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Soal Olimpiade & Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP: Paket Soal 4B (Lanjutan 4A)

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Home English Olympiad Soal SD Soal SMP Soal Olimpiade / Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP Paket 3A

March 21, 2022

Soal Olimpiade / Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP Paket 3A

Multiple Choice Questions
Instruction: Choose the best answer, A, B, C, or D, to each question.
  1. Complete the dialogue below.
    Risa: What are you going to do this weekend?
    Lina: I ... my uncle in Malang.
    1. have visited
    2. visit
    3. am going to visit
    4. visited
  2. Complete the dialogue below.
    Ita: This room is very hot and stuffy.
    Dio: Yes, we need fresh air. ....
    1. Close the door
    2. Turn on the lights
    3. Open the windows
    4. Close the windows

  3. Which sentence best describes the above picture?
    1. The scoutboys are setting up a tent.
    2. The tent is now ready for camping.
    3. The scoutboys are removing the tent.
    4. The campsite is very crowded today.
  4. Look at the picture in question number 3. The scouts are wearing their ....
    1. unicorn
    2. uniform
    3. union
    4. united
  5. Complete the dialogue below.
    Ari: Do you do sports?
    Ifa: .... I play badminton.
    1. Yes, I do
    2. No, I don’t
    3. Yes, I am
    4. No, I am not
  6. Complete the dialogue below.
    Roni: We have to keep this room clean, so ....
    Kiki: Allright.
    1. don't litter
    2. be quiet
    3. have a great time
    4. stand in line
  7. Complete the dialogue below.
    Dani: ... do you play basketball?
    Hari: At least once a week.
    1. Where
    2. When
    3. How
    4. How often
  8. Arrange these jumbled words into a good sentence.
    a magazineisroomherAnniereadingin
    1. 5 - 2 - 6 - 7 - 4 - 3 - 1
    2. 5 - 2 - 6 - 1 - 7 - 4 - 3
    3. 5 - 7 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 6 -1
    4. 5 - 2 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 7 - 1
  9. Complete the dialogue below.
    Adi: What's your favorite sport, Tom?
    Tom: Well, I like football.
    Adi: .... Football is my favorite game, too.
    1. So am I.
    2. Yes, I am.
    3. I am too.
    4. So do I.
  10. Complete the dialogue below.
    Rani: Can you play tennis, Mary?
    Mary: Yes, but ....
    1. I'm not good at it
    2. I can play very well
    3. you can't play tennis
    4. I play tennis a lot
  11. The room is dark. ....
    1. Close the door.
    2. Turn on the lights.
    3. Put the lamp.
    4. Turn off the lamps.
  12. In questions 12 to 20, fill in the blank spaces with the correct word/phrase based on the picture below.This is a picture of a ...(12).... The room looks very ...(13).... In the center of the room, there are two green ...(14)... and a table. A flower ...(15)... is on the table. To the right, there is a ...(16)... with a TV set on it. It has three ...(17).... The window in the room is ...(18).... The window has red ...(19).... Next to the window, you can see a picture hanging on the ...(20)....
  13. This is a picture of a ...(12)....
    1. bathroom
    2. bedroom
    3. diningroom
    4. livingroom
  14. The room looks very ...(13)....
    1. messy
    2. tidy
    3. tiny
    4. empty
  15. In the center of the room, there are two blue ...(14)... and a table.
    1. armchairs
    2. sofas
    3. cushions
    4. rocking chairs
  16. A flower ...(15)... is on the table.
    1. vast
    2. face
    3. vase
    4. fast
  17. To the right, there is a ...(16)... with a TV set on it.
    1. table
    2. shelf
    3. stand
    4. cabinet
  18. It has three ...(17)....
    1. selves
    2. shelves
    3. self
    4. shaves
  19. The window in the room is ...(18)....
    1. closed
    2. open
    3. closet
    4. locked
  20. The window has red ...(19)....
    1. contents
    2. currents
    3. certain
    4. curtains
  21. Next to the window, you can see a picture hanging on the ...(20)....
    1. well
    2. wall
    3. brick
    4. wool

  22. Questions 21 to 27 refer to the following timetable
    This is Rina's classroom timetable. Answer the following questions based on the timetable.
    07.00 - 07.35
    07.35 - 08.10
    08.10 - 08.45
    08.45 - 09.20
    09.20 - 09.55
    09.55 - 10.30
    10.30 - 11.05
    11.05 - 11.40
    11.40 - 12.15
    Flag ceremony
    Social Science
    Social Science
    Civic Education
    Civic Education
    Civic Education
    Indonesian Language
    Indonesian Language
    Natural Science
    Natural Science
    Natural Science
    Indonesian Language
    Indonesian Language
    Indonesian Language
    Art and Culture
    Art and Culture
    07.00 - 07.35
    07.35 - 08.10
    08.10 - 08.45
    08.45 - 09.20
    09.20 - 09.55
    09.55 - 10.30
    10.30 - 11.05
    11.05 - 11.40
    11.40 - 12.15
    Civic Education
    Civic Education
    Social Science
    Social Science
    Social Science
    Natural Science
    Natural Science
    Physical Exercise
    Physical Exercise
    Traditional Language
    Traditional Language
    Art and Culture
    Art and Culture
  23. Rina has English subject starting at ... on Mondays.
    1. half past ten
    2. half past eleven
    3. A quarter to ten
    4. A quarter to eleven
  24. Rina usually goes home at 12.15 except on ....
    1. Fridays and Sundays
    2. Mondays and Saturdays
    3. Sundays and Saturdays
    4. Fridays and Saturdays
  25. Rina has a flag ceremony on Mondays. It lasts for ....
    1. three minutes and a half
    2. thirty minutes
    3. thirty five minutes
    4. one hour
  26. Today is Tuesday. The Indonesian language lesson will start at ....
    1. a quarter to eight
    2. a quarter past eight
    3. half past eight
    4. a quarter to nine
  27. On Monday, Rina's math teacher said, 'we will have a test in the next meeting.' It means Rina will have a math test on ....
    1. Tuesday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Thursday
    4. Friday
  28. On Fridays, the break starts at ....
    1. twenty minutes to nine
    2. twelve minutes to nine
    3. twelve minutes past nine
    4. twenty minutes past nine
  29. Rina likes studying about nature and living things. Therefore, her favorite subject is ....
    1. Civic Education
    2. Social Science
    3. Natural Science
    4. Mathematics

  30. Complete the dialogue below.
    Buyer: How much does it cost?
    Seller: It ... seventy thousand rupiahs.
    1. cost
    2. costs
    3. costing
    4. costly
  1. Complete the dialogue below.
    Buyer: How much is ... of sardine?
    Seller: Fifteen thousand rupiahs.
    1. a bottle of
    2. a bag of
    3. a tube of
    4. a can of
  2. "Alya has lunch at a half past one."
    Which shows the correct time?
    1. Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary
    2. Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary
    3. Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary
    4. Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Elementary
  3. Look at the picture on the right. What time is it?clock
    1. It is half past six.
    2. It is half past seven.
    3. It is a quarter past six.
    4. It is a quarter to seven.
  4. Questions 32 to 36 refer to the following text

    Here I am at the supermarket. I am Nadia and I am with my best friend Anita. She likes supermarkets and I like them, too. That’s why we often shop at a supermarket for our needs.

    I like cereals and milk. Anita prefers potato chips and soft drink. I like milk because it’s very important for our bones, especially for children! And you, do you like milk?

    I also like fruit. Anita likes fruit, too. I like mangoes, but Anita prefers grapes. I don’t like durians and Anita doesn’t like durians either.

  5. Based on the text, we can conclude that ....
    1. None of them likes supermarkets.
    2. Both of them like supermarkets.
    3. They like both supermarkets and traditional markets.
    4. Either one of them likes supermarkets.
  6. Nadia likes milk because ....
    1. Anita likes it too.
    2. she doesn't like durians.
    3. it's not expensive.
    4. it's good for children.
  7. According to the text, which of the following sentences is NOT true?
    1. Nadia likes cereals and milk.
    2. Anita’s mother likes chocolate bread.
    3. Anita likes potato chips and soft drink.
    4. Nadia and Anita don’t like durians.
  8. Nadia likes cereals and milk ... Anita prefers potato chips and soft drink.
    1. but
    2. and
    3. so
    4. because
  9. Anita likes grapes ... mangoes.
    1. than
    2. to
    3. and
    4. better than

  10. Arrange the jumbled words into a good order.
    1. 3 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 9 – 1
    2. 6 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 9 – 1
    3. 3 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 9 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 2
    4. 3 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 9 – 4
  11. The students are working hard ... win the competition.
    1. so that
    2. in order to
    3. for
    4. so
  12. I can't join the gathering because I have ... work to do.
    1. many
    2. much
    3. a lot
    4. a lot of
  13. Dea: Where are you going?
    Ita: The shop. We need ... sugar.
    1. any
    2. much
    3. some
    4. many
