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April 28, 2011

Similar Words & Phrases

In learning English, we often have difficulty using or determining the correct words or phrases. It is easy to confuse words that have similar meanings, similar spellings, or similar sounds. However, these words CANNOT be interchanged.

Here, you will learn similar words or phrases in the English language that you should anticipate, especially when you want to take the TOEFL or TOEIC tests.
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April 17, 2011

"Indonesia Raya" Versi Tiga Stanza Lebih Menggugah?

Lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya Versi Tiga Stanza
uatu pagi, saat iseng mendengarkan MP3 Indonesia Raya 3 Stanza, saya merasa tertarik saat mengetahui lagu kebangsaan kita ini ternyata memiliki versi lain yaitu 3 stanza yang lebih lengkap. Selain Stanza 1 seperti yang kita kenal sekarang, masih ada dua (2) Stanza lagi. Berikut ini Lirik modern Indonesia Raya hasil Google Search dari


I. Indonesia tanah airku,
Tanah tumpah darahku,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
Jadi pandu ibuku.

Indonesia kebangsaanku,
Bangsa dan tanah airku,
Marilah kita berseru,
Indonesia bersatu.

Hiduplah tanahku,
Hiduplah neg'riku,
Bangsaku, Rakyatku, semuanya,
Bangunlah jiwanya,
Bangunlah badannya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya.

II. Indonesia, tanah yang mulia,
Tanah kita yang kaya,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
Untuk s'lama-lamanya.

Indonesia, tanah pusaka,
P'saka kita semuanya,
Marilah kita mendoa,
Indonesia bahagia.

Suburlah tanahnya,
Suburlah jiwanya,
Bangsanya, Rakyatnya, semuanya,
Sadarlah hatinya,
Sadarlah budinya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya.

III. Indonesia, tanah yang suci,
Tanah kita yang sakti,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
N'jaga ibu sejati.

Indonesia, tanah berseri,
Tanah yang aku sayangi,
Marilah kita berjanji,
Indonesia abadi.

S'lamatlah rakyatnya,
S'lamatlah putranya,
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya,
Majulah Neg'rinya,
Majulah pandunya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya.

Indonesia Raya,
Merdeka, merdeka,
Tanahku, neg'riku yang kucinta!
Indonesia Raya,
Merdeka, merdeka,
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya.

Kita bisa melihat bahwa Stanza pertama bernafaskan persatuan, stanza kedua bernafaskan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan YME dan ketiga janji untuk menjaga Indonesia tetap abadi. Menurut saya pribadi, Stanza 2 dan 3 memiliki makna yang lebih menekankan pada pembangunan akhlak dan budi pekerti, serta jauh lebih menyentuh daripada Stanza 1 yang selalu kita nyanyikan selama ini. Ada beberapa potong kalimat atau bait yang menurut saya teramat sayang untuk dilupakan begitu saja. Misal, pada Stanza 2.
"Indonesia, tanah yang mulia,
Tanah kita yang kaya,
Di sanalah aku berdiri,
Untuk s'lama-lamanya."
Bait ini mengingatkan kita bahwa negara kita adalah negara yang kaya. Adalah suatu ironi jika sampai sekarang sebagian besar rakyat kita masih hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan, dan sebagian lagi harus mengais rejeki hingga ke negri orang. Saya bertanya-tanya, jika selalu kita nyanyikan sampai sekarang, mampukah bait tersebut menggugah semangat kita untuk berjuang dengan lebih keras demi menghapus kemiskinan di negeri kita yang tercinta ini, tanpa harus lari ke negeri orang hanya untuk mencari sesuap nasi?

Masih di Stanza 2:
"Indonesia, tanah pusaka,
P'saka kita semuanya,
Marilah kita mendoa,
Indonesia bahagia."
Bait ini mengingatkan kita bahwa tanah-air kita adalah pusaka bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia, bukan milik sebagian kalangan tertentu saja. Kekayaan alam harus diolah sebagai "pusaka" bagi seluruh rakyat, bukan untuk dimanipulasi para pejabat demi kantong dan perut sendiri. Bait ini juga mengingatkan kita sebagai umat beragama untuk selalu berdoa kepada Allah SWT. Lagi-lagi saya bertanya-tanya dan berandai-andai. Andai selalu kita nyanyikan, mungkinkah bait di atas menyadarkan para pejabat kita agar bersikap amanah dalam mengelola kekayaan negara demi kesejahteraan rakyat? Di satu sisi, rakyat sebagai umat beragama juga menjadi lebih santun dan arif ketika menghadapi suatu masalah dan menghindari cara-cara anarki seperti yang selama ini sering kita lihat dalam berbagai unjuk rasa.

Resapi juga lirik bait ketiga:
"... Sadarlah hatinya,
Sadarlah budinya,
Untuk Indonesia Raya."
Lirik di atas sangat pas dengan kondisi bangsa kita selama ini. Meski akhir-akhir ini pengintegrasian budi pekerti dalam kurikulum pembelajaran di sekolah semakin berkembang, betapa seringnya kita meninggalkan budi-pekerti dari perilaku kehidupan sehari-hari? Saya jadi teringat betapa banyak kasus, mulai dari kejahatan perbankan tingkat tinggi, perpajakan, hingga pungli di terminal dan jalanan yang sebenarnya berawal dari hilangnya kesadaran diri sebagai mahluk Allah SWT, serta semakin punahnya budi pekerti dalam perilaku keseharian kita. Kenyamanan dan kemewahan hingga tuntutan kehidupan modern rupanya telah benar-benar membutakan kita, sehingga kita lupa ke mana kita akan berpulang nanti. Dan ... lagi-lagi saya berandai-andai, andai kita selalu menyanyikan bait di atas, mampukah sepotong bait itu menggugah kesadaran kita sebagai manusia beragama yang selalu mengedepankan etika dan budi pekerti dalam berperilaku?

Bait ketiga dalam Stanza 3:
"S'lamatlah rakyatnya,
S'lamatlah putranya,
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya, ...."
Kalimat tersebut adalah doa tulus yang terpanjat demi keselamatan rakyat Indonesia, pulau-pulau serta laut dan kekayaan alam Indonesia dari segala ancaman dan marabahaya. Betapa banyak bencana, mulai dari lumpur Lapindo hingga banjir bandang yang berawal dari kelalaian dan keserakahan kita dalam mengelola sumber daya alam? Ratusan hektar hutan telah habis digunduli oleh para mafia kayu, yang tingkat kerakusannya jauh melebihi binatang bernama rayap yang paling rakus sekalipun. Ratusan rumah juga telah tenggelam di dasar danau lumpur yang berawal dari kelalaian pengelola bisnis yang ingin menekan biaya instalasi tanpa memikirkan dampak bagi lingkungan sekitar. Juga karena kelalaian kita, pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan terlepas dari pangkuan ibu pertiwi. Dan sekali lagi dan lagi ... saya berandai-andai, andai saja kita selalu menyanyikan Stanza 3, akan "lebih" selamatkah rakyat dan negara kita?

Dalam teori motivasi, kita mengenal adanya The Power of Repetition, yaitu sesuatu hal yang diucapkan berulang-ulang sebagai affirmatif atau penguatan bagi dirinya dan diharapkan menjadi drive untuk mencapai suatu sasaran, seperti yang dilakukan perusahaan-perusahaan di Jepang pada umumnya untuk meningkatkan kinerja. Bukankah lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya yang kita nyanyikan berulang-ulang hampir di setiap upacara seharusnya bisa menjadi pendorong untuk memperbaiki akhlak dan budi pekerti bangsa kita?

January 22, 2011

English Speech Contest & Olympiad 2011

If you are a junior high school student (SMP/MTs) and you wish to test your English skill, here's a piece of interesting information.

To celebrate the Indonesian Living-Environment day and the 1-million Trees Movement which falls on January 10th, SMK Negeri 1 Probolinggo is planning to hold an English speech contest on January 26th and English olympiad on January 28th, 2011. The Adi-Wiyata award-winning school expects that these events will be attended by junior-high-school students in Probolinggo, Pasuruan, and Lumajang areas.

If you are interested in joining these events, here is some more information.

Speech Contest is an individual competition in which every participant is required to deliver a speech in a convincing way to impress the Judges. The expected outcome of this competition is to improve participants’ self-confidence, in addition to develop their public-speaking skills and their ability in performing in English.
  1. Participants are registered SMP/MTs students.
  2. Registration can be done at the receptionist desk latest by 1:00 pm January 25th 2011.
  3. Registration fee is Rp.25,000.-, or Rp.35,000.- for both events.
  4. Participants are to submit 1 pc of the latest passport-sized photograph (3x4 cm) together with a copy of student's card/ID.
  5. Speech topics, which all will relate to environmental issues, will be decided by the committee.
  6. Participants will be quarantined and given a period of 1 hour for case building prior to delivering their speech.
  7. Speech should take not more than 10 (ten) minutes.
  8. Participants may not read any texts during speech, except a key note which addresses important points.
  9. Scoring will be based on 3 (three) aspects; Accuracy (relevance and weight of content), Fluency (in speaking), and Performance (body language and attitude).
  10. Winners will be decided by the total score of all aspects.
  11. Juries' decisions are final and irrevocable.

English olympiad is an individual competition in which every participant is required to do a proficiency test of English. The outcome of this competition is to improve participants’ knowledge, in addition to develop their experience and their English skills.
  1. Participants are registered SMP/MTs students.
  2. Registration can be done at the receptionist desk latest by 1:00 pm January 25th 2011.
  3. Registration fee is Rp.25,000.-, or Rp.35,000.- for both events.
  4. Participants are to submit 1 pc of the latest passport-sized photograph (3x4 cm) together with a copy of student's card/ID.
  5. Test items will be based on SMP’s Curriculum and focused on environmental issues.
  6. Participants will be given 120 minutes to do a 75-item test.
  7. Participants must prepare a pencil and an eraser.
  8. Participants may not bring dictionaries, mobile phones, calculators, and/or books into the test room.
  9. Participants may not cooperate with other participants during the test.
  10. Participants must wear school uniform.
  11. Participants who fail to comply with the rules will be disqualified.
Scoring criteria:
  • Correct answers will score 2 (two) points.
  • -1 (minus one) score penalty will be applied to wrong answers.
  • Unanswered question(s) will score 0 (zero).

If you wish to join both or one of the above events, feel free to contact the committee at 0335-421121.
Contact person: Prastowo Ismanto.

August 29, 2010

English Idioms and Expressions With "ALL"

English Idioms and Expressions With ALLWhat is an idiom (ideeum)? An idiom is an expression, word, or phrase whose sense means something different from what the words literally imply. Idioms usually do not translate well. In some cases, when an idiom is translated into another language, either its meaning is changed or it is meaningless. On this post, we are going to learn common idioms using "ALL", including their closest meaning(s) in Bahasa Indonesia.
Happy learning.

All-nighterWork or study all nightBekerja/belajar semalam-suntukPulling an all-nighter before exams is not a good habit.
All overVery fond (of something)Sangat menyukai sesuatuShe's all over the latest fashions.
All shook upExtremely excited, worried, or disturbed about somethingSangat senang, khawatir, atau terganggu oleh sesuatuShe's all shook up about her mother's illness.
All that and then someMore than what has been mentionedLebih dari yang sudah dikatakanHe did all that and then some to get the new job.
Go all the wayDo something completelyMengerjakan dengan sepenuhnyaThey went all the way for the championship.
Dash it all!Expression used when very upsetUngkapan yang dipakai saat merasa sangat kecewaDash it all! I didn't do well in the test.
For all I knowBased on what I know (mostly implying displeasure)Setahu saya (umumnya untuk mengisyaratkan kekecewaanFor all I know, the government will increase the fuel price this month.
Free for allCrazy, free, non-restricted activity (generally a fight)Gila, Bebas (biasanya untuk pertarunganIt was a free for all! Everyone went crazy!
Have it all togetherBe very poised, successfulSangat mapan, suksesHe has it all together. The house, the wife, the kids, the great job - everything!
Hold all the acesHave all the advantagesUnggul, memiliki keuntungan atau kendaliUnfortunately, Rita holds all the aces right now. We'll have to do what she says.
Know all the anglesBe very clever about somethingSangat pandai dalam suatu halHe knew all the angles and answered our questions satisfactorily.
Not all thereNot intelligent, not completely focused on an activityKurang cerdas, tidak benar-benar fokus pada sesuatuThe student was not all there. He couldn't answer my questions.
Of all the nerve!Expression of anger at someone's behaviorUngkapan kemarahan atas perilaku seseorangOf all the nerve! Did you see how she treated me?
Once and for allFinally (usually putting an end to something)Akhirnya (dipakai untuk mengakhiri sesuatuWe need to stop this conflict once and for all!
Pull out all the stopsMake every possible effortmelakukan segala upayaI pulled out all the stops on the test.
Can't win them all.Expression of acceptance after a loss or disappointmentUngkapan setelah mengalami kekecewaan atau kekalahanYou did your best in the match and I'm proud of you. You can't win them all.

August 19, 2010

Wawasan Kebangsaan Sebagai Solusi Krisis Nasional

Wawasan Kebangsaan Sebagai Solusi Krisis Nasional
i "Nasionalisme Setelah 65 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka", kita sudah melihat adanya fenomena merosotnya semangat nasionalisme di tengah krisis multi-dimensi yang tengah melanda masyarakat kita akhir-akhir ini. Kita setidaknya bisa menyimpulkan bahwa salah satu penyebab penurunan kualitas dan tatanan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara adalah melemahnya konsep wawasan kebangsaan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan modern sekarang ini. Dengan demikian, konsep wawasan kebangsaan yang terwujud dalam implementasi nilai-nilai dasar wawasan kebangsaan diharapkan akan dapat menjadi solusi bagi kita untuk bangkit dari keterpurukan nasional akibat krisis multi-dimensi tersebut.
1. Konsep Wawasan Kebangsaan
Konsep wawasan kebangsaan sebenarnya telah tercetus pada waktu diikrarkannya Sumpah Pemuda tanggal 28 Oktober 1928 sebagai tekad perjuangan bangsa yang merupakan konvensi nasional tentang pernyataan eksistensi bangsa Indonesia yaitu: satu nusa, satu bangsa, dan menjunjung bahasa persatuan bahasa Indonesia.
Wawasan Kebangsaan adalah suatu wawasan yang mementingkan kesepakatan, kesejahteraan, kelemahan, dan keamanan bangsa sebagai titik tolak dalam berfalsafah berencana dan bertindak. (Parangtopo, 1993)
Sebagai suatu cara pandang, wawasan kebangsaan menentukan cara suatu bangsa mendayagunakan kondisi geografis negaranya, sejarah, sosial budaya, ekonomi, dan politik serta pertahanan dan keamanan dalam mencapai cita-cita dan menjamin kepentingan nasionalnya. Wawasan ini juga menentukan bagaimana bangsa itu menempatkan dirinya dalam tata cara berinteraksi dengan sesama bangsanya serta dalam pergaulan dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia internasional.

Dalam wawasan kebangsaan, terkandung komitmen dan semangat persatuan untuk menjamin keberadaan dan peningkatan kualitas kehidupan bangsa. Selain itu, wawasan kebangsaan menghendaki pengetahuan yang memadai tentang tantangan masa kini dan mendatang serta berbagai potensi yang dimiliki bangsa.

Nilai wawasan kebangsaan yang terwujud dalam persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa memiliki 6 (enam) dimensi manusia yang bersifat basic dan fundamental, yaitu;
  1. Penghargaan terhadap harkat dan martabat manusia sebagai mahluk ciptaan Tuhan Yang MahaKuasa,
  2. Tekad bersama untuk berkehidupan kebangsaan yang bebas, merdeka, dan bersatu,
  3. Cinta tanah air dan bangsa,
  4. Demokrasi atau kedaulatan rakyat,
  5. Kesetiakawanan sosial,
  6. Masyarakat adil dan makmur.
2. Pentingnya Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Dasar Wawasan Kebangsaan
Apabila kita menelaah kembali satu-persatu masalah yang telah dan sedang terjadi di negara kita akhir-akhir ini, kita akan dapat melihat dengan jelas pentingnya pemahaman konsep dan penerapan nilai-nilai wawasan kebangsaan di negara kita.

Sebagai contoh, maraknya kemaksiatan di tengah masyarakat serta korupsi dan manipulasi dikalangan pejabat terjadi karena menurunnya moral keagamaan bangsa kita. Meskipun negara kita adalah negara dengan jumlah pemeluk agama Islam yang tertinggi di dunia, nilai-nilai keTuhanan masih berupa ritual yang dipahami sebatas simbol dan belum menjiwai perilaku keseharian masyarakat maupun para petinggi negara kita.

Contoh-contoh nyata lainnya adalah lepasnya Timor-Timur dari pangkuan Republik Indonesia, insiden-insiden bernuansa makar yang terjadi di Papua, Aceh, dan Maluku, kerusuhan etnis di Sampit dan Ambon, serta terorisme yang sedang menghangat akhir-akhir ini. Bagaimana mungkin seorang anak bangsa mau melakukan pemboman di negeri sendiri dan mengorbankan saudara sebangsa, jika mereka memiliki rasa cinta tanah air yang tinggi? Yang juga mengherankan adalah munculnya golongan-golongan radikal yang tidak lagi menghormati Pancasila sebagai dasar negara dan sang Merah Putih sebagai bendera nasional, padahal di satu sisi, kepentingan dan keselamatan mereka dijaga dan dihormati oleh negara. Inilah akibat dari hilangnya tekad kebersamaan sebagai suatu bangsa dan rasa cinta tanah air sehingga kepentingan golongan menjadi suatu hal yang harus diperjuangkan di atas kepentingan negara dan masyarakat.

Pengkhianatan terhadap kedaulatan rakyat yang membawa kerusakan terhadap kehidupan demokrasi juga merupakan hal yang biasa terjadi saat Pemilihan Umum berlangsung. Kesetiakawanan sosial juga telah semakin luntur. Masyarakat yang adil dan makmur masih belum terwujud ditandai dengan masih tingginya kesenjangan sosial antara si kaya dan si miskin.
3. Aspek Penting Dalam Penerapan Wawasan Kebangsaan
Untuk mengatasi dan mencegah semua masalah tersebut di atas, penanaman dan penguatan konsep yang diwujudkan dengan penerapan nilai-nilai dasar wawasan kebangsaan menjadi agenda yang harus segara dilakukan jika kita ingin menyelamatkan bangsa dan negara kita. Dalam menerapkan konsep wawasan kebangsaan, Seminar Pendidikan Wawasan Kebangsaan (1993) mengemukakan perlunya 2 (dua) aspek sebagai berikut:
  1. Aspek Moral, mensyaratkan adanya perjanjian diri (commitment) pada seseorang atau masyarakat untuk turut bekerja bagi kelanjutan eksistensi bangsa dan bagi peningkatan kualitas kehidupan bangsa.
  2. Aspek Intelektual, menghendaki pengetahuan yang memadai mengenai tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi bangsa serta potensi-potensi yang dimiliki bangsa.
Konsep tanpa adanya komitmen untuk bertindak ibarat mimpi di siang bolong. Karena itu, harus ada suatu gerakan moral berskala nasional, entah apapun namanya, resmi maupun tidak resmi, sebagai suatu statemen nasional untuk bersama-sama mendukung serta menerapkan nilai-nilai wawasan kebangsaan. Media-massa sebagai penyalur informasi memegang peranan penting dalam hal ini dan harus memiliki komitmen tinggi terhadap pemulihan semangat nasionalisme. Kebebasan pers harus dimaknai secara bertanggung-jawab, sehingga konsep wawasan kebangsaan selalu tersosialisasikan dengan baik kepada masyarakat. Hal yang terasa sepele namun cukup bermakna misalnya adalah penayangan film-film dokumenter tentang perjuangan bangsa, serta pemutaran lagu-lagu nasional di televisi pada jam-jam yang cukup efektif untuk membentuk karakter dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

Komitmen yang bersungguh-sungguh dari segenap lapisan dan komponen bangsa secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan menggugah semangat dan intelektualitas bangsa sehingga mereka selalu waspada dan siap menghadapi tantangan-tantangan era modern dengan segenap potensi yang ada. Pada gilirannya, penerapan konsep wawasan kebangsaan yang baik akan dapat membentuk manusia Indonesia seutuhnya dan masyarakat Indonesia seluruhnya sebagai obyek dan sekaligus subyek usaha pembangunan nasional menuju masyarakat adil dan makmur berdasarkan Pancasila. Amin.

  • "Pendidikan Wawasan Kebangsaan", Tantangan dan Dinamika Perjuangan Kaum Cendekiawan Indonesia, Lembaga Pengkajian Strategi dan Pembangunan & PT Gramedia Widia Sarana Indonesia, Jakarta, 1994.
  • Dimensi Rohani dan Wawasan Kebangsaan Dalam Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Bintoro Tjokroamidjojo, 1996.
  • Wawasan Kebangsaan Dalam Kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, Drs. Idup Suhady, M.Si dan Drs. A.M. Sinaga, M.Si, 2006.

August 17, 2010

Nasionalisme Setelah 65 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka

Nasionalisme Setelah 65 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka
Suatu pagi dalam sebuah upacara bendera di sekolah, saat pengibaran bendera Merah Putih sedang berlangsung dan hampir seluruh peserta upacara memberikan hormat kepada bendera nasional kita, banyak di antara siswa, baik putra maupun putri, tampak bergurau dan tertawa cekikikan, seolah sang Dwi Warna tidak memiliki arti apa-apa.

Ketika hal itu saya utarakan kepada seorang teman yang juga guru dari daerah dan sekolah lain, jawaban yang saya terima justru lebih mengejutkan. Dia berkata, "Di tempat saya, jangankan murid, gurunya pun asyik bergurau dan ngobrol saat penghormatan bendera berlangsung." Menyedihkan bukan?

Hal ini cukup jauh berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan masa ketika saya masih duduk di bangku sekolah. Setiap kali bendera Merah Putih sedang dikibarkan dalam upacara bendera, bisa dikatakan seluruh peserta termasuk murid-murid yang bisa dibilang bandel sekalipun segera memberikan penghormatan dengan khidmat. Bahkan seorang teman pernah berkata bahwa dia selalu merasa sedih setiap hening cipta karena dia selalu teringat wajah seorang pahlawan yang gugur dalam perang kemerdekaan yang pernah dilihatnya dalam film dokumenter di TV.

Nasionalisme Setelah 65 Tahun Indonesia Merdeka
Itu dulu. Sekarang? Kalimat "Untuk mengenang jasa para pahlawan yang telah gugur demi kemerdekaan Indonesia, ...." bagi telinga kita tak ubahnya bagai suatu kalimat klise sebagai bagian dari rutinitas wajib yang tak bermakna. Mari kita ingat lagi, apakah yang sedang kita pikirkan saat kita menundukkan kepala dan mengheningkan cipta? Apakah kita benar-benar merenungkan betapa besar pengorbanan dan jasa para pahlawan bangsa demi kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan negara? Apakah kita pernah memikirkan betapa beruntungnya kita yang terlahir dan hidup di alam merdeka tanpa harus berjuang mengangkat senjata dan mempertaruhkan nyawa di antara desingan bom dan peluru?

Saya pernah merasa kecewa sekaligus sedih ketika dalam sebuah curah pendapat di Facebook, seorang mahasiswa yang aktif dalam sebuah organisasi agama melontarkan pemikiran yang secara tidak langsung menafikan keberadaan negara dan pemerintahan Indonesia. Secara singkat, saya bisa meraba bahwa baginya tidak ada nasionalisme dalam agama.

Pada umumnya, kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara di era modern seperti sekarang memang bisa dikatakan sudah jauh dari semangat kebersamaan dan nasionalisme yang dulu pernah menjadi motor penggerak perjuangan para pahlawan kita. Konsep wawasan kebangsaan semakin pudar dan tenggelam dalam hiruk pikuk era globalisasi.

Jangan merasa kaget ketika dalam sebuah reality show TV swasta, seorang artis penyanyi bertubuh montok dan sexy tidak bisa lagi menyanyikan lagu-lagu nasional yang dulu pernah dihapalnya di bangku SD. Jangan pula merasa heran kenapa anak-anak SD jaman sekarang tidak lagi bisa menyanyikan lagu-lagu nasional kita. Mereka lebih fasih menyanyikan lagu-lagu pop ketimbang lagu-lagu perjuangan yang memupuk semangat nasionalisme. Jangan salahkan anak-anak kita jika mereka lebih menyukai film Ipin-Upin buatan Malaysia daripada sinetron-sinetron anak Indonesia yang hanya menyajikan kekuatan-kekuatan aneh, mahluk-mahluk konyol, serta pembodohan dan hal-hal tak masuk akal lainnya.

Mengapa film-film yang mendidik seperti si Unyil atau Jalan Sesama masih sangat sedikit dibanding film-film anak tak bermutu? Karena memang kebanyakan produser film dan lagu hanya memikirkan segi keuntungan daripada nilai-nilai moral dan nasionalisme yang harus disampaikan kepada anak-anak. Sebagai hasilnya, anak anak kita tumbuh menjadi generasi Naruto, generasi 1 Piece, generasi Sponge Bob, atau generasi Ipin-Upin yang hampir tidak lagi mengenal identitasnya sebagai anak Indonesia.

Saat menonton berita di TV, wajah "terkini" nasionalisme bangsa kita akan semakin jelas tergambar di depan mata. Jangan bertanya arti nasionalisme kepada sosok semacam GT yang tanpa rasa bersalah tega mengemplang pajak yang terkumpul dari hasil jerih-payah rakyat. Jangan juga bertanya apa arti solidaritas sosial kepada para anggota dewan yang dengan enaknya berlenggang-kangkung mengadakan kunjungan ke sana-sini di saat banyak rakyat miskin yang babak-belur dihajar oleh si Eko (baca: ekonomi). Jangan juga bertanya tentang kepentingan rakyat kepada mereka karena di saat rapat, mereka ternyata lebih memilih tidur atau bolos, bahkan nonton film porno secara sembunyi-sembunyi daripada memikirkan nasib rakyat yang dulu dirangkulnya erat-erat saat kampanye legislatif.

Juga tidak perlu heran jika anda melihat para pembesar parpol yang tidak kebagian "kursi" ramai-ramai mengkritik pemerintah yang dianggapnya tidak becus, seolah mereka lupa bahwa ketika masih duduk di "kursi"nya yang empuk, mereka adalah bagian dari "ketidak-becusan" itu. Jika anda pindah saluran TV, janganlah kaget jika anda melihat mahasiswa fakultas A tawuran dengan mahasiswa fakultas B tanpa alasan yang jelas dan masuk akal, tak ubahnya murid-murid SD di jaman saya sekolah dulu. Jangan lagi kaget jika berita selanjutnya adalah tentang sekelompok pemuda kampung X yang tawuran dengan kelompok pemuda kampung Y hanya gara-gara bersenggolan saat berjoget dalam suatu konser dangdut, seolah mereka lupa bahwa dulu para pemuda dari Sabang sampai Merauke pernah berikrar bahwa mereka adalah SATU BANGSA dan SATU TANAH AIR.  Janganlah heran jika kelak, generasi mendatang akan menginjak-injak sang Merah Putih demi terpuaskannya gaya hidup atau terwujudnya faham yang mereka anggap benar.

Nasionalisme Setelah 65 Tahun Indonesia MerdekaSaya benar-benar tidak bisa membayangkan perasaan para pejuang kemerdekaan (jika masih hidup) yang telah rela meletakkan nyawanya diujung senjata dan berkorban demi sang Merah Putih. Kita seolah tidak lagi mampu menghargai pengorbanan mereka. Bahkan mungkin kita telah lupa bahwa mereka pernah ada, pernah hidup di suatu masa, lalu gugur demi kemerdekaan yang ternyata tidak mampu kita maknai dengan baik.

Ya Allah, ampunilah kami atas ketidak-mampuan kami dalam menghargai dan membalas jasa para pahlawan kami.

August 04, 2010

Learn Personality Adjectives through Zodiac

Aries - The Liar (March 21 – April 20)
Keywords: Daring, Risk-taker, Energetic, Friendly, Careless, Impulsive, Childish.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and associated with fresh vigor and new beginnings. It is said to have an enthusiastic, adventurous, aggressive, humorous, passionate, and pioneering character but one which is also prone to selfishness, boastfulness, intolerance, impulsiveness, and impatience. Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser. Extremely adorable. Loves relationships, Addictive. Loud.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Red and white.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Head and face.
Complaints: Headaches, black eyes, nose bleeds, and insect bites.
Birthstone: Diamond.
Flowers: Poppy (red), geraniums, honeysuckle, and hollyhocks.
Positive: Adventurous, Energetic, Pioneering, Courageous, Enthusiastic, Confident, Dynamic, Quick-witted
Negative: Selfish, Quick-tempered, Impulsive, Impatient, Foolhardy, Daredevil, Careless, Childish

Taurus - The Tramp (April 21 - May 20)
Keywords: Stubborn, Stable, Cautious, Comfort-seeker, Deliberate, Slow
Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac and associated with material pleasure. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a calm, patient, reliable, loyal, affectionate, sensuous, ambitious, and determined character, but one which is also prone to hedonism, laziness, inflexibility, jealousy, and antipathy. Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. They are the most attractive people on earth!
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Brown, russet, and turquoise. 
Vulnerable parts of the body: Neck, throat, shoulders, and upper torso.
Complaints: Stiff necks, sore throats, and earaches.
Birthstone: Emerald.
Flowers: Rose (red), daisy, lily, and daffodil.
Positive: Patient, Reliable, Warmhearted, Loving, Persistent, Determined, Placid, Security-loving
Negative: Jealous, Possessive, Resentful, Inflexible, Self-indulgent, Greedy, Slow, Stubborn

Gemini - The Irresistible (May 21 – June 21)
Keywords: Alert, Adaptable, Friendly, Superficial, Curious, Restless, Talkative
Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac and associated with youth and versatility. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a sociable, fun-loving, versatile, lively, communicative, liberal, intelligent, mentally active and friendly character but one which is also prone to moodiness, inconsistency, superficiality, restlessness and laziness. Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very good in the you know where... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Trustworthy. Always happy. Loud. Talkative. Outgoing, very forgiving. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. The most irresistible.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Yellow and light blue.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Arms, hands, fingers, lungs, and nervous system.
Complaints: Respiratory problems and various nervous conditions.
Birthstones: Agates.
Flowers: Lilac, azalea, and lily-of-the-valley.
Positive: Adaptable, Versatile, Communicative, Witty, Intellectual, Eloquent, Youthful, Lively
Negative: Nervous, Tense, Superficial, Inconsistent, Cunning, Inquisitive, Restless, Talkative

Cancer - The Cutie (June 22 - July 22)
Keywords: Moody, Nurturing, Sensitive, Shy, Possessive, Family-oriented
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and associated with family and domesticity. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a kind, emotional, romantic, imaginative, sympathetic, nurturing, and intuitive character, but one which is also prone to changeability, moodiness, hypersensitivity, depression, and clinginess. The Most Amazing Kisser. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak. Spontaneous. Great in telling stories. Not a fighter, but will knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: White, silver, and pale yellow.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Breasts and stomach.
Complaints: Stomach aches, food allergies, and hysterics.
Birthstones: Ruby and pearl. These gems uniquely illustrate the two contrasting sides of the Cancerian personality; hard and determined as well as soft and vulnerable.
Flowers: Water lily (lotus), iris, poppy (white), carnation (white) and southern magnolia.
Positive: Emotional, Loving, Intuitive, Imaginative, Shrewd, Cautious, Protective, Sympathetic
Negative: Changeable, Moody, Overemotional, Touchy, Clinging, Unable to let go, Shy, Possessive

Leo - The Lion (July 23 – August 22)
Keywords: Creative, Generous, Flamboyant, Egotistical, Selfish, Attention-seeker, Optimistic
Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and is associated with the keywords magnanimous, generous, hospitable, caring, warm, authoritative, active and open. Leos are typically pictured as very dignified and regal. They are hardworking, ambitious and enthusiastic; however they are prone to laziness and can often take "the easy way out." They are known to be exuberant, extroverted, generous with a natural dramatic flair and very creative. They are typically very self-assured, and love taking center-stage in whatever arena they are in. Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Gold, royal blue, purple, and red.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Back and heart.
Complaints: Overexertion, heart murmur, and various types of back pains.
Birthstone: Sardonyx.
Flowers: Dahlia, yellow lily, poppy (red), marigold, sunflower, and heliotrope.
Positive: Generous, Warmhearted, Creative, Enthusiastic, Broad-minded, Expansive, Faithful, Loving
Negative: Pompous, Patronizing, Bossy, Interfering, Dogmatic, Intolerant, Selfish, Egotistical

Virgo - The One that Waits (August 23 – September 22)
Keywords: Helpful, Practical, Analytical, Timid, Skeptical, Finicky, Hypocritical
Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and associated with purity and service. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a diligent, analytical, self-sufficient, controlled, orderly, and modest character but one which is also prone to fussiness, perfectionism, harsh criticism, coldness, and hypochondria. Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Blue, yellow, gray, tan, navy, and lilac.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Sinuses, respiratory system, and bowels.
Complaints: Colds, flu, allergies, and constipation.
Birthstone: Sapphire.
Flowers and plants: Aster, chrysanthemum, ivy, and fern.
Positive: Modest, Meticulous, Reliable, Practical, Diligent, Intelligent, Analytical
Negative: Shy, Fussy, A worrier, Overcritical, Harsh, Perfectionist, Conservative, Skeptical

Libra - The Lame One (September 23 – October 22)
Keywords: Tactful, Objective, Lazy, Avoids conflict, Indecisive, Cultural, Strategist
Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with justice. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a pleasant, articulate, charming, charismatic, fair, artistic, social, refined, diplomatic, even-tempered and selfsufficient character, but on the negative side, also thought to be indecisive, flirtatious, extravagant, lazy, analytical, frivolous, impatient, envious, shallow, aloof, and quarrelsome. Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! however not the kind of person you wanna mess with... you might end up crying....
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Ivory, pink (or rose), turquoise, and blue.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Kidneys, lumbar region of the back, and ovaries.
Complaints: Lower back pain, and the problems caused by too much sugar or rich food
Birthstone: Opal.
Flowers: Roses (white or pink), daisies, violets, asters, and orchids.
Positive: Diplomatic, Urbane, Romantic, Charming, Easygoing, Sociable, Idealistic, Peaceable
Negative: Lazy, Indecisive, Changeable, Gullible, Easily influenced, Flirtatious, Self-indulgent

Scorpio - The Addict (October 23 - November 21)
Keywords: Strong-willed, Secretive, Possessive, Vengeful, Investigator, Passionate
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and associated with intensity, passion, and power. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a complex, analytical, patient, keenly perceptive, inquisitive, focused, determined, hypnotic, and self-contained character, but one which is also prone to extremity, jealousy, envy, secretiveness, possessiveness, cruelty and cunning. Extremely adorable. Intelligent. Loves to joke. Very good sense of humor. Energetic. Predict future. Great kisser. Always get what they want. Attractive. Easy going. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Caring.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Red, black, midnight blue, and emerald green.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Reproductive organs and excretory system.
Complaints: Headaches, infections, and fevers.
Birthstone: Topaz.
Flowers: Anemone, heather, and gardenia.
Positive: Determined, Forceful, Emotional, Intuitive, Powerful, Passionate, Exciting, Magnetic.
Negative: Jealous, Resentful, Compulsive, Obsessive, Secretive, Obstinate, Vengeful, Investigator

Sagittarius - The Promiscuous One (November 22 – December 21)
Keywords: Independent, Truth-seeker, Traveler, Talkative, Theatrical, Athletic, Tactless, Over- confident.
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac and associated with travel and expansion. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a straightforward, dynamic, highly intelligent, extremely clever, ethical, humorous, generous, open-hearted, compassionate, and energetic character, but one which is also prone to restlessness, impulsiveness, impatience, recklessness, and kiddishness. Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in the you know where..!!! Not the kind of person you wanna mess with, you might end up crying.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Maroon, tan, navy, orange, and cobalt blue.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Thighs, hips, and, to some extent, the feet.
Complaints: Effects of unrestricted diets or an overly indulgent pursuit of other pleasures.
Birthstone: Ruby and turquoise.
Flowers: Huge mums, hydrangeas, dahlias, and peonies.
Positive: Optimistic, Freedom-loving, Jovial, Good-humored, Honest, Straightforward, Intellectual, Philosophical
Negative: Blindly optimistic, Careless, Irresponsible, Superficial, Tactless, Restless, Talkative, Over-confident

Capricorn - The Passionate Lover (December 22 - January 19)
Keywords: Mature, Ambitious, Responsible, Designing, Patient, Goal-seeker, Traditional.
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the Zodiac and associated with hard work and business affairs. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have an ambitious, modest, patient, responsible, stable, trustworthy, powerful, intellectual, perspicacious and persistent character but one which is also prone to coldness, conservatism, rigidity, materialism, and dullness. Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Predict future. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to own Gemini's in sports. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Chocolate brown, royal and navy blue, dark green, charcoal gray, and red.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Bones and joints (especially the knees), teeth, and skin.
Complaints: Sensitive skin, allergies, broken bones, worrying too much can also result in physical problems.
Birthstone: Garnet.
Flowers: Camellia, orange blossom, carnation (red), baby's breath, and magnolia.
Positive: Practical, Prudent, Ambitious, Disciplined, Patient, Careful, Humorous, Reserved
Negative: Pessimistic, Fatalistic, Miserly, Grudging

Aquarius - Does It in the Water (January 20 – February 18)
Keywords: Stubborn, Societal, Mental poise, Opinionated, Unconventional, Musical, Rebellious
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac and associated with future ideas and the unusual. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a modest, creative, challenging, inquisitive, entertaining, progressive, stimulating, nocturnal, and independent character, but one which is also prone to rebelliousness, coldness, erraticism, indecisive, and impracticality. Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind. Loves being in long-term relationships. Extremely energetic. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a fighter, but will knock your lights out.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Silver, aqua, and purple and the more electric shades of pink and blue.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Shins, ankles, and circulatory system.
Complaints: Cramps, allergies, sudden illness, freak accidents, and various nervous disorders.
Birthstone: Amethyst.
Flowers: Gladioli, tiger lily, trillium, bird of paradise, and jack-in-the-pulpit.
Positive: Friendly, Humanitarian, Honest, Loyal, Original, Inventive, Independent, Intellectual
Negative: Intractable, Contrary, Perverse, Unpredictable, Unemotional, Detached, Rebellious, Sttuborn

Pisces - The Partner for Life (February 19 – March 20)
Keywords: Vulnerable, Shy, Unrealistic, Compassionate, Unstable, Theatrical, Risk-taker, Self-pitying
Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac and associated with human emotions. Individuals born under this sign are thought to be tolerant, modest, dreamy, romantic, humorous, generous, emotional, receptive, affectionate, and have an honest character, but are also prone to exaggeration, fickleness, passiveness, hypersensitivity, and paranoia. Caring and kind. Smart. Center of attention. High appeal. Has the last word. Good to find, hard to keep. Fun to be around. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good Sense of Humor. Thoughtful. Always gets what he or she wants. Loves to joke. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet.
Learn Personality Adjectives through ZodiacColors: Pale green, purple, rose, and gray-blue.
Vulnerable parts of the body: Feet and lymphatic system.
Complaints: Swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, sore feet, and psychosomatic illness.
Birthstone: Aquamarine.
Flowers: Orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily (lotus), poppy (white), and pansy.
Positive: Imaginative, Sensitive, Compassionate, Kind, Selfless, Unworldly, Intuitive, Sympathetic
Negative: Escapist, Idealistic, Secretive, Vague, Weak-willed, Easily led


July 20, 2010

Matching Exercise: Vocabulary Power - 1b

Do this exercise and test your vocabulary power.
The words and phrases on the left can be found in the story "The Spell of Longing - An Elegy for Rose (republished)". Match those words or phrases on the left to the correct definition or meaning on the right.

  1. Carry on (verb)
  2. Drizzling, drizzle (verb)
  3. Cheerful (adjective)
  4. Demanded, demand (verb)
  5. Strolled, stroll (verb)
  6. Loosely (adverb)
  7. Glistened, glisten (verb)
  8. Dim (adjective)
  9. Reticent (adjective)
  10. Clammy (adjective)
  11. Curiosity (noun)
  12. Figure out (verb)
  13. Stared, stare (verb)
  14. Paraphrased, paraphrase (verb)
  15. Throbbed, throb (verb)
  16. Trembling, tremble (verb)
  17. Teasing, tease (verb)
  18. Shatter (verb)
  19. Scent (noun)
  20. Pledged, pledge (verb)
  21. Sight (noun)
  22. Adored, adore (verb)
  23. Ripping, rip (verb)
  24. Beneath (preposition)
  25. Hollow (noun)
  1. Pulsate or pound with abnormal force
  2. Temperamentally disinclined to talk; Cool and formal in manner
  3. In a relaxed manner; not rigid
  4. Express the same message in different words
  5. Vibrate slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold
  6. Request urgently and forcefully
  7. Break into many pieces
  8. Arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them
  9. Rain lightly
  10. Love intensely
  11. Lacking in light; not bright or harsh
  12. A distinctive odor that is pleasant
  13. Being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits
  14. Tear or be torn violently
  15. Unpleasantly cool and humid
  16. Keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
  17. Find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of
  18. At a position directly lower than
  19. Promise solemnly
  20. Walk leisurely and with no apparent aim
  21. A state in which you want to learn more about something
  22. A cavity or space in something
  23. Be shiny, as if wet
  24. Look at with fixed eyes
  25. An instance of visual perception; Anything that is seen

* End of Exercise*

July 07, 2010

Matching Exercise: Vocabulary Power - 1a

Do this exercise and test your vocabulary power. The words and phrases on the left can be found in the story "The Spell of Longing - An Elegy for Rose (republished)". Match those words or phrases on the left to the correct definition or meaning on the right.


  1. Nodded, nod (verb)
  2. Forcing, force (verb)
  3. Digest (verb)
  4. Instead (adverb)
  5. Distraction (noun)
  6. Isolate (verb)
  7. Distance (noun)
  8. Fondness (noun)
  9. In common (adverb)
  10. Avoid (verb)
  11. Skip (verb)
  12. Sparkling (adjective)
  13. Blessed (adjective)
  14. Pretended, pretend (verb)
  15. Get over (verb)
  16. Chance (noun)
  17. Weeping, weep (verb)
  18. Shape (noun)
  19. Sighed, sigh (verb)
  20. Stabbed, stab (verb)
  21. Shelter (noun)
  22. Bitter (adjective)
  23. Comfort (verb)
  24. Wounded, wound (verb)
  25. Tight (adverb)
  1. Shining with brilliant points of light like stars.
  2. A possibility; A risk involving danger.
  3. The visual appearance of something or someone.
  4. The property created by the space between two objects or points
  5. In place of, or as an alternative to; On the contrary.
  6. Intentionally fail to attend; Bypass.
  7. Having or sharing equally with another or others.
  8. Stay clear from; Prevent the occurrence of.
  9. Give moral or emotional strength to; Lessen pain; Alleviate.
  10. Forget; To overcome; To deal with successfully.
  11. Make believe with the intent to deceive.
  12. Inflict an injury; Hurt.
  13. A structure that provides privacy and protection; The condition of being protected.
  14. Mental turmoil; An obstacle to attention.
  15. Set apart from others.
  16. Firmly or closely
  17. Breathe deeply and heavily.
  18. Expressive of severe grief or regret.
  19. Lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation.
  20. Arrange and integrate in the mind.
  21. Cry; Shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain.
  22. A predisposition to like something.
  23. Urge (a person) to an action; Constrain or motivate.
  24. Highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace)
  25. Poke or thrust abruptly.

End of Exercise

July 01, 2010

The Spell of Longing - An Elegy for Rose

English short story - The Spell of Longing

t still feels like yesterday when I first saw you. You were late on your first day in campus! The class was having a lecture when you came. You stood there at the classroom door, smiled and nodded to the lecturer, asking for her permission to join in. The whole French class seemed to be hypnotized by your beautiful smile and so did I. At the right back corner of the classroom, I watched as you walked in and sat down next to Eva, right in front of my seat!

Although the lecturer continued with her lesson, I just could not focus anymore. Sitting alone behind you, I was forcing myself to listen to and digest the lecturer’s explanation, instead of thinking about you. I agreed with most boys in the class at that time. You were a complete distraction!

From then on, you would start asking questions about English lessons to me, and I was always more than willing to explain anything to you. After some time, you moved over and sat next to me. Discussing lectures or common things, we would seem to isolate ourselves from the rest of the class.

Days passed, filled with togetherness. You would patiently accompany me to read in the library, or just to sit in the classroom waiting for the next lecturer to come. There was absolutely no day in campus that I didn’t spend with you. Even when the lecture was over, we used to spend some more time together to do our assignments or just to chat and listen to some music in my boarding house which was within a walking distance from the campus.

However, I didn’t want to misinterpret our closeness as anything more than friendship. I just told myself that it was due to our fondness of reading, soft music, and English. We did have much in common. We could discuss those things for hours without getting bored. What I liked most from being together with you was that you never tried to change me. You seemed to enjoy being with me as myself, not as anyone else. You could move me without having to touch me, and change me without having to teach me.

As time went by, there was absolutely too much for me to avoid a strange feeling for you to grow in my heart, a feeling that I had never felt before. The more often we got together, the stronger that feeling grew. Yet, for the sake of our friendship, it was never said and I decided to remain as a friend to you.

It was 5.30 pm. The class was free and noisy as the lecturer hadn’t come. At our desk, you told me, “Anto, the next lecture is French, right? What a bore! I want to skip it. Let’s go out for some fresh air.”

I had never expected you to give this kind of invitation. Hesitatingly, I asked, “Where to, Rose?”

“Anywhere. Just go with me and leave the class,” you answered.

I was still in doubt. “I won’t go unless we know where to go. Tell me.”

“How can I tell you? I myself don’t know where to go. Just go out with me and we can decide later on the way. I just want to have something to eat and spend this nice evening outside, rather than sit the evening away here to hear a boring lecture from a bored lecturer,” you replied with your sparkling beautiful eyes looking straight at me, begging me to agree with you.

Ten minutes later, we were riding on your motorcycle along the streets of downtown Malang to go window-shopping at the Plaza, and then uptown to eat at a nice and small Soto restaurant.

While eating, you told me that you actually had a boyfriend who was now studying in Surabaya, and that you would introduce me to him someday. It hurt me deep inside and I wanted to tell you it would not be necessary. Whoever that lucky guy was, he was blessed to have you. But I didn’t want to look silly in front of you. So, I decided to be nice and pretended to be happy with your plan. You also asked me whether I had a girlfriend. I had to tell you that there had been a girl in the past that I had loved very much, until she left without enough reasons for me to understand, and it had taken me long enough to get over her. I made it clear to you that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

That night, I realized that I shouldn’t have hoped much from our relationship. I had to forget all my dreams before they ever had a chance to grow. I would not be prepared to see my dreams fall apart just like what had happened years before. I just didn’t want to take a chance anymore!

One fine morning, you showed up at my boarding house. Your red eyes told me you had been weeping. Sitting next to me and crying, you told me that you had just broken up with your boyfriend. It did hurt to see you in that shape and I really didn’t have much to say. I just couldn’t understand how on earth a man could hurt such a sweet girl as you.

“What can I do for you?” I asked hesitatingly, not knowing what else to do.

You wiped your tears and sighed. “Nothing. Just be as you are now. Don’t change. Be my friend forever. OK?” You said in an uncertain voice. Your sad eyes stabbed mine, searching for a shelter. You smiled then, but it was a bitter smile. It was clear that you were just pretending to be strong.

I nodded, “You could always count on me, Rose. I’ll always be your friend.”

I could not describe how I wanted to comfort you at that time. If you had been a cute and lovely bird, you had surely been wounded. Your wings had broken for some reason, and I had never seen you as helpless as you were at that time. I took your hands softly and held them tight, hoping that I could give you a little strength to carry on.

A year of a beautiful friendship passed. It was drizzling when the lecture was over. The class had planned to throw a small party at Ray’s place that evening.

“Are we going to the party?” Your cheerful voice demanded my decision as we strolled along the lonely street. The rain was not hard enough to get us drenched walking home.

“In this kind of weather? I don’t think so. Besides, there are many assignments to do,” I replied, thinking that I always disliked staying among a crowd.

“You don’t like parties, crowds, and things like that,” you said.

I felt the conversation sounded more personal than usual, so I gave you a puzzled look. You looked back at me. Your beautiful black hair hanging loosely past your shoulder glistened with raindrops under the dim street lights.

“What do you mean?” I asked, pursuing an explanation of your directness.

“You seem different from other boys; reticent, remote and untouched. But I like you that way,” you replied.

You were almost right about that. But you were wrong about my being untouched, because you had actually touched inside me more than you thought you did. However, I decided to say nothing about it, and kept watching our feet stepping slowly on that dark and clammy asphalt.

“I like being together with you, Anto. You’re a nice person to be with,” you added softly.

“I like you, too, Rose,“ I said awkwardly. You didn’t know how I had to force myself to say it.

“Really? What do you like from me?” you asked. I could see your eyebrows raised in curiosity.

“Your personality maybe. You are so kind that I always feel comfortable around you,” I answered, trying to figure out why I liked her.

“We have been best friends for more than a year, Anto. I like you and I know much about you. But, I really don’t know what you actually feel for me.” My heart jumped at what you had just said.

I hoped I had not misunderstood you. I looked at you as I wanted to make sure that I was not dreaming. Your beautiful eyes stared back at me, waiting or maybe searching for a reply. Those starry eyes were sparkling.

“What do you hope from me, Anto?” This time you paraphrased the question.

“This is it!” I thought. “If I ever want to let her know my feelings, I should let her know now. Now, or I’ll have to wait until God knows when.” My mind urged me. My heart throbbed, and I suddenly felt difficult to breathe.

“Do I need to say it to you? Couldn’t you see it in my eyes all this time, Rose?” But those questions were never asked, and remained unsaid when your soft voice reminded me that you needed an answer.

“Tell me. I’m waiting”, you said.

“I don’t know what I feel for you. I’m not sure and I don’t really care about it. All that matters to me is that you’re always around and never leave me. That’s all I want to say.” I said in a trembling voice.

“Do you love me?” You asked. This time I felt you were either interrogating or teasing me.

“I don’t know, Rose. But, I know I care for you,” I said, still awkwardly.

“It means you love me,” you concluded, glancing and smiling at me teasingly. What a shy fool I was!

"Maybe. Now it’s your turn to tell me your feelings,” I replied, trying to escape from your further questions. Honestly, I was also relieved because now you knew about what I had always felt for you this far.

“You know it, Anto. I’ve never been as close to anyone as I am to you now, so close that I think you’re a part of me,” you added.

“But, does it seem right, Rose? Still remember our promise to be friends?” I wanted to tease her back.

Your lips formed another beautiful smile before you answered my question.

“Even a fool knows that friends can be lovers. We can be both friends and lovers at the same time, right?”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. I had never expected you would say those words to me. I wanted to hear more in order to be sure. “I have to say it that I have many dreams about us, Rose. But, I’m afraid. I just don’t want my dreams to shatter again. You have to understand that.”

You stopped walking and took my hand. You stared right at me and said, “Anto, let’s promise, we will be together and love each other as long as the stars burn in the sky. Promise me that you’ll never leave me.”

“I promise you, Rose. I will always love you,” my eyes pierced back into yours so that you knew that I meant what I had just said.

Then you hugged me. I could smell the sweet scent of your hair when you laid your head on my shoulder. I put my arms around you and held you tight, so that you knew I would never let you go. I didn’t want to lose you, Rose.

“I love you, Anto. You’ve always given me strength. I’d be a fool to leave you,” you whispered softly. From your voice, I could tell that you were crying.

I couldn’t describe how I felt at that moment. It was the happiness and comfort that I had been dreaming of for so long. It was too good to be true. I looked up to the sky, and I felt like flying among thousands of raindrops, leaving the dark clouds beneath us, into a new horizon of tomorrow which was painted with dreams and hopes of togetherness.

Since then, you and I would always be together. Days were filled with laughter and joy. We had it all and we were as happy as we could be, weaving every dream we had. Until that sad morning, a year after the moment we pledged our love, when a friend came rushing into my room, telling me that you had just had a traffic accident on your way to my boarding house. In a bitter voice, he said that you had been taken to the hospital. I was panicking and soon we hurried there on his motorcycle.

I was more than shocked to see you lying motionless on the bed in the hospital. It was a sight that I had never expected to see. Those beautiful eyes of yours that I had always adored were now closed. Those young lips which used to paint your lovely smile now shut and looked cold. There were no signs of life. And from the sorry eyes of the nurses there, I knew what had happened. You had lost too much blood, and it was too late. You had gone away. And I stood there alone. Why did it have to end so soon? Why did you leave me, Rose? Those questions were ripping my brain. I felt my world was falling apart, and the earth beneath me felt shaking. Everything around me seemed moving. My blood stopped flowing. My mouth was bitter. Then, everything went dark.

Rose, it’s drizzling tonight, just like five years ago before you went away. Yes, five long and lonely years have passed aimlessly without you. And I’m here alone, drowned helplessly in my longing for you. The glittering needles of rain only spell out our memories, one by one. At one time, they witnessed our happiness. But now they seem unfriendly and dumb. The sky they are falling from is jet black and saddened. There is no more color there to paint and add to my horizon. They're all cold and empty without you.

Rose, five long years have passed, but every piece of your memory still remains deeply engraved at a hollow of my heart. Let them live there forever. If there’s a missing piece in me, only you can make it complete.

But Rose, where can I find you?

(by PI - for an everlasting "Flower", 18 years ago)