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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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Showing posts with label Pronouns. Show all posts

May 23, 2022

There + be: 'There is' And 'There are'

ook at the picture of a livingroom on the left. We can describe the existence of things in the room by using "there is" and/or "there are". The examples below talk about the existence or presence of things in the livingroom by using "there is" and "there are". Pay attention to them.
  • There is a window in the livingroom.
  • There is a sofa next to the window.
  • There is an orange carpet on the floor.
  • There is a standing lamp next to the sofa.
  • There is a wooden shelf beside the window.
  • There are some books and a photograph on the shelf.

A. Using "There is" and "There are"
I. Countable Nouns
Singular Nouns:
+: There is (There's) + singular noun
?: Is there + singular noun?
-: There is not (There isn't) + singular noun
Example sentences:
  • There is (There's) a big tree in the garden.
  • There is (There's) a book on that shelf.
  • There is (There's) a car in the garage.
  • There is (There's) the book you're looking for.
  • A: Is there a book in the bag?
    B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn't.
Plural Nouns
+: There are + plural noun
?: Are there + plural noun?
-: There are not (There aren't) + plural noun
Example sentences:
  • There are big trees in the garden.
  • There aren't many books on that shelf.
  • There are three cars in the garage.
  • There are the books you're looking for.
  • A: Are there many books on that shelf?
    B: Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.
  • A: How many students are there in your class?
    B: There are twenty.
II. Uncountable Nouns
+: There is (There's) + uncountable noun
?: Is there + uncountable noun?
-: There is not (There isn't) + uncountable noun
Example sentences:
  • There is (There's) some money in the drawer.
  • There is some tea on the table.
  • There is some ice in the fridge.
  • There is not (There isn't) any money in the wallet.
  • We can't go skiing. There is not (There isn't) any snow.
Note: "Some" is usually used with positive and interrogative sentences, while "any" is used with interrogative and negative sentences. To learn the difference between "some" and "any", read Some VS Any: What's The Difference?.
B. Example Dialogue
Practice the following dialogue. Pay attention to the italicized words.
In the kitchen
An estate agent is showing Mr. and Mrs. Harris the kitchen.
Estate Agent:There you are. A wonderful new kitchen.
Mr. Harris:It's very small.
Estate Agent:There's the cooker and there's the refrigerator.
Mrs. Harris:Where?
Estate Agent:Behind you. The refrigerator's behind you.
Mrs. Harris:I can't open it.
Mr. Harris:I can't put the table outside. Then you can open the refrigerator.
Mrs. Harris:What's that under the table? On the floor?
Estate Agent:It's a box.
Mrs. Harris:What's inside the box?
Estate Agent:There are spoons, knives, forks, ....
Mr. Harris:Plates ....
Mrs. Harris:And there are cups, too. Where will we put all these things?
Estate Agent:Put them in the cupboard. There's a cupboard behind the door.
A. Write sentences with "There is" or "There are" using the provided nouns. Look at the example.
  1. a cup - the table.
    Answer: There is a cup on the table.
  2. a book - the shelf.
  3. a lot of cars - the parking lot
  4. so many ants - on the table
  5. some tea - the table
  6. some ice - the fridge
  7. a computer - the room
  8. few good restaurants - my town
  9. some money - my pocket
  10. a big lamp - the center of the room
  11. two English dictionaries - our library
B. Complete these sentences with "there is / there isn't / is there / there are / there aren't / are there".
  1. The fridge is empty. ... any food in it.
  2. Surabaya is a big city. ... many good hotels there.
  3. ... more than 17,500 islands in Indonesian archipelago.
  4. I like shopping here. ... a wide variety of products to choose from.
  5. The park is not crowded. ... many visitors that day.
  6. I don't think we need to eat out. ... enough rice for dinner.
  7. ... a new building next to the parking lot. It is the school auditorium.
  8. ... an ATM near here? I need to draw some money.
  9. ... komodo dragons in the zoo?
  10. How many computers ... in the office?
C. Let's play a "Horse Race" game. Answer each question as quickly as possible. You may play it in full-screen mode if necessary.
051611 1147AM PV122

October 06, 2020

English Dialogue With Demonstrative Pronouns: Talking About Pictures

Hadi:I have these pictures of Indonesia, Margaret. Do you want to look at them?
Margaret:Oh, I like to look at pictures of other countries, Hadi - and I want to learn about Indonesia. Let me see them! ....
Oh, that's an interesting photo. Those are musicians!
Margaret:But Indonesian musical instruments are different from Australian musical instruments.
Hadi:These are special instruments, Margaret. This is a gamelan orchestra. You see, this instrument has strings. This is a drum, and these are gongs.
Margaret:Is that a guitar?
Hadi:No, it isn't. Do you like guitars, Margaret?
Margaret:Yes, I do. A guitar is a useful instrument. If you play a guitar, you don't need other instruments. You can play songs, and people can sing. ....
Oh, look at this photo, Hadi. What are these girls doing?
Hadi:They're dancing. That's a special Balinese dance.
Margaret:They're wearing pretty costumes. And is this a gamelan orchestra, too?
Hadi:Yes, that's right.
Margaret:Is that dance difficult to learn?
Hadi:Oh yes. These girls start learning when they're very young. Now look at this, Margaret.
Margaret:Oh, that's a nice photo, Hadi!
Hadi:Yes, that's a rice-field. We grow a lot of rice in Indonesia. Rice grows well there.
Margaret:But what beautiful scenery! Rice-fields, trees, mountains. I think this photo is the prettiest!
Hadi:Would you like to have it, Margaret?
Margaret:Are you giving it to me?
Margaret:Oh, thank you very much, Hadi! It's lovely!
I. Answer the following questions based on the above conversation.
Talking About Pictures
  1. What is the conversation about?
  2. What pictures does Hadi show Margaret?
  3. In your opinion, what makes Margaret interested in the pictures?
  4. What does Margaret say about Indonesian musical instruments?
  5. What does Margaret think about guitars? Why?
  6. What are the girls in the picture doing?
  7. What does Margaret think about their costumes?
  8. Which picture does Margaret like best?
  9. What does Hadi do with the picture?
  10. Rewrite the above dialogue in your book and underline the demonstrative pronouns; this, that, these, those.
II. Complete the following sentences with "this/that" or "these/those".
  1. ... is a flower.
  2. ... is an office.
  3. ... are fingers.
  4. This is ... water.
  5. ... are exercises.
  6. ... animals eat grass.
  7. ... boy is playing football.
  8. ... is a library.
  9. ... is coffee.
  10. ... is an island.
  11. ... are university students.
  12. ... girl has been here for an hour.
  13. ... is a hotel.
  14. ... aeroplane is flying above the sea.
  15. Most farmers in ... country grow rice.
III. Write sentences with "this/that" or "these/those" using the nouns provided. Number 1 has been done as an example.
  1. a book
    This is a book.
  2. racing cars
  3. pure honey
  4. doctors and nurses
  5. my aquarium
  6. a traditional game
  7. kites
  8. old coins
  9. boats
  10. a picture of my family
Prev: BSE SMK Kelas XI, 062411 0747PM PV2288

July 21, 2020

Talking About Family And Relatives (KD 3.1 & 4.1)

Kompetensi Dasar:
3.1Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronoun: subjective, objective, possessive)
4.1Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks penggunaannya.
I. Read the following conversations and practice them with your friend.
Conversation 1
Jean:Who's that, David?
David:Oh, that's my cousin, Amy. She's Aunt Dina's daughter.
Jean:Oh, I see. She's very pretty. How old is she?
Jean:What does she do?
David:She's an accountant. She works in an office.
Jean:Is she married or single?
David:She's still single.
Conversation 2
David:I just got an email from Aunt Shinta. You remember her, don't you?
Jean:Yes, I remember. She's the one who has been working abroad since last year.
David:She has two children, doesn't he?
Jean:That's right. She said they would probably be able to visit us next year.
David:Great. You must be very happy to meet your cousins again.
Jean:Yes. I'm looking forward to seeing my uncle's family again.
II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word from the list on the right.
1.My father's parents are my ....cousin
2.My mother's sister is my ....grandparents
3.My mother's brother is my ....nephew
4.My uncle's son is my ....grandmother
5.My sister's daughter is my ....aunt
6.My brother's son is my ....grandchildren
7.My son's children are my
8.My uncle is my father's ....grandfather
9.My aunt is my father's ....uncle
10.My father's mother is my ....niece
11.My father's father is my ....step-sister
12.My father's sister is my mother's ....sister
III. Use the possessive form of the pronoun in each of the following sentences (my/our/your/their/his/her/its).
... brother had another child. (I)
My brother had another child.
  1. ... brother works in a foreign company. (She)
  2. ... cousin has been married for a long time. (He)
  3. When is ... parents' wedding anniversary? (You)
  4. When is ... mother's birthday? (They)
  5. ... grandfather died five years ago. (I)
  6. We are busy preparing. ... sister's wedding will take place next week.
  7. She is a widow. ... husband passed away last year.
  8. Andi and Susi has a baby. ... baby was born last month.
  9. Mr. and Mrs. Ali live alone. ... children work abroad.
  10. My sister has just started ... career as a secretary.
IV. Complete the following sentences by referring to the family tree below.

Family Tree
  1. Robert is my ....
  2. Tina is my ....
  3. Susy is my ....
  4. Ronald and Annie are my ....
  5. Bobby and Anita are my ....
  6. Pamela is Robert's ....
  7. Robert is Anita's ....
  8. Nick is Bobby's ....
  9. Tina and I are .... Ronald's ....
  10. Ronald is Bobby's ....
Blog pic 071810 1248am
Exercises adapted from: English 900, A Basic Course (Three), Unit 4