A. Struktur "Used To" dan "Be Used To"
Used to + Infinitive (Verb 1) | Be/Get Used to + Noun/Pronoun/Gerund |
Kalimat positif/afirmatif: She used to live in Jember, East java. | Kalimat positif/afirmatif: They are used to living in the tropical climate. They get used to living in the tropical climate. |
Kalimat negatif: She did not (didn't) use to live in Jember, East java. atau She used not (usedn't) to live in Jember, East java. | Kalimat negatif: They are not (aren't) used to living in the tropical climate. They do not (don't) get used to living in the tropical climate. |
Kalimat tanya/Interogatif: Did she use to live in Jember, East java? Used she to live in Jember, East java? | Kalimat tanya/Interogatif: Are they used to living in the tropical climate? Do they get used to living in the tropical climate? |
B. Penggunaan "Used To" dan "Be Used To"
Used + to Infinitive (Verb 1) | Be/Get Used to + Noun/Pronoun/Gerund |
"Used to" berfungsi sebagai verb (kata kerja), seperti modals, diikuti oleh Infinitive (verb 1) | "Be used to" berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat), didahului oleh "be/get/become", lalu diikuti Noun/Pronoun/Gerund. |
C. Contoh kalimat yang menggunakan "Used to" dan "Be used to"
- I used to drink a lot of cold drinks; now I prefer warm pure water.
- Every morning Andi used to say goodbye to his mother before leaving for school.
- Her mother used to stand at the door and wave goodbye.
- In the afternoon she used to welcome him home and ask him about his day.
- I am used to cold weather. I used to live in a snowy country before, so the cold doesn't bother me at all.
- I'm used to eating rice for my meals, so I find these lunches rather unsatisfying.
- Sari doesn’t travel much these days. She prefers to stay at home. But she used to travel a lot. She used to go away two or three times a year.
- I used to play table tennis a lot, but I don’t play very much now.
- I bought some new shoes..They felt a little strange at first because I wasn’t used to them.
- I wouldn’t like to share a room. I’m used to living alone.
D. Latihan Soal Perbedaan "used to" dan "be used to"
D.1. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan "used to + verb (kata kerja)" yang sesuai. Lihat contoh nomer 1.
- Hari ...(travel)... a lot, but he doesn’t go away much these days.
Hari used to travel a lot, but he doesn’t go away much these days. - Sophie ...(ride)... a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.
- Our friends moved to Malang a few years ago. They ...(live)... in Probolinggo.
- Before the existence of internet, people ...(send)... letters by mail.
- I rarely eat ice cream now, but I ...(eat)... it when I was a child.
D.2. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan "be/get used to + verb (kata kerja)" yang sesuai. Lihat contoh nomer 1.
- I’m not lonely. I don’t need other people. I ...(be)... on my own.
I’m not lonely. I don’t need other people. I am used to being on my own. - I don’t feel good. I stayed up until 3 am. I ...(not - go)... to bed so late.
- If you work as a receptionist, you’ll have to ...(meet)... new people.
- My feet hurt. I can’t go any further. I ...(not - walk)... so far.
- I like this part of town. I’ve been here a long time, so I ...(be)... here.
D.3. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat, "used to" atau "be/get used to".
- This building is now abandoned. It ... be a cinema.
- was used to
- used to
- I ... living alone. It’s not a problem for me because I’ve lived alone for some time.
- am used to
- used to
- I ... think Mark was unfriendly, but now I realise he’s a very nice person.
- used to
- was used to
- I’ve started drinking coffee recently. I never ... like it before.
- got used to
- used to
- Lisa ... have very long hair when she was a child.
- was used to
- used to
- Susan ... spend a lot of money on clothes. These days she can’t afford it.
- was used to
- used to
- We ... live in a small village, but now we live in a city.
- was used to
- used to
- There ... be four cinemas in the town. Now there is only one.
- was used to
- used to
- Gita: "Do you go to the cinema much?"
Iva: "Not now, but I ...."- was used to
- used to
- ... eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?
- Did you get used to
- Did you use to
D.4. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan bentuk "used to + infinitive" atau "be/get used to + noun/pronoun/gerund"
- Our new apartment is on a busy street. It’s very disturbing because we ...(not - live) ... in a noisy environment.
- It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new highway is open. It ...(take)... more than an hour.
- Sarah is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first it was hard for her as she ...(not - work)... nights.
- There ...(be)... a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.
- I ...(work)... in a factory. I decided to quit because I wanted to be a teacher.
- Lisa comes from the United States. When she first drove a car in Indonesia, driving was a problem for her because she ...(not - drive)... on the left.
- Friend: Wouldn’t you prefer to sleep in a bed?
You: No, it's OK. I ...(sleep)... on the floor. It's my habit. - There was a river near my house where I ...(go)... fishing with my Dad when I was a child.
- What games ...(you - play)... when you were a child?
- Jack has to drive two hours to work every morning. Many years ago, when he first had to do this, it was hard for him and he didn’t like it because he ...(not - drive)... that long every morning.
- In your last job, how many hours a day ...(you - spend)... to work?
- Dani moved from a big house to a much smaller one. He found it strange at first. He had to ...(live)... in a much smaller house.
- I ...(run)... ten kilometers, but I can’t run that far now.
- These days I eat more than before. I ...(not - eat)... much.
- Helen has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before. She finds this difficult because she ...(not - get)... up so early.
- Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use (5th Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019
- Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986