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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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November 12, 2019

Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Tingkat SD - MI Tahun 2019

Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SD & MI Tahun 2019

Ada kabar gembira untuk adik-adik yang masih duduk di bangku SD atau MI, terutama bagi mereka yang ingin mengasah kemampuan berbahasa Inggris melalui soal-soal tertulis. SMKN 1 Probolinggo akan mengadakan ajang rutin tahunan Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris atau English Olympiad untuk tingkat SD dan MI tahun 2019.

Melalui Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris ini, kalian bisa menambah 'learning experience' (pengalaman belajar) sekaligus sebagai sarana pengenalan Ujian Berbasis Komputer (CBT) kepada siswa sekolah dasar. Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Segera persiapkan diri dan daftarkan diri kalian melalui bapak/ibu guru di sekolah atau secara langsung ke kami.

  • Pendaftaran mulai tanggal 4 November 2019 sampai tanggal 20 November 2019.
  • Pendaftaran bisa dilakukan setiap hari kerja mulai pukul 08.00 s/d 15.00 WIB di:
    Jl. Mastrip no. 357
    atau menghubungi contact person kami sebagai berikut:
    1. WAHYU PERDANA: 0897-0560-0411
    2. PRASTOWO ISMANTO: 0822-3020-4962
    3. TITIN CHASANA: 0852-3534-3823
    4. SILVI: 0857-3554-0566
  • Biaya pendaftaran: Rp. 60,000.-
  • Pengambilan kartu peserta tanggal 22 November 2019.
Technical meeting
Pelaksanaan Technical meeting:
  • Hari/tanggal: Senin, 18 Nov 2019 pukul 09.00
  • Tempat: SMKN 1 Probolinggo
  • Harap setiap sekolah peserta mengirimkan 1 (satu) guru sebagai perwakilan peserta.

Pelaksanaan Lomba
Pelaksanaan lomba:
  • Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 23 November 2019 pukul 07.30 WIB.

Ketentuan Lomba
  1. Soal bersifat CBT (Soal berbasis komputer)
  2. Soal terdiri dari 100 soal pilihan ganda dengan 4 opsi jawaban.
  3. Waktu pengerjaan soal adalah 120 menit
  4. Selama mengerjakan soal peserta dilarang menggunakan alat bantu dalam bentuk apapun selain peralatan tulis.
  5. Pemenang adalah peserta dengan nilai terbaik/tertinggi.

Kisi-kisi Materi Olimpiade:
  1. Notice
  2. Profession
  3. Hobbies
  4. Body parts
  5. Describing people/things/places
  6. Directions/maps
  7. Family tree
  8. Daily Activities/routines
  1. Tenses: Simple present, Simple Future (will), Simple Past, Present Continuous
  2. Countable/uncountable Noun
  3. Adjectives
  4. Question words
  5. Possessives
  6. Prepositions (time/place)
  7. Comparatives

Kami tunggu partisipasi adik-adik semua. Hadiah-hadiah menarik sudah menunggu kalian. Be prepared and good luck.

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails." (Mark Twain)
Masterweb Affiliate
Originally published on 6/8/10 11.29 pm.

October 28, 2019

Contoh English Dialogue Dengan Penjelasan Present Perfect Tense

3.6Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan / tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple past tense vs present perfect tense)
4.6Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan unsur dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

An English Conversation
In his office, Jim is talking to Betty, his wife, on the telephone.
JIM:And what are you doing now, Betty?
BETTY:I'm having a rest.
JIM:Hm, you're lucky. You're having a rest, while I'm sitting here in the office, working hard.
BETTY:Working hard! You're talking to me on the phone - that isn't work! Now, I've been very busy - I've cleaned the house, and I've done a lot of shopping. I've sewn some buttons on your shirts -
BETTY:- and I've made cake, and I've prepared some food. Now I'm tired, and so I'm having a rest.
JIM:That's good.
BETTY:Oh, Yati rang me this morning.
JIM:Ah, how is she?
BETTY:She's well. I've asked her to come and have dinner with us this evening.
JIM:Oh, Betty, you've forgotten! We've promised to go and have dinner with Tom and Nancy Foster this evening.
BETTY:This evening?
JIM:Yes. Don't you remember? We arranged it last Sunday.
BETTY:Oh, yes, that's right. Oh dear, what can we do?
JIM:Never mind, darling. You must ring Yati, and explain to her. Perhaps she can come to dinner tomorrow evening.
BETTY:Yes, I'll ring her. And Jim what -
JIM:(someone interrupted him) Just a minute, please, Betty ... Oh, Betty, the mail has arrived, and I have to do some work on it now.
BETTY:All right, darling. Goodbye now.

(A few moments later, Jim calls Betty again)
JIM:Hello, Betty. Tom Foster has rung me to say that Nancy is sick, and they're very sorry, but they can't have us for dinner tonight.
BETTY:Oh, poor Nancy. What's the matter with her?
JIM:She's caught a very bad cold, and she has to stay in bed for a few days ... But listen, Betty, now we can invite Yati to dinner this evening after all.
BETTY:Oh, but, Jim, I've rung Yati, and I've explained to her that we have to go out this evening, and now she's made some other arrangements for this evening.
JIM:Oh dear!
BETTY:But she's promised to come to dinner tomorrow evening.
JIM:Good! So, this evening we can't go to the Foster's, and Yati can't come to us - so we'll have a cosy dinner, just by ourselves.
Bentuk, Penggunaan, dan Contoh Kalimat The Present Perfect Tense dalam English Dialogue
Bagaimana bentuk Present Perfect Tense?
Perhatikan kalimat atau frase yang dicetak tebal dalam dialog di atas. Kata kerja dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut adalah contoh bentuk Present Perfect Tense dalam bahasa Inggris, yang tersusun oleh have/has + past participle (verb 3).
Bentuk Kata Kerja Present Perfect Tense
Affirmative (Positive)
I/We/You/Theyhavepast participle (verb 3).
He/She/Ithaspast participle (verb 3).
Interrogative (Question)
HaveI/we/you/theypast participle (verb 3)?
Hashe/she/itpast participle (verb 3)?
I/We/You/Theyhave not (haven't)past participle (verb 3).
He/She/Ithas (hasn't)past participle (verb 3).
Contoh kalimat Present Perfect tense dalam dialog di atas:
  • I've been very busy.
  • I've cleaned the house.
  • I've done a lot of shopping.
  • I've sewn some buttons on your shirts.
  • I've made cake.
  • I've prepared some food.
  • I've asked her to come.
  • You've forgotten!
  • We've promised to go ....
  • The mail has arrived.
  • Tom Foster has rung me.
  • She's/She has caught a very bad cold.
  • I've rung Yati.
  • I've explained to her.
  • She's/She has made some other arrangements for this evening.
  • She's/She has promised to come to dinner tomorrow evening.

Apa fungsi Present Perfect Tense?
Present Perfect tense digunakan untuk menyampaikan gagasan bahwa sesuatu telah (atau tidak pernah) terjadi sebelumnya, yaitu pada suatu waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Jika digunakan dengan 'for' atau 'since', present perfect tense memiliki arti bahwa suatu kejadian/kegiatan berlangsung hingga sekarang.
Contoh kalimat dalam bentuk Present Perfect tense menggunakan "for" atau "since":
  • He has worked for two hours.
  • They have worked since two hours ago.
  • It has been my pet for 5 years.
  • They have been here since yesterday.
Jika Present Perfect tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan di masa lampau, lalu apakah perbedaan Simple Past tense dengan Present Perfect tense?
Pelajari perbedaan Simple Past tense dengan Present Perfect tense di SINI

Latihan Soal
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan cara mengubah kata kerja dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk Present Perfect dengan benar.
  1. Nina ...(be)... angry with me since yesterday.
  2. I ...(not read)... these magazines.
  3. Her mother ...(sick)... for a week.
  4. ... his family ...(live)... in this town since two years ago?
  5. The students ...(have)... a flag ceremony for half an hour.
  6. Michael and I ...(study)... this lesson since four days ago.
  7. My brother ...(work)... on the experiment for two months.
  8. ... the teacher ...(explain)... this chapter?
  9. The boy ...(not eat)... since last night.
  10. Miss Anita ...(not be)... here since yesterday.

October 16, 2019

Offering and Asking for a Favor or Help

Common polite expressions used when we ask for a favor and offer some help
Offering HelpAsking for a Favor / HelpResponses
Can I ... + Verb 1?
Let me ... + Verb 1.
What can I do for you?
Can I help you?
Let me help you.
Let me give you a lift.
Can I do something for you?
Do you want something to ...?
Shall I get you to ...?
Can/could/will/would you ... + Verb 1?
Would you mind ... verb-ing?
Can you help me?
Can you hold this rabbit?
Would you mind helping me with my homework?
Of course.
With pleasure.
No, thanks. I can do it myself.
I’m sorry. I can’t ....
Learn how to make polite requests using "Can you", "Could you", "Will you", "Would you", and imperative sentences HERE

Dialogue 1
Vera: Hey, Ary. You look busy. What are you doing?
Ary: Well, I want to separate my hamsters. They fight all the time.
Vera: How can I help you?
Ary: Well, please hold this hamster. I’ll take the other one out. He’s very naughty.
Vera: Are you sure it won't bite me?
Ary: Don't worry. It's quite tame. The other one isn't.
Vera: Wow. It's so cute.
Ary: Alright. It’s done. Thanks for the help.
Vera: My pleasure. I think they’re very hungry. What do you give them?
Ary: I give them carrots, cabbages and many other kinds of vegetable. By the way, where are you going?
Vera: Well, actually I’m here because I need your help.
Ary: What is it? I’ll be happy to help.
Vera: It’s the mathematics assignment from Mr. Gatot. I think it’s rather complicated.
Ary: Alright. Let's go in. I hope I can help you.
"Would you mind ..." is different from "Would you like ...?"
Find out the difference HERE

Dialogue 2
Offering and Asking for a Favor

Romi: Would you mind helping me, Edo?
Edo: I'd be glad to, Romi. What do you want me to do?
Romi: Help me hang up this picture. Hold it straight while I put in the nail.
Edo: I'd be glad to.
Romi: Hand me the hammer. Give me one of those nails, too, please.
Edo: Here you are.
Romi: There. How does it look? Tell me if I have it straight.
Edo: Yes, it's straight, but it's upside down.

  1. Answer these questions by referring to Dialogue 1
    1. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
    2. What does Ary want to do?
    3. What does Ary want Vera to do?
    4. What does Vera want Ary to do?
    5. Can Ary help her?
    6. What will probably happen after the dialogue?
  2. Answer these questions by referring to Dialogue 2
    1. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
    2. What is Romi doing?
    3. What does Romi want Edo to do?
    4. What happens in the end?
    5. What will they probably do after the dialogue?
  3. Change the following to questions used when we ask for someone's favor.
    1. I want you to get the broken printer repaired.
    2. I want you to turn the lights off.
    3. I want you to submit the proposal tomorrow morning.
    4. I want you to get the reports ready.
    5. I want you to help me lift this box.

September 22, 2019

Singkatan Bahasa Inggris dalam Obrolan dan Pesan

Singkatan Bahasa Inggris dalam Obrolan dan Pesan
eringkali, saat kita sedang membaca obrolan (chat), surat bisnis, email, atau pesan (message), kita menjumpai kata-kata aneh yang tidak pernah kita temui dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia, seperti ASAP, IDK, LOL, dan lain-lain. Itulah singkatan yang umum digunakan untuk menyingkat berbagai ungkapan bahasa Inggris dalam obrolan, surat-menyurat, atau pesan.

Apa saja singkatan dalam bahasa Inggris yang perlu kita ketahui dan sering digunakan untuk percakapan melalui pesan? Berikut ini Mister Guru bagikan beberapa singkatan yang seringkali digunakan dalam berkirim pesan.

AFAIKAs far as i knowsetahu saya, sepengetahuan saya
AFKaway from keyboardtidak di depan komputer
AKAAlso known asalias
ASAPAs soon as possiblesegera, secepatnya, secepat mungkin
B4NBye for nowSampai di sini dulu
BBLBe back latersegera kembali, sebentar lagi kembali
BRBBe right backsegera kembali, sebentar lagi kembali
BTWBy the wayOmong-omong
CBCoffee breakistirahat sebentar
CIDCrying in disgracemenangis karena malu / terhina
CMIIWCorrect me if im wrongkoreksi jika aku salah
Cray CraySo crazy“Gila!”
CNPContinued (in next post)dilanjutkan pada postingan berikutnya
CRBTCrying really big tearsmenangis sejadi-jadinya
CUSee youSampai jumpa
CULSee you laterSampai jumpa lagi
DBATBDont beat around the bushjangan berbelit-belit, jangan bertele-tele
DMdirect messagepesan langsung
DMdoesn’t mattertidak masalah, tidak apa-apa
DIYDo it yourselfkerjakan sendiri
IDK / DunnoI dont know(saya) tidak tahu
EGEvil grinseringai jahat
EMSGEmail messagepesan email
F2FFace to facetatap muka, bertemu langsung
FCFinger Crossedmendoakan (seseorang)
FTBOMHFrom the bottom of my heartdari lubuk hati terdalam
FWIWFor what’s it’s worthbermanfaat atau tidak, penting atau tidak
FYIFor your informationsekedar informasi
GimmeGive meberikan saya
GR8GreatHebat! Keren!
GTSYGlad to see yousenang bertemu denganmu
H & KHug and kissPeluk cium
HAGNHave a good nightsemoga mimpi indah
HellaSo/very/hell ofsangat
HHISHanging head in shamesangat malu
HUBHead up buttonpikiran mesum
IKRI know, right?Benar, kan?
IAEIn any eventpada suatu kesempatan
ICI seeOoh gitu ya
IMCOIn my considered opinionmenurut pendapat saya
IMHOIn my humble opinionmenurut saya
IOWIn the other wordsdengan kata lain
IRLIn real lifepada kenyataannya
IWALUI will always love youaku akan selalu mencintaimu
JJJust jokingbercanda, hanya gurauan
JKJust kiddingbercanda, hanya gurauan
JMOJust my opinion(sekedar) pendapat saya
JTLYKJust to let you knowbiar kamu tau
KITKeep in touchjaga komunikasi, tetap kontak
LMKLet me knowBeritahu saya
LOLLaugh out loudtertawa terbahak-bahak, ngakak
LMAOLaughing my a$$ offtertawa terbahak-bahak, ngakak
LTNSLong time no seelama tak bertemu
LYLove youcinta kamu
LY2Love you toocinta kamu juga
MYOSMake your own sandwichKerjakan saja sendiri!
MTFMore to followselanjutnya
NADTNot a damn thingbukan apa-apa kok
NMnothing muchgak ngapa-ngapain
NRNo replytidak ada jawaban
NRNNo reply neededtidak butuh balasan
NvmNevermindtidak masalah, tidak apa-apa
OLOld ladyIbu/wanita tua
OMOld ManBapak/pria tua
OOTOut of topicKeluar dari topik
OTTOMHOff the top of my headdiluar kemampuan (pemikiran) saya
PMprivate message
PLUPrice look-up unitKode barang (dalam transaksi online)
RGDSRegardsSalam hormat
ROFLRolling on the floor laughingterbahak-bahak
SOTShort of timewaktu terbatas
SMHShaking my headGeleng-geleng (kepala)
STFUShut the f*** upDiam!
TAThanks againTerima kasih sekali lagi
TBHTo be honestTerus terang, sejujurnya
TLDRtoo long, don’t readPesan yang panjang, tidak perlu dibaca
TCOYTake care of yourselfjaga diri baik-baik
TGIFThank God it's FridaySyukurlah, hari ini sudah Jumat
TOYThinking of youMemikirkan dirimu
TTYLTalk to you laterKita bicarakan lagi nanti
VIPVery important personOrang penting
WBWelcome backSelamat datang kembali
WTFWhat the f***Astaga! Apa-apaan?
WTHWhat the hellAstaga! Apa-apaan?
WYDWhat are you doing?Sedang apa?
WYWDwhat do you want to do?Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan?
WFHWork from homeKerja di rumah
YGYoung gentlemenPria muda
YLYoung ladyWanita muda
Jika sahabat Mister Guru ingin menambahkan singkatan baru atau yang belum tercantum dalam posting ini, silahkan menuliskannya di komentar. Semoga bermanfaat.

May 28, 2019

How to Write a Recount Text

A. What is a Recount Text?

Recount texts retell a past event. They tell the reader what happened in the past, e.g. a visit to a place of interest. Therefore, recount texts are mostly written in the past tense.

B. What is the structure of Recount Texts?

  1. Orientation:
    Recount texts start by telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where this event took place and when it happened. This is called the orientation.
  2. Sequence of events:
    The sequence of events is usually described in the order of time (chronological order).
  3. Reorientation:
    There can be a reorientation at the end which summarizes the event.

C. How to write a Recount Text?

When writing a recount text, pay attention to the checklist below:
  • Focus on individual people i.e. use the words, I or we
  • Use the words which indicate when the events took place (e.g. after ..., before ...).
  • Use the words which indicate where the events took place (e.g. at the beach, on the grass)
  • Write in the past tense e.g. went, visited, took.
  • Use action words e.g. made, walked, bought.

D. Read an example of recount text below.

A Day Out

We were having dinner when Uncle Hadi arrived. During the meal, he said, “I have an idea. Let’s go out for the day tomorrow. My friends told me that Bromo is a nice place. Why don’t we go there? We could have a picnic.“

of events
We agreed that it was a good idea. So, after preparing a big basket full of food, we left the house at about half past eight. At first, we all enjoyed the drive. The scenery was really beautiful. But then it began to rain. My father had to be very careful on the slippery road, so it took us two hours to get there.

After the long journey, we wanted to go for a walk, but we didn’t have any umbrellas with us. So we just sat at a gazebo near a restaurant and had our picnic.

It was still raining at three o’clock, so in the end we all decided to go home. Everybody was very disappointed, except Uncle Hadi. He kept smiling and telling jokes all day long.
Read the recount text below and do the exercise.
How to Write a Recount Text

Last Saturday I woke up early, but I didn’t get up because there was no school. Suddenly, my telephone rang. It was my friend Fanny. She asked me to go with her at 10.00 o clock. She wanted to buy something in traditional market.

Finally, we were out. On the street, I saw a piece of pink coupon. Attracted by its color, I took it. Then, Fanny and I read it. We were fully shocked. It was a receipt of a four nights tour to Lombok! The expiry date was that day. To our surprise, the name was Fanny Fenita and the birth date was exactly the same as hers. It was also valid for two persons. My God! We were thinking that maybe the coupon had fallen from the sky and now it was there for us.

We hurried to the address of the tour agency that issued the coupon. The tour agency took care of everything. We went home and still could not believe what was going on.

Two days later we were lying on the warm sand under the sun at Senggigi Beach. We had long public holiday, so we could enjoy the “gift” happily. We also bought some presents for our family and friends.

  1. What will be the best title for the above text?
  2. Please identify the orientation in the text.
  3. Please list the past tense verbs used in the text in chronological order.
  4. Is there a reorientation in the text? Which sentence/paragraph?
  5. How many persons were involved in the above text?
  6. Where did the events take place? Mention at least two places.
  7. When did the events happen?
  8. What does the word "gift" in the last paragraph mean?

F. Writing Practice

Now, by referring to the above checklist, write your own recount text. You can talk about your experience:
  • Going to the ....(Beach, Museum, etc.)
  • Visiting ....(My Uncle, the Zoo, etc.)
  • A Day at the ....(Farm, Lake, Beach, etc.)
  • My Unforgettable Experience in ....(Bali, Malang, etc.)
  • Going ....(Shopping, Swimming, for a Picnic, etc.)
Happy trying.

May 08, 2019

English Dialogue: Making Predictions with Future Continuous Tense

An English conversation

Jim is sitting in a coffee lounge when Margaret comes in and sees him. Here is their conversation.
Margaret:Oh, hello, Jim! You’ve finished your coffee! Have you been here long?
Jim:I’ve been here since soon after ten o’clock, Margaret. I decided to sit here for a while, because I felt a little tired.
Margaret:Well, you’ve been feeling tired for a long time. It’s nearly eleven o’clock! What have you been doing since you finished your coffee? Weren’t you bored?
Jim:No, Margaret. I wasn’t bored. I’ve been sitting here thinking.
Margaret:Well, well .... And you’d been doing that for more than half an hour when I came in? What were you thinking about?
Jim:Oh, various things. For the last few minutes I’ve been wondering what Carol will be doing at this time next year.
Margaret:She’ll probably be having a meal in some foreign restaurant. Or perhaps she’ll be writing a long email to one of her friends in Australia describing all her adventures.
Jim:Yes, she’ll probably be having all sorts of adventures!
Margaret:My word! I can just imagine her trying to explain something in Paris, waving her arms and speaking in a mixture of Spanish, English, and bad French!
Jim:Yes, she’ll soon regret trying to learn Spanish instead of French ... I suppose you’ll be receiving amusing emails from her all the time she’s away?
Margaret:I suppose I shall ... You know, I’m not so sure what I’ll be doing this time next year. Perhaps, I’ll be repeating the year! If I don’t start studying hard soon, I’ll certainly fail at the end of this year.
Jim:Well, Margaret, I hate sounding like your Aunt Mabel, but – “take my advice and start studying immediately!” Because, unless you do, you probably won’t be working as a journalist in a few years’ time. And you’re very keen on that, aren’t you?”
Margaret:I suppose you’re right, Jim. Yes, I suppose I’ll be studying hard all the rest of this year. I must say I don’t feel like it!
Jim:Ah yes, but just think what you’ll be doing in three or four years’ time! When you’re a journalist, you’ll be traveling everywhere and seeing all sorts of interesting things. You’ll be meeting all sorts of interesting people.
Margaret:You’ve said enough, Jim! From now on I’m going to study harder than anyone else!

The form of Future Continuous Tense (shall/will be verb-ing)

We form this tense using the future simple of to be + the present participle (Verb-ing). In the first person (I/we), will is more usual than shall, except in the interrogative.
Affirmative I/we will/shall be working
he/she/it/you/they mill be working
Negative I/we will/shall not be working
he/she/it/you/they will not be working
I/we won't/shan't be working
he/she/it/you/they won't be working
Interrogative shall/will I/we be working?
will he/she/it/you/they be working?
Negative interrogative: will we not/won't we be working?
will he not/won't he be working?
Examples of Future Continuous tense:
English Dialogue: Making Predictions with Future Continuous Tense
  • At 3 o’clock, Salim will be working in the garden.
  • I’ll be working hard in the office all next week.
  • At this time tomorrow, I’ll be watching a soccer match.
  • Amat will be doing his homework all this evening.
  • You won’t be working all day tomorrow, will you?
  • What will you be doing in three weeks’ time?

The Use of Future Continuous tense

  1. The future continuous tense is often used as an ordinary continuous tense, which indicates or predicts an action that will be happening at a certain time in the future. It is normally used with an adverb of time, and expresses an action or event which starts before that time and probably continues after it. Read the example below.
    "It is 10.00 a.m. now. The students are sitting in their classroom. They are studying. At 11.30, they will be having a break. At 2.00 pm, they will be sitting in their classroom again. Tomorrow is Saturday and there will be no class. This time tomorrow they will not be sitting in the classroom. They will be doing other things. Tito will be playing tennis. Erna will be shopping. Wisnu will be helping his parents in their shop."
  2. The future continuous is used to express predictions and unintentional future/future without intention. It tells us about events at a future time, whether they are intentional or not. Read the example below:
    The students will be sitting in their classroom at this time tomorrow.
    (This does not imply that the students wish or have planned to sit in their classroom. It merely states that the action will happen as a routine or ordinary course of events.)
    The future continuous tense used in this way differs from the present continuous used for future arrangements.
    • The present continuous tense implies a definite and deliberate future action.
      I am meeting a new client tomorrow.
      (The first implies that the new client and/or the speaker has deliberately arranged the meeting.)
    • The future continuous tense usually implies or predicts an action which will occur in the normal course of events. It is therefore more casual than the present continuous.
      I'll be meeting a new client tomorrow.
      (It implies that the new client and the speaker will meet in the ordinary course of events.)
    However, with a definite time and for the near future, the difference is not very important and very often either tense can be used.
    • He'll be leaving tomorrow, or
      He is leaving tomorrow.
    • He won't be coming to the party, or
      He isn't coming to the party.
    With indefinite time or the remote future, the future continuous should be used.
    I'll be moving to another apartment (next month/next year/some time).
  3. In second-person question-forms, the Future Continuous is used to make a polite question. It concerns future activities rather than future intentions. Pay attention to the examples below:
    1. Are you going to call them soon? (Direct question about intentions)
      Will you be calling them soon? (Pure question about future activities, by-passing the intentions themselves)
    2. Will you meet Anton? (Request)
      Will you be meeting Anton? (Pure question about future activities)
A. Change the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous tense.
  1. When you arrive they (still prepare) the meal.
  2. She (see) him in a few minutes.
  3. The leaves (fall) soon.
  4. She says she (do) the washing tomorrow.
  5. We (have) crab for supper.
  6. You (go) to Surabaya again this week?
  7. We (not have) dinner in thirty minutes.
  8. You (learn) more about this tense after you do the exercise.
  9. Hurry up! The train (leave) in a minute.
  10. You are so absent-minded you (forget) your head next.
B. Change the verbs into the Future Continuous. Notice the change of meaning in some sentences.
  1. I'll write to you later.
  2. He's coming home soon.
  3. He is lecturing on the seventeenth-century poets next.
  4. I shall see her tomorrow afternoon.
  5. Are you going to use this spoon?
  6. Will you come to the party?
  7. When are you going to have the house painted?
  8. Which school are you going to send him to?
  9. You will make all the arrangements.
  10. I will not do any business with them.
  • Thomson & Martinet (1986). A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Allen W. Stannard (1989). Living English Structure. Hong Kong: Longman.
  • Radio Australia, English for You. Victoria: The Dominion Press.
For other Future forms, also read:

April 25, 2019

How to Express and Respond to an Invitation

How to Express and Respond to an Invitation
hen we want to request the presence or participation of someone, especially to request them to come or go to some place, gathering, entertainment, etc., or to do something, we need to make an invitation. Invitations, spoken or written, must be made in a kindly, courteous, or complimentary way. Here, we will learn about some of the most common English expressions used when someone wants to make and respond to an invitation politely. Please notice the form of the verbs used in different expressions.

What do you say if you want to make an invitation?

Making an Invitation
I would like
We would like you
to invite you to my birthday party.
to join us.
to go with us.
Would you like
Do you want
to take a nice walk?
to join us?
to go with us?
to see a film tonight?
How about
What about
Do you feel like
taking a nice walk?
joining us?
going with us?
seeing a film tonight?
Shall we
Will you
Would you
Why don't we
eat out tonight?
come to my party?
Let'stake an afternoon walk.
How about
What about
Would you like
a nice walk?
a cup of coffee?
some cold drink?

What do you say if you want to respond to an invitation?

Accepting an InvitationRefusing an Invitation
That’s great.
That’s alright.
That’s a good idea.
OK. I will.
I’d love to, but I'm afraid I can’t.
I’m sorry I can’t.
Well, I’d rather not go out in this weather.
Thanks for inviting, but I really have to study.
Now read and practice the dialogues below and answer the questions.

A. Dialogue 1

Lydia: What about going to the beach this weekend?
Ann: That’s a good idea, I’d love to. How are we going there?
Lydia: By motorcycle. I think it will be nice.
Ann: And what about our meals?
Lydia: We can have lunch at a restaurant there.
Ann: What time are we going?
Lydia: What about eight? I'll pick you up.
Ann: Alright. See you.
  1. Please copy the sentence(s) expressing an invitation in the above dialogue.
  2. Who has the idea of going to the beach?
  3. What does she say to express her invitation?
  4. Does the other speaker accept the invitation? What does she say?
  5. How are they going to the beach?

B. Dialogue 2

Jimmy: We’re going to a basketball game on Sunday and we’ve got an extra ticket. Would you like to join us?
Aldo: That sounds nice, but I’m sorry, I can’t. I have a mathematics test on Monday. I have to study. Thanks for inviting me, though.
Jimmy: Are you sure? Sharon’s going to go too.
Aldo: Oh, how’s Sharon doing?
Jimmy: She’s doing fine. She has a new car.
Aldo: Well, I really can’t go, but say hi to her for me, OK?
Jimmy: O.K. I will.
  1. Please copy the sentence(s) expressing an invitation in the above dialogue.
  2. What does Jimmy offer Aldo to do?
  3. Does Aldo agree to go?
  4. What does Aldo say to respond to the invitation?
  5. What is his excuse?
  6. Do you think he refuses the invitation politely?

C. Dialogue 3

Nia: Rita, how are you going to spend this weekend tomorrow?
Rita: I have no idea. I’ll probably just stay at home, as usual.
Nia: Well, Alya and I are planning to go to the beach. Would you like to join us?
Rita: That sounds great. What time?
Alya: What about 8 a.m.?
Rita: I think that's too early. What about 9?
Alya: Alright. We’ll pick you up at 9. See you, Rita.
Rita: Alright. See you.
  1. Please copy the sentence(s) expressing an invitation in the above dialogue.
  2. What invitation does Alya make to Rita?
  3. Does Rita accept it?
  4. What does Rita say to respond to the invitation?
  5. Where will will they meet? What time?

D. Role Play

Now let’s practice what you have learnt about spoken invitations. Construct a short dialogue in which you invite a friend to do the following:
  1. Have lunch at the Mc Donald’s
  2. Go shopping in the mall
  3. Take a walk in the park
  4. Go fishing
  5. Go to the cinema

April 21, 2019

Exercise: Changing an Active Voice to a Passive Voice

ada halaman Active and Passive Voice, kita sudah belajar tentang bentuk kata kerja kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris (Passive voice) serta bagaimana dan kapan kita harus menggunakannya. Sekarang, sebagai pemantapan dan pengayaan materi Passive voice, mari kita kerjakan latihan tambahan di halaman ini. Jangan lupa, jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah dalam mengerjakan soal essay berikut ini, berilah komentar atau hubungi kami. Selamat mengerjakan.

Active to Passive Voice Exercise

Exercise A.

Complete the following passive voice sentences using the given verbs and tenses.
  1. This big temple (always admire) by tourists. - Present
    This big temple ... by tourists.
  2. His left leg (hurt) in the accident. - Past
    His left leg ... in the accident.
  3. The box (not open) for hundreds of years. - Present perfect
    The box ... for hundreds of years.
  4. A big battle (fight) here in 1945. - Past
    A big battle ... here in 1945.
  5. The road repair (complete) next year. - Future
    The road repair ... next year.
  6. English (speak) all over the world. - Present
    English ... all over the world.
  7. The answers must (write) on the answer sheet. - Infinitive
    The answers ... on the answer sheet.
  8. The new office building (paint). - Present Continuous
    The new office building ....
  9. The stolen motorcycle (find) in another town. - Present perfect
    The stolen motorcycle ... in another town.
  10. He said that a new proof (find). - Past perfect
    He said that a new proof ....

Exercise B.

Put the following sentences into the passive voice. Use the phrase in bold type as the subject where shown.
  1. Our receptionists will guide the guests to the conference room.
    The guests ... to the conference room.
  2. We have informed her about the registration date.
    She ... about the registration date.
  3. They have invited my little brother to their daughter's birthday party.
    My little brother ... to their daughter's birthday party.
  4. You should return this book in time.
    This book ... in time.
  5. The police asked the witness several questions about the robbery.
    The witness ... several questions about the robbery.
  6. They requested the stranger to leave the meeting.
    The stranger ... to leave the meeting.
  7. They are still investigating reports of possible abuse.
    Reports of possible abuse ....
  8. He had told us to be quick.
    We ... to be quick.
  9. Someone has stolen my friends' mobile phone.
    My friend's mobile phone ....
  10. My father promised me a new bicycle if I passed my examination.
    I ... a new bicycyle if I passed my examination.
  11. As soon as we had received the confirmation, we canceled the renovation plan.
    As soon as ..., ....
  12. After they had repaired the bridge, they reopened the road.
    After ..., ....
  13. We do not allow students to leave the classroom during lessons.
    ... during lessons.
  14. Visitors must park vehicles in the designated area.
  15. We took these photographs after the ceremony.
Untuk mengerjakan soal latihan ini secara online, klik tautan di bawah ini.

April 20, 2019

Past Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense Exercise

Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense
reviously, we have learnt about contrasting The Past Perfect to the Simple Past tense in Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect Tense. Now, let's practice how to use the Simple Past and the Past Perfect tense correctly.

For more resources on the Past Perfect tense, please read:

  1. The difference between the Simple Past and the Past Perfect tense: Contrasting Past Tenses: The Simple Past VS The Past Perfect tense
  2. English grammar exercise: Using the Past Perfect tense Exercise
  3. Dialog and Explanation: Dialog Using the Past perfect tense to talk about Past Events

Exercise A: The Past Perfect tense

Complete the sentences below with Past Perfect verbs based on the situations given in brackets.
  1. (Rina was doing her assignment from six o'clock till half past seven last night.)
    Answer: By a quarter to eight, Rina (finish) her assignment.
  2. (Jim washed his car from nine till eleven o'clock. Tika arrived at half past eleven.)
    Answer: When Tika arrived, Jim (wash) his car.
  3. (He graduated from university in 2016. His father retired in 2017.)
    Answer: When his father retired in 2017, he (graduate) from the university.
  4. (The movie began at seven o'clock. We arrived at the cinema at ten minutes past seven.)
    Answer: When we arrived at the cinema, the movie (already begin).
  5. (Ika typed the letter at half past eight. She finished it in twenty minutes. The manager called at nine o'clock.)
    Answer: By the time the manager called, Ika (type) the letter.
  6. (The teacher explained the lesson. Then we understood it.)
    Answer: We understood the lesson after the teacher (explain) it.
  7. (The train stopped. Then he got off.)
    Answer: He got off after the train (stop).
  8. (I'm speaking to Maya. She has not finished her work.)
    Answer: When I spoke to Maya, she (not finish) her work.
  9. (They repaired our motorcycle. We were able to continue our trip.)
    Answer: We were able to continue our trip after they (repair) our motorcycle.
  10. (The guests left. Then I mowed the lawn.)
    Answer: I mowed the lawn as soon as the guests (leave).

Exercise B: Past Perfect Tense VS Simple Past Tense

In this exercise, you are to change the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Simple Past tense. Please keep in mind that when we want to refer to an earlier event or a more past time (past in the past), the Past Perfect should be used. However, when the events are told in chronological order, the Simple Past can be used.

Example: They (go) home after they (finish) their work.
Answer: They went home after they had finished their work.
  1. She (just go) out when I (call) at her house.
    Answer: ....
  2. I (tell) them that I (never be) to that place before.
    Answer: ....
  3. My little brother (eat) all the pie before we (get) back.
    Answer: ....
  4. We (ask) them what countries they (visit).
    Answer: ....
  5. The police (ask) the witness what (happen) to the victim the previous night.
    Answer: ....
  6. His mother (worry) a lot about him before she (hear) that he was safe.
    Answer: ....
  7. The house (be) much smaller than he (think) at first.
    Answer: ....
  8. The archaeologist (say) that the glories of Tutankhamen (not at all be) exaggerated.
    Answer: ....
  9. He (refuse) to admit that he (steal) his friends' mobile phone.
    Answer: ....
  10. She (tell) her teacher that her mother (help) her with her homework.
    Answer: ....
  11. As soon as we (receive) the confirmation, we (proceed) with our plans.
    Answer: ....
  12. After the bridge (be) repaired, the road (be) reopened.
    Answer: ....
  13. After she (graduate) from the university, she (move) back to her hometown.
    Answer: ....
  14. After we (finish) our lunch, we (continue) our journey.
    Answer: ....
  15. Before the teacher (come), we (finish) cleaning our classroom.
    Answer: ....
If you wish to do the exercise online and know your score, click the link below.

April 13, 2019

Soal Ujian Sekolah (USBK) dan Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTS Paket 7

Multiple choice questions

Directions: Choose the best answer, A, B, c, or D, to each question.
  1. The above caution means ....
    1. We need to buy eye-protection equipment here.
    2. It is very easy to find eye-protection equipment.
    3. Some students are using eye-protection equipment.
    4. It is very important to wear eye-protection equipment.
  2. A blessing upon your
    a blessing on your new hearth
    a blessing upon your new dwelling.
    What is the text about?
    1. Opening a new house to old friends
    2. Describing a new home to someone
    3. Advertising a new house to someone
    4. Congratulating someone on a new house

Questions 3 to 4 refer to the following text.

Last autumn I was in India during Diwali, "the Festival of Lights”, which takes place every year to celebrate the victory of good over evil. This festival lasts for five days and is held at the end of October or in the first week of November.

Preparations began weeks before the event. People cleaned their homes and painted wonderful designs called rangolis on the walls and floors. They bought beautiful new clothes and jewelry to wear during the festival. Women made delicious sweets which were better than any others I have ever tasted.

During the five days of Duwali, every home and temple was decorated, inside and outside, with lovely clay lamps and colourful candles. After dark, the whole neighborhood glittered with thousands of tiny lights, as though in a fairy tale. Excited children set off firecrackers, and at first I was frightened by the loud bangs, but the spectacular display was so fascinating that I soon joined in the spirit of celebration.

Diwali is a deeply moving festival. I am very grateful I had a chance to share in this celebration of peace and harmony. I have fond memories of the experience, and in particular I will never forget how friendly and generous people were.

  1. What is Diwali?
    1. A celebration day
    2. Wonderful designs
    3. Festival of lights
    4. Home and temples in India
  2. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ....
    1. The preparations for Diwali was very long.
    2. Diwali was celebrated everywhere
    3. The writer was very happy with Diwali
    4. During Diwali, houses were decorated with lamps and candles.

Questions 5 to 7 refer to the following text.
If you are a sport fan, you are sure to know the name Michael Jordan. He is probably the greatest basketball player the world has ever seen. Although his career as a player is over, his fame will live on for many years to come.

Michael Jordan certainly looks like a star. He is tall, well-built and handsome, with friendly brown eyes and a wide grin. He always manages to look well-dressed, even in his casual clothes or small suits.

His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability. Michael is a very determined person. This has made him a successful basketball star. He has given lots of money and support to charities.

All in all, Michael Jordan is not only a great athlete, but also a warm, caring person. Is it no wonder that so many boys have dreamed of growing up to be just like him?
  1. What will be the best title for the text?
    1. A warm, caring person
    2. Michael Jordan
    3. A sport fan
    4. A famous star
  2. The word outstanding in His personality, too, is as outstanding as his playing ability means ....
    1. Great
    2. Warm
    3. Famous
    4. Determined
  3. If you are a sport fan, ...." What does the underlined word refer to?
    1. Michael Jordan
    2. People
    3. The writer
    4. The reader

Questions 8 to 11 refer to the following text.
Sung-Yow had a secret. He could paint a picture and make it come alive! This only happened when the painting was finished. Sung-Yow loved to paint dragons. He left out their eyes because he didn't want them to come alive. In this way, his secret stayed a secret.

The king heard that Sung-Yow was good at painting dragons. He asked Sung-Yow to paint four dragons on a wall. In three days the painting was almost finished. The dragons looked like they could jump off the wall. They didn't jump because Sung-Yow had left out their eyes.

People come from far away to see the paintings.
"The dragons look so real," they said.
"But where are their eyes?" they asked.
"If I dotted the eyes, the dragons would fly away," said Sung-Yow.

Everyone laughed. No one believed him. Sung-Yow was not happy. This time he would not leave out the eyes. He painted little black dots on two of the dragons.

Crash! Crack! The wall split open. Two dragons jumped off the wall. Sung-Yow went on to become a very famous artist with a very famous secret.

In China when someone adds a finishing touch to a work, people might say 'Draw Dragons' Dot Eyes'.

  1. What was Sung-Yow's secret?
    1. He was good at painting dragons.
    2. He could paint a picture.
    3. Draw Dragon Dot Eye.
    4. His painting could come alive.
  2. How could Sun-Yow become famous?
    1. He was asked by the king.
    2. Everyone liked the dragons.
    3. People saw his secret.
    4. He said, "Draw Dragons' Dot Eyes".
  3. Why didn't Sung-Yow finish his dragon paintings?
    1. The dragons looked real without eyes.
    2. He didn't want them to be alive.
    3. The dragons didn't jump off the wall.
    4. The painting was almost finished.
  4. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To entertain the readers
    2. To describe a painting
    3. To tell a history of a painting
    4. To explain how a painter can be famous
  5. Read the following text and answer the question.
    Let's postpone our plan to visit Madakaripura waterfall. The weather is still unpredictable. I will let you know later.

    What can we conclude from the text?
    1. Santi and Kirana are going to Madakaripura.
    2. They suffer from unpredictable weather.
    3. The weather in Madakaripura is fine.
    4. Kirana and Santi have to cancel their plan.

Questions 13 to 14 refer to the following text.
Exclusive facial cotton
100% pure cotton without bleaching
Ensures better absorbency and comfort for cosmetic application
Hygienic way to remove make up and cleanser
Its softness is suitable for baby's skin
  1. What is the main function of the facial cotton?
    1. To soften baby's skin
    2. To clean make up
    3. To comfort the face
    4. To absorb cosmetic
  2. From the text above, we know that Exclusive facial cotton is ....
    1. Hygienic in certain items
    2. Soft with certain chemical process
    3. White with certain addition substances
    4. Natural without chemical process
  3. My parents and I were in Lombok on vacation. It was a wonderful time exploring the unknown. We went beneath the sea and ... the fish up close. They were various in size and color.
    1. see
    2. seen
    3. saw
    4. seeing

Questions 16 to 17 refer to the following text.
To : All students of SMPN Maju Probolinggo

To celebrate the Education Day, students organization will hold some interesting programs such as Speech Contest, Debate, and Class Wall Magazine Competition.

Day: May 2nd, 2019
Time: 8 am onwards.
Place: School hall

All classes must send at least one (1) representative to join each competition. For registration, contact the organizing committee in Students' Organization office.

  1. What is the announcement about?
    1. Students organization's committee
    2. An English speech contest
    3. A national day celebration
    4. A national day ceremony
  2. What should you do if you want to join one of the competitions?
    1. Celebrate the National Education Day
    2. Come to the school hall on May 2nd
    3. Meet the organizing committee
    4. Talk to your English teacher

Questions 18 to 20 refer to the following text.
My family and I went on a recreation to Solo. We went there on Monday by car. We stayed at our grandparents' house.

On Tuesday, We went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view with its waterfall and ate lunch there. We had traditional foods like gudangan, tempe bacem, fried fish and fried chicken. Then, we continued our trip to Taman Jurug zoo.

The next day, we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw many kinds of historical herritage in the palace. After that we had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town.

On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really enjoyed my holiday. It was fun.

  1. What place did the writer and his family visit first in Solo?
    1. Tawangmangu
    2. Kasunanan palace
    3. Taman Jurug zoo
    4. Klewer market
  2. What did the writer and his family do on Wednesday evening?
    1. Did shopping at Klewer Market
    2. Visited Solo Grand Mall
    3. Went sightseeing the town
    4. Bought some souvenirs
  3. How many days did the writer spend in Solo?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following text.
Raflesia can be found in the forests of Malaysia, Southern Thailand, Sumatra and Java. But, Raflesia flowers are fairly hard to locate. It is especially difficult to see them in bloom. Its buds take up to 10 months to develop while its blossom lasts for just a few days.

Raflesia has brownish, scale like leaves and fleshy, smelling flowers of various sizes, from few inches to a meter big in diameter. We can easily notice its large fleshy flowers. There is a deep well in the center of the flowers. The sexual organs are located beneath the rim of the disk. Male and female flowers are separate.

The reddish brown colors of the petals, sprinkled with white freckles produce unpleasant stench, similar to rotting flesh. This would attract flies and insects which help disperse the seeds. Raflesia isparasite, which means it takes the nutrient out of its host.
  1. The text mainly describes ... of Raflesia.
    1. the location
    2. the petals
    3. the sexual organs
    4. the physical look
  2. What is the unpleasant smell for?
    1. People repellent
    2. Attracting insects
    3. Attracting host
    4. Protection
  3. The word "notice" in paragraph 2 means ....
    1. Smell
    2. See
    3. Find
    4. Locate

Questions 24 to 25 refer to the following text.

How to Make Avocado Juice

You'll need :
• 1 avocado (ripe)
• 500 ml cold milk
• 250 ml cold water
• 150 grams sugar
• 3-5 drops vanila essence

Steps :
1. Cut the avocado into half, remove seed, and scoop out the pulp.
2. Put the pulp of the avocado along with the sugar in a blender and blend well.
3. Add the milk, water and vanila essence and blend for 1 minute.
4. Garnish and serve chilled.

  1. What should we do after we put the pulp in the blender?
    1. Blend the pulp.
    2. Add the milk.
    3. Add vanila essence.
    4. Remove the sugar.
  2. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. To describe how we should serve avocadoes.
    2. To analyze the importance of avocadoes.
    3. To explain how to do something.
    4. To explain the steps of eating avocadoes.
  3. Arrange the following words to make a good sentence.
    always of localscowThe interest the receivesrace great
    1. 5 - 3 - 9 - 1 - 8 - 10 - 6 - 2 - 7 - 3
    2. 5 - 3 - 1 - 8 - 10 - 6 - 2 - 7 - 4 - 9
    3. 5 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 6 - 10 - 8 - 2 - 7 - 3
    4. 5 - 4 - 9 - 1 - 8 - 10 - 6 - 2 - 7 - 3
  4. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph.
    1. The bus was air-conditioned, so i felt comfortable.
    2. All the passengers got off, did their prayers and had dinner
    3. Then I took a taxi to my grandparents’ house.
    4. On holiday, I visited my grandparents in Bandung.
    5. The bus stopped at Pekalongan.
    6. I went there by bus. It left at five in the afternoon.
    7. The bus reached Bandung at six.
    1. 4-6-5-1-7-2-3
    2. 4-6-1-5-2-7-3
    3. 4-6-2-1-5-7-3
    4. 4-6-5-2-1-3-7
Questions 28 to 29 refer to the following text.
I have a close friend. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always wants to be a trend setter of the day. Therefore, she pays much attention to her appearance.

Recently, she bought a pair of stylish shoes from a famous shoe-designer. These shoes really suit her. When she is walking on those shoes, all her friends, including me, watch and admire her. She has the shoes that really match her physical appearance. The style, color, and brand represent her warm personality perfectly. She really has perfect appearance.

  1. What is the purpose of the text?
    1. Describe the writer's friend's style and her new shoes
    2. Explain a famous international trademark shoes
    3. Share the writer's experience with her stylish friend
    4. Describe a well-known shoe product to the readers
  2. Why does the writer admire her friend?
    1. She likes wearing international trade mark shoes.
    2. She always wants to be a trendy and attractive woman.
    3. She has very expensive famous designer's shoes.
    4. She looks perfect with her new shoes.

Questions 30 to 32 refer to the following text.
There were once two brothers who lived on the edge of a forest. The elder brother was very mean to his younger brother and ate up all the food and took all his good clothes.

One day, the elder brother went into the forest to find some firewood to sell in the market. As he went around chopping the branches of a tree after tree, he came upon a magical tree. The tree said to him, "Oh kind sir, please do not cut my branches. If you spare me, I will give you my golden apples". The elder brother agreed but was disappointed with the number of apples the tree gave him. Greed overcame him, and he threatened to cut the entire trunk if the tree didn't give him more apples. The magical tree instead showered upon the elder brother hundreds upon hundreds of tiny needles. The elder brother lay on the ground crying in pain as the sun began to lower down the horizon.

The younger brother grew worried and went in search of his elder brother. He found him with hundreds of needles on his skin. He rushed to his brother and removed each needle with painstaking love. After he finished, the elder brother apologised for treating him badly and promised to be better. The tree saw the change in the elder brother's heart and gave them all the golden apples they could ever need.

  1. What will probably be the best title for the text?
    1. Two Brothers and a Magical Tree
    2. Two Brothers and Golden Apples
    3. The Magical Tree
    4. The Greedy Elder Brother
  2. Look at the underlined phrase in paragraph 2. It means that the elder brother agreed to ....
    1. cut the tree's branches.
    2. give him the golden apples.
    3. ask for more golden apples.
    4. spare the magical tree.
  3. What is the moral of the text?
    1. It is important to be kind and gracious as it will always be rewarded.
    2. Strong people don't give up when they come across challenges.
    3. Brave people are not afraid to go after what they want .
    4. Everyone always needs help from other people.
Complete the following text.
Most crabs have a ...(i)... shell to protect their bodies. However, the hermits crab has a soft body and no shell of its own. In order to ...(ii)... itself, it will find an empty mollusk shell and squeeze inside out completely. Then with only its logs and head sticking out, it will walk around the seabed searching for food.

  1. ...(i)....
    1. Shiny
    2. Soft
    3. Thick
    4. Hard
  2. ...(ii)....
    1. protect
    2. close
    3. fight
    4. survive

Questions 35 to 36 refer to the following text.
I am used to traveling by plane but only on one occasion, I felt frightened. After taking off, we flew low over the city. Then, it slowly went high to the sky.

Suddenly it turned around and flew back to the airport. A flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it landed. After we landed, the police searched the plane carefully. Everybody on board was worried and we became curious about what was happening.

Later we knew that there was a very important person on board. Earlier, somebody had told the police that there was a bomb on the plane. Fortunately, they didn't find a bomb and five hours later we were able to take off again.

  1. What is the topic of the text?
    1. The habit of traveling by plane.
    2. A frightening plane crash.
    3. An unforgettable experience.
    4. A very important person on board.
  2. What made the writer frightened?
    1. The police searched the plane carefully
    2. Somebody said there was a bomb on the plane.
    3. After taking off, the plane flew low over the city.
    4. The plane turned around and flew back to the airport.

Questions 37 to 39 refer to the following text.
Birds are a group of animals called vertebrates, or animals with backbones. They form the class Aves.

They are warm-blooded and lay eggs. Their bodies are covered with feathers and they have wings. Their bones are hollow. This makes them lighter and allows many of them to fly. Birds have two legs usually covered with scales (small, flat hard plates which overlap in the same way as feathers). They have a hard beak with no teeth. Because birds keep a high body temperature, they use a lot of energy. So, they need to eat a lot of food compared with their weight. There are more than 9.000 different species of birds in this world.

Birds are found on every continent of the world. Birds of different types can live in freezing cold environments, and others can live in hot dessert. Birds live in forests, in grasslands, on cliff faces, in river banks, on stony seashore, down the mine shafts and in the grooves of houses.

  1. Birds need to eat a lot to ....
    1. Supply food for many different species of birds
    2. Keep their body temperature high
    3. Compare their weight with their body
    4. Make them fly far away
  2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
    1. The habitat of birds
    2. The houses of birds
    3. The parts of birds
    4. The kinds of birds
  3. "on stony seashores, ..."
    What is the meaning of the underlined word?
    1. Beaches
    2. Desserts
    3. Continents
    4. Oceans

Questions 40 to 42 refer to the following text.
Doctors make people healthier. When people get sick, doctors figure out why. They examine people, listen to them, describe their health problems, and do tests to see what is wrong. They give people medicine and other kinds of treatment. They also give advice about diet, exercise, and sleep.

There are many types of doctors. Family and general practitioners are often the first doctors that people go to when they get sick. These doctors treat common problems. They also send patients to other doctors, called specialists. Specialists are experts in specific types of health problems.

For example, internists focus on problems with internal organs. Pediatricians care for children and babies. Surgeons perform operations, like fixing broken bones or transplanting organs.

Most doctors are doctors of medicine (M.D). They treat all kinds of diseases and injuries. Some doctors are doctors of osteopathic medicine (D.O). They focus on muscles and bones.

Many doctors work long hours, at all times of day and night. About 3 out of 10 physicians worked more than 60 hours a week. Doctors sometimes have to rush to the hospital to deal with emergencies.

  1. These are what doctors do, except ....
    1. giving medicine to sick people
    2. sending experts to other doctors
    3. listening to patients' health problems
    4. giving advice on how to stay healthy
  2. People who break their legs in an accident should go to a/an ....
    1. internist
    2. pediatric
    3. surgeon
    4. practicioner
  3. Doctors work long hours, because ....
    1. they rush to the hospital for emergencies
    2. they deal with emergencies
    3. patients may come at anytime.
    4. most doctors are doctors of medicine (M.D).

Questions 43 to 44 refer to the following text.
People in London drink a lot of coffee. People have to throw away around 200,000 tonnes of used coffee every year. However, they can still use the coffee grounds.

One man has a factory. This factory takes out the oils from the coffee. It produces coffee logs. You can use these logs instead of wood. One log comes from the waste of 25 cups of coffee.

The man's factory produces 50,000 tonnes of logs a year. That is enough to power hundreds of thousands of homes!

  1. What can we conclude from the text above?
    1. The factory uses coffee logs to produce oil.
    2. Coffee plants is a new resource of energy.
    3. Coffee logs is a kind of wood.
    4. Coffee grounds can be useful.
  2. What is the synonym of the underlined word in the text above?
    1. Put off
    2. Discard
    3. Spend
    4. Preserve

Questions 45 to 47 refer to the following text.
Tens of thousands of green sea turtles come to an island in Australia to ...(i)... their eggs. People think that the island is the ...(ii)... nesting site in the world. However, rising sea levels can make the water flood the eggs during the next high tide. The babies will probably not develop.

To create space and ...(iii)... the eggs, people reshaped and raised 150 metres of the island's beach.

  1. ...(i)...
    1. lay
    2. take
    3. hatch
    4. pile
  2. ...(ii)...
    1. most biggest
    2. bigger
    3. big as
    4. biggest
  3. ...(iii)...
    1. destroy
    2. remove
    3. protect
    4. bury
  4. Read the dialogue and answer the question.
    Adi: "Hurray. Our team won the match."
    Toni: "Really? Tell me about it."
    Adi: "Well. The opponent team was defeated ...."
    1. easily
    2. strongly
    3. beautifully
    4. hardly
  5. Read the dialogue and answer the question.
    Reza: "... do you come to Medan?"
    Azraf: "Well, usually once or twice every year."
    1. How much
    2. When
    3. How often
    4. How many
  6. Read the text below and answer the question.
    Dear Rina,
    I want you to come to my house for lunch on Sunday at 12 p.m. to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary.
    What is the purpose of the message?
    1. To inform a party organizer
    2. To describe a wedding anniversary
    3. To celebrate a wedding
    4. To invite a friend for lunch
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