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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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April 26, 2013

Business English Dialogue: Changing Money At the Bank

English for business contextual dialogue:
Customer:Good morning. Where can I change some money?
Clerk:Over there, Madam, at the Foreign Exchange counter.
Customer:What's the rate today, please?
Clerk:What currency, madam?
Customer:United States dollars, please.
Clerk:Are you buying or selling, Madam?
Customer:I'd like to change dollars into rupiah.
Clerk:We can give you 14,300 rupiah per dollar, Madam.
Customer:That's a rather poor rate of exchange, isn't it?
Clerk:Yes. It's lower than usual, Madam. The dollar has slightly dropped.
Customer:Is that the official rate of exchange?
Clerk:Yes, it is, Madam. It will be the same in all the banks.
Customer:What about the money changers?
Clerk:I'm sorry. I don't know what their rate will be, Madam. It could be slightly higher or lower than ours.
Customer:The reason I'm asking is that I want to change a large amount.
Clerk:I understand, Madam.
Customer:Oh, well. Never mind. I'll go ahead and change it here. I'd like to cash these travellers cheques.
Clerk:Very good, Madam. Would you countersign the cheques, please? How much would you like to change, Madam?
Customer:1,000 US$, please.
Clerk:Where are you staying, please, Madam?
Customer:I'm staying privately. I'll give you the address.
Clerk:How would you like to have it, Madam? Our largest note is 100,000 rupiah.
Customer:That'll be fine.
Clerk:There we are, Madam.
Customer:Thank you very much.
Clerk:You're most welcome, madam.

Exercise: Answer the following questions.

  1. What would the woman like to do in the bank?
  2. What currency does she want?
  3. Is she buying or selling?
  4. What does she think about the rate?
  5. What rate would she get if she went to another bank?
  6. What does she decide to do then?
  7. How much does she want to change?
  8. How much does she get in rupiah?

May 31, 2012

The Role, Positive Effects, Products, and Motivations of Tourism, and Tourism Industry

The Role, Positive Effects, Products, and Motivations of Tourism, and Tourism Industry

A. The main role of tourism in Indonesia

Tourism has undoubtedly played a very significant part in the country’s development process, particularly in the aspects of economy, culture, education, and environment. It has become one of the biggest sources of Indonesian foreign exchange earnings which helps boost the economic development. Nevertheless, it has to be carefully planned, developed, organized, and controlled in order to minimize its disbenefits to the entire nation. This is why the Indonesian government has intensified and expanded the tourism industry with due interest for preservation of the Indonesian culture and national identity.

B. The positive effects of tourism activities

Tourism activities have significantly brought positive effects to our society concerning:
  1. Culture;
    • Preservation of cultural monuments and historical places. In turn, it will motivate the sense of cultural heritage among the Indonesian people.
    • Preservation of traditional cultural patterns, art, dances, customs, and dress. It will develop the national pride, heritage, and unity.
    • Improvement of cross-cultural exchange and international understanding through contact of persons of different countries, cultures, and environment. It will promote the national culture itself.
  2. Economy:
    • Provision of employment and increase of income level.
    • Increase of foreign exchange
    • Help in paying costs of infrastructure
    • Improvement of managerial and technical skills in tourism, which, in turn, will help to pay other economic activities.
  3. Social relationship:
    • Improvement of cross-cultural exchange and better international understanding. It develops the awareness of the importance of international relationship.
    • Building stronger national pride, sense of heritage, sense of belonging, and unity among the Indonesian by learning more about the diverse culture and environment of Indonesia.
    • Improvement of infrastructure will result in easy accessibility and wider social relationship.
  4. Security:
    • Preservation of natural environment will lead to cleanliness and safety. Environmental deterioration can be minimized.
    • The improvement of infrastructure, including transportation and communication, will result in easy accessibility for law enforcement agencies.
    • Increase and improvement of law enforcement agencies as well as their facilities, e.g. security guards, police agents, police stations, patrol cars, means of communication, etc.
  5. Education:
    • Improvement of managerial and technical skills and knowledge in tourism.
    • Preserved environmental and natural features, such as parks, flora-fauna, scenic view, monuments, and historical places, will enable people to learn more about culture, nature, geography, history and other studies.

C. Products of Tourism

Tourism product is actually a service, which is made up of 3 main components, i.e.:
  1. Attraction of the destination.
    It concerns the image that a tourist has in mind about a tourism object.
  2. Facilities at the destination.
    It concerns the accommodation, catering, entertainment and recreation
  3. Accessibility of the destination.
    It concerns how the destination can be reached easily from the place of origin.

D. Motivations of Tourism Activities

People's travel motivation and the purpose of visits can be classified as follows:
  • General motivation:
    To be away from the home areas.
  • Specific motivation:
    Price inelastic: business, meeting, or conference.
    Price elastic: holiday makers, family visits, education, sports, health, religion, shopping, prestige, or conformity.

Tourism Industry

Tourism industry is the marketing effort which means the systematic and coordinated execution of business for the needs of tourists and to achieve the maximum satisfaction and obtain the appropriate returns. It coordinates the whole approach of an enterprise or organization to its business (chain of distribution). It consists of;
  1. Private sector support services:
    • Guide services
    • Travel insurance and finance services
    • Marketing support services
    • Private ports, etc.
  2. Public sector support services:
    • National / regional tourist organizations
    • Resort publicity offices
    • Public education and training establishments
    • Visa and passport offices, etc.
  3. Products:
    • Carriers; means of transportation
    • Accommodations; e.g. hotels, apartments, holiday centers, etc.
    • Man-made attractions; e.g. activity centers, theme parks, etc.
  4. Middleman: e.g. tour operators / brokers, travel agents, etc.

October 10, 2011

English Biology Quiz: Plants

Choose the best answer; A, B, C, or D to each question.
  1. Which of the following is true about all living things?
    1. They can make food.
    2. They breathe in air.
    3. They need sleep.
    4. They can think.
  2. Plants take in ... during photosynthesis.English Biology Quiz - Plants and photosynthesis
    1. carbon dioxide
    2. hydrogen
    3. nitrogen
    4. oxygen
  3. Photosynthesis happens ....
    1. only in sunlight
    2. only in the dark
    3. only part of the time
    4. all of the time
  4. Green plants can only make food ....
    1. in the day time
    2. in the night time
    3. in the morning
    4. in the evening
  5. Which of the following groups of living things can make their own food?
    1. Bird
    2. Plant
    3. Man
    4. Fish
  6. Green leaves can absorb ... from the sun.
    1. water
    2. carbon dioxide
    3. light energy
    4. oxygen
  7. Which of the following plants cannot make its own food?
    1. Hibiscus plant
    2. Papaya tree
    3. Mushroom
    4. Water lily plant
  8. The food found in the leaves of green plants is ....
    1. salt
    2. flour
    3. water
    4. starch
  9. What do you use to show that a food substance contains starch?
    1. Lime water
    2. Salt solution
    3. Iodine solution
    4. Sugar solution
  10. When a few drops of iodine solution are dropped into some starch solution, the starch turns ....
    1. blue
    2. yellow
    3. brown
    4. green
  11. In strong sunlight, green plants need water and ... to make food.
    1. good soil
    2. carbon dioxide
    3. mineral salts
    4. oxygen
  12. Plants with no green coloring in their leaves cannot ....
    1. breathe air
    2. absorb water
    3. grow well
    4. make food
  13. Green plants help to remove ... from the atmosphere.
    1. oxygen
    2. water
    3. sunlight
    4. carbon dioxide
  14. Water plants are usually put in an aquarium. This is because in strong sunlight, they supply ... to the fishes.
    1. food
    2. water
    3. energy
    4. oxygen
  15. When green plants make food during the day, they give off ....
    1. light energy
    2. oxygen
    3. carbon dioxide
    4. heat energy
  16. Green plants are planted everywhere because they help to ... the air in the atmosphere.
    1. dirty
    2. clean
    3. spoil
    4. pollute
  17. Water helps to keep a plant ....
    1. weak
    2. limp
    3. green
    4. firm
  18. Plants lose water to their surroundings mainly through the ....
    1. roots
    2. stems
    3. leaves
    4. fruits
  19. A balsam plant takes in water from ....
    1. the air
    2. the pot
    3. the soil
    4. the rocks
  20. Plants give out water as ....
    1. smoke
    2. rain
    3. ice
    4. water vapor

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