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Home Grammar Soal SMP Tenses Usage Exercises: The Simple Past VS Present Perfect Tense (Intermediate)

September 09, 2021

Exercises: The Simple Past VS Present Perfect Tense (Intermediate)

Simple Past VS Present Perfect
n this post, we are going to do some exercises on contrasting the Simple Past with the Present Perfect tense. To learn about the differences between the Simple Past and the Present Perfect tense, read "Contrasting The Simple Past VS The Present Perfect Simple".

To learn more about both tenses separately, read "Simple Past Tense: Bentuk, Penggunaan, dan Latihan Soal" and "Present Perfect Tense: Bentuk, Penggunaan, dan Latihan Soal".

A. Use the words in brackets to answer the questions.
Man: "Has the package arrived?"
Woman: "Yes, ...(a few hours ago)...."
Answer: "Yes, it arrived a few hours ago."
  1. Man: "Have you seen Bob?"
    Woman: "Yes, ...(a few minutes ago)...."
  2. Woman: "Have you started your new job?"
    Man: "Yes, ...(last week)...."
  3. Man: "Have you had lunch?"
    Woman: "Yes, ...(an hour ago)...."
  4. Man: "Have you submitted the report?"
    Woman: "...(yesterday)...."
  5. Man: "Have they contacted you?"
    Woman: "...(on Monday)...."
B. Right or wrong? Correct the underlined verbs if they are wrong.
  • I've lost my key. I can't find it.
    Answer: RIGHT
  • Have you seen Bob yesterday?
    Answer: WRONG: Did you see Bob yesterday?
  1. I've finished my work at 2 o'clock.
  2. I'm ready now. I've finished my work at 2 o'clock.
  3. What time have you finished your work?
  4. Sue isn't here. She's gone out.
  5. Jim's grandfather has died in 2009.
  6. Where have you been last night?
  7. I have started my carreer as a teacher in 2002.
  8. I have worked as a teacher for more than 20 years.
  9. Laila left a few minutes ago.
  10. The letter hasn't arrived yesterday.
C. Put the verbs in the simple past or present perfect.
  • I ...(lose)... my key. I can't find it.
    Answer: I've lost my key. I can't find it.
  • We ...(not have)... a holiday last year.
    Answer: We didn't have a holiday last year.
  1. My friend is a writer. He ...(write)... many books.
  2. I ...(play)... tennis yesterday afternoon.
  3. What time ...(you/go)... to bed last night?
  4. ...(you/ever/meet)... a famous person?
  5. The weather ...(not/be)... very good yesterday.
  6. My hair is wet. I ...(just wash)... it.
  7. I ...(wash)... my hair before breakfast this morning.
  8. Kathy travels a lot. She ...(visit)... many countries.
  9. Sonia isn't here. She ...(not/come)... yet.
  10. We ...(live)... in Malang for two years but now we live in Jember.
  11. Man: "Have you ever been to Bali?"
    Woman: "Yes, we ...(go)... there on holiday last year.
  12. Man: "Where's Tika?"
    Woman: "I don't know. I ...(not see)... her.
  13. Lia works in an office. She ...(work)... there for almost two years.
  14. I ...(meet)... your sister at a party last week. She's very nice.
  15. I ...(wait)... here since seven o'clock and she ...(not come)... yet.
  16. I ...(look)... at this picture for five minutes, but I can't see you in it.
  17. COVID-19 outbreak ...(start)... in early 2020.
  18. Since then, the government ...(take)... various measures to stop the spread of the virus.
  19. The World Health Organization ...(declare)... COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020.
  20. ...(you/see)... a good movie lately?
Want to practice more? Try to do another exercise on contrasting the Simple Past with the Present Perfect tense HERE.


Mister Guru

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