1. Both ... and

- Both Rina and Kiki are attending the sales meeting.
- Both Alya and Rika have submitted their assignment.
Both ... and ... bisa digunakan untuk memberi penekanan pada 2 (dua) kombinasi kata sifat (adjective), kata benda (noun), atau kata kerja (verb). Contoh:
- The trip was both long and boring.
- My father is both a teacher and a translator.
Catatan Penting Tentang Penggunaan "Both ... and"
Ada beberapa macam penggunaan both selain yang telah disebutkan di atas:- Both bisa berdiri sendiri atau diikuti oleh kata benda (noun)
- Both bisa diikuti (of) + the/these/those atau possessives
- Both bisa diikuti of + us/you/them
- A personal pronoun + both is also possible
- Both (drivers) were uninjured in the accident.
- They both tried to evacuate the passengers.
2. Either ... or
'Either ... or' digunakan dalam kalimat bermakna positif, yang berarti "one or the other, this or that, he or she" (salah satu dari dua, A atau B). Jika posisinya adalah subyek, kata kerja (verb) yang dibutuhkan bergantung pada subyek yang ada tepat di depan kata kerja. Contoh:- Either Joni or his friends have to report to the manager.
(subyek terdekat dengan kata kerja berbentuk jamak/plural, "his friends") - Either Joni or Laila has to attend the meeting.
(subyek terdekat dengan kata kerja berbentuk tunggal/singular, "Laila")
Catatan Penting Tentang Penggunaan "Either ... or"
"Either" bisa berdiri sendiri maupun digunakan bersama kata benda (noun/pronoun), atau dengan "of + the/these/those". Dalam struktur demikian, either membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal (singular). Contoh:- I don't like either of those films.
- Either (of these) is acceptable.
3. Neither ... nor
'Neither ... nor' digunakan dengan kata kerja berbentuk positif, namun menjadikan kalimat bermakna negatif, yang berarti "not this one nor the other, not this nor that, not he nor she"" (bukan/tidak A maupun B, tidak kedua-duanya). Jika posisinya adalah subyek, kata kerja (verb) yang dibutuhkan bergantung pada subyek yang ada tepat di depan kata kerja. Contoh:- Neither Joni nor his friends study French.
(subyek terdekat dengan kata kerja berbentuk jamak/plural, "his friends") - Neither Joni nor Laila studies French.
(subyek terdekat dengan kata kerja berbentuk tunggal/singular, "Laila")
Catatan Penting Tentang Penggunaan "Neither ... nor"
"Neither" bisa berdiri sendiri maupun digunakan bersama kata benda (noun/pronoun), atau dengan "of + the/these/those". Dalam struktur demikian, neither membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal (singular). Contoh:- Neither of those films was directed by him.
- Neither (of these) is acceptable.
4. Persamaan "Not either ... or" dengan "Neither ... nor"
"Not either ... or" bermakna sama dan bisa menggantikan "neither ... nor", kecuali jika sebagai subyek kalimat. Contoh:- The film was not either interesting or worth-seeing.
The film was neither interesting nor worth-seeing. - He didn't either copy or save the files.
He neither copied nor saved the files.
5. Latihan Soal
A. Kalimat Rumpang
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan "Both ... and", "Either ... or", atau "Neither ... nor".- We really had a great time at the beach. The weather was warm sunny.
- Our holiday was ruined. Almost all of the time, the weather was clear sunny.
- We have to find another room because this room is large bright.
- Experts were working hard to find a cure for COVID-19, testing anti-viral medications vaccines.
- Hospitals were overloaded. the government the people were prepared for COVID-19 outbreak.
- We don't know why he was absent yesterday. He didn't call send a message.
- Choose whichever you like. You can have fried chicken fried duck.
- I think you should help them. They need your help your advice.
- I can't move this box that one by myself. They are too heavy.
- The classroom is very dirty. the floor the tables have been cleaned for the whole week.
- It's urgent. We need your immediate confirmation by email by fax.
- To help stop the spread of germs, when you cough cover your mouth with a tissue your upper sleeve, not your hands.
- She isn't at the office right now. She must be having lunch attending a meeting on the second floor.
- Wina Vita showed up at the party. They said they had a very important meeting at their office.
- He is a good teacher. his explanation his examples are clear and easy to understand.
B. Membuat Kalimat
Tulis ulang kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan menggunakan "both ... and," "either ... or," atau "neither ... nor".- John likes chocolate. Mary likes chocolate too.
- You can have tea. You can have coffee.
- Lisa doesn’t play the piano. Lisa doesn’t play the guitar.
- She wants to visit Italy. She wants to visit Spain.
- I don't like cold weather. I don't like hot weather either.
- The movie was not interesting. The book was not interesting.
- The manager will interview Jack for the position. The manager will interview Sarah for the position.
- It's not far. You can take a cab to the station. You can walk to the station.
- She wants to eat pizza. She wants to eat pasta. She can't decide!
- My brother has never traveled to Japan before. My sister has never traveled to Japan before.
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