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Home Conversation Expressions Speaking Showing Strong Feelings: Love, Sadness, Sympathy, Condolence, Embarrassment, and Anger

August 10, 2022

Showing Strong Feelings: Love, Sadness, Sympathy, Condolence, Embarrassment, and Anger

A. Asking about Feelings / Thoughts
Showing Strong Feelings
  • How do you feel about it?
  • What do you have in mind?
  • What are you thinking about?
  • Do you have something on your mind?
  • What are you looking so serious about?
  • Is something bothering you?
  • Are you worried about something?
B. Expressing wonder / curiosity
  • I wonder what it really is.
  • I was just wondering how to do it.
  • I wonder why he could do such thing to her
  • I wonder if she likes studying here.
  • I wonder at her directness.
C. Expressing Love
  • I love you.
  • I really love you and I always will.
  • I truly love you endlessly.
  • I’ll never stop loving you.
  • My love will never cease till the end of time.
  • There’s nothing that compares with my love for you.
  • Words can never describe my love for you.
  • Words fail to convey how much I love you.
D. Expressing Sadness
  • I’m so sad I don’t know what to do.
  • Please leave me alone.
  • I’m very sad to see / hear that.
  • My heart is so burdened.
  • I can’t describe my pain and sorrow.
  • It has brought me a lot of misery.
  • I regret having to do this.
E. Being Sympathetic to Less Serious News
  • Oh no! What a pity!
  • What a shame!
  • What a nuisance!
  • Poor you.
  • How awful!
  • How annoying!
  • That’s life!
  • Too bad!
  • I hope it’s nothing serious.
F. Being Sympathetic to Very Sad News
  • How awful!
  • How terrible!
  • I’m really sorry to hear that.
  • That must’ve been awful!
G. Expressing Condolence
  • We are thinking about you at this difficult time.
  • My condolences in your bereavement.
  • Please accept my heartfelt sympathies.
  • I’d like to express my deepest condolences.
  • I am so sorry for your loss.
  • You have my deepest sympathy.
  • I am so sorry that ..(a person).. has passed away. May your memories comfort you.
  • May God comfort you.
  • We are praying for you at this difficult time.
H. Cheering someone up
  • I can see why you’re so sad ..., but ....
  • Take it easy.
  • Calm down.
  • I don’t think it’s a big deal.
  • Oh, you poor thing!
  • Sorry about that.
I. Expressing Embarrassment
  • It made me ashamed.
  • I was very embarrassed / ashamed.
  • How embarrassing / shameful!
  • Tell me it never happened.
  • What a shame!
  • Shame on me!
  • I don’t think it’s a big deal.
  • That’s all right.
  • Forget it.
  • Come on! It can’t be as bad as all that.
J. Expressing Anger
  • I’ve never been so insulted in my life.
  • I can’t take this anymore!
  • This is extremely irritating!
  • I’m very unhappy / displeased with ....
  • What do you mean?
  • You’ve made me angry.
  • Why on earth did you do that?
  • Are you trying to tell me that ...?
K. Calming someone down
  • Calm down. I didn’t mean it.
  • Relax. Take it easy.
  • Don’t be so touchy.
  • Don’t be angry with me.
  • Temper, temper.
  • Don’t let it bother you.


Mister Guru

A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read. – Mark Twain

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