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Soal Olimpiade & Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP: Paket Soal 4A

H ai, siswa siswi hebat. Mister Guru sekali lagi akan membagikan salinan otentik dan contoh soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SMP / MTs...

June 22, 2024

Soal Olimpiade & Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP: Paket Soal 4A

ai, siswa siswi hebat. Mister Guru sekali lagi akan membagikan salinan otentik dan contoh soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SMP / MTs yang dilombakan di SMKN 1 Probolinggo pada tahun 2022 kemarin. Kalian bisa menggunakannya sebagai bahan persiapan mengikuti Olimpiade bahasa Inggris atau sebagai bahan pengayaan dan pendalaman materi menghadapi ujian sekolah bahasa Inggris. Yuk, uji kesiapan kalian dalam menghadapi soal-soal ujian Bahasa Inggris. Selamat mengerjakan.
Multiple Choice Questions
Choose the best answer; A, B, C, or D to each question.
Read the following text to answer questions no. 1 - 2
  1. What should you NOT do according to the text?
    1. Refuel the car’s engine regularly
    2. Turn on the engine while refueling
    3. Drive your car into the refuel area
    4. Switch off the car’s ignition key
  2. Where do we usually see the above notice?
    1. Car dealers
    2. Car garages
    3. Repair shop
    4. Gas station
  3. Read the following text to answer questions no. 3 - 5
    English Olympiad Text 1
  4. What is the purpose of the letter?
    1. To certify an examination passing grade.
    2. To congratulate an examination committee.
    3. To remind someone of his/her examination.
    4. To congratulate someone on his/her success.
  5. What is NOT mentioned in the letter?
    1. The writer’s intention
    2. The writer’s name
    3. The recipient’s name
    4. The type of examination
  6. “... congratulate you on passing your exam”.
    What is the antonym of the underlined word?
    1. Succeeding
    2. Failing
    3. Doing
    4. Taking
  7. Read the dialogue below and answer questions no. 6 - 10
    Cindy:Ray, I don’t think I’ll be able to join tomorrow’s practice session.
    Ray:Why, Cindy? We need you. It’s an important session before our team’s performance on Saturday.
    Cindy:I’ve got a temperature. I think I’m catching a cold.
    Ray:Oh, that’s too bad. What should we do now?
    Cindy:I’ve decided to take a rest and stay in bed today. Let’s hope things will get better tomorrow so I can attend the practice session.
    Ray:I hope so. We won’t be able to perform without you.
    Cindy:OK. I’ll do everything to get better. Let’s chat again tomorrow morning.
    Ray:All right. Take some rest and some medicine, Cindy. I hope you get well soon.
    Cindy:I will. Thanks, Ray.
  8. What is the main topic of the conversation?
    1. The practice schedules
    2. The team’s performance
    3. Cindy’s sickness
    4. Ray’s condition
  9. From the dialogue, we know that ....
    1. Cindy plays an important role in the team.
    2. Cindy will not be able to perform on Saturday.
    3. Ray will do everything to perform for Cindy.
    4. Ray will find Cindy’s replacement in the team.
  10. Which is NOT true according to the dialogue?
    1. The team’s practice session will take place on Saturday.
    2. Ray thinks the team won’t perform well without Cindy.
    3. Cindy will try her best to come to the practice session.
    4. Ray hopes that Cindy will come to the practice session.
  11. Cindy says, “I’ve got a temperature.”
    It means that ....
    1. She feels the weather is hot.
    2. She’s got a thermometer.
    3. She is having a fever.
    4. She will check her temperature.
  12. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?
    1. Relatives
    2. Friends
    3. Doctor and patient
    4. Teacher and student
  13. Look at the picture and answer the questions no. 11 - 14
    Car Comparison
  14. The silver car is ....
    1. the oldest
    2. as cheap as the red one
    3. the most expensive
    4. the older
  15. The blue car is ... than the red one.
    1. cheaper
    2. newest
    3. older
    4. newer
  16. The red car is ... the blue one.
    1. as expensive as
    2. the same as
    3. more expensive than
    4. newer than
  17. Which of these sentences is NOT true based on the above picture?
    1. The silver car is the most expensive of all.
    2. The silver car is not as expensive as the red one.
    3. The red car has the same price as the blue one.
    4. The blue car is not as old as the silver one.

  18. The assignment was rather difficult, ... my sister offered to help us.
    1. because
    2. although
    3. so
    4. but
  19. Ali: I think Santi’s personality is really amazing.
    Hari: Yes, I think so. She is not only friendly ... helpful.
    1. but
    2. also
    3. but also
    4. and
  20. Indri: Did you see Mr. Abu this morning?
    Cita: Yes, I did. When I walked past his house, he ... the lawn.
    1. has mown
    2. was mowing
    3. mows
    4. is mowing
  21. Adi: Excuse me. ....
    Stranger: The museum? It’s just over there, next to the park.
    Adi: Thank you.
    1. Could you tell me where the museum is?
    2. Which bus should we take to the museum?
    3. I think we should take a taxi to the museum.
    4. Do you mind taking me to the museum?
  22. Your friend has just won an English speech contest. You come to her, shake her hand, and say ....
    1. Good luck! I know you will make it.
    2. Well, you should’ve done much better.
    3. Cheer up! I'm sure you will do better next time.
    4. Congratulations! I’m very proud of you.
  23. Complete the text based on the picture below.
    Home Interior
    This is our ...(a).... There is a round orange carpet and a brown sofa ...(b)... of the room. Next to the sofa, there is a ...(c).... There is a window ...(d).... the sofa. The window is ...(e).... There is a ...(f)... next to the window. There are ...(g)... and a picture on it.
  24. ...(a)....
    1. kitchen
    2. bedroom
    3. livingroom
    4. bathroom
  25. ...(b)....
    1. at the back
    2. opposite
    3. beside
    4. at the center
  26. ...(c)....
    1. standing lamp
    2. bright lamp
    3. lamp standby
    4. hanging lamp
  27. ...(d)....
    1. between
    2. behind
    3. opposite
    4. across
  28. ...(e)....
    1. close
    2. closeness
    3. closely
    4. closed
  29. ...(f)....
    1. shelf
    2. drawer
    3. self
    4. cabinet
  30. ...(g)....
    1. book
    2. a book
    3. some books
    4. any books
  31. Answer the following questions based on the text below.
    Grasshopper and Toad were good friends. One day Toad said to Grasshopper, "Dear friend, tomorrow come and dine at my house. My wife and I will prepare a special meal."

    The next day Grasshopper arrived at Toad's house. Before sitting down to eat, Toad washed his forelegs, and invited Grasshopper to do the same. Grasshopper did so, and it made a loud noise.

    "Grasshopper, can't you leave your chirping behind. I cannot eat with such a noise," said Toad.

    Grasshopper tried to eat without rubbing his forelegs together, but it was impossible. Each time he gave a chirp, Toad complained and asked him to be quiet. Grasshopper was angry and could not eat. Finally, he said to Toad: "I invite you to my house for dinner, tomorrow."

    The next day, Toad arrived at Grasshopper's home. As soon as the meal was ready, Grasshopper washed his forelegs, and invited Toad to do the same. Toad did so, and then hopped toward the food.

    "You had better go back and wash again," said Grasshopper. "All that hopping in the dirt has made your forelegs dirty again."

    Toad hopped back to the water jar, washed again, then hopped back to the table, and was ready to reach out for some food from one of the platters when Grasshopper stopped him: "Please don’t put your dirty paws into the food. Go and wash them again."

    Toad was furious. "You just don't want me to eat with you!" he cried. "You know very well that I must use my paws and forelegs in hopping about. I cannot help it if they get a bit dirty between the water jar and the table."

    Grasshopper responded, "You are the one who started it yesterday. You know I cannot rub my forelegs together without making a noise."

    From then on, they were no longer friends.

  32. Which title might the author give this story?
    1. A Grasshopper and a Toad
    2. A Noisy Grasshopper
    3. True Friendship
    4. The Cranky Toad
  33. Who will prepare a special meal?
    1. Grasshopper and his wife
    2. Toad and his wife
    3. Toad by himself
    4. Grasshopper by himself
  34. Toad washed his paws and forelegs because ....
    1. he was hungry
    2. they were injured
    3. he was anxious
    4. they got dirty
  35. The word “chirp” in the fourth paragraph means the same as ....
    1. tweet
    2. creep
    3. breathe
    4. whisper
  36. Grasshopper and Toad might be friends because ....
    1. both of them are neighbors
    2. both of them eat insects
    3. they belong to the same species
    4. they look for food together
  37. What happened after Grasshopper rubbed his forelegs together?
    1. He hopped back.
    2. He got furious.
    3. He gave a chirp.
    4. He began to eat.
  38. The word “dine” in the first paragraph refers to the act of ....
    1. consuming
    2. treating
    3. abstaining
    4. lodging
  39. “Toad was furious”. The word “furious” can be best replaced by ....
    1. disappointed
    2. ambitious
    3. angry
    4. hungry
  40. What is the moral of the story?
    1. If you depend too much on someone, you will never live independently.
    2. Inviting a friend to a dinner is a good virtue and a noble morality.
    3. Good character qualities are the requirement of building true friendship.
    4. If you wish to have true friendship, learn to accept other's weakness.
  41. Answer the following questions based on the picture below.
  42. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To give detailed information of the product
    2. To choose healthy and safe medicine products
    3. To talk about the mixture of RIDCUFF formula
    4. To avoid harmful effects of the cough formula
  43. What information is NOT included in the text?
    1. Product name
    2. Expiration date
    3. Product description
    4. Product origin
  44. Which is NOT true about the product?
    1. The syrup is not intended for children.
    2. It contains mixture of Formula 440.
    3. It tastes great and soothes the throat.
    4. It should be kept away from children.
  45. “Keep it in moderate temperature.”
    What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Media
    2. Temporary
    3. Cold
    4. Average
  46. “Use medicine according to physician's instructions”
    It means that the product should be consumed with doctor’s ....
    1. receipt
    2. recipe
    3. prescription
    4. recipient

  47. Sherly: Have you heard that Ray has just had an accident?
    Roni: Oh, really? ....
    1. I’m sorry to hear that.
    2. Please accept my sympathy.
    3. My deepest condolence.
    4. He really deserves that.
  48. Toni: I called you about an hour ago, but I couldn’t get through.
    Ria: Oh, I ... a very important presentation and my phone was off.
    1. make
    2. am making
    3. was making
    4. have made
  49. Joni: The classroom is very dirty.
    Lia: Absolutely. ... the floor ... the desks have been cleaned for the whole week.
    1. Both ... and
    2. Neither ... nor
    3. Either ... or
    4. Not only ... but also
  50. Fina: What’s wrong with my computer? It can’t read this CD.
    Olga: ... to use mine? I’m not using it now.
    1. Could you
    2. Shall I
    3. Would you like
    4. Let’s
  51. Ria: How old is your sister?
    Umi: She is 20.
    Ria: Oh, really? My brother is ... her. He is 20 too.
    1. the same age
    2. as old as
    3. older than
    4. the same
  52. Complete the following text with the correct words / phrases.
    Indonesia ...(i)... off the coast of mainland Southeast Asia in the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is an archipelago that ...(ii)... across the Equator and ...(iii)... a distance equivalent to one-eighth of Earth’s circumference. Its islands can be grouped into the Greater Sunda Islands of Sumatra (Sumatera), Java (Jawa), the southern extent of Borneo (Kalimantan), and Celebes (Sulawesi); the Lesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara) of Bali and a chain of islands that ...(iv)... eastward through Timor; the Moluccas (Maluku) between Celebes and the island of New Guinea; and the western extent of New Guinea (generally known as Papua). In the early 21st century Indonesia was the ...(v)... country in Southeast Asia and the fourth in the world.
  53. (i)
    1. locates
    2. is locating
    3. located
    4. is located
  54. (ii)
    1. lies
    2. lied
    3. lie
    4. is lied
  55. (iii)
    1. is spanned
    2. spanned
    3. spans
    4. span
  56. (iv)
    1. ran
    2. is running
    3. run
    4. runs
  57. (v)
    1. most populous
    2. more populous
    3. populous
    4. populated

February 06, 2023

Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions
  1. Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the university?
    Girl : No, ..., and you?
    Boy : I do too.
    A. I plan to look for a job.
    B. I'm going to apply for a scholarship.
    C. I hope to finish my study soon.
    D. The university will open in September.

  2. Boy : Hi, .... My name's Andi. Nice to meet you.
    Girl : Hi, Andi. Nice to meet you, too. I'm Riska.
    A. Can I help you?
    B. May I introduce myself?
    C. Can I introduce Andi.
    D. Have you met Andi before?

  3. Girl : Which one is your mother?
    Boy : You can't miss her. Everybody can see her from a distance. ....
    A. She is the tallest in the group.
    B. She was wearing a blue sweater.
    C. She has been here for a while.
    D. She will see you in a moment.

  4. Man : Can you help me with this report?
    Woman : OK. ... after lunch.
    A. I might do it
    B. I've already finished it
    C. We had a meeting to report
    D. I've something to do

  5. Woman : Hello. ...?
    Man : Yes, speaking.
    Woman : I need some information about the product you launched yesterday.
    A. Could you put me through, please?
    B. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
    C. Would you tell me about your product, please?
    D. Could you hold on a minute, please?

  6. Woman : Mulia Travel. Can I help you?
    Man : ....
    A. Could I book two tables, please?
    B. Can I reserve two single rooms?
    C. Can I have a glass of orange juice?
    D. Could I make a reservation for Bali today?

  7. Man : How about the purchasing document? Can I have it now?
    Woman : ..., Sir. I'll put it on your desk soon after I finish.
    A. I've already done it.
    B. I am typing it right now.
    C. I finished it this morning.
    D. I could help you immediately.

  8. Man : Have you copied the letters ... yesterday?
    Woman : Yes, I have. Here they are.
    A. I sent you
    B. I type for you
    C. I dictate to you
    D. I ask you

  9. Hilmi : Hi, Anwar. Where shall we go this afternoon?
    Anwar : Well, ....
    Hilmi : Sounds good! It serves good quality of coffee.
    A. what about having some drinks at the Plaza?
    B. how about calling Nita to join us?
    C. do you feel like singing at "Heaven" Karaoke?
    D. shall we go the beach?

  10. Man : Could you tell me how to use the Automated Teller Machine?
    Woman : Just follow the instruction. Insert your card into the slot. Enter your PIN, then press "withdraw" and the amount of money you want. You'll be able to withdraw your money ....
    Man : Allright, thanks.
    A. when you need the money.
    B. if you wrote all the instructions
    C. if you follow the instructions.
    D. when you read the manual.

  11. Man : What does a waiter do?
    Woman : He ....
    A. welcomes guests in the front lobby of a hotel
    B. helps guests carry their luggage into their rooms
    C. serves food and drinks to the guests at a restaurant
    D. prepares food and drinks to sell at a restaurant

  12. Guest: “I’m sorry, but there's a fly in my soup.”
    Waiter: “We’re very sorry, Sir. ....”
    A. We will replace it.
    B. We believe it's impossible.
    C. Please let me tell our manager about it.
    D. Would you reorder your soup, Sir?

  13. Receptionist : Ramayana Hotel. Good afternoon. Can I help you?
    Guest : I booked a room by telephone last week, and I'd like to confirm it.
    Receptionist : ....
    Guest : This is Wilson from Sidney, Australia.
    A. Who are you?
    B. May I have your name, Sir?
    C. Yes, there is a reservation with that name.
    D. We hope you enjoy your stay here.

  14. Woman : Can you tell me about the young leaders program?
    Man : Well, it is designed to receive and train those who are prepared to be the leaders of the country in the future.

    What does the underlined word refer to?
    A. Leaders
    B. The programs
    C. Trainers
    D. Young people

  15. Woman : What was the announcement about?
    Man : It said that planes from Surabaya to Jakarta will be delayed ... bad weather.
    A. in case of
    B. because
    C. regardless of
    D. due to

  16. Man : Excuse me. ....
    Woman : Sure. It's next to the lift at the end of this corridor.
    A. Do you know where the corridor leads to?
    B. Could you show me where the lift is?
    C. Could you tell me where the toilet is?
    D. How do I get to the third floor?

  17. Girl : Why haven't you done your English assignment?
    Boy : Oh, I completely forgot.
    Girl : Today's the deadline, so ....
    Boy : Allright, I will. Thanks for reminding me.
    A. you can do it later.
    B. you'd better hurry up.
    C. let me help you with the assignment.
    D. don't forget to do your next assignments

  18. Dina : I hope you can fix my car. It won't start.
    Randy : Sorry, Dina. I know nothing about cars. I think ....
    A. you should call a mechanic.
    B. you need to go to a gas station
    C. I can show you a nearby car showroom.
    D. I will help you after I finish.

  19. Man : Have you heard about the big sale in the Plaza next month?
    Woman : Yes. Prices ... up to 50% for local products.
    A. will be reduced
    B. were reduced
    C. may increase
    D. will fluctuate

  20. Man : The workshop will be held in Jakarta next Monday. Shall I go by plane or by bus?
    Woman : .... It's more expensive, but you'll save much time.
    Man : I think so, but I need to book the ticket several days in advance.
    A. You should go by bus.
    B. Shall I book the ticket for you?
    C. You shall know how to get there.
    D. You'd better go by plane.

  21. Questions 21 - 23 refer to the following letter.
    30 Jalan Pramuka
    Makassar 90576
    July 3rd, 2022

    HR Manager
    Makassar Golden Hotel
    Jln. Pasar Ikan

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Being interested in the post of Waiter Supervisor you advertised in yesterday's Kompas, I would like to apply for the vacancy.

    I am 24 years old and graduated from SMK Pariwisata majoring in "Restaurant Service". Currently, I am working at "Seafood Restaurant".

    Attaching copies of my certifictes, CV, and my recent photograph, I am available for an interview at your convenience. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Faithfully yours,

  22. What position does Kareem apply for?
    A. A manager
    B. A service supervisor
    C. A waiter supervisor
    D. A restaurant supervisor

  23. What does Kareem expect from his application?
    A. He will be invited for an interview.
    B. He will work at "Seafood Restaurant".
    C. He expects a position at "Kompas".
    D. He will stay at "Makassar Golden Hotel".

  24. What is the synonym of the word "recent" in paragraph 3?
    A. latest
    B. excellent
    C. particular
    D. decent

  25. Questions 24 - 26 refer to the following information.
    test picture 1
    Doctors agree that most people don't get enough exercises. This is especially a problem for office workers. A visit to the gym once or twice a week is not enough.

    However, it is easy to find small ways to exercise daily. For example, you can use the stairs instead of the elevator. You can also take a short walk during your lunch hour. A little exercise everyday can improve your health a lot.

  26. According to the text, people who don't get enough exercises are usually ....
    A. doctors
    B. lazy
    C. gyms managers
    D. office workers

  27. "This is ...." (sentence 2)
    The underlined word refers to ....
    A. a visit to the gym
    B. doctor's agreement
    C. most people's problem
    D. not getting enough exercise

  28. What does the above text suggest?
    A. Office workers should go to the gym regularly.
    B. Office workers should have a little exercise everyday.
    C. We should visit the gym once or twice a week.
    D. Office workers often have problems with their doctors.

  29. Questions 27 - 29 refer to the following advertisement.
    Come and celebrate our anniversary on Saturday September 17, at 10 a.m.
    Adults and teenagers Rp100,000/person.
    Buffet, snack, and soft drink included in the price.
    Please contact Eli at 0852 5382 3771 for further information.

  30. Which of the following is NOT included in the ticket price?
    A. Soft drink
    B. Buffet
    C. Snack
    D. Anniversary gift

  31. "... Please contact Eli ...."
    The word "contact" can be best replaced with ..."
    A. speak
    B. talk
    C. call
    D. tell

  32. Where can we get this offer according to the advertisement?
    A. Ticket booth
    B. Department Store
    C. Buffet Restaurant
    D. Chinese Restaurant

  33. Questions 30 - 32 refer to the following information.
    Many cars have a fuel warning light. When the level of fuel (petrol) in the tank is very low, this light switches on and the driver can see that he needs more petrol. How does this light work?

    When the level of the fuel falls, the float moves downwards. When this happens, the arm also moves downwards and makes the lever touch an electrical contact. This switches on the fuel light in the car.

    When the driver sees the fuel warning light, he puts more petrol into the tank. This makes the fuel level rise and pushes the float upwards. When the float rises, it makes the arm move upwards and this causes the lever to move upwards also. The fuel warning light then switches off.

  34. When the driver puts more petrol into the tank, ....
    A. the fuel warning light turns on
    B. the fuel level rises and pushes the float upwards
    C. the driver makes the arm moves downwards
    D. the car needs more petrol

  35. The driver knows that the petrol is very low from ....
    A. the level of oil
    B. the fuel warning light
    C. the electrical contact
    D. the rising of the float

  36. What is the antonym of the word "downwards" in paragraph 2?
    A. homewards
    B. towards
    C. upwards
    D. rewards

  37. Questions 33 - 35 refer to the following information.
    28 Jalan Pejanggik
    Mataram, Lombok
    November 1, 2022
    The Personnel Manager
    Senggigi Beach Hotel
    Raya Senggigi 28162
    Mataram, Lombok

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am applying for the position of receptionist advertised in Lombok Post on October 28.

    I am 21 years old, and graduated from Mataram University last year. I have been with the Lombok Raya Hotel as a receptionist for two years, but I am interested in gaining new experience in an international hotel such as Senggigi Beach Hotel.

    To provide you with my particulars, I enclose my curriculum vitae, a recent photograph, academic records, and a letter of reference from previous employer.

    I would be available for an interview at any time. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Dinda Rara

  38. Where does DInda Rara get the information about the vacancy?
    A. Senggigi Beach Hotel
    B. Mataram University
    C. Lombok Raya Hotel
    D. Lombok Post

  39. What will the manager most probably do after reading the letter?
    A. He/she will ask Dinda Rara to stay at the hotel.
    B. He/she will offer Dinda Rara a higher position.
    C. He/she will contact Dinda Rara for an interview.
    D. He/she will sign Dinda Rara's application letter.

  40. " gaining new experience ...." (paragraph 3)
    The synonym of the underlined word is ....
    A. accepting
    B. taking
    C. giving
    D. obtaining

  41. Questions 36 - 39 refer to the following table.
    Inter City EuropeRail TimeAir Time
    Paris to Amsterdam5 hrs1 hr
    Paris to Madrid13 hrs1 hr 50 mins
    Paris to Nice7 hrs1 hr 20 mins
    Frankfurt to Rome12 hrs1 hr 45 mins
    Frankfurt to Brussels5 hrs 30 mins1 hr
    Frankfurt to Vienna9 hrs1 hr 20 mins
    London to Edinburgh4 hrs 30 mins1 hr 15 mins
    London to Paris5 hrs 30 mins1 hr 5 mins

  42. Which city is closest to Paris by air?
    A. London
    B. Nice
    C. Amsterdam
    D. Madrid

  43. Which two cities are furthest apart by rail?
    A. Paris and Madrid
    B. Paris and Nice
    C. Frankfurt and Rome
    D. Frankfurt and Vienna

  44. If you take a 9 a.m. flight from London to Paris, what time will you most likely arrive?
    A. 10:05 a.m.
    B. 10:05 p.m.
    C. 2:30 p.m.
    D. 2:30 a.m.

  45. What is the longest flight?
    A. Paris to Madrid
    B. Paris to Nice
    C. Frankfurt to Rome
    D. Frankfurt to Vienna

  46. Questions 40 - 43 refer to the following information.
    How to Ride an Elevator
    1. Press the "up" or "down" button.
      When you arrive at the elevator, decide which way you are going, press the "up" or "down" button, and be ready to wait.
    2. Allow any people to leave before entering.
      Stand clear of the door. Take a step aside and allow passengers enough space to make their way out of the elevator.
    3. Make certain the elevator is going in your direction.
      Most elevators have signals to show if they are going down or up. In case you cannot find any signal, ask the passengers on the elevator which way they are headed.
    4. Decide if the elevator has enough space.
      Before entering the elevator, assess what space remains. If you cannot see enough room for you, let the door closes and wait for another elevator.
    5. Enter and find an empty spot in the elevator.
      Locate a section in the elevator where you will feel comfortable and it is convenient for your exit. The back of the elevator is the ideal location; it leaves room for other passengers to enter or exit, and it secures a good spot for longer rides.
    6. Select your floor.
      The majority of the floor buttons in an elevator are numbered; basement, garage, street level, lobby, etc. may be represented by letters. In some elevators, double-tapping on a lighted button allows you to cancel a floor call.
    7. Pay attention to the stops.
      As you ride, be aware of stops for two reasons. First, you have to give people space to help them enter or exit. Second, being ready will help you get to your floor without any issues
    8. Make sure the door opens on your floor.
      When the elevator stops, the door should open either automatically or manually. If the door won't open, search for an intercom or alarm button. If the elevator is jammed, qualified assistants will be notified.
    9. Exit quickly.
      Missing your floor will only delay you. Also, be mindful that other passengers may need to exit as well. Being swift about your exit helps everyone.

  47. What is the purpose of the text?
    A. To explain how elevators work
    B. To give information about elevators
    C. To give tips on riding elevators
    D. To invite people to use elevators

  48. Who may find the text useful?
    A. People who repairs broken elevators
    B. People who often use and ride elevators
    C. People who maintain and operate elevators
    D. People who install elevators in buildings

  49. According to the text, what should you do when you arrive at the elevator?
    A. Decide which way to take, right or left
    B. Press "up" or "down" button
    C. Ask where the elevator is going
    D. Wait until the elevator arrives

  50. The followings are what we should do when the elevator stops but the door doesn't open, EXCEPT ....
    A. Press the alarm button
    B. Find an intercom
    C. Try to contact hotel assistants
    D. Exit quickly

  51. Questions 44 - 48 refer to the following text.
    Joko Widodo, known as Jokowi, was born on 21 June 1961. His education began in State Primary School 111, Tirtoyoso, known for being a school for the less wealthy citizens.

    At the age of twelve, he started helping his father in his furniture workshop. After primary school, he continued his studies in SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta (middle school) and SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta. In 1985, he graduated from Faculty of Forestry at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

    He then worked for his grandfather’s furniture factory before establishing his own company called Rakabu, whose namesake is the name of his first child. The company’s fine furniture product started penetrating the European market where he met a customer named Bernard who gave him the nickname “Jokowi”.

    Jokowi became the mayor of Surakarta after winning the mayoral election in 2005. His leadership style, including his 'blusukan' culture, was successful in establishing an interactive relationship with the people of Solo, through which he was able to induce people’s strong faith in him. He adopted the development framework of European cities (which he frequently traveled to as a businessman) into his own city of Surakarta.

    Jokowi won Jakarta's gubernatorial election in 2012. He continued his 'blusukan' practice to local communities, often in quite poor areas and slums across Jakarta. During these visits, he wore simple informal clothes and stopped at markets or walked along narrow Jakarta alleys to listen and witness firsthand about issues addressed by local residents such as the price of food, housing difficulties, flooding, and transportation. Polling and media coverage suggested that Jokowi’s hands-on style proved very popular both in Jakarta and elsewhere in Indonesia.

    During his governance, numerous achievements were made, such as the initiation of KJS (Kartu Jakarta Sehat) and KJP (Kartu Jakarta Pintar), the construction of Jakarta MRT, initiation of transparency programs, such as online taxes, e-budgeting, e-purchasing, and a cash management system, relocation of street vendors in Pasar Minggu and Pasar Tanah Abang to a new building, renovation of traditional markets, and initiation of dredging and reservoir normalization projects, including the normalization of Pluit Reservoir, Ria Rio Reservoir, and Pesanggrahan River, which was effective in reducing the flood problems in Jakarta.

    On 20 October 2014, Joko Widodo took his first presidential oath after winning the presidential election and became the seventh President of Indonesia. He won his second presidential election in 2019. Jokowi was the first Indonesian president to not be from the military or political elite. He stated that growing up under the authoritarian and corrupt New Order, he had never expected someone with a lower-class background to become the president of Indonesia.

  52. The above text can be categorized as a ....
    A. autobiography text
    B. report text
    C. fiction
    D. biography text

  53. What does the text mainly talk about?
    A. Jokowi's daily life
    B. Jokowi's early life
    C. Jokowi's political intention
    D. How Jokowi won elections

  54. What does the text say about the nickname "Jokowi"?
    A. It was named after Jokowi's grandfather.
    B. It was given by a customer from Europe.
    C. It was the first product to enter European market.
    D. It was taken from his customer's name, Bernard.

  55. Jokowi adopted the development framework of European cities when ....
    A. he was traveling as a businessman
    B. when he joined the mayoral election in 2005
    C. when he was governing the city of Surakarta
    D. when he was visiting the people of Solo

  56. According to the text, the followings are facts about Jokowi, EXCEPT ....
    A. He started his "blusukan" culture while he was governing Jakarta.
    B. He won two presidential elections in a row, in 2014 and 2019.
    C. By "blusukan", he wanted to witness firsthand his people's condition.
    D. He was the first president to not be from the military or political elite.

  57. Questions 49 - 50 refer to the following text.
    Geoparks as sustainable approach to promoting economic recovery
    24th December 2022, ANTARA

    It certainly comes as good news for Indonesia, with four of its national geoparks having received the green light for endorsement as new UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGp).

    The UGGp Council, at its meeting in September 2022, proposed seven geoparks from six countries, including Ijen in East Java and Maros-Pangkep in South Sulawesi, for endorsement during the 2023 Spring Session.

    Thereafter, in December, it proposed 11 other geoparks, including two from Indonesia: Raja Ampat in West Papua and Merangin in Jambi.

    This good news should be viewed as an opportunity for Indonesia. With the government currently promoting the tourism sector as one of the main drivers of the country's economic recovery, geoparks that offer the beauty of nature, culture, and geoheritage are expected to increase tourist visits.

    Indonesia has focused on 10 priority destinations in tourism development: Lake Toba, Borobudur, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, Likupang, Wakatobi, Raja Ampat, Bangka Belitung, Bromo, and Morotai.
  58. Which geoparks will be endorsed as new UNESCO Global Geoparks?
    A. Lake Toba, Borobudur, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo
    B. Raja Ampat, Merangin, Papua, and Jambi
    C. Raja Ampat, Merangin, Ijen, and Maros-Pangkep
    D. Raja Ampat, Merangin, Bromo, and Wakatobi

  59. According to the text, the endorsement will provide the following opportunities for Indonesia, EXCEPT ....
    A. promoting the country's tourism sector
    B. increasing domestic and international tourist visits
    C. boosting the country's economic recovery
    D. viewing the beauty of nature, culture, and geoheritage
Note: Questions 1 to 35 are taken and adapted from Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris (E2) SMK 2006/2007 Paket 49

August 20, 2022

Narrative Text: The Story Of Roro Jonggrang - The Legend Of Prambanan Temples (A Folktale From Central Java)

The Story Of Roro Jonggrang
nce upon a time, there was a kingdom in Central Java named Baka. It was named after the king, Prabu Baka, who was a man-eating giant. Despite being a giant, the king had a very beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang (The Slim Girl).

The time came when Prabu Baka wanted to expand his territory by conquering the neighboring kingdom, Pengging. The king of Pengging, Prabu Damar Maya, responded and sent his son, Raden Bandung Bandawasa, to defend their kingdom.

Raden Bandung Bandawasa, renowned for his supernatural power, won the war. He managed to kill Prabu Baka. Soon, Baka kingdom fell into the hands of Bandung Bandawasa.

In victory, Bandung Bandawasa entered the palace where Prabu Baka used to live. When he saw Roro Jonggrang, he fell in love. He wanted to marry her.

Of course, Roro Jonggrang didn't want to marry the man who had killed her beloved father. She refused. However, Bandung Bandawasa persuaded her to marry him. In the end, Roro Jonggrang accepted his marriage proposal with two conditions that seemed impossible to fulfil.

"I want you to make a well and a thousand temples in just one night. They must be ready before the sun rises tomorrow morning," she demanded. She felt sure that it would be impossible for Bandung Bandawasa to fulfil her requirement and marry her.

Bandung Bondowoso agreed. After a few hours, he was able to make a well with his great supernatural power.

"Done!" he said with satisfaction. "I've finished the well, now the temples. I will ask my genie soldiers and helpers to help me build them."

Bandung Bandawasa then summoned genies and ordered them to build one-thousand temples. The genies worked hard and soon, there were able to build nearly 999 temples.

Seeing that the job was almost completed, Roro Jonggrang panicked. “Marrying Bandung Bondowoso is the last thing I want to do in my life. I have to make him fail one way or another,” she thought.

Then she had a great idea. She gathered all her servants and village girls and asked them to help her. "Listen, the genies are building the temples and it's unfair! We have to collect a lot of straw. Come on! Hurry up!" said Roro Jonggrang to them.

"What are you going to do with the straw, Princess?" asked one of the women.

"We will fake the dawn by burning the straw and pounding rice pestles. When the sky gets red and the sound of people pounding rice pestles is heard, the genies will think that the sun is rising and they will stop working and run away." she added.

So they did. They burnt the straw and started pounding the rice pestles in their homes as if they had been grinding some rice.

It worked! Seeing the reddish sky and hearing the sound of people pounding rice pestles, the genies thought that the sun was rising. They fled, leaving the last temple unfinished. They did not know that they had been tricked by Roro Jonggrang and her women.

Seeing this, Bandung Bondowoso was angry. He knew that Roro Jonggrang was trying to trick him and fail his attempt to marry her.

Durga Mahisashuramardini Statue

"You cannot fool me, Roro Jonggrang. I have built 999 temples. I just need one more temple to fulfil your requirement. Now, you'll complete my task and be the one-thousandth temple!"

Suddenly, Roro Jonggrang's body became stiffer and stiffer. She could not move. The curse had made her become a statue.

It is believed that Ratu Baka's site near Prambanan area was the palace of Prabu Baka, whereas the 999 unfinished temples is now known as Candi Sewu (a thousand temples). Arca Durga (Durga Mahisashuramardini), a very beautiful statue in the north part of Prambanan's main temple, is believed to be a manifestation of the cursed princess. People name it the statue of Roro Jonggrang.

Go to the worksheet page and do some exercises for this narrative text HERE.

August 10, 2022

Showing Strong Feelings: Love, Sadness, Sympathy, Condolence, Embarrassment, and Anger

A. Asking about Feelings / Thoughts
Showing Strong Feelings
  • How do you feel about it?
  • What do you have in mind?
  • What are you thinking about?
  • Do you have something on your mind?
  • What are you looking so serious about?
  • Is something bothering you?
  • Are you worried about something?
B. Expressing wonder / curiosity
  • I wonder what it really is.
  • I was just wondering how to do it.
  • I wonder why he could do such thing to her
  • I wonder if she likes studying here.
  • I wonder at her directness.
C. Expressing Love
  • I love you.
  • I really love you and I always will.
  • I truly love you endlessly.
  • I’ll never stop loving you.
  • My love will never cease till the end of time.
  • There’s nothing that compares with my love for you.
  • Words can never describe my love for you.
  • Words fail to convey how much I love you.
D. Expressing Sadness
  • I’m so sad I don’t know what to do.
  • Please leave me alone.
  • I’m very sad to see / hear that.
  • My heart is so burdened.
  • I can’t describe my pain and sorrow.
  • It has brought me a lot of misery.
  • I regret having to do this.
E. Being Sympathetic to Less Serious News
  • Oh no! What a pity!
  • What a shame!
  • What a nuisance!
  • Poor you.
  • How awful!
  • How annoying!
  • That’s life!
  • Too bad!
  • I hope it’s nothing serious.
F. Being Sympathetic to Very Sad News
  • How awful!
  • How terrible!
  • I’m really sorry to hear that.
  • That must’ve been awful!
G. Expressing Condolence
  • We are thinking about you at this difficult time.
  • My condolences in your bereavement.
  • Please accept my heartfelt sympathies.
  • I’d like to express my deepest condolences.
  • I am so sorry for your loss.
  • You have my deepest sympathy.
  • I am so sorry that ..(a person).. has passed away. May your memories comfort you.
  • May God comfort you.
  • We are praying for you at this difficult time.
H. Cheering someone up
  • I can see why you’re so sad ..., but ....
  • Take it easy.
  • Calm down.
  • I don’t think it’s a big deal.
  • Oh, you poor thing!
  • Sorry about that.
I. Expressing Embarrassment
  • It made me ashamed.
  • I was very embarrassed / ashamed.
  • How embarrassing / shameful!
  • Tell me it never happened.
  • What a shame!
  • Shame on me!
  • I don’t think it’s a big deal.
  • That’s all right.
  • Forget it.
  • Come on! It can’t be as bad as all that.
J. Expressing Anger
  • I’ve never been so insulted in my life.
  • I can’t take this anymore!
  • This is extremely irritating!
  • I’m very unhappy / displeased with ....
  • What do you mean?
  • You’ve made me angry.
  • Why on earth did you do that?
  • Are you trying to tell me that ...?
K. Calming someone down
  • Calm down. I didn’t mean it.
  • Relax. Take it easy.
  • Don’t be so touchy.
  • Don’t be angry with me.
  • Temper, temper.
  • Don’t let it bother you.

August 05, 2022

Giving And Asking For Permission, And Making And Responding To Preventions In English

Asking For Permission
riting this material reminds me of one of the most amusing experiences that I have had during my long years of being an English teacher. That day, I was teaching a class when a boy student got up from his chair and walked to me. Then he spoke to me in Indonesian, asking for permission to go to the bathroom. I rejected and asked him to use English. Responding to my requirement, he said, "Sir, I am toilet." And the class burst out laughing.

Do you know why? Yes, the sentence "Sir, I am toilet." is NOT the correct expression to say when you are requesting or asking for permission to leave the classroom and go to the bathroom. Now, in order for us not to make a similar mistake when we are requesting permission, let's study the following expressions.

A. Using Modals: "Can I", "Could I", "May I":
Using "Can I", "Could I", "May I"Verb 1
Can I
Could I
May I
go to the bathroom?
use your car?
close the door?
Giving permissionRefusing to give permission
Yes, you can.
Sure, please do.
Certainly, go ahead.
Yes, of course
No problem
By all means.
Yes, why not?
No, sorry.
I’m sorry, you can’t.
No, I’m afraid not ....
I'm afraid you can't do that.
You're now allowed to ....
You should not ....
B. Using "Would you mind ...?":
Using "Would you mind if ...?"subject + Verb 2 (Simple Past)?
Would you mind ifI went to the bathroom?
I used your car?
I closed the door?
Giving permissionRefusing to give permission
No, not at all.
Certainly not.
Please do.
No, go ahead.
I'm sorry, you can't.
Yes, I would.
C. Using "Do you mind ...?":
Using "Do you mind if ...?"subject + Verb 1 (Simple Present)?
Do you mind ifI open the window?
I leave now?
I close the door?
Giving permissionRefusing to give permission
No, I don't.
No, not at all.
Certainly not.
Please do.
No, go ahead.
I'm sorry, you can't.
Yes, I do.
Note: Be careful when responding to a request using "Would you mind ...?". The response "Yes, certainly" would indicate that "you would mind". Hence, if you have objection to the request and do not want to give permission, the response should be "Yes, certainly", "Yes, I do". If you have no objection, the appropriate response would be "No, I don't mind", or "No, please be my guest."
D. Using Other forms:
Using "wonder"subject + could + Verb 1 (Simple Past)?
I wonder ifI could borrow your dictionary.
I could use your car.
Giving permissionRefusing to give permission
Yes, certainly.
Please do.
Why not? Go ahead.
I'm sorry, you can't.
I'm sorry, but I'm still using it.
E. Making Preventions:
Making Preventions
I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
I wouldn’t take the risk if I were in your shoes. It’s too risky.
(I think) it’s not a good idea.
Responding to Preventions
Allright. I’ll consider that.
I’ll think about that.
I’ll think it over.
I’ll reschedule my plan.
Please do.
Why not? Go ahead.
F. Example Dialogues.
Short Dialogue 1
Man : Excuse me, could I try this shirt?
Woman : Yes, please. There's a fitting room over there, near the counter.
Short Dialogue 2
Man : Do you mind if I use your computer to type this letter?
Woman : No, not at all. Please do.
Short Dialogue 3
Woman : May I open the windows? It's very stuffy here.
Man : I'm afraid you can't. The wind is very strong outside.
Short Dialogue 4
Man : Can I put my luggage here?
Woman : That's okay, but please don't be too long.
Write short dialogues like the above examples about permissions based on the following situations.
  1. Your camera is out of battery. You want to borrow your friend's camera.
  2. It's getting late. You should leave your friend's house and go home.
  3. It's very windy and dusty outside. You want to close the windows.
  4. You forgot to bring your charger. You need to use your friend's phone charger.
  5. You want to turn on your television.
  6. You want to go to a movie with your best friends.
  7. You want to visit your friend at the hospital this afternoon. You ask for permission to your mother.
  8. You cannot use your motorcycle to come to your friend's party. You ask your best friend to lend you his motorcycle.
  9. Your pen suddenly runs out. You want to use your deskmate's pen but he is still using it.
  10. You want to go to the beach, but your parents do not allow you to go because the weather is bad.
Prev: 51611 1201PM PV192

August 01, 2022

Talking About Jobs & Routine Tasks

Talking About Jobs
alking about jobs and professions or occupations is very common in social interactions, especially when we want to know more about a person that we have just met. Small talks on jobs or professions is one of the safest topic to talk about in initial meetings. You can build a light and comfortable conversations by talking or asking about jobs or professions, for example discussing the type of job you do and where you work.
Tips: In talking about jobs or routine tasks, we mainly use the simple present tense.

Here are some gambits and expressions that you can use in talking about jobs or professions.

A. Asking about jobs / professions.
  • Do you have a job?
  • Do you work full-time or part-time?
  • Where do you work?
  • What are you?
  • What is he?
  • What is your job?
  • What is his job?
  • What is your father's job?
  • What is your occupation?
  • What is your profession?
  • What do you do?
  • What type of job do you do?
  • What does he do?
  • What does your father do?
  • What does he do for a living?
  • How does he earn a living?
  • What do you do to make a living?
B. Telling about jobs / professions.
  • I am a student / a teacher / a bank clerk, etc.
  • He is a soldier / a teacher / a doctor, etc.
  • I work as a teacher in a vocational school.
  • He works as a consultant.
  • I work for a foreign company.
  • He works in a garment manufacturer and exporter.
  • My job is selling computers online.
  • Her job is handling telephone calls.
  • He is in charge of the front office department.
  • Her job mainly deals with customers' complaints.
C. Showing interest
  • Are you?
  • Wow! That must be interesting.
  • How interesting!
  • It must be a well-paid job.
  • That sounds like a lot of hard work.
  • That must be a lot of work.
  • That must be a rewarding job.
D. Example Dialogue
Read the following conversation and practice it.
Anne :Hi, Jim. I heard that you've got a new job now.
Jim :Yes. I resigned from my old job two months ago, and moved to an exporting company.
Anne :How do you travel to work now?
Jim :By city bus. I usually take the A17 bus at 6:45 every morning.
Anne :What time do you start work?
Jim :At 8 sharp.
Anne :And how do you spend the day in your new job?
Jim :Well, in the morning I usually type letters to customers.
Anne :What time is your lunch break?
Jim :We have a one-hour break from 12 pm until 1 pm.
Anne :And what do you do in the afternoon?
Jim :I usually make telephone calls, and check incoming emails.
Anne :Sounds interesting! What time do you finish work?
Jim :I usually leave the office at 4.30 pm.
Anne :I hope you like your new job, Jim. See you!
Jim :Thanks, Anne. See you!
I. Guess what profession is being talked about.
II. Answer these questions by referring to the example dialogue between Anne and Jim above.
  1. Where does Jim work?
  2. How long has he been working there?
  3. How does he go to work?
  4. What time does he catch the bus to work?
  5. What time does he start work?
  6. What does he usually do in the morning?
  7. What time does he have lunch?
  8. What does he usually do after lunch?
  9. What time does he leave work?
  10. What can you infer about the relationship between the speakers?
III. Explain these occupations. Use the Simple Present to tell about the places of work and what he or she usually does.
A policeman : He usually works in the police station, but sometimes on the street. He controls the traffic and keeps situation in order.
  1. A bell boy : ....
  2. A receptionist : ....
  3. A teacher : ....
  4. A waitress : ....
  5. A farmer : ....
  6. A nurse : ....
  7. A firefighter : ....
  8. A front desk clerk : ....
  9. A carpenter : ....
  10. An architect : ....
  11. A shopkeeper : ....
  12. A tailor : ....
  13. A lawyer : ....
  14. A chef : ....
  15. A room boy : ....

July 22, 2022

Listening Section UN Bahasa Inggris SMK 2005/2006 - VIERA Preparation Test 4

ali ini, Mister Guru akan membagikan dokumentasi Ujian Nasional (Final National Test) Bahasa Inggris tingkat SMK tahun ajaran 2005/2006. Terlepas dari usianya yang lebih dari 1 dekade, Listening comprehension test ini masihlah sangat relevan dan bermanfaat sebagai bahan latihan dan persiapan menghadapi English proficiency tests seperti TOEIC dan tes VIERA.

Untuk memperoleh nilai yang memuaskan dalam Listening, pahamilah terlebih dahulu tips dan strategi mengerjakan soal Listening TOEIC di SINI.

Untuk memulai ujian, jalankan file Youtube video terlebih dahulu, lalu klik 'START TEST' di bawah video. Jangan lupa, LIKE and SHARE yah?

Selamat mengerjakan.

Play the audio file above to start the Listening comprehension test, and mark your answer in the answer sheet below.

July 08, 2022

Listening Section UN Bahasa Inggris SMK 2010/2011 - VIERA Preparation Test 3

alam postingan ini, Mister Guru akan membagikan dokumentasi Ujian Nasional Listening section sebagai bahan latihan persiapan menghadapi tes TOEIC dan tes VIERA. Untuk memperoleh nilai yang memuaskan dalam Listening, pahamilah terlebih dahulu tips dan strategi mengerjakan soal Listening TOEIC di SINI.

Untuk memulai ujian, jalankan file Youtube video terlebih dahulu, lalu klik 'START TEST'. Jangan lupa, LIKE and SHARE yah?

Selamat mengerjakan.

Untuk membantu Mister Guru agar bisa terus berkarya, luangkanlah waktu untuk mengklik salah satu iklan di halaman ini. Terima kasih atas support-nya.

Lemah teles, Allah sing bales. :)

July 05, 2022

Past Perfect Tense: Bentuk, Penggunaan, dan Latihan Soal

Past Perfect
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang struktur atau susunan kalimat dalam bentuk Past Perfect tense serta bagaimana penggunaannya. Untuk mempermudah kita dalam mempelajarinya, pembahasan ini dilengkapi dengan contoh kalimat serta latihan soal yang dapat kita kerjakan di akhir pembelajaran. Selamat belajar.
I. Struktur Past Perfect Tense
Struktur Past Perfect tense cukup mudah untuk diingat dan dipahami. Untuk kalimat positif, lihatlah struktur berikut:
Subject + auxiliary verb "HAD" + Past participle (VERB 3)
(Subyek + kata kerja bantu "HAD" + kata kerja bentuk ke-3)
Untuk daftar Verb 3 irregular verbs, lihat di SINI
Contoh kalimat:
  1. (+) I had been there. / I'd been there.
    (?) Had I been there?
    (-) I had not been there. / I hadn't been there
  2. (+) He had worked hard. / He'd worked hard.
    (?) Had he worked hard?
    (-) He had not worked hard. / He hadn't worked hard.
  3. (+) They had gone away. / They'd gone away.
    (?) Had they gone away?
    (-) They had not gone away. / They hadn't gone away.
  1. Untuk kalimat tanya (interrogative / question), letakkan kata kerja bantu "had" di depan subyek. Contoh; "Had they gone?"
  2. Untuk kalimat menyangkal (negative), tambahkan "not" di belakang kata kerja bantu "had". Contoh; "They hadn't gone?"
  3. Dalam percakapan, had seringkali disingkat dengan cara yang sama seperti saat kita menyingkat kata would menjadi 'd. Perbedaannya ada pada kata kerja yang mengikutinya. Pada Past Perfect tense, 'd selalu diikuti oleh verb-3 (past participle), sedangkan kata "would" yang disingkat menjadi 'd selalu diikuti oleh verb-1 (infinitive). Contoh:
    • They'd gone = They had gone.
    • They'd go = They would go.
    • She'd sung = She had sung.
    • She'd sing = She would sing.
II. Penggunaan Past Perfect Tense
Bagaimana dan kapan kita menggunakan bentuk Past Perfect Tense?
  1. Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk membicarakan kejadian/tindakan yang terjadi sebelum sebuah kejadian/tindakan lainnya terjadi di waktu lampau. Jadi, Past Perfect Tense menunjukkan kejadian/tindakan yang terjadi lebih dulu sebelum kejadian/tindakan lainnya. Contoh:
    • The train left at 7am. We arrived at 7.10am. When we arrived, the train had left. The train had left when we arrived.
    • The fact that he came late wasn't surprising to me. It had happened a few times before.
  2. Past Perfect Tense digunakan sebagai bentuk yang setara dengan Present Perfect tense, misal dalam kalimat tidak langsung (Indirect / Reported speech). Contoh:
    • He said, "I have submitted the report." ~ He said that he had submitted the report.
    • She said, "I've lost my wallet." ~ She said that she had lost his wallet.
  3. Past Perfect Tense digunakan dalam kalimat Conditional (If - conditional) tipe ke 3. Kalimat conditional tipe ke 3 ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan pengandaian tentang kejadian / keadaan di masa lampau yang tidak sesuai dengan fakta yang sebenarnya. Contoh:
    • If you had arrived ten minutes earlier, you wouldn't have missed the train. (Fakta: you didn't arrive ten minutes earlier and you missed the train)
    • He would have been soaking wet if he hadn't worn a raincoat. (Fakta: He wasn't wet because he wore a raincoat.)
  4. Sama halnya dengan when pada penggunaan pertama (no. 1) di atas, Past Perfect Tense bisa digunakan bersama Simple Past tense as soon as, the moment, immediately, till/until, before, after untuk menegaskan atau memperjelas bahwa kegiatan atau peristiwa yang dimaksud terjadi atau selesai dilakukan sebelum kegiatan lainnya di masa lampau. Contoh:
    • When he had shut the window, he turned on the AC.
    • Before we had reached the basecamp, the rain poured down.
    Pelajari lebih jauh DI SINI.
Lihat contoh dialog tentang penggunaan Past Perfect tense DI SINI.

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect tense.
  1. They were very tired. They (work) hard all day.
  2. I didn't know her. I (never met) her before.
  3. When the accident happened, I (finish) working at my garden.
  4. They found out that some burglars (break) into their house.
  5. When the cops arrived, the thieves (run) away.
  6. Sue did not go to work that day. She (be) sick for a week.
  7. We (not leave) the meeting room.
  8. you (arrive)?
  9. they (had) dinner?
  10. Some of the students (not do) the assignment.
B. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Perfect tense.
  1. Jim (wait) for an hour when the bus (show) up.
  2. The classroom (look) clean. The students (clean) them when we (get) there.
  3. We (try) to chase the car after it (hit) the motorist.
  4. As soon as they (left) the building, it finally (collapse).
  5. I (hear) about his resignation before you (tell) me.
  6. Before I (become) a teacher in 2015, I (work) as an Assistant Manager for 6 years.
  7. The burglars (escape) before the cops (arrive) at the scene.
  8. If she (read) the announcement, she would have known about the change of schedule.
  9. Diane (tell) me that she (send) the goods on the previous day.
  10. The engine (break) after the race (start) for 10 minutes.
C. The Simple Past or the Past Perfect tense? Do this online exercise.
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