? Where are the fish?" "If we don't catch enough fish, what should we eat?" said his wife. The fisherman didn't say anything but kept on working with the tangguk.

Suddenly, he felt his bucket was much heavier. "Aha!" He shouted with delight, feeling sure that he had caught a very big fish, and quickly lifted the trap out of the water. His heart jumped when he saw what was inside the scoop. It was a huge egg instead of a fish! "What on earth is it? An egg?" Feeling scared, he quickly put the tangguk back into the water to return the egg. However, every time he lifted the tangguk out of the water the egg was still there. It seemed that the egg didn’t want to leave the scoop. This happened several times until the fisherman and his wife decided to take the egg home.

Their boy was asleep when they arrived. "I'm hungry, but we caught nothing except the big egg." said the fisherman softly to his wife, not wanting to disturb the little boy's sleep. Having no fish to eat or sell, they decided to boil the egg they had found in the river. They both ate it and spared some for their son to eat when he woke up.

However, as soon as they had finished eating the egg, they felt something strange. Their skin became scaly and their body grew longer and longer. Now they realized that they had been cursed by the white dragon, an evil dragon living in the big river. But it was too late! They had turned into two big dragons!

When the boy woke up, he was very frightened of what he saw. Much to his horror, two big dragons were lying next to him. He screamed and cried for help, "Daaad ... help!" The two dragons soon tried to soothe him. They convinced him that they were his parents. They hugged their beloved son and told him how they turned into dragons. They reminded him not to eat the egg on the dining table as it was cursed by the white dragon. Whoever ate the white dragon's egg, they would change into a dragon.

They told their son that they had to find the white dragon and kill him to stop the curse. Before disappearing into the river, the two dragons told him that when he saw red blood on the surface of the river, it would mean that they had lost the fight, whereas white blood would be a sign of the white dragon's defeat. The sign would appear on a rainy day with an arch of a rainbow in the sky.

From then on, the boy would go to the riverbank every day, and sat there looking at the surface of the water for hours, worrying about his parents. And so it happened that, one day, after a slight rain on a sunny day and a rainbow appeared in the sky, he saw milky white blood on the surface of the water. It was the sign of the white dragon's defeat! Feeling certain that the two dragons had won the fight, he waited for them to return, but they never did. Nevertheless, he kept waiting patiently his entire life, by the river which the locals call "Lok Si Naga" or "Lok Lua", the River of the Dragons.

This narrative text is a folktale from South Kalimantan, retold in English by Mister Guru. Click the arrow sign on the left to learn more about narrative texts.

What is a narrative text?
A narrative text is a genre of writing which aims to entertain its readers by telling a story with the text type that includes adventures, fairy tales, fantasies, historical fictions, mysteries, personal narratives, realistic fictions, and science fictions.

What is the purpose of a narrative text?
A narrative text serves the purpose of amusing, entertaining and dealing with actual or vicarious experience, or problematic events leading to a crisis or turning point which in turn often finds a resolution.

What is the generic structure of a narrative text like?
A narrative text mostly consists of:

  • The orientation, which is a setting of the scene to introduce the participants, the time and place the story happened (who/what, when, and where).
  • The complication, which talks about a crisis or problem(s) that occurred.
  • The resolution, which mostly talks about how the crisis is resolved, for better or worse.
  • The re-orientation (optional), which ends the story

What are the lexicogrammatical features of a narrative text?
A narrative text mostly;

  • focuses on specific and usually individualized participants,
  • uses verbs showing us what happened/happens,
  • uses verbs of relational and mental processes,
  • uses temporal conjunctions and circumstances.
  • use verbs in past tense.

Su060610 1236 PM 230

April 10, 2020

English Dialogue With Passive Voice: The Invitation

Jim:Betty, something interesting happened this afternoon.
Betty:This is such an interesting article in the paper, Jim.
Jim:Now, Betty! There's something I want to tell you.
Betty:Jim! You know I don't like being disturbed while I'm reading the paper.
Jim:But Betty, Hadi has invited us to a party at the University!
Betty:At the University! Why didn't you tell me?
Jim:I've been trying to tell you, but you didn't want to be disturbed.
Betty:Well, I want to be told all about it. Who invited us?
Jim:Hadi phoned me this afternoon and invited us.
Betty:What sort of party will it be?
Jim:Hadi's professor is giving a farewell party for him. The professor told him that some of his best friends could be invited too.
Betty:And Hadi thought of us! I'm very happy to be invited to the party. and I'm very proud of being included among Hadi's best friends!
Jim:Well, I hope to be introduced to Hadi's professor. I've heard so much about him.
Betty:Jim! What shall I wear?
Jim:Oh, you have plenty of beautiful clothes. Of course, my best suit should be dry cleaned.
Betty:Jim, your best suit needn't be dry cleaned. It looks quite all right. But I'll need a new dress for the party. I wouldn't like to be seen at the party in an old dress.
Jim:Well, I know you like being invited to parties, and I know you enjoy being admired when you're wearing new clothes, but the expense must be thought of!
Betty:Oh, the money for a new dress could be saved if you gave up smoking for a few weeks!
Jim:Now, Betty, let's be sensible. You have that wonderful blue dress that you wore to Nancy's party. Hadi and Yati weren't at that party, so they haven't seen it yet. Nobody at Hadi's party will have seen that dress, so you'll be able to wear that.
Betty:I suppose you're right, Jim. But I'll need a new bag - and some new shoes!
Answer the following questions.
English Dialogue With Passive Voice
  1. What do the speakers mainly talk about?
  2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  3. What is Betty doing?
  4. What does Jim want to tell Betty?
  5. Who will hold the party?
  6. How does Betty feel to be invited?
  7. What dress does Betty want to wear?
  8. Does Jim agree with Betty? Why?
  9. What does Jim think about his best suit?
  10. Does Betty agree with Jim? Why?
  11. What does Betty want at last?
  12. Please copy all the passive voice sentences in the dialogue. You can refer to How to Change an Active Sentence to the Passive Voice.
BSESMKCls XII 070411 0928 PM 2380

April 08, 2020

Both ... and; Either ... or; Neither ... nor

oth - and, Either - or, dan Neither - nor dalam bahasa Inggris adalah merupakan kata sambung berpasangan yang disebut "Paired Conjunction". Fungsinya adalah untuk menggabungkan dua kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, maupun kata keterangan demi efisiensi kalimat. Yang harus selalu diingat dalam penggabungan ini adalah struktur yang paralel, atau setingkat, misal kata benda harus digabungkan dengan kata benda, bukan dengan jenis kata lainnya. Selanjutnya, mari kita lihat penjelasan di bawah ini.

1. Both ... and

Both Either Neither
Both ... and ...memiliki makna 'one and the other' (kedua-duanya, baik yang ini maupun yang itu). Jika posisinya adalah subyek, both ... and ... membutuhkan kata kerja plural (jamak). Contoh:
  • Both Rina and Kiki are attending the sales meeting.
  • Both Alya and Rika have submitted their assignment.
Both ... and ... bisa digunakan untuk memberi penekanan pada 2 (dua) kombinasi kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), atau kata kerja (verb). Contoh:
  • The trip was both long and boring.
  • My father is both a teacher and a translator.
Ada beberapa macam penggunaan both selain yang telah disebutkan di atas:
  • Both bisa berdiri sendiri atau diikuti oleh kata benda (noun)
  • Both bisa diikuti (of) + the/these/those atau possessives
  • Both bisa diikuti of + us/you/them
  • A personal pronoun + both is also possible
  • Both (drivers) were uninjured in the accident.
  • They both tried to evacuate the passengers.

2. Either ... or

'Either ... or' digunakan dalam kalimat bermakna positif, yang berarti "one or the other, this or that, he or she" (salah satu dari dua, yang ini atau yang itu). Jika posisinya adalah subyek, kata kerja (verb) yang dibutuhkan bergantung pada subyek yang ada tepat di depan kata kerja. Contoh:
  • Either Joni or his friends have to report to the manager. (subyek yg terdekat dengan kata kerja adalah jamak (plural), "his friends")
  • Either Joni or Laila has to attend the meeting. (subyek yg terdekat dengan kata kerja adalah tunggal (singular), "Laila"
"Either" bisa berdiri sendiri maupun digunakan bersama kata benda (noun/pronoun), atau dengan "of + the/these/those". Dalam struktur demikian, either membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal (singular). Contoh:
  • I don't like either of those films.
  • Either (of these) is acceptable.

3. Neither ... nor

'Neither ... nor' digunakan dengan kata kerja berbentuk positif, namun menjadikan kalimat bermakna negatif, yang berarti "not this one nor the other, not this nor that, not he nor she"" (bukan/tidak yang ini maupun yang itu, tidak kedua-duanya). Jika posisinya adalah subyek, kata kerja (verb) yang dibutuhkan bergantung pada subyek yang ada tepat di depan kata kerja. Contoh:
  • Neither Joni nor his friends study French. (subyek yg terdekat dengan kata kerja adalah jamak (plural), "his friends")
  • Neither Joni nor Laila studies French. (subyek yg terdekat dengan kata kerja adalah tunggal (singular), "Laila"
"Neither" bisa berdiri sendiri maupun digunakan bersama kata benda (noun/pronoun), atau dengan "of + the/these/those". Dalam struktur demikian, neither membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal (singular). Contoh:
  • Neither of those films was directed by him.
  • Neither (of these) is acceptable.

4. Persamaan "Not either ... or" dengan "Neither ... nor"

"Not either ... or" bermakna sama dan bisa menggantikan "neither ... nor", kecuali jika sebagai subyek kalimat. Contoh:
  • The film was not either interesting or worth-seeing.
    The film was neither interesting nor worth-seeing.
  • He didn't either copy or save the files.
    He neither copied nor saved the files.
Latihan Soal
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan "Both ... and", "Either ... or", atau "Neither ... nor".
  1. We really had a great time at the beach. The weather was ... warm ... sunny.
  2. Our holiday was ruined. Almost all of the time, the weather was ... clear ... sunny.
  3. We have to find another room because this room isn't ... large ... bright.
  4. Experts are now working hard to find a cure for COVID-19. They are testing ... anti-viral medications ... vaccines.
  5. ... the government ... the people were prepared for COVID-19 outbreak.
  6. We don't know why he was absent yesterday. He didn't ... call ... send a message.
  7. Choose whichever you like. You can have ... fried chicken ... fried duck.
  8. I think you should help them. They need ... your help ... your advice.
  9. I can't move ... this box ... that one by myself. They are too heavy.
  10. The classroom is very dirty. ... the floor ... the tables have been cleaned for the whole week.
  11. It's urgent. We need your immediate confirmation ... by email ... by fax.
  12. To help stop the spread of germs, when you cough cover your mouth with ... a tissue ... your upper sleeve, not your hands.
  13. She isn't at the office right now. She must be ... having lunch ... attending a meeting on the second floor.
  14. ... Wina ... Vita showed up at the party. They said they had a very important meeting at their office.
  15. He is a good teacher. ... his explanation ... his examples are clear and easy to understand.
BSESD-Cls 1 080810 0145 PM 655

April 06, 2020

Quiz For English Learners: Carbon Dioxide And Climate Change

Carbon Dioxide And Climate Change Quiz for English Learners

n many parts of the world, Coronavirus lockdown means all factories, markets, schools, and other public places are closed. On the other hand, lockdown means our beloved mother earth is healing itself.

As most of the public transports and industries are suspended, many cities in the world have recorded much lower levels of air pollution caused by vehicles and power plants. Lower air pollution means much to us and our planet. How is that so?

Learn more by watching this VOA's video, and test your understanding by answering the questions in the quiz below.

More quizzes here:
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082010 0609 PM 200

April 05, 2020

Social Distancing Quiz For English Learners

Social Distancing Quiz For English Learners

ear English learners and students.

Have you ever heard the word "Social Distancing"? With this Covid-19 going around, the word "Social Distancing" is becoming more and more popular and I bet you have heard about it, too. Social distancing is exactly what the government has strongly urged us to do to slow down and even cut the spread of Covid-19. Schools, offices, shopping centers, and all other public places are closed and we are advised to stay at home.

To find out more about "Social Distancing", let's check out this video, and then test your understanding and your English vocabulary power by doing the quiz below. Let's see what score you can hit. Good luck.

English Olympiad for Intermediate 112312 1002PM 444

April 04, 2020

Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD-SMP Paket Soal 2B

Choose the best answer to each question.
  1. Hana: Why should we eat nutritious food, Mom?
    Mother: Because our body needs it. it can make us ....
    1. sick
    2. tall
    3. fat
    4. healthy
  2. Ria: Look at these keyholders! ..., the yellow or the red one?
    Lisa: Well, I like the red one.
    1. What do you like
    2. Which do you like
    3. What color is it
    4. Do you like the color
  3. Shopkeeper: ...?
    Customer: Yes, I would like to buy a loaf of bread and a jar of jam.
    1. Hi, nice to meet you here.
    2. Thank you for shopping.
    3. How can I help you?
    4. Which one do you want?
  4. Maya : Nice to meet you, Viko.
    Viko : ..., Maya.
    1. Yes, my name is Viko
    2. I want to meet you
    3. You’re nice too
    4. Nice to meet you too
  5. We hold things with our ....
    1. legs
    2. arms
    3. elbows
    4. hands
  6. Jaka: Look. The woman is helping the man cross the road.
    Tami: Yes, he can’t see. He is ....
    1. deaf
    2. bright
    3. dark
    4. blind
  7. We smell things with our ....
    1. arms
    2. tongue
    3. ears
    4. nose
  8. Jana : ... is the black jacket?
    Rio : It belongs to my father.
    1. Whose
    2. What
    3. What color
    4. Which
  9. Uvi: How do you spell “desk”?
    Lea: ....
    1. di – i – es – kei
    2. di – i – si: – kei
    3. di – ei – es – kei
    4. di – ai – es – kei
  10. We can taste food because we have ....
    1. a nose
    2. lips
    3. a tongue
    4. teeth
  11. Susan: Where ... you from, Randi?
    Randi: I am from Mataram, Lombok.
    1. is
    2. are
    3. were
    4. do
  12. We hear things with our ....
    1. ears
    2. hands
    3. eyes
    4. nose
  13. Widya: Where were you born, Linda?
    Linda: I ... born in Surabaya.
    1. am
    2. was
    3. is
    4. do
  14. Raka: How do you do?
    Irma: ....
    1. Yes, I am fine
    2. What about you?
    3. How do you do?
    4. Yes, thank you.
The text below is for questions 15 to 21.

Uncle Tomi is my father’s younger brother. He is about 40 years old. He has black straight hair. He is tall. He has black eyes and a sharp nose.

Uncle Tomi is a famous doctor in our town. He works at the local hospital. He helps sick people. He is very kind.

He is very fond of fish. He has a big aquarium with a lot of beautiful fish. He takes good care of them and feeds them every day. He always makes sure the aquarium is clean and healthy for the fish.

  1. What is the text about?
    1. The writer's pet.
    2. The writer's uncle.
    3. The writer's hobby.
    4. The local hospital.
  2. Who is Uncle Tomi?
    1. Bila's father.
    2. Salsa's uncle.
    3. My mother's brother.
    4. Aunt Andini's neighbor
  3. Which paragraph talks about Uncle Tomi’s job?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 1 and 2
  4. How many children does Uncle Tomi have?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four
  5. Which sentence is TRUE according to the above text?
    1. Salsa’s uncle is a doctor.
    2. Uncle Tomi likes vegetables.
    3. Uncle Tomi seldom eats vegetables.
    4. My uncle lives near a big hospital.
  6. “He is a famous doctor in the city.” (paragraph 2)
    The synonym of the underlined word is ....
    1. the best
    2. clever
    3. kind
    4. well-known
  7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the above text?
    1. Uncle Tomi's education
    2. Uncle Tomi's hobby
    3. Uncle Tomi's appearance
    4. Uncle Tomi's profession

  1. The best order to make a good sentence is ....
    1. 4 - 2 - 8 - 10 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 9 - 5 - 7
    2. 4 - 10 - 2 - 8 - 3 - 1 - 6 - 9 - 5 - 7
    3. 4 - 2 - 8 - 9 - 5 - 7 - 10 - 3 - 1 - 6
    4. 1 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 10 - 2 - 8 - 9 - 5 - 7
  2. Eka: Mom, I want vegetables for lunch.
    Mom: All right, dear. Let's go to the ....
    1. baker's
    2. butcher's
    3. grocer's
    4. fishmonger's
The text below is for questions number 24 to 29.

My name is Rosalia. I am happy because my semester holiday is going to start tomorrow.

I feel especially happy because my parents are going to take me and my brother to the beach this weekend. They know that both of us love to play on the sand.

I'm sure that we will have fun at the beach. Andika, my brother, will probably fly a kite or play with my father. Both of them like playing football on the sand. My mother and I will not play with them because neither of us like playing kites or football. My mother and I will do the thing we like most when we are at the beach, - building sand castles!

That’s it. We are going to have much fun this weekend. And I can’t wait until the weekend comes! What about you? What are you going to do on your holiday?

  1. The above text is mainly about ....
    1. The writer's hobby
    2. The writer's family
    3. The writer's last holiday
    4. Rosalia's plan for the holiday
  2. Why does she feel happy?
    1. Because her parents love to play on the sand.
    2. She doesn't like playing football.
    3. Because her parents will take her to the beach.
    4. Because her parents will play football with her.
  3. What can we conclude about Rosalia and her brother?
    1. Both of them study at the same school.
    2. They like different activities at the beach.
    3. They share the same hobbies with their parents.
    4. Both of them are about the same age.
  4. Paragraph 3 (three) talks about ....
    1. their activities at the beach
    2. the beautiful sandy beach
    3. Andika's activities with his father
    4. how they will go to the beach
  5. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?
    1. They go to the beach every weekend.
    2. Rosalia's holiday will start next week.
    3. They will go to the beach in the afternoon.
    4. Rosalia and her mother don't like football.
  6. "They know that both of us love to play on the sand." (paragraph 2)
    The underlined words refer to ....
    1. Rosalia and her brother
    2. Rosalia and her mother
    3. Both Rosalia's parents
    4. Rosalia's brother
Complete the text below for questions number 30 to 33.
Tina is my sister. She is a great cook. Her favorite hobby is ...(30).... She spends most of ...(31).... spare time in the kitchen. She always looks for new recipes and ...(32)... to practice them. I love it ...(33)... she usually asks me to taste her delicious cakes and cookies.
  1. [...]
    1. cook
    2. cooks
    3. to cook
    4. cooking
  2. [...]
    1. her
    2. his
    3. hers
    4. she
  3. [...]
    1. try
    2. is trying
    3. tries
    4. to try
  4. [...]
    1. but
    2. because
    3. so
    4. and
  5. Tania: Look at that sign! What does it mean, Dad?
    Mr. Zain: Oh, it is a warning for ....
    1. a steep road
    2. bad road condition
    3. drunk drivers
    4. a slippery road
  6. Fani: What is your favorite fruit?
    Laila: Mangoes. but I don't like unripe ones.
    Fani: Why?
    Laila: Because they feel ....
    1. sour
    2. expensive
    3. sweet
    4. small
BSE SMK Kelas XI 061411 9:31 PM 2903