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Soal Olimpiade & Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP: Paket Soal 4A

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Home Pembelajaran Download Lesson Plan RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK

July 05, 2013

Download Lesson Plan RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK

Download Lesson Plan RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI SMK

Membuat RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) atau Lesson Plan adalah suatu kewajiban yang harus dilakukan guru sebagai bagian dari tugasnya mengajar. Tanpa RPP atau Lesson Plan, guru tidak akan memiliki pedoman dalam proses mengajar sehingga pada akhirnya akan mengalami kesulitan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan yang dia berikan kepada siswanya.

Dalam PPG (Pendidikan Profesi Guru), menyiapkan RPP / Lesson Plan untuk peer-teaching merupakan salah satu point penting yang harus bisa dilakukan seorang guru. Kesesuaian RPP dengan tujuan dan praktek pembelajaran sangat menentukan keberhasilan guru dalam uji sertifikasi. Meskipun membuat RPP sudah merupakan tugas sehari-hari, masih banyak guru yang dipusingkan oleh RPP agar bisa tampil dengan sebaik-baiknya dalam peer-teaching.

Karena itu, dengan tujuan untuk berbagi, Mister Guru sengaja mempublikasikan salah satu contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris tingkat SMK yang pernah dipakai saat mengikuti PLPG di Universitas Jember (Unej) tahun 2012 yang lalu. Semoga contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris tingkat SMK yang ada disini bisa membantu rekan-rekan guru terutama saat mereka mengikuti PLPG agar bisa lolos sertifikasi.


  • School: SMK
  • Subject: English
  • Class/Semester: XI/3
  • Language Skills: Listening
  • Text Type: Functional Texts
  • Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes


Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara level Elementary


2.4. Menceritakan pekerjaan di masa lalu dan rencana kerja yang akan datang.


  1. Cognitive
    1. Product:
      1. Finding specific information from the oral texts about past events correctly.
      2. Finding general information from the oral texts about past events correctly.
      3. Retelling the content of the oral texts about past events correctly.
    2. Process:
      1. In small groups, identifying the literal information from the oral texts about past events correctly.
      2. In small groups, identifying the inferential information from the oral texts about past events correctly.
      3. In small groups, identifying the language structures in the oral texts about past events correctly.
  2. Affective
    1. Showing curiosity and cooperative manner in identifying information from the oral texts about past events with the group.
    2. Listening attentively to the oral texts about past events.
    3. Showing enthusiasm and communicative manner in retelling the content of the oral texts about past events.
  3. Psychomotoric
    1. In groups, identifying the literal information from the oral texts about past events by doing the exercise on the worksheet.
    2. In groups, retelling the content of the oral texts about past events in the front of the class.


  1. Students are able to find specific information from the oral texts about past events correctly.
  2. Students are able to find general information from the oral texts about past events correctly.
  3. Students are able to retell the content of the oral texts about past events correctly.


  1. Functional texts: Dialogs
  2. The use of the Simple Past tense in talking about completed actions or events in the past.
  3. Asking and responding to Wh-questions and Yes/no questions about completed actions or events in the past.


  • Approach: Cooperative learning
  • Method: TBLL - STAD


No.Teacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTime (mins)
1Set Induction:
  1. Greeting students, praying, and taking attendance.
  2. Giving leading questions about past events.
  3. Elaborating learning objectives.
Set Induction:
  1. Greeting the teacher, praying, and responding to teacher.
  2. Answering teacher’s questions about past events.
  3. Listening to learning objectives.
2Main Activities:
  1. Dividing the class into small groups (of 3-5 students).
  2. Playing the dialog in Top Notch: Fundamental, Unit 11.
  3. Distributing worksheets to each group.
  4. Replaying the dialog.

  5. Asking each group to work on Section A
  6. Replaying the dialog.

  7. Asking each group to work on Sect. B.
  8. Replaying the dialog.

  9. Giving each group 5 minutes to work on Section C.
  10. Asking the groups to swap their work.

  11. Asking the students to present their work on the whiteboard while correcting another group’s work.
  12. Asking each group to score another group’s work.
  13. Asking each group’s representative to retell the video.
  14. Giving evaluation to students’ work.
Main Activities:
  1. Forming small groups (of 3-5 students).
  2. Listening to the dialog in Top Notch: Fundamental, Unit 11.
  3. Helping the teacher distribute the worksheet.
  4. Listening to the dialog for the second time.
  5. Working on Section A.

  6. Listening to the dialog for the third time.
  7. Working on Section B.
  8. Listening to the dialog for the fourth time.
  9. Working on Section C.

  10. Swapping the worksheet with another group.
  11. Presenting the answers on the whiteboard while correcting another group’s work.
  12. Scoring another group’s work.

  13. Retelling the video.

  14. Listening to teacher’s evaluation.













  1. Asking students in random to draw a conclusion about what they have learned.
  2. Parting with the students.
  1. In random, drawing a conclusion about what they have learned.

  2. Parting with the teacher.


  1. Top Notch TV – Fundamentals, Unit 11.
  2. Lap top / DVD Player.
  3. Loudspeakers

Jember, July 15, 2012
The Principal


Mister Guru

A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read. – Mark Twain

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