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Soal Olimpiade & Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP: Paket Soal 4B (Lanjutan 4A)

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September 28, 2011

Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Versi 1: English Olympiad for SMP

Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Versi 1 - English Olympiad for SMP

ada halaman ini, Mister Guru akan membagikan salinan otentik dan contoh soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SMP / MTs yang pernah dilombakan di SMKN 1 Probolinggo agar adik-adik siswa SMP / MTs bisa menggunakannya sebagai bahan persiapan mengikuti Olimpiade bahasa Inggris atau sebagai bahan pengayaan dan pendalaman materi menghadapi ujian sekolah bahasa Inggris. Selamat mengerjakan.

Choose the best answer; A, B, C, D, or E to each question.

Text 1: Questions No. 1 - 7
Living things ...(1)... found almost ...(2)... on the Earth. They are found in ...(3)... habitats. A habitat is the place ...(4)... an organism lives. A pond, a stream, a field, an area of leaf ...(5)..., a seashore and even a rotting log are all examples of habitats.
Within a habitat, many things affect the ...(6)... of the organism. Some of these things are air, water, and ...(7)... organisms. The things that affect the organism make up its environment.
  1. Choose the correct word.
    1. be
    2. is
    3. are
    4. were
    5. will be
  2. Choose the correct word.
    1. nowhere
    2. everywhere
    3. elsewhere
    4. somewhere
    5. wherever
  3. Choose the correct word.
    1. difference
    2. differ
    3. differential
    4. differentiate
    5. different
  4. Choose the correct word.
    1. where
    2. which
    3. that
    4. whose
    5. what
  1. Choose the correct word.
    1. litter
    2. liter
    3. latter
    4. letter
    5. later
  2. Choose the correct word.
    1. survive
    2. survey
    3. surveillance
    4. survivor
    5. survival
  3. Choose the correct word.
    1. another
    2. the other
    3. other
    4. no other
    5. others

Text 2: Questions No. 8 - 14
Conservation of natural resources involves the intelligent use and care of our resource. Why do we need to conserve our resources?

A few thousand years ago, there were not many people living on the Earth. There were more than enough natural resources for everyone. But in the last 200 years, the world population has increased rapidly. As the world population increases, more natural resources are needed to support the population. The demand for natural resources will become even greater as countries all over the world become more developed.

We have also invented many machines to help people do work and to make life more comfortable. A lot of fuel is being used to provide energy to run all these machines.
We are using huge amounts of our natural resources so rapidly that the natural resources are in danger of being depleted. Our Earth has limited supplies of non-renewable resources. They are running out quickly.

Even our renewable resources are in danger. The trees in forests are being destroyed too fast. There is just not enough time for new trees to grow to replace the ones that are removed. As more land is needed for development of towns or farms, more forests will be cleared.

A wide variety of wildlife lives in forests. When forests are destroyed, the wildlife in them is in danger of extinction. Some wild animals are also becoming extinct because so many of them have been hunted and killed for profit.

Therefore, we need to conserve our natural resources to make them last as long as possible.
  1. What is the best title for the above text?
    1. Natural Resources and The Earth
    2. Conservation of Natural Resources
    3. The Importance of Natural Resources
    4. The Destruction of Forests
    5. The Danger of Growing Population
  2. "Conservation of natural resources involves the intelligent use and care of our resource.” (par. 1) The word “intelligent” can be replaced by the following without changing the intended meaning, except ....
    1. thoughtful
    2. careful
    3. wise
    4. reasonable
    5. dreadful
  3. According to the text, which is not responsible for natural resource depletion?
    1. Human population.
    2. The invention of machines.
    3. The variety of wildlife.
    4. The clearance of forests.
    5. The development of countries.
  4. According to the text, what happened a few thousand years ago?
    1. The world population increased rapidly.
    2. More natural resources were needed to support the population.
    3. The demand for natural resources was greater than it is today.
    4. There were plenty of natural resources for everyone.
    5. People didn’t need natural resources at all.
  1. To conserve our natural resources, we should do the followings, except ....
    1. protect endangered animals.
    2. stop forest clearance.
    3. increase the demand for natural resources.
    4. control the use of non-renewable resources.
    5. conserve our forests.
  2. “They are running out quickly.” (par. 4) The phrase “running out” means ....
    1. going out
    2. becoming used up
    3. flowing
    4. spending
    5. becoming long
  3. The following words are synonyms of the word “conserve”, except ….
    1. maintain
    2. keep up
    3. preserve
    4. protect
    5. decay
Text 3: Questions No. 15 - 20

The Disappearing Honeybee

Do you run away when you hear a bee buzzing? Many people do. A bee sting hurts and some people are allergic to bee venom. But did you know that bees are very important to humans? Honeybees do more than just make honey. They fly around and pollinate flowers, plants, and trees. Our fruits, nuts, and vegetables rely on these pollinators. One third of America's food supply is pollinated by the honeybee.

Have you seen or heard a honeybee lately? Bees are mysteriously disappearing in many parts of the world. Most people don't know about this problem. It is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Some North American beekeepers lost 80% of their hives from 2006-2008. Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too.

The disappearance of the honeybee is a serious problem. Can you imagine never eating another blueberry? What about almonds and cherries? Without honeybees food prices will skyrocket. The poorest people always suffer the worst when there is a lack of food.

This problem affects other foods besides fresh produce. Imagine losing your favorite ice cream! Haagen Daaz is a famous ice cream company. Many of their flavors rely on the hard working honey bee. In 2008 Haagen Daaz began raising money for CCD. They also created a website called

Donating money to research is the most important thing humans can do to save the honeybees. Scientists need money to investigate the causes of Colony Collapse Disorder. Some scientists blame CCD on climate change. Others think pesticides are killing the bees. Commercial bee migration may also cause CCD. Beekeepers transport their hives from place to place in order to pollinate plants year round.
(Adapted from
  1. Which is not true according to the text?
    1. Without honeybees, food prices will increase significantly.
    2. Beekeepers transport beehives to help protect bees.
    3. Honeybees pollinate plants that give us fruit and vegetables.
    4. Pesticide use may be one of the causes of CCD.
    5. Scientists need fund to research the causes of CCD.
  2. How does the text describe that bees are very important to humans?
    1. They pollinate plants, flowers, and trees.
    2. They begin to disappear.
    3. Bees may sting and hurt people.
    4. The disappearance of the honeybee is a serious problem.
    5. They produce honey.
  3. Which is not true about Haagen Daaz?
    1. It is a well-known ice cream company.
    2. Their production relies on the honey bee.
    3. They raise money for CCD research.
    4. They solve the problem by decreasing ice cream flavors.
    5. They run a website to help the honey bee.
  1. According to the text, what percentage of America's food supply is pollinated by the honeybee?
    1. about 25%
    2. about 33%
    3. about 40%
    4. about 50%
    5. about 75%
  2. “Bees are mysteriously disappearing in many parts of the world.” (par. 2) What is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. becoming visible
    2. examining
    3. defending
    4. pressure
    5. vanishing
  3. According to the text, why do people send beehives to other places?
    1. to protect them from extinction.
    2. because bee sting is dangerous.
    3. to help pollinate plants in certain places.
    4. to avoid pesticides.
    5. to be used in scientists’ researches.
Questions 21 – 24 refer to the following dialog
Ani :“It is a very …(21)… shopping experience. Terrific!”
Beti :“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. I beg your …(22)…?”
Ani :“This mall is great. I like shopping here.”
Beti :“Yes, but it’s very …(23)…. I can hardly hear you.”
  1. Choose the correct word.
    1. horrible
    2. exciting
    3. disappointing
    4. boring
    5. terrifying
  2. Choose the correct word.
    1. pardon
    2. sorry
    3. permission
    4. excuse
    5. repeat
  1. Choose the correct word.
    1. quiet
    2. slow
    3. big
    4. noisy
    5. calm
  2. Where does the above conversation take place?
    1. A school
    2. A concert
    3. A shopping center
    4. A hobby shop
    5. A studio

  1. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
    1. When it rains, the rainwater dissolves the harmful substances in the air to form a weak acid.
    2. It kills trees in the forests.
    3. When it gets into rivers and lakes, the organisms that live in them are harmed.
    4. In some countries, air pollution is very bad.
    5. Acid rain is very harmful to the environment.
    6. We call this ‘acid rain’.
    1. 6-4-1-5-2-3
    2. 1-6-5-2-3-4
    3. 4-6-5-1-2-3
    4. 4-1-6-5-2-3
    5. 6-2-3-5-1-4
  2. Ovi: “Wenny can’t drive a car.”
    Reza: “….”
    1. So can’t I.
    2. I can either.
    3. I can’t too.
    4. Neither can’t I.
    5. Neither can I.
  3. Sita: “… do you read a newspaper?”
    Fifi: “Every day.”
    1. How
    2. What time
    3. How often
    4. How long
    5. How many times
  4. I have a bad headache. I’ve taken some medicine but my head is … aching.
    1. yet
    2. already
    3. ever
    4. still
    5. not
  5. I need to open these screws. I need a ....
      Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Versi 1 - English Olympiad for SMPClick here if the picture doesn't appear
    1. screw opener
    2. screwdriver
    3. spanner
    4. drill
    5. saw
  6. Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Versi 1: English Olympiad for SMP
  7. You can fasten the nut with ....
    1. pliers
    2. a bolt
    3. a drill
    4. a hacksaw
    5. a wrench
  8. A=12m. B=10m. C=12m. D=15m. E=14m. Which is not true according to the data?
    1. A is as long as C.
    2. D is longer than C.
    3. C is shorter than B.
    4. B is the shortest of all.
    5. A is shorter than D.
  9. Adi: “Can you turn the music down? I can’t concentrate.”
    Heri: “Oh, certainly.”
    Which sentence best describes the situation?
    1. It’s not noisy enough for Heri to concentrate.
    2. It is too noisy for Adi to concentrate.
    3. Adi can’t listen to the music clearly.
    4. It is not noisy enough for Adi to concentrate.
    5. It is too noisy for Heri to listen to the music.
  10. She heard a noise behind her, so she looked ....
    1. out
    2. away
    3. up
    4. in
    5. back
  11. Do you remember the woman ... sang at the party?
    1. which
    2. who
    3. whom
    4. whose
    5. when
  12. I met a man ... wife is an English teacher at my son’s school.
    1. which
    2. who
    3. whom
    4. whose
    5. when
  13. The Nile is ... river in the world.
    1. longest
    2. longer
    3. longer than
    4. as long as
    5. the longest
  14. Joni: “We went to the cinema last night.”
    Lia: “Oh, really? ….”
    1. So did we.
    2. We do too.
    3. We also do.
    4. So do we.
    5. So we do.
  15. Waiter: “… some drink, Sir?”
    Udin: “Yes, tea please.”
    1. What do you like
    2. May I have
    3. Could you drink
    4. Do you like
    5. Would you like
  16. My car is at the garage now. ….
    1. It is repairing.
    2. It is being repaired.
    3. It repairs.
    4. It has repaired.
    5. It has been repaired.
  17. Penny: “I must leave early.”
    Penny said that ….
    1. I must leave early.
    2. she must be left early.
    3. she had to leave early.
    4. I had to leave early.
    5. she must be leaving early.
  18. My mother likes cooking. For me, she’s the best … in the world.
    1. cooker
    2. cook
    3. cooks
    4. cookies
    5. cooked
  19. Gita began reading before the phone rang. So, when the phone rang, she ….
    1. was reading
    2. is reading
    3. began reading
    4. read
    5. has been reading
  20. Denny: “… yet?”
    Yoni: “No, not yet. We’re waiting for them.”
    1. Have Tia and Merry arrived
    2. Had Tia and Merry arrived
    3. Did Tia and Merry arrive
    4. Do Tia and Merry arrive
    5. Would Tia and Merry arrive
  21. Jaka has a bad memory. He can’t remember ....
    1. something
    2. anything
    3. nothing
    4. everything
    5. some things
  22. Eddy … in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket.
    1. works
    2. is working
    3. has been working
    4. had been working
    5. used to work
  23. My mother was at home, and my sister was too.
    1. Both my mother or my sister were here.
    2. Either my mother or my sister was at home.
    3. Neither my mother nor my sister was at home.
    4. My mother was not only here but also was my sister.
    5. Not only my mother but also my sister was here.
  24. He stood there and looked at … in the mirror.
    1. myself
    2. yourself
    3. himself
    4. herself
    5. itself
  25. Denny: “...?”
    Rio: “It weighs 30 kilos.”
    1. How weight is it?
    2. How much does it weigh?
    3. What does it weigh?
    4. How far is it?
    5. How many is it?
  26. It's very cold. You should ... your coat.
    1. put on
    2. put off
    3. put out
    4. put away
    5. put up
  27. The traffic runs smooth. They have repaired the street.
    1. The street had been repaired.
    2. The street is being repaired.
    3. The street is repaired.
    4. The street will have been repaired.
    5. The street has been repaired.
