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Home Conversation Expressions Speaking Expressions of Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility

June 20, 2012

Expressions of Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility

Expressions of Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility
1. Material Mapping For SMA (Class XII):
Competence StandardBasic Competence
1. Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
1.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
3.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap
2. Material Mapping For SMK:
Competence StandardBasic Competence
1. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice (Communicate in English in novice level) 1.4. Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar (Producing simple sentences to convey basic language functions).

3. Key word:
Mengakui kesalahan (confessing), berjanji (promising), menyalahkan (blaming), menuduh (accusing), mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat (expressing curiosity & desire).

4. Material:

Asking About Feelings, Expressing Wonder / Curiosity, Asking and Stating Possibility
Asking About FeelingsExpressing Wonder / Curiosity
  • How do you feel about it?
  • What do you have in mind?
  • What are you thinking about?
  • Do you have something on your mind?
  • What are you looking so serious about?
  • Is something bothering you?
  • Are you worried about something?
  • I wonder what it really is.
  • I was just wondering how to do it
  • I wonder why he could do such thing to her
  • I wonder if she likes studying here.
  • That's amazing. How did you do that?
  • How marvelous. How come?
  • I wonder at her directness.
Asking About PossibilityStating a Possibility
  • Is it possible to do it this way?
  • Is there any possibility of repairing this machine?
  • What possibility is there that they’re still alive?
  • Is there any chance she will survive the disease?
  • What will probably happen to the main character of this story?
  • It’s very likely (that ....)
  • There’s a (big) chance.
  • It’s possible (that ....)
  • There’s a great possibility.
  • It could be.
  • Maybe / perhaps / probably.
  • There could / might be a problem.
  • It might be.
5. Exercise
Complete the following dialogs:
  1. You and your friend have been waiting for more than ten minutes for the school bus to come. You start talking about possibilities that might happen to the bus.
    You: "Where’s the school bus? ...(wondering what has happened)...."
    Your friend: "I don’t know. ...(asking about a possibility)...?"
    You: "...(stating a possibility)..., or ...(expressing another possibility)...."
    Your friend: "...(stating a possibility)...."

  2. You and your friend are going shopping at a supermarket. When you are going to pay for your things at the cashier, you cannot find your wallet.
    Cashier: "Thirty-six thousand Rupiahs, please."
    You: "Oh. Where’s my wallet?"
    Your friend: "What’s the matter? ...(asking about feelings / thoughts)...?"
    You: "I can’t find my wallet! ...(wondering where it is)...."
    Your friend: "...(asking about a possibility)...."
    You: "...(stating a possibility).... How embarrassing!"

Click HERE to do more exercise about expressions related to feelings, wonder / curiosity, & possibility.


Mister Guru

A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read. – Mark Twain

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