Apakah yang Dimaksud dengan "Direct Speech" dan "Indirect Speech / Reported Speech"?
Dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk menceritakan kembali atau mengutip perkataan dan pemikiran seseorang, kita bisa melakukannya dengan 2 (dua) cara, yaitu:- Menggunakan kalimat langsung (direct speech), yaitu dengan mengulang atau menggunakan kata-kata aslinya dengan menggunakan tanda kutip (‘....’ atau “....”) dalam penulisannya. Contoh:
- He said, “I have seen the movie before”.
- I thought, “he needs to improve his English."
- “The mission,” he stated, "will be difficult to accomplish.”
- “I think so,” replied Tom.
- Menggunakan kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech), yaitu menyampaikan isi makna atau gagasan secara tepat tanpa menggunakan atau mengutip kata-kata aslinya. Contoh:Catatan: Kata-kata seperti "yes", "no", "well", serta kata seru dan question-tags, tidak bisa digunakan pada kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech). Contoh:
- He said that he had seen the movie before.
- I thought that he needed to improve his English.
- He stated that the mission would be difficult to accomplish.
- “Yes, I think so,” he said. “It’s difficult, isn’t it? (direct speech)
- He agreed and said that it was difficult. (indirect speech / reported speech)
Cara Mengubah "Direct Speech" Menjadi "Indirect Speech / Reported Speech"
Untuk mengubah "direct speech" menjadi "indirect speech / reported speech", ada beberapa perubahan atau penyesuaian yang harus dilakukan, terutama jika kata kerja untuk melaporkan (reporting verb) ada dalam bentuk lampau (past), contoh; "said", "wondered", "thought", "told", dll). Agar lebih mudah dipelajari, berikut ini contoh-contoh perubahan kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech) yang disajikan dalam tabel.1. Kalimat Positif dan Negatif (Positive & Negative Statement)
SIMPLE PRESENT “I never travel by train,” he explained. | SIMPLE PAST He explained that he never traveled by train. |
PRESENT CONTINUOUS “I’m cleaning my room,” she said. | PAST CONTINUOUS She said (that) she was cleaning her room. |
PRESENT PERFECT “We have found a key,” they said. | PAST PERFECT They said (that) they had found a key. |
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS He said, “I’ve been working hard.” | PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS He said he had been working hard. |
SIMPLE PAST ‘I took it home with me,’ she said. | PAST PERFECT She said she had taken it home with her. |
PAST CONTINUOUS ‘When I saw her she was eating,’ he said. ‘I was doing my job,’ he said. | PAST CONTINUOUS He said (that) when he saw her she was eating. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS He said (that) he had been doing his job. |
FUTURE She said, ‘I will send it by email.” | CONDITIONAL She said she would send it by email. |
FUTURE CONTINUOUS ‘I’ll be meeting him soon,’ she said. | CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS She said she’d be meeting him soon. |
CONDITIONAL I said, ‘I would like to see it.’ | CONDITIONAL (No Change) I said (that) I would like to see it. |
2. Kalimat Tanya (Question / Interrogative)
SIMPLE PRESENT “Where does she live?” he said. | SIMPLE PAST He asked where she lived. |
PRESENT CONTINUOUS “Where is he going?” she said. | PAST CONTINUOUS She asked where he was going. |
PRESENT PERFECT “Have you found a flat?” he said. | PAST PERFECT He asked if/whether I had found a flat. |
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS He said, “How long have you been waiting?” | PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS He asked how long I had been waiting. |
SIMPLE PAST ‘Did you live in a house or a dorm?’ she asked. | PAST PERFECT She asked whether I’d lived in a house or a dorm. |
PAST CONTINUOUS ‘Was she studying or not?’ he asked. ‘Were you joking about the price?’ he said. | PAST CONTINUOUS He asked whether or not she was studying. He asked whether she was studying or not. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS He asked if I had been joking about the price. |
FUTURE He asked, ‘If you pass will you move to Bali?” | CONDITIONAL He asked whether, if I passed, I’d move to Bali. |
FUTURE CONTINUOUS ‘Will you be using it on the 7th?’ she asked. | CONDITIONAL CONTINUOUS She asked if I would be using it on the 7th. |
CONDITIONAL He said, ‘Would she accept it?’ | CONDITIONAL (No Change) He asked if she would accept it. |
3. Kalimat Permintaan / Perintah, Penawaran, Saran (request, offer, suggestion)
Contoh Indirect Speech / Reported Speech dalam Kalimat Permintaan (Request)
“Will/would you file these letters, please?” I said. | I asked/told him to file the letters. |
“Could I see her, please?” he said. | He asked to see her. |
He said, “Lie down, Tom.” | He asked Tom to lie down. |
“Don’t swim out too far, boys,” I said. | I warned/told the boys not to swim out too far. |
‘Don’t be late,’ said the teacher. | The teacher asked not to be late. |
Contoh Indirect Speech / Reported Speech dalam Kalimat Penawaran (Offer)
“Would you like a lift?” said Ann. | Ann offered me a lift. |
Contoh Indirect Speech / Reported Speech dalam Kalimat Berisi Nasehat / Saran (Suggestion / Advice)
‘Let’s leave the case here,’ he said. | He suggested leaving the case there. He suggested that they leave the case there. (US) He suggested that they should leave the case there. (GB) |
English Crossword Puzzle, 082011 11.23 PM 5296