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Soal Olimpiade & Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Elementary SD - SMP: Paket Soal 4B (Lanjutan 4A)

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Home Grammar Passive Voice Soal Essay Exercise: Changing an Active Voice to a Passive Voice

April 21, 2019

Exercise: Changing an Active Voice to a Passive Voice

ada halaman Active and Passive Voice, kita sudah belajar tentang bentuk kata kerja kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Inggris (Passive voice) serta bagaimana dan kapan kita harus menggunakannya. Sekarang, sebagai pemantapan dan pengayaan materi Passive voice, mari kita kerjakan latihan tambahan di halaman ini. Jangan lupa, jika ada pertanyaan atau masalah dalam mengerjakan soal essay berikut ini, berilah komentar atau hubungi kami. Selamat mengerjakan.

Active to Passive Voice Exercise

Exercise A.

Complete the following passive voice sentences using the given verbs and tenses.
  1. This big temple (always admire) by tourists. - Present
    This big temple ... by tourists.
  2. His left leg (hurt) in the accident. - Past
    His left leg ... in the accident.
  3. The box (not open) for hundreds of years. - Present perfect
    The box ... for hundreds of years.
  4. A big battle (fight) here in 1945. - Past
    A big battle ... here in 1945.
  5. The road repair (complete) next year. - Future
    The road repair ... next year.
  6. English (speak) all over the world. - Present
    English ... all over the world.
  7. The answers must (write) on the answer sheet. - Infinitive
    The answers ... on the answer sheet.
  8. The new office building (paint). - Present Continuous
    The new office building ....
  9. The stolen motorcycle (find) in another town. - Present perfect
    The stolen motorcycle ... in another town.
  10. He said that a new proof (find). - Past perfect
    He said that a new proof ....

Exercise B.

Put the following sentences into the passive voice. Use the phrase in bold type as the subject where shown.
  1. Our receptionists will guide the guests to the conference room.
    The guests ... to the conference room.
  2. We have informed her about the registration date.
    She ... about the registration date.
  3. They have invited my little brother to their daughter's birthday party.
    My little brother ... to their daughter's birthday party.
  4. You should return this book in time.
    This book ... in time.
  5. The police asked the witness several questions about the robbery.
    The witness ... several questions about the robbery.
  6. They requested the stranger to leave the meeting.
    The stranger ... to leave the meeting.
  7. They are still investigating reports of possible abuse.
    Reports of possible abuse ....
  8. He had told us to be quick.
    We ... to be quick.
  9. Someone has stolen my friends' mobile phone.
    My friend's mobile phone ....
  10. My father promised me a new bicycle if I passed my examination.
    I ... a new bicycyle if I passed my examination.
  11. As soon as we had received the confirmation, we canceled the renovation plan.
    As soon as ..., ....
  12. After they had repaired the bridge, they reopened the road.
    After ..., ....
  13. We do not allow students to leave the classroom during lessons.
    ... during lessons.
  14. Visitors must park vehicles in the designated area.
  15. We took these photographs after the ceremony.
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