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Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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August 28, 2012

Causative Verbs; Make, Have, Let

Causative Verbs; Make, Have, Let
Ketika melihat seorang teman telah memotong rambutnya, pertanyaan mana yang lebih tepat kita utarakan? "When did you cut your hair?" atau "When did you have your hair cut?". Begitu juga jawabannya, mana yang lebih tepat, "I cut my hair yesterday." atau "I had it cut yesterday."?

Kedua bentuk pertanyaan dan jawaban tersebut sebenarnya memiliki perbedaan makna yang sangat mendasar "When did you cut your hair?" ~ "I cut my hair yesterday." sebenarnya bermakna memotong rambut kita sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Jika kita menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu (misal: memotong rambut kita), akan lebih tepat jika kita mengatakan "When did you have your hair cut?" ~ I had it cut yesterday." Inilah yang disebut causative verb.

Penggunaan Causative verbs dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris memiliki makna bahwa seseorang menyuruh atau membuat orang lain melakukan sesuatu. Causative verbs juga bisa mengindikasikan bahwa seseorang meminta suatu hal terjadi. Causative verb bisa berbentuk kata kerja (tense) apapun.
Causative verb selalu diikuti kata kerja (verb) berbentuk simple (Verb 1), infinitive (to + Verb 1), atau past participle (Verb 3):
  1. Bentuk simple (The simple form)
    Causative verbs followed by the simple verb
    NounCausative verbNoun (person)Verb (simple)Noun
    The teachermakes
    his studentsspeakEnglish.

  2. Bentuk Infinitive (The infinitive form)
    Causative verbs followed by the infinitive
    NounCausative verbNoun (person)Verb (simple)Noun
    The teachergets
    his studentsto speakEnglish.

  3. Bentuk Past Participle (The past participle form).
    Causative verbs followed by the past participle
    NounCausative verbNoun (person)Verb (simple)Noun
    The teacherhad
    the essaywrittenin English.

  1. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang menyuruh orang lain melakukan sesuatu, causative verb bisa diikuti bentuk simple (verb 1) atau infinitive (to Verb 1). Bentuk ini juga disebut Active Causative (nomer 1 & 2).
  2. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang menyuruh sesuatu dikerjakan oleh seseorang, causative verb harus diikuti bentuk past participle (verb 3). Bentuk ini juga disebut Passive Causative (nomer 3).
Do you know the difference?
  1. a. He repaired the broken window last Sunday.
    b. He had the broken window repaired last Sunday.
  2. a. She makes her own dresses.
    b. She always gets her dresses made.
  3. a. She is typing the letter now.
    b. She is having the letter typed.
  4. a. They are going to repaint the house.
    b. They are going to have the house repainted.
  5. a. I translated the story into English.
    b. I had the story translated into English.
Click here to do the exercise on causative verbs.

June 22, 2012

Exercise: How to Express Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility

Exercise: How to Express Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility
In the previous post "Expressions Related to Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility" we have learnt about how to express our feelings related to wonder, curiosity, and possibility. Now, let's do this exercise to see how much you have learnt about those expressions.

I. Complete the following dialogs.

  1. Your friend looks very sad. You can see that she has been crying.
    You: "You look awful. What’s the matter?"
    Your friend: "It’s Trio. I saw him walking hand in hand with a girl last night."
    You: "Are you sure it was him? ...(asking about a possibility)...."
    Your friend: "I couldn’t have been mistaken. I know him very well, and I’m sure it was him that I saw last night. ...(wondering who the girl was)...."
    You: "Take it easy, honey. ...(expressing another possibility)...."
    Your friend: "...(stating a possibility).... I certainly hope you are right."

  2. You and your sister are watching TV when there is a news break, informing that there’s just been a plane crash in the jungle of Kalimantan. A Search and Rescue team has been sent. You are talking about the possibility of survivors.
    You: "What a horrible accident! ...(wondering if the passengers survived)...."
    Your sister: "...(asking about a possibility)...."
    You: "...(stating a possibility that only few survived)...."
    Your sister: "...(wondering when the SAR team can locate them)...."

II. Choose the best answer to the following questions

  1. Man: "You look worried. Is something bothering you?"
    Woman: "Yes, I wonder why I failed the test. ...."
    Man: "Sorry to hear that. But if I were you, I would give it another try."
    1. What have you done?
    2. I’ve never failed in my life.
    3. The teacher doesn’t like me.
    4. I’m very sad to hear that.
    5. I had prepared myself for that.
  2. In the above dialog, the man asked the woman about her ....
    1. wonder
    2. possibility
    3. thoughts
    4. anger
    5. pleasure
  3. In the dialog, the woman expressed ....
    1. wonder
    2. possibility
    3. blame
    4. anger
    5. pleasure
  4. In the end, the man expressed his ....
    1. curiosity
    2. possibility
    3. sympathy
    4. condolence
    5. pleasure
  5. Man: "No way we can open this screw. Is it possible to do it another way?"
    Woman: ".... Try changing your screwdriver."
    1. Please leave it
    2. Forget it
    3. What a relief!
    4. It’s impossible.
    5. There’s a great possibility.
  6. In the above dialog, the man asked about ....
    1. wonder
    2. possibility
    3. thoughts
    4. anger
    5. pleasure
  7. In the dialog, the woman ... a possibility.
    1. stated
    2. asked
    3. blamed
    4. rejected
    5. accepted
  8. Man: "It’s not you to look as awful as you are now. ...."
    Woman: "Lucy has borrowed my dictionary but when I asked her this morning she said that she had returned it. I wonder if she told me the truth."
    Man: "Try to remember. It’s very likely that either of you forget."
    1. Please accept my deepest sympathy.
    2. Are you worried about something?
    3. What a relief!
    4. I don’t understand why you did that!
    5. I’m sorry to hear that!
  9. In the above dialog, the man asked the woman about her ....
    1. pleasure
    2. sympathy
    3. feelings
    4. anger
    5. surprise
  10. In the dialog, the woman expressed her ....
    1. pleasure
    2. sympathy
    3. possibility
    4. wishes
    5. wonder
  11. In the end, the man told the woman a ....
    1. pleasure
    2. possibility
    3. sympathy
    4. curiosity
    5. wonder
  12. Man: "This is not my jacket! ...."
    Woman: "Don’t be too suspicious. There’s a big chance that someone has mistaken."
    1. Don’t take my jacket!
    2. I wonder whose jacket it is.
    3. What a shameful act!
    4. I will take this jacket
    5. I’m sad to see this jacket.
  13. In the above dialog, the man expressed his ....
    1. wonder
    2. possibility
    3. curiosity
    4. sympathy
    5. pleasure
  14. In the above dialog, the woman ... a possibility.
    1. stated
    2. asked
    3. blamed
    4. rejected
    5. accepted
  15. Man: Hey, you’re crying! .... Woman: "I’ve lost Hammy, my hamster pet. I wonder where he is now."
    Man: "Cheer up. He could be playing somewhere. It’s alright."
    1. Please forget it.
    2. Stop crying, can’t you?
    3. What a relief!
    4. You can’t take this anymore.
    5. Are you worried about something?
  16. In the above dialog, the man asked the woman about her ....
    1. pleasure
    2. anger
    3. sympathy
    4. feelings
    5. surprise
  17. In the dialog, the woman expressed her ....
    1. pleasure
    2. wishes
    3. sympathy
    4. wonder
    5. possibility
  18. In the end, the man told the woman a ....
    1. pleasure
    2. curiosity
    3. certainty
    4. possibility
    5. wonder
  19. It’s very likely that the missing victims have drowned in the open sea.
    The above sentence expresses a ....
    1. possibility
    2. sympathy
    3. complaint
    4. certainty
    5. openness
  20. I often wonder why the rumble of thunder lasts so much longer than the lightning flash.
    The above sentence expresses a ....
    1. possibility
    2. wonder
    3. impossibility
    4. certainty
    5. openness

June 21, 2012

Mister Guru in Top ESL Blog Award

Mister Guru is the 8th Finalist of Top ESL Blog Award
Beberapa hari lalu, Mister Guru menerima email dari yang mengabarkan bahwa blog ini telah dinominasikan sebagai salah satu blog ESL (English as Second Language) terbaik dalam ajang "Top ESL Blog Award". Ini benar-benar diluar perkiraan Mister Guru yang nge-blog murni hanya untuk berbagi ilmu dan membantu mereka yang ingin belajar bahasa Inggris. Jangankan menang, masuk sebagai nominee saja Mister Guru sudah bersyukur banget. :D

Dalam ajang Top ESL Blog Award, Mister Guru harus bersaing dengan banyak blog lainnya untuk mendapatkan voting sebanyak mungkin dari publik agar bisa masuk dalam peringkat 3 (tiga) besar. Setelah masa voting berakhir, 3 (tiga) blog dengan voting terbanyak akan diumumkan di blog milik eCollegeFinder dan situs Language Magazine. Pemenang dan finalis akan berhak mendapat badge Top ESL Blogs Award sebagai simbol atas prestasi mereka. So, lupakan traktiran jika menang karena tidak ada hadiah berupa uang. :)

Top ESL Blog Award diberikan oleh eCollegeFinder yang bekerja-sama dengan Language Magazine untuk blog-blog ESL terbaik, yang diperuntukkan bagi mereka yang mengajar atau belajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua, serta mereka yang sedang mengejar gelar TESOL. Blog-blog pemenang akan dijadikan sebagai referensi bagi para pembaca yang ingin memperluas pengalaman mengajar dan belajar mereka.

Naah, untuk itu, Mister Guru butuh bantuan para pembaca sekalian untuk ikut memberikan suara dan mendukung Mister Guru dalam voting ini. Jika berkenan, kunjungi lalu pilih Mister Guru. Suara anda akan sangat membantu dan untuk itu, Mister Guru mengucapkan terima kasih.

June 20, 2012

Expressions of Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility

Expressions of Feelings, Wonder, Curiosity, and Possibility
1. Material Mapping For SMA (Class XII):
Competence StandardBasic Competence
1. Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
1.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
3.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap
2. Material Mapping For SMK:
Competence StandardBasic Competence
1. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice (Communicate in English in novice level) 1.4. Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar (Producing simple sentences to convey basic language functions).

3. Key word:
Mengakui kesalahan (confessing), berjanji (promising), menyalahkan (blaming), menuduh (accusing), mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat (expressing curiosity & desire).

4. Material:

Asking About Feelings, Expressing Wonder / Curiosity, Asking and Stating Possibility
Asking About FeelingsExpressing Wonder / Curiosity
  • How do you feel about it?
  • What do you have in mind?
  • What are you thinking about?
  • Do you have something on your mind?
  • What are you looking so serious about?
  • Is something bothering you?
  • Are you worried about something?
  • I wonder what it really is.
  • I was just wondering how to do it
  • I wonder why he could do such thing to her
  • I wonder if she likes studying here.
  • That's amazing. How did you do that?
  • How marvelous. How come?
  • I wonder at her directness.
Asking About PossibilityStating a Possibility
  • Is it possible to do it this way?
  • Is there any possibility of repairing this machine?
  • What possibility is there that they’re still alive?
  • Is there any chance she will survive the disease?
  • What will probably happen to the main character of this story?
  • It’s very likely (that ....)
  • There’s a (big) chance.
  • It’s possible (that ....)
  • There’s a great possibility.
  • It could be.
  • Maybe / perhaps / probably.
  • There could / might be a problem.
  • It might be.
5. Exercise
Complete the following dialogs:
  1. You and your friend have been waiting for more than ten minutes for the school bus to come. You start talking about possibilities that might happen to the bus.
    You: "Where’s the school bus? ...(wondering what has happened)...."
    Your friend: "I don’t know. ...(asking about a possibility)...?"
    You: "...(stating a possibility)..., or ...(expressing another possibility)...."
    Your friend: "...(stating a possibility)...."

  2. You and your friend are going shopping at a supermarket. When you are going to pay for your things at the cashier, you cannot find your wallet.
    Cashier: "Thirty-six thousand Rupiahs, please."
    You: "Oh. Where’s my wallet?"
    Your friend: "What’s the matter? ...(asking about feelings / thoughts)...?"
    You: "I can’t find my wallet! ...(wondering where it is)...."
    Your friend: "...(asking about a possibility)...."
    You: "...(stating a possibility).... How embarrassing!"

Click HERE to do more exercise about expressions related to feelings, wonder / curiosity, & possibility.

June 19, 2012

Exercise: Expressions of Accusing, Blaming, Confessing, Apologizing, and Promising

Exercise: Expressions of Accusing, Blaming, Confessing, Apologizing, and Promising
reviously, in the post HOW TO EXPRESS ACCUSATION, BLAME, CONFESSION, APOLOGY, & PROMISE, we have learnt about some common expressions to make or state accusations, blame, confessions, apologies, & promises. Now, in this post, you will have the chance to measure your ability related to those expressions.

I. Match the sentences on the left with the best response on the right

  1. My two-year-old sister dropped my mobile phone and broke it.
  2. A policeman fined me for not wearing a helmet yesterday.
  3. I was late because I ran out of gas on the way to school this morning.
  4. My teacher sent me out of the classroom this morning.
  5. The headmaster got me sign a letter of statement this morning.
  6. Linda was angry with me last night. She said she wouldn’t make friends with me anymore.
  7. The drama was a failure. I forgot a few but important lines and ruined the whole performance.
  8. My computer has been infected by a virus.
  1. What did you expect? You shouldn’t have ridden without wearing a helmet.
  2. It was your own fault. You shouldn’t have been noisy in class.
  3. It serves you right. How many times do I have to tell you this? Never copy a file from an unreliable source.
  4. It was all because of you. I told you to practice and practice your lines but you just took it easy.
  5. I told you to check the tank regularly but you just wouldn’t listen.
  6. I told you not to let her play with it. You should have kept it in a safe place.
  7. You deserve it! You shouldn’t have sent her rude and impolite SMS.
  8. Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson. You shouldn’t have broken the school rules many times.

II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

  1. Man: "My calculator doesn’t work. What have you done with it?"
    Woman: ".... I didn’t even touch it!"
    1. I was the one to blame
    2. I give you my word on it.
    3. You shouldn’t have done that.
    4. Are you accusing me?
    5. You are forgiven
  2. In the above dialog, the man ... the woman.
    1. confessed to
    2. apologized
    3. blamed
    4. promised
    5. regretted
  3. In the dialog, the woman ... the man’s accusation.
    1. made
    2. expressed
    3. accepted
    4. agreed
    5. denied
  4. Man: "I got E for my mathematics test. I ... for not preparing myself."
    Woman: "I told you. You shouldn’t have played games too much."
    1. regret
    2. sorry
    3. promise
    4. confess
    5. blame
  5. In the above dialog, the man made a/an ....
    1. promise
    2. confession
    3. apology
    4. denial
    5. excuse
  6. In the dialog, the woman ... the man.
    1. confessed to
    2. apologized
    3. blamed
    4. promised
    5. regretted
  7. Student: "I’m sorry, sir. I have broken the class window by accident and I must apologize for that. I honestly regret it, Sir."
    Teacher: ".... I do appreciate your honesty.
    1. I’m afraid that wasn’t true.
    2. It’s good you admitted that.
    3. Who’s to blame?
    4. I think you’re the only person who could have done it.
    5. Thanks for that.
  8. In the above dialog, the student made a/an ....
    1. promise
    2. confession
    3. apology
    4. denial
    5. excuse
  9. In the dialog, the teacher gave a/an ....
    1. promise
    2. confession
    3. apology
    4. denial
    5. excuse
  10. Student: "I’m sorry, sir. I am late because the public minibus which I took had a flat."
    Teacher: "You are forgiven for now. But ...." Student: "All right, Sir. I promise I won’t be late again."
    1. Can I promise you not to be late again?
    2. Can we promise not to be late again?
    3. Will you promise not to be late again?
    4. I want to promise you not to be late again.
    5. Don’t blame me.
  11. In the above dialog, the student made a/an ....
    1. promise
    2. agreement
    3. apology
    4. denial
    5. accusation
  12. In the dialog, the teacher ... a promise.
    1. made
    2. expressed
    3. asked for
    4. agreed
    5. denied
  13. Woman: "What have you done to my CD? It’s scratched."
    Man: "I’m sorry I dropped it just now. ...."
    1. It was my fault.
    2. It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
    3. It will teach you a lesson.
    4. Don’t point your fingers at me.
    5. Don’t blame me.
  14. In the above dialog, the woman made a/an ....
    1. promise
    2. agreement
    3. apology
    4. denial
    5. accusation
  15. In the dialog, the man made a/an ....
    1. promise
    2. confession
    3. agreement
    4. denial
    5. accusation

June 17, 2012

How to Express Accusation, Blame, Confession, Apology, and Promise

How to Express Accusation, Blame, Confession, Apology, and Promise
1. Material Mapping For SMA/MA (Class XII):
Competence StandardBasic Competence
1. Memahami makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
1.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
3.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengakui kesalahan, berjanji, menyalahkan, menuduh, mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyatakan berbagai sikap
2. Material Mapping for Vocational High School (SMK/MAK):
Competence StandardBasic Competence
1. Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Novice (Communicate in English in novice level) 1.4. Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar (Producing simple sentences to convey basic language functions).

3. Key word:
Mengakui kesalahan (confessing), berjanji (promising), menyalahkan (blaming), menuduh (accusing), mengungkapkan keingintahuan dan hasrat (expressing curiosity & desire).

4. Material:

Blaming/Accusing, Denying an Accusation, Confessing, Apologizing, Forgiving/Accepting an Apology, Asking for and Making a Promise.
Blaming/AccusingDenying an Accusation
  • It was your fault.
  • I told you but you just wouldn’t listen.
  • It’s all because of you!
  • It serves you right.
  • Perhaps that’ll teach you a lesson.
  • You should (not) have done that.
  • You’re the one to blame.
  • I think you’re the only person who could have done it.
  • It’s not my fault/ mistake.
  • Are you accusing me?
  • Don’t blame me.
  • Don’t point your fingers at me.
  • I’m afraid that wasn’t true.
  • It wasn’t me.
  • It’s not true.
  • I’m not guilty / I’m clean.
  • I’m not to blame.
Confessing/Making an ApologyForgiving/Accepting an Apology
  • I must admit that I’ve been wrong so far.
  • It was my (own) fault.
  • I have made a mistake.
  • I was the one to blame.
  • You’re right and I was wrong.
  • The blame’s on me.
  • I honestly regret for having done such bad thing.
  • I must apologize for what I’ve done.
  • Please forgive me for what I've done.
  • It’s good you admitted that.
  • It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
  • Apology accepted.
  • Your apology is accepted.
  • You’re forgiven.
  • Let’s forgive and forget.
  • I forgive you.
  • Let bygones be bygones.
  • You have my apology.
  • Never mind. Forget it.
Asking for a PromiseMaking a Promise
  • Promise me that you will come to the party.
  • Will you promise to be on time next time?
  • Make me a promise, will you?
  • Is that a promise?
  • I want you to promise that you’ll never leave me.
  • Will you give me your word on that?
  • Can you / Will you promise me?
  • Can I trust you?
  • I’ll take your words.
  • I promise I’ll make it to the party.
  • I promise not to be late again.
  • I promise you that I’ll never forget you
  • It’s a promise.
  • You have my word.
  • I give you my word.
  • I swear that I will never leave you.
  • Take my words (for it).
  • I promise you my love and my life.
Now, you have learnt about about how to express an accusation, blame, confession, apology, or promise in spoken English.

June 08, 2012

Exercise: Contrasting The Simple Past With The Past Continuous

Exercise - Contrasting The Simple Past With The Past Continuous
Click here to see the differences between the Simple Past and the Past Continuous tense
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or the past continuous tense.
  1. Tina ...(wait) for me when I ...(arrive).
    Answer: Tina was waiting for me when I arrived.
  2. When I last ...(see) her, she ...(wear) a dark coat.
  3. The soldiers ...(patrol) along the river when the enemy ...(attack) them.
  4. He ...(look) very busy when I ...(see) him this morning.
  5. I ...(greet) him and ...(ask) him what he ...(do).
  6. We ...(do) the assignment when the light suddenly ...(go) out.
  7. While Doni ...(type) the report, the computer ...(break) down.
  8. The car ...(travel) at 80 k.p.h. when it ...(begin) to skid.
  9. From the sounds it was clear that the boys ...(practice) music.
  10. When I ...(look) through the books in the library, I ...(find) a very interesting novel and ...(decide) to borrow it.
  11. When I ...(meet) her, she ...(say) that she ...(not like) her current boarding house and ...(try) to find another.
  12. I ...(chat) with my friends when my mobile phone ...(ring).
  13. When I ...(wake) up last night, the TV ...(be) on and my son ...(sleep) on the sofa.
  14. The weather ...(be) fine when we ...(land) in Jakarta yesterday afternoon. The sun ...(shine) and the breeze ...(blow).
  15. I always ...(tell) him that he ...(waste) his time but he never ...(listen).
  16. When he ...(arrived) home his children ...(play) in the front yard.
  17. There ...(be) many students in the school yard. The girls ...(play) volleyball while the boys ...(play) soccer.
  18. I ...(read) my new magazine when someone ...(knock) at the door.
  19. When I ...(be) young, I ...(want) to be an architect.
  20. When I ...(enter) the classroom the students ...(do) an assignment.
II. Write a short paragraph telling about the people in the picture below. Use Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense.
Contrasting The Simple Past With The Past Continuous

Descriptive Text: Pekalen White-Water Rafting Adventure

Descriptive Text - Pekalen White-Water Rafting AdventureIf you are a river trip enthusiast, you should visit Probolinggo, East Java. Here in the town which is also well-known as "Mango Paradise", you can have a fantastic white-water rafting adventure in Pekalen river, flowing from Mount Lamongan and Argopuro Mountain south of Probolinggo. It takes 1 - 1.5 hour by car or motorcycle to get to the site.

Being a permanent river, it can be used for white-water rafting even in dry seasons. However, the water gets high and the stream becomes extremely strong from December to April when there is a lot of rain. The difficulty level of this river is categorized into Grade II - III+, which is a grade higher than Ayung river in Bali and Saddang river in South Sulawesi. A number of waterfalls and rapids along the river add to the difficulty level and the sheer challenge of white-water rafting. Other challenges that visitors may have to face are repelling as well as lining the raft with a rope, and portaging, that is carrying the raft in case it is impossible to go through an obstacle.

Descriptive Text: Pekalen White-Water Rafting AdventurePekalen Rafting is divided into 3 (three) stages; Pekalen Atas (12 kms), Pekalen Tengah (7 kms) and Pekalen Bawah (10 kms). Pekalen Atas has the highest difficulty level and is recommended for experienced or professional white-water surfers. However, it doesn't mean that rafting in Pekalen Tengah or Pekalen Bawah is less challenging.

Pekalen Atas route reaches 12 kms and can be covered in 2-3 hours. It starts in Desa Pesawahan, Kecamatan Tiris and ends in a basecamp in Desa Condong, Kecamatan Gending. It offers a spectacular view as you struggle your way through high cliffs, rocks, rapids, and even under bat caves and beautiful waterfalls. Rowing your raft is hardly necessary as you will find as much as 55 (fifty-five) rapids, i.e.; Welcome, Batu Jenggot, Pandawa, Rajawali, Extravaganza, KPLA, Tripple Ace, The Fly Matador, Hiu, Cucak Rowo, Long Rapid, and Good Bye rapid. There is also "Inul" rapid, as you may have to shake the raft like "Inul", a famous Indonesian Dangdut singer, in order to get past.

Descriptive Text: Pekalen White-Water Rafting AdventureWhat is special about Pekalen Atas is the view and adventure it offers. The rain forest, wildlife, and 10 (ten) beautiful waterfalls will offer breathtaking view alongside the river. You will not only enjoy the view of the waterfalls, but also feel the fresh water pouring onto you from the cliffs alongside the river as you row your raft below them. You will also go under bat caves where you will find thousands of bats hanging on the high cliffs. Listening to thousands of bats squeaking and watching them flying above will add to the elements of adventure it offers. Whitewater rafting in Pekalen river will certainly be an unforgettable river trip outing experience.

Updated: May 2nd, 2013

May 31, 2012

The Role, Positive Effects, Products, and Motivations of Tourism, and Tourism Industry

The Role, Positive Effects, Products, and Motivations of Tourism, and Tourism Industry

A. The main role of tourism in Indonesia

Tourism has undoubtedly played a very significant part in the country’s development process, particularly in the aspects of economy, culture, education, and environment. It has become one of the biggest sources of Indonesian foreign exchange earnings which helps boost the economic development. Nevertheless, it has to be carefully planned, developed, organized, and controlled in order to minimize its disbenefits to the entire nation. This is why the Indonesian government has intensified and expanded the tourism industry with due interest for preservation of the Indonesian culture and national identity.

B. The positive effects of tourism activities

Tourism activities have significantly brought positive effects to our society concerning:
  1. Culture;
    • Preservation of cultural monuments and historical places. In turn, it will motivate the sense of cultural heritage among the Indonesian people.
    • Preservation of traditional cultural patterns, art, dances, customs, and dress. It will develop the national pride, heritage, and unity.
    • Improvement of cross-cultural exchange and international understanding through contact of persons of different countries, cultures, and environment. It will promote the national culture itself.
  2. Economy:
    • Provision of employment and increase of income level.
    • Increase of foreign exchange
    • Help in paying costs of infrastructure
    • Improvement of managerial and technical skills in tourism, which, in turn, will help to pay other economic activities.
  3. Social relationship:
    • Improvement of cross-cultural exchange and better international understanding. It develops the awareness of the importance of international relationship.
    • Building stronger national pride, sense of heritage, sense of belonging, and unity among the Indonesian by learning more about the diverse culture and environment of Indonesia.
    • Improvement of infrastructure will result in easy accessibility and wider social relationship.
  4. Security:
    • Preservation of natural environment will lead to cleanliness and safety. Environmental deterioration can be minimized.
    • The improvement of infrastructure, including transportation and communication, will result in easy accessibility for law enforcement agencies.
    • Increase and improvement of law enforcement agencies as well as their facilities, e.g. security guards, police agents, police stations, patrol cars, means of communication, etc.
  5. Education:
    • Improvement of managerial and technical skills and knowledge in tourism.
    • Preserved environmental and natural features, such as parks, flora-fauna, scenic view, monuments, and historical places, will enable people to learn more about culture, nature, geography, history and other studies.

C. Products of Tourism

Tourism product is actually a service, which is made up of 3 main components, i.e.:
  1. Attraction of the destination.
    It concerns the image that a tourist has in mind about a tourism object.
  2. Facilities at the destination.
    It concerns the accommodation, catering, entertainment and recreation
  3. Accessibility of the destination.
    It concerns how the destination can be reached easily from the place of origin.

D. Motivations of Tourism Activities

People's travel motivation and the purpose of visits can be classified as follows:
  • General motivation:
    To be away from the home areas.
  • Specific motivation:
    Price inelastic: business, meeting, or conference.
    Price elastic: holiday makers, family visits, education, sports, health, religion, shopping, prestige, or conformity.

Tourism Industry

Tourism industry is the marketing effort which means the systematic and coordinated execution of business for the needs of tourists and to achieve the maximum satisfaction and obtain the appropriate returns. It coordinates the whole approach of an enterprise or organization to its business (chain of distribution). It consists of;
  1. Private sector support services:
    • Guide services
    • Travel insurance and finance services
    • Marketing support services
    • Private ports, etc.
  2. Public sector support services:
    • National / regional tourist organizations
    • Resort publicity offices
    • Public education and training establishments
    • Visa and passport offices, etc.
  3. Products:
    • Carriers; means of transportation
    • Accommodations; e.g. hotels, apartments, holiday centers, etc.
    • Man-made attractions; e.g. activity centers, theme parks, etc.
  4. Middleman: e.g. tour operators / brokers, travel agents, etc.

May 26, 2012

Cooperative Learning (Pembelajaran Kooperatif)

Cooperative Learning (Pembelajaran Kooperatif)

Apakah Pembelajaran Kooperatif (Cooperative Learning)?

Pembelajaran kooperatif (Cooperative learning) adalah suatu strategi pembelajaran berdasarkan paham konstruktivis dimana siswa dikelompokkan dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil beranggotakan 4-5 siswa dengan tingkat kemampuan yang berbeda, melakukan berbagai macam kegiatan belajar untuk memudahkan siswa dalam menguasai suatu mata pelajaran. Masing-masing anggota tim tidak hanya memiliki tanggung-jawab untuk belajar dan mempelajari apa yang sedang diajarkan, tapi juga harus membantu rekan sekelompok dalam belajar. Suatu kelompok bisa dikatakan belum tuntas menguasai suatu materi jika masih ada salah satu anggota belum menguasai materi tersebut.

Unsur-unsur Dasar Pembelajaran Kooperatif

Unsur-unsur dasar dalam pembelajaran kooperatif adalah sebagai berikut (Lungdren, 1994)
  1. Adanya persepsi bahwa keberhasilan atau kegagalan kelompok berarti keberhasilan atau kegagalan bersama.
  2. Rasa tanggung-jawab terhadap siswa lain dalam kelompoknya, dan tanggung-jawab terhadap diri sendiri.
  3. Pandangan bahwa semua memiliki tujuan yang sama.
  4. Adanya pembagian tugas dan tanggung-jawab antara para anggota kelompok.
  5. Evaluasi siswa berpengaruh terhadap evaluasi kelompok.
  6. Kesempatan berbagi kepemimpinan antar anggota kelompok.
  7. Ketrampilan bekerja-sama selama proses pembelajaran.
  8. Setiap siswa akan diminta untuk mempertanggung-jawabkan secara individual materi yang ditangani dalam kelompok kooperatif.
Menurut Thomson, et al. (1995), dalam kelompok kooperatif siswa belajar bersama dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil yang saling membantu satu dengan yang lain. Kelompok-kelompok kecil tersebut beranggotakan 4-6 siswa dengan kemampuan yang heterogen, juga jenis kelamin, dan suku. Heterogenitas ini bermanfaat untuk melatih siswa dalam menerima perbedaan serta bekerja sama dengan teman yang memiliki latar belakang berbeda.

Pembelajaran kooperatif mengajarkan ketrampilan-ketrampilan khusus agar siswa dapat bekerja sama dengan baik di dalam kelompoknya, seperti menjadi pendengar yang baik. Selama kerja kelompok, siswa mendapat lembar kegiatan berisi pertanyaan atau tugas yang direncanakan untuk diajarkan, dan tugas anggota kelompok adalah mencapai ketuntasan belajar. (Slavin, 1995)

Mengapa Harus Pembelajaran Kooperatif

Berbagai hasil penelitian telah membuktikan adanya perkembangan dan peningkatan hasil belajar melalui pembelajaran kooperatif. Diantaranya adalah meningkatnya prestasi akademis, perbaikan perilaku, peningkatan kehadiran siswa, peningkatan rasa percaya diri dan motivasi belajar siswa, serta bertambahnya rasa suka terhadap sekolah dan teman-teman sekelas. Disamping itu, pembelajaran kooperatif relatif mudah diterapkan dan tidak membutuhkan biaya besar.

May 10, 2012

Teaching English for Children and Adults

Teaching English for Children and Adults

he English language has become the most important second language of all in many countries worldwide. Everyone uses this language for many purposes, one of which is education. When we are talking about English language education, we also relate to how the English language is taught. Nowadays, learning English language is not only for adults, but also for children. However, both children and adults have different aspects in learning English. In this essay, the writer will discuss the different aspects of teaching English for adults and children with respect to the ability of acquiring second language, the materials, and the teaching method.

The first different aspect discussed is the different ability of acquiring second language. For children, learning English as their second language besides the mother language is pretty easy to do. According to some researches, children are able to gain the second language starting from about 5 until 12 years, which is often referred to as the golden age period. We will be easier to introduce children of those ages to the second language, including English. On the other hand, adults have the weakness in acquiring the second language maximally. It is because they already have passed the golden age period, of course. Perhaps, adults who have the capability of learning English naturally will not face any kind of difficulties but for those who don’t, learning English is quite difficult. Due to the less ability of acquiring the second language, teaching English for adults needs certain methods in order to be successful.

The second different aspect in English teaching for children and adults is related to the materials. The materials of teaching English are determined by the different level of ages. In teaching children, teachers have to be able to provide the materials simply and easily. Just because the children’s second language acquisition is better than adults, it does not mean teachers are allowed to give children as complex materials as those for adults. For children, the materials needed should be simple and meaningful. Usually, children are introduced to some simple expressions such as greetings or self-introduction. They can also be introduced to some simple vocabularies or nouns like animals, colors, parts of body, jobs, and so on. Different from that for children, English material for adults is more difficult. For adults, given materials are used in daily life context or for communication. As teachers, they can provide the materials about the job interview conversation, speech, debate, retell the experience, or another topic which aim at increasing their communication skill in daily life context.

The different teaching method of teaching English for children and adults is the last contrasting point which is discussed in this essay. In teaching children, the ability of getting their attention is required for teachers. As teachers, they have to deliver the materials in a unique and fun way. The fun learning method is an essential thing in teaching English at this stage of age. Mostly, children tend to be interested in playing and doing something with fun. Those are the keys for teachers to always give the materials in some interesting yet still meaningful ways. In addition, teaching children needs patience and awareness to grab them without making them feel disappointed or being ignored. Patience is related to how the teachers can get the students’ attention effectively. The less they can pay the attention to teachers, the more patience is needed for teachers. On the other hand, some interesting ways to teach English for adults is also required. The different is on how the teacher’s performance in teaching them. At this level, teachers have to be more skillful and capable of delivering the materials because the materials are quite difficult and useful for adults’ communication skill. In speaking, teachers should be more fluent because they are considered as the role-models for the students. Serious but fun ways can be applied to adults when they learn the English language. Teachers can be their facilitator and motivator for them. It will bring positive impacts on adults’ skill and comprehension of using this second language.

Teaching English for children and adults have different points which have to be recognized by the teachers. The different abilities of acquiring the second language, the given materials, and the teaching methods are some aspects which have to be paid serious attention by teachers. Teaching English is an amusing thing if we, as teachers, know whom we are teaching and how to deliver the knowledge effectively and efficiently.

Contributed by Monica Reinca Larasaty for Mister Guru.

May 08, 2012

Pembelajaran Kelas Menggunakan Video

Pembelajaran Kelas Menggunakan Video

ebuah penelitian guru baru-baru ini menemukan bahwa lebih dari 90% guru kelas telah menggunakan video secara efektif dalam pembelajaran dan telah membuktikan bahwa penggunaan video dalam pembelajaran kelas mampu menjadi pendukung kurikulum yang efektif dan dinamis. Sebagian besar dari mereka bahkan sering menggunakan video, dengan frekuensi rata-rata sekali setiap minggu.

A. Manfaat Video Dalam Pembelajaran:

Mengapa video semakin sering digunakan dalam pembelajaran? Tujuannya adalah agar para guru sebagai pendidik salah satunya adalah membuat siswa merasa bersemangat dan terlibat dalam pengalaman belajar praktis. Video merupakan sebuah media pembelajaran yang mampu menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan. Kemampuan video dalam melibatkan penglihatan dan pendengaran menjadikannya media yang sangat tepat bagi pelajar yang berkarakteristik pembelajar visual atau auditorial. Video juga mampu menangkap dan melibatkan emosi positif yang dapat merangsang gairah belajar siswa. Video merupakan sarana belajar yang efektif dan inovatif bagi para guru dalam menjelaskan konsep-konsep tertentu dalam pembelajaran.

Bayangkan suasana kelas dimana siswa dapat secara langsung mendengarkan suara jeritan spesies satwa yang hampir punah, sekaligus melihat warna tubuh mereka, atau mendengar suara binatang yang hanya hidup jauh di alam liar di belahan bumi yang lain. Bayangkan juga pembelajaran yang melibatkan suara asli para tokoh terkenal dari masa lampau, tokoh-tokoh yang tercatat dalam sejarah, tokoh-tokoh politik, dan orang-orang terkenal lainnya yang hidup berabad-abad yang silam. Begitu pula pembelajaran tentang hukum gerak, suara, serta perpindahan energi akan menjadi lebih menyenangkan jika guru menayangkan film video peluncuran pesawat ulang-alik dalam perjalanannya menuju ke angkasa luar. Dalam mempelajari kebudayaan, siswa akan dapat lebih mudah memahami perbedaan budaya masyarakat yang tinggal di belahan dunia lainnya jika mereka melihatnya secara langsung pada lingkungan mereka sendiri, sekaligus mendengarkan nyanyian mereka, mengamati ritual-ritual kepercayaan mereka. Dengan bimbingan guru dan penyajian yang tepat, video mampu memberikan pengalaman indrawi yang menjadikan konsep mudah untuk dirasakan secara nyata dan dipahami.

Pengalaman membuktikan bahwa semakin besar keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran, semakin interaktif pembelajaran di kelas, maka semakin besar pula ketertarikan dan daya serap siswa terhadap pelajaran. Akan semakin banyak hal-hal yang bisa dipelajari dan diingat oleh siswa. Sebagai media yang sangat fleksibel, video bisa menjadi sarana pembelajaran interaktif. Video memungkinkan untuk dihentikan, dimulai, atau diulang kapanpun dibutuhkan. Anda bisa menghentikan tayangan video lalu meminta siswa untuk memprediksi hasil atau akibat dari suatu hal, atau mendiskusikan, atau berdebat tentang suatu referensi sejarah. Anda bisa memutar ulang suatu bagian tertentu dari tayangan video untuk menambahkan suatu penjelasan atau memutar bagian tersebut dalam gerakan lambat untuk memastikan bahwa siswa memahami suatu konsep penting. Di samping itu, pembelajaran dengan video akan menjadi semakin interaktif dengan cara menirukan kegiatan dalam film, workshop, demonstrasi serta eksperimen di dalam lingkungan kelas.

B. Pembelajaran Dengan Menggunakan Video Secara Efektif

Suatu riset baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa cara paling efektif dalam menggunakan video untuk pembelajaran adalah sebagai peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran atau suatu unit pembelajaran. Video sebaiknya digunakan sebagai suatu elemen pembelajaran bersama dengan sumber atau bahan pembelajaran lainnya yang anda miliki. Dalam mengajar suatu topik, penggunaan video di dalam kelas harus dipersiapkan dengan baik sebagaimana media pembelajaran atau alat peraga lainnya. Tujuan pembelajaran khusus harus ditentukan, begitu juga langkah-langkah pembelajaran serta kegiatan pemantapan harus direncanakan dengan baik. Yang tidak kalah pentingnya adalah semua video yang akan dipergunakan dalam pembelajaran harus dikaji dulu oleh guru, agar benar-benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran.

April 03, 2012

Paket Soal Versi 5 Reading Section Bahasa Inggris UNBK - USBN SMK

Listening Section

Soal Reading Section Bahasa Inggris UNBK - USBN SMK

Reading Section

I. Incomplete Dialogues
Questions 16 to 30, choose the most appropriate answer.
  1. Operator: "Good morning. May I help you?"
    Man: "Good morning. May I speak with Mr. Jones, the Personnel Manager?"
    Operator: "I’m sorry, he has a meeting until twelve. ...?"
    Man: "Alright. Please tell him Mr. Ferry from PT. Abadi called."
    1. May I leave a message?
    2. May I take a message?
    3. Would you like to take my message?
    4. Would you tell him my message?
  2. Eko: "I need to type this document. ...?"
    Yesi: "Yes, of course. I just have 2 more pages to print."
    1. Am I able to use the computer?
    2. Would I use the computer?
    3. Will I use the computer?
    4. May I use the computer?
  3. Deni: "You speak English very well. ...?"
    Lia: "I’ve been studying English since Junior high school. It’s my favorite subject."
    1. How long will you be learning English?
    2. When did you learn English?
    3. What was your favorite subject in junior high school?
    4. How long have you been learning English?
  4. Receptionist: "Good morning. Can I help you?"
    Caller: "Yes, .... Is that possible to get two double rooms for next month?"
    Receptionist: "Of course, Sir. May I have your name and address, please?"
    1. I’d like to make a reservation.
    2. I’d like you to check my room.
    3. I’d like to reserve a table
    4. I want to cancel my reservation.
  5. Poppy: "Can the government eliminate corruption in the next five years?"
    Mirna : ".... Law enforcement must be strictly applied."
    1. I think it’s impossible.
    2. I don’t think so.
    3. I think it’s possible.
    4. I disagree with you.
  6. Dewi: "Do you think we can get there on time?"
    Anto: "Yes. If the traffic is smooth, ... before three o’clock."
    1. we would arrive
    2. we will arrive
    3. we would have arrived
    4. we are arriving
  7. Shop assistant: "May I help you, Sir?"
    Customer: "Yes. I bought this pair of trousers this morning, but there is no button hole. ...?"
    Shop assistant: "Do you have the receipt with you, Sir? We’ll replace it."
    1. May I return it?
    2. Do you like it?
    3. May I have a bigger size?
    4. Is there another color available?
  8. Hani: "This printer doesn’t seem to be working."
    Rika: ".... It may have been unplugged."
    Hani: "You’re right. Maybe someone used it with a laptop computer."
    1. Cut the cable.
    2. Check the cord.
    3. Unplug the cord.
    4. Use it for printing.
  9. Man: "Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the post office, please?"
    Woman: "...."
    1. It’s next to the police station.
    2. Go straight ahead and turn right at the first crossroad.
    3. It’s around the corner from the station.
    4. It is located across from the shopping center.
  10. Boim: "It’s very hot in this room."
    Inna: "Yes, I know. If we had more windows, ...."
    1. we will have more fresh air.
    2. we would have more fresh air.
    3. we will have had more fresh air.
    4. we would have had more fresh air.
  11. Tini: "My friends and I are going on a picnic this weekend. ...?"
    Tina: "I’d love to, but I have to go to Surabaya this weekend."
    1. Are you going to Surabaya this weekend?
    2. Did you go with us?
    3. Will you go with us?
    4. Do you like going on a picnic?
  12. Yeni: "Do you have any plans for the weekend?"
    Lusi: "Yes. ...."
    1. I will visit my uncle in Situbondo.
    2. I won’t do anything.
    3. I went to Surabaya on business for 3 days.
    4. I have been typing the document for an hour.
  13. Olga: "Have you heard the bad news about Novi?"
    Julia: "What happened to her?"
    Olga: "She had a motorcycle accident yesterday."
    Julia: "...."
    1. I feel very sorry for you.
    2. I’m really sad now.
    3. I’m glad to hear that.
    4. I’m sorry to hear that.
  14. Rudi: "I am looking for a job. Do you have any information?"
    Aini: "... to BKK? They have the latest job-vacancy information."
    Rudi: "Good idea. I’ll go there tomorrow."
    1. Should I go
    2. May I go
    3. Why didn’t you go
    4. Why don’t you go
  15. Wiwit: "What did you usually do after school as a kid?"
    Yana: "...."
    1. I am used to playing football in the afternoon.
    2. I wanted to play games.
    3. I used to play with my friends in the neighborhood.
    4. I was going to do my homework when my friend arrived.
  16. Rima: "The speaker’s English pronunciation is excellent. (A) Don't you think so?"
    Eddy: ".... When she speaks, she sounds like a native speaker."
    1. I don't think so.
    2. I disagree.
    3. I couldn't agree more.
    4. That's her luck.
  17. Yogyakarta is a fascinating city where you can go shopping and sightseeing. You can shop all year round in our elegant shops, go for a walk in our beautiful city park and streets, or visit our wonderful beaches. Plan your next travel adventure in Yogyakarta.

    What is the purpose of the above text?
    1. To persuade people to visit Yogyakarta
    2. To plan a travel adventure in Yogyakarta
    3. To promote the elegant shops in Yogyakarta
    4. To arrange the next holiday in Yogyakarta
  18. Sita: "What is your hobby?"
    Jaya: "I like many things, but my favorite is fishing. I enjoy it very much."
    Sita: "Oh, ...?"
    Jaya: "Usually on weekends when I have nothing important to do."
    1. Where do you usually go fishing
    2. When was the last time you went fishing?
    3. What do you like from fishing?
    4. How often do you go fishing?
  19. Eni: "You look pale. (A) Are you sick?"
    Cici: "Yes. I (B) have a bad headache. If it gets (C) worse, I think I (D) would have gone home earlier."
    1. Were
    2. had
    3. worst
    4. will go
  20. Bima: "(A) Who do you think (B) will be the winner in the next 100 meter Olympics race?"
    Made: "I (C) can say that East Java sprinters have (D) the most good chance to win."
    1. Whom
    2. will have been
    3. could
    4. the best
  21. Operator: "Dringu Jaya transportation. (A) May I help you?"
    Caller: "I want to (B) reserve 4 seats to Bromo for next Saturday at 9 a.m."
    Operator: "Certainly, Sir. Please (C) coming here an hour before (D) departure."
    1. Might
    2. reserving
    3. come
    4. departed

III. Reading Comprehension

In questions 37 – 50, choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question.

Questions 37-39 refer to the following text.
Rumors of another killer wave sparked mass panic Wednesday in the resort area hardest hit by the Indonesian tsunami, while the death toll rose to 531, with more than 270 missing. Earlier reports had put the toll at 550. The change was not immediately explained.

More than 1000 residents of the beach town of Pangandaran fled inland, running, bicycling or driving amid shouts of “The water is coming!”. The Monday’s tsunami, triggered by a magnitude 7.7 undersea earthquake, smashed into a 110-mile stretch of Java’s coastline, which had been unaffected by the devastating wave in 2004.

Waves more than 6 feet high reached 200 yards inland in some places, destroying scores of houses, restaurants, and hotels. Cars, motorbikes, and boats were left mangled amid fishing nets, furniture, and other debris.
  1. When did the tsunami happen in Pangandaran beach?
    1. Wednesday
    2. Monday
    3. In 2004
    4. On Monday and Wednesday
  2. How many people were finally reported dead?
    1. 270
    2. 531
    3. 550
    4. More than 1000
  3. “...,destroying scores of houses, restaurants, and hotels.” (Paragraph 3).
    The synonym of the underlined word is ....
    1. flooding
    2. watering
    3. constructing
    4. damaging
Questions 40-42 refer to the following advertisement.
Fernando Alcuaz

Famed International Pianist
Recently arrived from the Philippines
Jazz, modern, and classical pieces
Surrey Room, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Admission gratis for hotel guests
  1. Who is Mr. Alcuaz?
    1. A poet.
    2. A singer
    3. A comedian.
    4. A musician.
  2. Where is Mr. Alcuaz performing?
    1. In Surrey
    2. At a hotel
    3. In the Philippines
    4. At a jazz festival
  3. The word “admission” is closest in meaning to ....
    1. Call
    2. Room rate
    3. Seats
    4. Entrance money
Questions 43-45 refer to the following letter
To: "The Shoe People" (
From: "John Trimbald" (
Subject: Customer Complaint

To Whom It May Concern,
I have trusted the Shoe People to protect the feet of my employees for over ten years now. I recently purchased a few pairs of boots from your company for my crew. Though my men were initially satisfied with the boots, the soles began to fall apart on them after just twelve weeks. This was extremely surprising considering they came with a six year warranty. The boots are unsafe to wear because my men are pouring hot concrete. Please respond as soon as possible with instructions on how I can return the boots and receive a refund.
Thank you,

John Trimbald
Foreman, JT Construction

  1. What product was purchased?
    1. Boots
    2. Crew
    3. Shoe-soles
    4. Feet
  2. What is the purpose of the letter?
    1. To express gratitude
    2. To order a product
    3. To notify a payment
    4. To complain
  3. What was the problem?
    1. The price was too high
    2. The soles fell apart
    3. The delivery was late
    4. The product was too hot
Questions 46-47 refer to the following chart.

The Growth of People Who Went to Their Hometowns during the Lebaran Holidays
(Click to see actual size)
Soal Reading Section Bahasa Inggris UNBK - USBN SMK
  1. The table shows that the number of people who went to their hometown during Lebaran holidays ... every year.
    1. increased
    2. decreased
    3. counted
    4. maximized
  2. What means of transportation is mostly used by people every year?
    1. Private car
    2. Public transport
    3. Motorcycle
    4. Rent car
Questions 48-50 refer to the following notification.
Enclosed you will find your new “First Bank” Automatic Bank Card.
Follow these simple instructions to activate it.
  • Call the telephone number on the back of the card and press #1.
  • State your full name as it appears on the card. You will then be asked for your city of birth for identification purposes.
  • Upon answering, you will be prompted to enter a four-digit secret identification password. You are encouraged to select a non-obvious password. You will then be asked to repeat it.
  • A representative will confirm your account number. Now, you’re ready to use our bank card.
  • Please keep the card in a secure place and do not give your password to anyone. At any time, you can call the telephone number if you lose your card or want to change your password.

  1. For whom are these instructions written?
    1. Bank representatives
    2. New bank customers
    3. A security company
    4. Credit card holders
  2. What information will not be asked?
    1. Your birth date
    2. Your account number
    3. Your birthplace
    4. A personal ID number
  3. If your birthday is 09/14, what would be the best password for you?
    1. 0914
    2. 013948
    3. Your telephone number
    4. 6952
This is the end of the test.
Updated: March 26th, 2013