Perbedaan Penggunaan Bentuk WILL dengan BE GOING TO

Mister Guru (Prastowo Ismanto)

Seringkali kita merasa bingung dengan penggunaan "will" dan "be going to" untuk membicarakan kejadian di masa yang akan datang (Future) dalam bahasa Inggris. Meskipun "will" dan "be going to" sama-sama dipakai untuk membicarakan kegiatan atau kejadian di waktu yang akan datang, ada situasi-situasi di mana kita harus membedakan keduanya.

A. Contoh Dialog dengan “Will” dan “be Going to”

Perhatikan penggunaan kata kerja berbentuk Future “will” dan “be going to” dalam dialog-dialog singkat berikut ini.

Dialog A:
Tom: "What are you going to do with those ice cream sticks?"
Bill: "I am going to make a toy ship for my school assignment."
Tom: "Oh, great. By the way, will you come with me to a football game this afternoon?"
Bill: "Certainly, but I'll have to finish my assignment first."

Dialog B:
(Seorang manager sedang berbicara di telpon dengan seorang karyawannya)
Manager: I need the report soon. Have you finished with it?
Lisa: In a minute. I will hand it to you when it's ready.
(Setelah laporan selesai, Lisa pergi menuju kantor managernya. Dia bertemu Ita, temannya.)
Ita: Where are you going?
Lisa: I’m going to see the manager. He needs this report.

Dialog C:
(Dua orang pelajar sedang berbincang santai saat tiba-tiba langit mendung.)
Boy: It’s very cloudy. I think it’s going to rain.
Girl: I think so. It’s getting colder now.
Boy: By the way, how is Ryan? Has he recovered from his illness?
Girl: Well, there are signs of improvement. I think he’s going to recover soon. The doctor says he’s going to be all right.
Boy: I’m relieved to hear that. Hey, what about some ice cream?
Girl: I’ve been on a diet for almost a week. So, I’m not going to eat ice creams.

Apakah kalian sudah tahu apa perbedaan makna yang tersirat dari bentuk "will" dan "be going to" dalam kalimat-kalimat pada dialog di atas, serta bagaimana menggunakannya dan membedakannya? Mari kita pelajari penjelasan dan contoh-contoh di bawah ini.
B. Perbedaan Penggunaan “Will” dan “be Going to”
Berikut ini penjelasan tentang perbedaan penggunaan bentuk “will” dan “be going to”, seperti dijabarkan dalam buku "Practical English Grammar" (Thomson & Martinet).
  1. Bentuk be going to menyiratkan adanya niat yang sudah direncanakan atau dipersiapkan sebelumnya, sedangkan bentuk will hanya menyiratkan niat tanpa ada rencana sebelumnya. Lihatlah contoh-contoh kalimat di bawah ini:
    • I have bought some bricks and I'm going to build a garage.(ada rencana & persiapan sebelumnya)
    • There is somebody at the hall door. - I'll go and open it.(niat saja tanpa ada rencana/persiapan sebelumnya)
  2. Jika niat tersebut tidak diketahui secara jelas apakah sudah direncanakan sebelumnya atau tidak, bentuk going to atau will bisa digunakan tanpa ada perbedaan:
    • I will/am going to visit Bali again one day.
    • I won't/am not going to tell you my age.
  3. "Will" digunakan untuk menyatakan tekad atau keputusan yang bulat dari orang pertama (I/we), dengan penekanan pengucapan (stress) pada kata "will":
    I will help you. = 'I definitely intend to help you'.
    Sedangkan, kalimat yang menjelaskan niat dari orang kedua (you) atau ketiga (he/she/it/they) umumnya menggunakan bentuk "be going to":
    • He is going to resign.
    • Are you going to leave without paying?
  4. Pada kalimat negatif, "not going to" bermakna "tidak berencana/tidak bermaksud", sedangkan "won't" pada umumnya memiliki makna "menolak"
    • He won't resign = "He refuses to resign.".
    • He isn't going to resign = "He doesn't intend to resign".
  5. "Be going to" digunakan untuk mengacu pada waktu yang segera/tidak lama lagi dan biasanya sudah tampak gejala/tanda-tandanya, sedangkan "will" bisa mengacu baik pada waktu yang segera maupun lebih lama lagi.
    • Look at the dark cloud! It's going to rain.
    • Rainy season is coming. It will rain a lot here.
Perbedaan Penggunaan Bentuk WILL dengan BE GOING TO
C. Contoh Perbedaan "Will" vs "Be Going to" Sebagai Future Tense
Beberapa kalimat contoh untuk membedakan "Be Going to" dan "Will"
Dialog 1:
Santi:We are running out of cooking gas.
Andi:I'm going to get some today.(sudah direncanakan sebelumnya)
I'll get some today.(spontan dan belum direncanakan)
Dialog 2:
Syifa:Where is the printed report?
Rosa:I’ll get it for you.(spontan dan tidak direncanakan)
I'm going to get it.(sudah direncanakan sebelumnya)
D. Latihan Soal
Ubahlah kata-kerja di dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk "be going to" atau "will". pada beberapa kalimat, kedua bentuk tersebut bisa digunakan.
  1. Ida: What are you doing with that spade?
    Gani: l (plant) some cassava trees in the garden.
  2. Rena: Oh, I think I've left my bag upstairs.
    Ivan: I (go) and get if for you.
    Rena: Thanks. You're very kind.
  3. Priti: This is a terribly heavy box.
    Ulfa: I (help) you to carry it.
    Priti: That's very kind of you. Thanks.
  4. My mom has bought some flour; she (make) a cake.
  5. Vina: Why are you taking down all the pictures?
    Tasya: l (repaper) the room. I'm bored with the old look.
  6. Some workmen arrived today with a roller. I think they (repair) our road.
  7. Gita: Why are they carrying a saw?
    Ovy: They (cut) down the big tree behind this building.
  8. Jane: Who will post these documents?
    Firda: I (do) it. I have to go to the bank and I can post it on my way there.
  9. Sarah: you (lend) me your calculator?
    Wina: I'm sorry I'm still using it.
  10. Umi: Do you think we have enough time to go to the station?
    Yoko: Well, if we hurry we (be) able to catch the train.
  11. The project has been postponed because several land owners (not sign) the agreement.
  12. Juli: Vina, we don't have any salt.
    Vina: Don't we? I (get) some from the shop nearby then.
  13. Teacher: Have you decided what to do after you graduate?
    Udin: Yes, Sir. I (look) for a job and help my parents.
  14. Desi: Do you have a plan for the weekend?
    Lila: Yes. I (spend) a night in Bromo with my family.
  15. Satya: I don't know how to operate this camera.
    Yana: Alright, I (show) you.
  16. Kiki: Have you replied the email from ABC Company?
    Linda: Oh, i'm sorry, I completely forgot. I (do) it now.
  17. Sofi: What a heavy rain?
    Cita: Absolutely. I hope it (stop) soon.
  18. Benny: I've got a terrible headache.
    Dika: Wait. I (get) you some medicine from the school clinic.
  19. Lina: Has he arrived yet?
    Yeni: Not yet. I (inform) you when he does.
  20. Nia: Do you hear that strange noise?
    Toni: Yes, I do. I think the engine (break).
  • Azar B.S. Understanding and Using English Grammar (2nd Ed). NJ: Prentice-Hall. Inc, 1989.
  • Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  • Swan, M. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Prev: BSE SMK/MAK Kelas XII; 6/28/11, 9:11 PM
PV 6386

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