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Direction: Choose the best answer to the questions Boy : What are you going to do after completing your study? Are you going to the unive...

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Showing posts with label Tenses. Show all posts

March 25, 2020

Kalimat Langsung (Direct Speech) & Kalimat Tak Langsung (Indirect Speech / Reported Speech)

Indirect Speech or Reported Speech
I. Apakah "Direct Speech" dan "Indirect Speech / Reported Speech"?
alam bahasa Inggris, untuk menceritakan kembali atau mengutip perkataan dan pemikiran seseorang, kita bisa melakukannya dengan 2 (dua) cara, yaitu:
  1. Menggunakan kalimat langsung (direct speech), yaitu dengan mengulang atau menggunakan kata-kata aslinya dengan menggunakan tanda kutip (‘....’ atau “....”) dalam penulisannya. Contoh:
    • He said, “I have seen the movie before”.
    • I thought, “he needs to improve his English."
    • “The mission,” he stated, "will be difficult to accomplish.”
    • “I think so,” replied Tom.
  2. Menggunakan kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech), yaitu menyampaikan isi makna atau gagasan secara tepat tanpa menggunakan atau mengutip kata-kata aslinya. Contoh:
    • He said that he had seen the movie before.
    • I thought that he needed to improve his English.
    • He stated that the mission would be difficult to accomplish.
    Catatan: Kata-kata seperti "yes", "no", "well", serta kata seru dan question-tags, tidak bisa digunakan pada kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech). Contoh:
    • “Yes, I think so,” he said. “It’s difficult, isn’t it? (direct speech)
    • He agreed and said that it was difficult. (indirect speech / reported speech)
II. Bagaimana cara mengubah "Direct Speech" menjadi "Indirect Speech / Reported Speech"?
Untuk mengubah "direct speech" menjadi "indirect speech / reported speech", ada beberapa perubahan atau penyesuaian yang harus dilakukan, terutama jika kata kerja untuk melaporkan (reporting verb) ada dalam bentuk lampau (past), contoh; "said", "wondered", "thought", "told", dll). Agar lebih mudah dipelajari, berikut ini contoh-contoh perubahan kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech) yang disajikan dalam tabel.
2.A. Kalimat pernyataan (positive & negative statement)
“I never travel by train,” he explained.
He explained that he never traveled by train.
“I’m cleaning my room,” she said.
She said (that) she was cleaning her room.
“We have found a key,” they said.
They said (that) they had found a key.
He said, “I’ve been working hard.”
He said he had been working hard.
‘I took it home with me,’ she said.
She said she had taken it home with her.
‘When I saw her she was eating,’ he said.

‘I was doing my job,’ he said.
He said (that) when he saw her she was eating.
He said (that) he had been doing his job.
She said, ‘I will send it by email.”
She said she would send it by email.
‘I’ll be meeting him soon,’ she said.
She said she’d be meeting him soon.
I said, ‘I would like to see it.’
I said (that) I would like to see it.
2. B. Kalimat tanya (question / interrogative)
“Where does she live?” he said.
He asked where she lived.
“Where is he going?” she said.
She asked where he was going.
“Have you found a flat?” he said.
He asked if/whether I had found a flat.
He said, “How long have you been waiting?”
He asked how long I had been waiting.
‘Did you live in a house or a dorm?’ she asked.
She asked whether I’d lived in a house or a dorm.
‘Was she studying or not?’ he asked.

‘Were you joking about the price?’ he said.
He asked whether or not she was studying.
He asked whether she was studying or not.
He asked if I had been joking about the price.
He asked, ‘If you pass will you move to Bali?”
He asked whether, if I passed, I’d move to Bali.
‘Will you be using it on the 7th?’ she asked.
She asked if I would be using it on the 7th.
He said, ‘Would she accept it?’
He asked if she would accept it.
2. C. Kalimat permintaan / perintah, penawaran, saran (request, offer, suggestion)
Kalimat permintaan (request)
“Will/would you file these letters, please?” I said.I asked/told him to file the letters.
“Could I see her, please?” he said.He asked to see her.
He said, “Lie down, Tom.”He asked Tom to lie down.
“Don’t swim out too far, boys,” I said.I warned/told the boys not to swim out too far.
‘Don’t be late,’ said the teacher.The teacher asked not to be late.
Kalimat penawaran (offer)
“Would you like a lift?” said Ann.Ann offered me a lift.
Nasehat / saran (suggestion / advice)
‘Let’s leave the case here,’ he said.He suggested leaving the case there.
He suggested that they leave the case there. (US)
He suggested that they should leave the case there. (GB)
Soal Latihan
"Direct Speech" dan "Indirect Speech / Reported Speech"
Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat langsung (direct speech) berikut ini menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech / reported speech).
  1. He said, "I want to go home."
  2. "I have finished the report," Jim said.
  3. Mary asked me, "Can you speak Spanish?"
  4. I told him, "Please show me your ID card."
  5. She said, "I am making a new dress."
  6. "Where did you find the information?" I asked her.
  7. He told her, "Please finish the story."
  8. "Can you find the documents?" she asked.
  9. Dad said, "You should knock at the door before coming in."
  10. "Don't shout!" said the teacher.
  11. "Do you remember the number?" the policeman asked.
  12. She said, "Would you like some coffee?"
  13. "Do you play badminton?" he asked her.
  14. He said, "I don't intend to go to town today."
  15. "Don't use too much paint on the front gate," he said.
  16. "Let's wash these clothes," they said.
  17. "Where did the accident happen?" she asked him.
  18. She asked the gardener, "How often do you water the flowers?"
  19. The teacher said, "We will announce the exam result soon."
  20. He explained, "They are going to discuss the proposal at the next meeting."
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March 20, 2020

Simple Present Tense: Bentuk, Penggunaan, & Latihan Soal

Simple Present Tense
Simple Present tense, ada juga yang menyebutnya Present Simple tense, adalah bentuk kata kerja yang sangat sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris di samping Simple Past tense. Simple Present tense digunakan untuk membicarakan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi sebagai rutinitas, fakta yang umum, sampai dengan kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan perasaan, panca indera, dll. Selengkapnya, mari kita pelajari semuanya di sini, baik tentang bentuk hingga penggunaan Simple Present tense.
1. Bagaimana bentuk kata kerja "Simple Present Tense"?
da beberapa hal yang harus diingat tentang kalimat dengan bentuk "Simple Present Tense", apakah itu kalimat dengan kata kerja utama (main verb) atau dengan kata kerja (verb) "be". Untuk lebih jelasnya, perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimat dalam tabel di bawah ini.
Simple Present dengan main verb
AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeNegative interrogative
I workI do not work
I don't work
do I work?do I not work?
don't I work?
we workwe do not work
we don't work
do we work?do we not work?
don't we work?
you workyou do not work
you don't work
do you work?do you not work?
don't you work?
they workthey do not work
they don't work
do they work?do they not work?
don't they work?
he workshe does not work
he doesn't work
does he work?does he not work?
doesn't he work?
she worksshe does not work
she doesn't work
does she work?does she not work?
doesn't she work?
it worksit does not work
it doesn't work
does it work?does it not work?
doesn't it work?
Simple Present dengan kata kerja (verb) "be"
AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeNegative interrogative
I am tallI am not tallam I tall?am I not tall?
we are tallwe are not tall
we aren't tall
are we tall?are we not tall?
aren't we tall?
you are tallyou are not tall
you aren't tall
are you tall?are you not tall?
aren't you tall?
they are tallthey are not tall
they aren't tall
are they tall?are they not tall?
aren't they tall?
he is tallhe is not tall
he isn't tall
is he tall?is he not tall?
isn't he tall?
she is tallshe is not tall
she isn't tall
is she tall?is she not tall?
isn't she tall?
it is tallit is not tall
it isn't tall
is it tall?is it not tall?
isn't it tall?
2. Kapan harus menggunakan "Simple Present Tense"?
Penggunaan simple present tense yang paling utama adalah untuk:
  1. Membicarakan rutinitas/kebiasaan di masa sekarang. Karena itu, simple present tense seringkali digunakan bersama kata keterangan (adverbs) atau frasa keterangan (adverb phrase) seperti: always, never, occasionally, often, sometimes, usually, every day, every week, on Mondays, twice a year dll, atau dengan anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai keterangan waktu (time clause) biasanya didahului dengan "whenever" atau "when".
    • Ida practices English every day.
    • He doesn't smoke.
    • She works in a bank.
    • How often do you wash your hair?
    • Whenever it rains the roof leaks.
    Kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas tidak membicarakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan, melainkan hal-hal yang terjadi setiap saat dan menjadi rutinitas / kebiasaan.
  2. Membicarakan fakta atau kejadian yang umum.
    • Cows eat grass.
    • The sun rises in the east.
    • A day consists of twenty four hours.
    Kalimat-kalimat contoh di atas membicarakan hal-hal yang bersifat umum atau fakta yang diakui kebenarannya oleh semua orang.
  3. Dengan kata kerja (verb) be, simple present tense juga dapat membicarakan keadaan sekarang, maupun kondisi umum.
    • Reza is not at home.
    • You are right.
    • I am happy.
    • Gold is expensive.
    • The ocean is deep.
  4. Dengan kata kerja yang tidak dapat digunakan dalam bentuk continuous, yaitu:
    1. Kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan panca indera
      Misal: feel, hear, see, smell, look, taste.
      • This food tastes delicious.
      • You look gorgeous in that red dress.
      • Do you hear that noise?
    2. Kata kerja tentang perasaan,
      Misal: admire, adore, appreciate, care for, desire, detest, dislike, fear, hate, like, loathe, love, mind, respect, value, want, wish.
      • I always admire Balinese dances.
      • Do you mind if I use your phone?
      • I don't want to be late for work on my first day at the office.
    3. Kata kerja tentang aktifitas mental,
      Misal: agree, appreciate, assume, believe, expect, feel, forget, know, mean, perceive, realize, recall, recognize, recollect, remember, suppose, think, trust, understand.
      • I agree with you.
      • Do you know what I think about this food?
      • I don't understand what you mean.
    4. Kata kerja tentang kepemilikan,
      Misal: belong, owe, own, possess.
      • How much do I owe you?
      • The book belongs to me. It's mine.
    5. Kata kerja yang berfungsi hampir sama dengan kata kerja bantu (auxilliary),
      Misal: appear, concern, consist, contain, hold (= contain) keep (= continue), matter, seem, signify, sound.
      • It doesn't matter to me.
      • That box contains explosives.
Selain penggunaan yang paling umum di atas, simple present tense juga bisa digunakan dalam beberapa kondisi lainnya seperti:
  1. Dengan kata kerja "say", jika kita bertanya atau mengutip dari buku, rambu / tanda.
    • What does that notice say?
      It says, 'No parking.'
    • What does the manual say?
      It says, 'Follow every steps in assembling the parts.'
    • Soekarno says, 'Give me 10 young men, I will shake the world.'
  2. DIgunakan pada judul surat kabar (headline).
  3. Dalam narasi drama, komentar olah raga, dll.
    • When the curtain rises, Juliet is writing at her desk. Suddenly the window opens and a masked man enters.
  4. Untuk rencana / jadwal perjalanan.
    • We leave Surabaya at 7.00 next Tuesday and arrive in Mataram at 10.00. We spend a night in Mataram and leave for Gili Trawangan at 9.00 on Wednesday.
  5. Dalam conditional sentence type 1.
    • If I see Udin I'll tell him.
    • If you pull the handbrake the car won't move.
  6. Dengan "why" dalam bentuk negative question untuk memberikan saran.
    • Why don't we go out?
    • Why don't you talk to him about the problem?
Latihan Soal
I. Buatlah kalimat dalam Simple Present Tense bentuk affirmative, negative, dan question menggunakan subyek dan kata kerja yang telah disediakan. Lihatlah tabel Simple Present dengan action verb
  1. He - like - Padang food.
    (+) Affirmative:
    (-) Negative:
    (?) Interrogative:
  2. They - work - in the factory.
    (+) Affirmative:
    (-) Negative:
    (?) Interrogative:
  3. The bus - leave - at seven fifteen.
    (+) Affirmative:
    (-) Negative:
    (?) Interrogative:
  4. She - know - this place well.
    (+) Affirmative:
    (-) Negative:
    (?) Interrogative:
  5. It - say - "No Parking".
    (+) Affirmative:
    (-) Negative:
    (?) Interrogative:
II. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan kata kerja di bawah ini. Sesuaikan bentuk kata kerja dengan subyek kalimat. Lihat contoh jawaban pada nomer 1.

cause(s), close(s), earn(s), start(s), go(es), warn(s), live(s), speak(s), take(s), finish(es)

  1. Rani ... Japanese very well.
    Jawaban: Rani speaks Japanese very well.
  2. The museum ... at 4 o’clock on Sundays.
  3. The news program ... at five P.M. every day.
  4. Koko and Adi ... to the same school.
  5. The Olympic Games ... place every four years.
  6. My parents ... in a small town.
  7. They ... working at five PM every day.
  8. Bad driving ... many accidents.
  9. A notice at the end of the road ... people not to go any further.
  10. As soon as he ... any money he will spend it.
III. Ubahlah kata kerja (verb) di dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk yang benar. Lihat contoh jawaban pada nomer 1.
  1. Shella ... (not / drink)... coffee very often.
    Jawaban: Shella doesn’t drink coffee very often.
  2. What time ...(the banks / close)... here?
  3. I have a car, but I ...(not / use)... it much.
  4. Where ...(the new teacher / come)... from?
  5. ‘What ...(you / do)...?’ ~ ‘I’m an electrician.’
  6. Look at this sentence. What ...(this word / mean)...?
  7. David isn’t very fit. He ...(not / do)... any sport.
  8. It ...(take)... me an hour to get to work in the morning. How long ...(it / take)... you?
  9. ...(you / play)... football? ~ Yes, sometimes.
  10. ...(you / work)... at night? ~ No, we ...(not)....
IV. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan salah satu kata kerja di bawah ini. Bentuklah menjadi kalimat negatif jika perlu. Lihat contoh pada nomer 1 & 2.

believe - eat - flow - go - grow - sell - drive - make - tell - translate

  1. The earth ... round the sun.
    Jawaban: The earth goes round the sun.
  2. Rice ... in cold climates.
    Jawaban: Rice doesn’t grow in cold climates.
  3. Bees ... honey.
  4. Vegetarians ... meat.
  5. An atheist ... in God.
  6. An interpreter ... from one language into another.
  7. Liars are people who ... the truth.
  8. The River Amazon ... into the Atlantic Ocean.
  9. He is a taxi driver. He ... a bus.
  10. The restaurant is one of my favorites. It ... good food.
V. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini. Lihat contoh soal nomer 1.

I agree - I apologise - I insist - I promise - I recommend - I suggest

  1. Mr Evans is not in the office today. ... you try calling him tomorrow.
    Mr Evans is not in the office today. I suggest you try calling him tomorrow.
  2. I won’t tell anybody what you said. ....
  3. You must let me enter the room. ....
  4. ... for what I said. I shouldn’t have said it.
  5. The new restaurant in Baker Street is very good. ... it.
  6. I think you’re absolutely right. ... with you.
  • Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  • Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use, Fourth Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
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March 16, 2020

Perbedaan "Used To" Dan "Be Used To"

entuk kata kerja "Used to + Infinitive" dan "be used to + noun/gerund" dalam bahasa Inggris sangat sering disalah-artikan. Keduanya dianggap sama dengan kata kerja "use" yang berarti "memakai", "menggunakan", atau "memanfaatkan". Padahal ketiganya sangat berbeda, tidak saja dari segi bentuk, tapi juga yang terpenting makna dan penggunaannya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari kita pelajari di sini mulai dari bentuk hingga makna dan penggunaannya.
1. Bentuk "Used To" dan "Be Used To"
Used to + Infinitive (Verb 1)Be/Get Used to + Noun/Pronoun/Gerund
Kalimat positif/afirmatif:
She used to live in Tokyo.
Kalimat positif/afirmatif:
She is used to living in a big city.
She gets used to living in a big city.
Kalimat negatif:
She did not (didn't) use to live in Tokyo.
She used not (usedn't) to live in Tokyo.
Kalimat negatif:
She is not (isn't) used to living in a big city.
She does not (doesn't) get used to living in a big city.
Kalimat tanya/Interogatif:
Did she use to live in Tokyo?
Used she to live in Tokyo?
Kalimat tanya/Interogatif:
Is she used to living in a big city?
Does she get used to living in a big city?
2. Penggunaan "Used To" dan "Be Used To"
Used + to Infinitive (Verb 1)Be/Get Used to + Noun/Pronoun/Gerund
"Used to" berfungsi sebagai verb (kata kerja), seperti modals, diikuti oleh Infinitive (verb 1)"Be used to" berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat), didahului oleh "be/get/become", lalu diikuti Noun/Pronoun/Gerund.
  • "Used to" adalah bentuk lampau, tidak memiliki bentuk "present" (sekarang).
  • "Be", "Get", atau "Become" bisa dalam tense (bentuk waktu) apapun, past, present, atau future.
  • "Used to" digunakan untuk membicarakan kebiasaan lampau atau situasi lampau yang sudah tidak dilakukan lagi sekarang, dan berbeda dengan kebiasaan atau kondisi sekarang.
    • She used to live in Tokyo; now she lives in Osaka.
    • He used to dislike spicy food but he quite likes it now.
  • "Used to" bisa memiliki kesamaan dengan "would", untuk membicarakan kebiasaan/situasi lampau, tanpa membandingkan dengan kebiasaan/kondisi sekarang.
    Contoh kalimat:
    • When I was a little boy, I used to play traditional games with my friends.
    • After school, we used to spend our afternoon playing kites near a rice field.
  • Sebagai kata sifat (adjective), used to bermakna 'terbiasa' atau 'accustomed'.
    Contoh kalimat:
    • I am used to noise.
    • I am used to working in a noisy room.
    • You will soon get used to automatic transmission.
    • You will soon get used to driving with automatic transmission.
    • They soon got used to the traffic regulations.
    • They soon got used to driving on the left.
3. Contoh kalimat yang menggunakan "Used to" dan "Be used to"
Perbedaan Used To dan Be Used To
  • I used to drink a lot of cold drinks; now I prefer warm pure water.
  • Every morning Andi used to say goodbye to his mother before leaving for school.
  • Her mother used to stand at the door and wave goodbye.
  • In the afternoon she used to welcome him home and ask him about his day.
  • I am used to cold weather. I used to live in a snowy country before, so the cold doesn't bother me at all.
  • I'm used to eating rice for my meals, so I find these lunches rather unsatisfying.
  • Sari doesn’t travel much these days. She prefers to stay at home. But she used to travel a lot. She used to go away two or three times a year.
  • I used to play table tennis a lot, but I don’t play very much now.
  • I bought some new shoes..They felt a little strange at first because I wasn’t used to them.
  • I wouldn’t like to share a room. I’m used to living alone.
Latihan Soal Perbedaan "used to" dan "be used to"
I. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan "used to + verb (kata kerja)" yang sesuai. Lihat contoh nomer 1.
  1. Hari ...(travel)... a lot, but he doesn’t go away much these days.
    Hari used to travel a lot, but he doesn’t go away much these days.
  2. Sophie ...(ride)... a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.
  3. Our friends moved to Malang a few years ago. They ...(live)... in Probolinggo.
  4. Before the existence of internet, people ...(send)... letters by mail.
  5. I rarely eat ice cream now, but I ...(eat)... it when I was a child.
II. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan "be/get used to + verb (kata kerja)" yang sesuai. Lihat contoh nomer 1.
  1. I’m not lonely. I don’t need other people. I ...(be)... on my own.
    I’m not lonely. I don’t need other people. I am used to being on my own.
  2. I don’t feel good. I stayed up until 3 am. I ...(not - go)... to bed so late.
  3. If you work as a receptionist, you’ll have to ...(meet)... new people.
  4. My feet hurt. I can’t go any further. I ...(not - walk)... so far.
  5. I like this part of town. I’ve been here a long time, so I ...(be)... here.
III. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat, "used to" atau "be/get used to".
  1. This building is now abandoned. It ... be a cinema.
    1. was used to
    2. used to
  2. I ... living alone. It’s not a problem for me because I’ve lived alone for some time.
    1. am used to
    2. used to
  3. I ... think Mark was unfriendly, but now I realise he’s a very nice person.
    1. used to
    2. was used to
  4. I’ve started drinking coffee recently. I never ... like it before.
    1. got used to
    2. used to
  5. Lisa ... have very long hair when she was a child.
    1. was used to
    2. used to
  6. Susan ... spend a lot of money on clothes. These days she can’t afford it.
    1. was used to
    2. used to
  7. We ... live in a small village, but now we live in a city.
    1. was used to
    2. used to
  8. There ... be four cinemas in the town. Now there is only one.
    1. was used to
    2. used to
  9. Gita: "Do you go to the cinema much?"
    Iva: "Not now, but I ...."
    1. was used to
    2. used to
  10. ... eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?
    1. Did you get used to
    2. Did you use to
IV. Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan bentuk "used to + infinitive" atau "be/get used to + noun/pronoun/gerund"
  1. Our new apartment is on a busy street. It’s very disturbing because we ...(not - live) ... in a noisy environment.
  2. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new highway is open. It ...(take)... more than an hour.
  3. Sarah is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first it was hard for her as she ...(not - work)... nights.
  4. There ...(be)... a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.
  5. I ...(work)... in a factory. I decided to quit because I wanted to be a teacher.
  6. Lisa comes from the United States. When she first drove a car in Indonesia, driving was a problem for her because she ...(not - drive)... on the left.
  7. Friend: Wouldn’t you prefer to sleep in a bed?
    You: No, it's OK. I ...(sleep)... on the floor. It's my habit.
  8. There was a river near my house where I ...(go)... fishing with my Dad when I was a child.
  9. What games ...(you - play)... when you were a child?
  10. Jack has to drive two hours to work every morning. Many years ago, when he first had to do this, it was hard for him and he didn’t like it because he ...(not - drive)... that long every morning.
  11. In your last job, how many hours a day ...(you - spend)... to work?
  12. Dani moved from a big house to a much smaller one. He found it strange at first. He had to ...(live)... in a much smaller house.
  13. I ...(run)... ten kilometers, but I can’t run that far now.
  14. These days I eat more than before. I ...(not - eat)... much.
  15. Helen has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before. She finds this difficult because she ...(not - get)... up so early.
  • Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use (5th Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019
  • Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986
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February 27, 2020

Perbedaan Penggunaan Bentuk WILL dengan BE GOING TO

Perbedaan Penggunaan Bentuk WILL dengan BE GOING TO

eringkali kita merasa bingung tentang penggunaan "will" dan "be going to" untuk membicarakan kejadian di masa yang akan datang (Future) dalam bahasa Inggris. Meskipun "will" dan "be going to" sama-sama dipakai untuk membicarakan kegiatan atau kejadian di waktu yang akan datang, ada situasi-situasi di mana kita harus membedakan keduanya.

1. Contoh Dialog dengan “Will” dan “be Going to”
Perhatikan penggunaan kata kerja berbentuk Future “will” dan “be going to” dalam dialog-dialog singkat berikut ini. Dialog A:
Tom: "What are you going to do with those ice cream sticks?"
Bill: "I am going to make a toy ship for my school assignment."
Tom: "Oh, great. By the way, will you come with me to a football game this afternoon?"
Bill: "Certainly, but I'll have to finish my assignment first."

Dialog B:
(Seorang manager sedang berbicara di telpon dengan seorang karyawannya)
Manager: I need the report soon. Have you finished with it?
Lisa: In a minute. I will hand it to you when it's ready.
(Setelah laporan selesai, Lisa pergi menuju kantor managernya. Dia bertemu Ita, temannya.)
Ita: Where are you going?
Lisa: I’m going to see the manager. He needs this report.

Dialog C:
(Dua orang pelajar sedang berbincang santai saat tiba-tiba langit mendung.)
Boy: It’s very cloudy. I think it’s going to rain.
Girl: I think so. It’s getting colder now.
Boy: By the way, how is Ryan? Has he recovered from his illness?
Girl: Well, there are signs of improvement. I think he’s going to recover soon. The doctor says he’s going to be all right.
Boy: I’m relieved to hear that. Hey, what about some ice cream?
Girl: I’ve been on a diet for almost a week. So, I’m not going to eat ice creams.

Apakah kalian sudah tahu apa perbedaan makna yang tersirat dari bentuk "will" dan "be going to" dalam kalimat-kalimat pada dialog di atas, serta bagaimana menggunakannya dan membedakannya? Mari kita pelajari penjelasan dan contoh-contoh di bawah ini.
2. Perbedaan Penggunaan “Will” dan “be Going to”
Berikut ini penjelasan tentang perbedaan penggunaan bentuk “will” dan “be going to”, seperti dijabarkan dalam buku "Practical English Grammar" (Thomson & Martinet).
  1. Bentuk be going to menyiratkan adanya niat yang sudah direncanakan atau dipersiapkan sebelumnya, sedangkan bentuk will hanya menyiratkan niat tanpa ada rencana sebelumnya. Lihatlah contoh-contoh kalimat di bawah ini:
    • I have bought some bricks and I'm going to build a garage.(ada rencana & persiapan sebelumnya)
    • There is somebody at the hall door. - I'll go and open it.(niat saja tanpa ada rencana/persiapan sebelumnya)
  2. Jika niat tersebut tidak diketahui secara jelas apakah sudah direncanakan sebelumnya atau tidak, bentuk going to atau will bisa digunakan tanpa ada perbedaan:
    • I will/am going to climb that mountain one day.
    • I won't/am not going to tell you my age.
  3. "Will" digunakan untuk menyatakan tekad atau keputusan yang bulat dari orang pertama (I/we), dengan penekanan pengucapan (stress) pada kata "will":
    I will help you. = 'I definitely intend to help you'.
    Sedangkan, kalimat yang menjelaskan niat dari orang kedua (you) atau ketiga (he/she/it/they) umumnya menggunakan bentuk "be going to":
    • He is going to resign.
    • Are you going to leave without paying?
  4. Pada kalimat negatif, "not going to" bermakna "tidak berencana/tidak bermaksud", sedangkan "won't" pada umumnya memiliki makna "menolak"
    • He won't resign = "He refuses to resign.".
    • He isn't going to resign = "He doesn't intend to resign".
  5. "Be going to" digunakan untuk mengacu pada waktu yang segera/tidak lama lagi dan biasanya sudah tampak gejala/tanda-tandanya, sedangkan "will" bisa mengacu baik pada waktu yang segera maupun lebih lama lagi.
    • Look at the dark cloud! It's going to rain.
    • Rainy season is coming. It will rain a lot here.
3. Contoh Perbedaan "Will" vs "Be Going to" Sebagai Future Tense
Beberapa kalimat contoh untuk membedakan "Be Going to" dan "Will"
Dialog 1:
Santi:We are running out of cooking gas.
Andi:I'm going to get some today.(sudah direncanakan sebelumnya)
I'll get some today.(spontan dan belum direncanakan)
Dialog 2:
Syifa:Where is the printed report?
Rosa:I’ll get it for you.(spontan dan tidak direncanakan)
I'm going to get it.(sudah direncanakan sebelumnya)
Latihan Soal
Perbedaan "Will" dan "Be Going to"
Ubahlah kata-kerja di dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk "be going to" atau "will". pada beberapa kalimat, kedua bentuk tersebut bisa digunakan.
  1. Ida: What are you doing with that spade?
    Gani: l (plant) some cassava trees in the garden.
  2. Rena: Oh, I think I've left my bag upstairs.
    Ivan: I (go) and get if for you.
    Rena: Thanks. You're very kind.
  3. Priti: This is a terribly heavy box.
    Ulfa: I (help) you to carry it.
    Priti: That's very kind of you. Thanks.
  4. My mom has bought some flour; she (make) a cake.
  5. Vina: Why are you taking down all the pictures?
    Tasya: l (repaper) the room. I'm bored with the old look.
  6. Some workmen arrived today with a roller. I think they (repair) our road.
  7. Gita: Why are they carrying a saw?
    Ovy: They (cut) down the big tree behind this building.
  8. Jane: Who will post these documents?
    Firda: I (do) it. I have to go to the bank and I can post it on my way there.
  9. Sarah: you (lend) me your calculator?
    Wina: I'm sorry I'm still using it.
  10. Umi: Do you think we have enough time to go to the station?
    Yoko: Well, if we hurry we (be) able to catch the train.
  11. The project has been postponed because several land owners (not sign) the agreement.
  12. Juli: Vina, we don't have any salt.
    Vina: Don't we? I (get) some from the shop nearby then.
  13. Teacher: Have you decided what to do after you graduate?
    Udin: Yes, Sir. I (look) for a job and help my parents.
  14. Desi: Do you have a plan for the weekend?
    Lila: Yes. I (spend) a night in Bromo with my family.
  15. Satya: I don't know how to operate this camera.
    Yana: Alright, I (show) you.
  16. Kiki: Have you replied the email from ABC Company?
    Linda: Oh, i'm sorry, I completely forgot. I (do) it now.
  17. Sofi: What a heavy rain?
    Cita: Absolutely. I hope it (stop) soon.
  18. Benny: I've got a terrible headache.
    Dika: Wait. I (get) you some medicine from the school clinic.
  19. Lina: Has he arrived yet?
    Yeni: Not yet. I (inform) you when he does.
  20. Nia: Do you hear that strange noise?
    Toni: Yes, I do. I think the engine (break).
  • Azar B.S. Understanding and Using English Grammar (2nd Ed). NJ: Prentice-Hall. Inc, 1989.
  • Thomson & Martinet. A Practical English Grammar (4th Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
  • Swan, M. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Baca juga: Prev: BSE SMK/MAK Kelas XII; 6/28/11, 9:11 PM
PV 6386

February 19, 2020

How to Use Past Continuous Tense

How to Use Past Continuous Tense
The Structure of Past Continuous Tense
Was/were + V-ing
  • The wind was blowing gently.
  • Some workers were repairing the road.
  • Fani and I were walking along the beach.
How to Use Past Continuous Tense
  1. Past continuous tense is used to talk about what was happening at a particular time in the past.
    • What were you doing yesterday at seven p.m.?
    • When she entered the room, the students were doing the assignment.
    Compare these two sentences. They refer to different situations:
    • When the guest arrived, we were still preparing dinner.
    • When the guest arrived, we prepared dinner.
  2. In narratives (stories, etc.), the past continuous is often used for descriptions, and the past simple for events and actions.
    The bride was wearing a white dress and carrying a bouquet of lilies. Suddenly, a man stood up at the back of the church. He said ....
  3. The past continuous is used for temporary actions and situations in the past. For longer or more permanent situations, we usually use the past simple.
    The earthquake happened while I was living in Bantul last year.
    I lived in Malang for ten years when I was a child.
  4. In the expressions "I was wondering if you could/would…….., I was hoping, and I was thinking", the past continuous is used to make a request or suggestion sound more polite or less definite.
    I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me for dinner one evening.
  5. The past continuous can be used to indicate a gradually developing situation.
    It was getting darker.
    The wind was rising.
  6. In indirect speech, the past continuous is used as a past equivalent of the present continuous:
    He said, “She is working.” He said that she was working.
  7. Just as in the present continuous, there are verbs that cannot be used in the past continuous.
A. Do this exercise. Put the verbs into the past continuous tense.
  1. The children were frightened because it (get) dark.
  2. He usually wears sandals but when I last saw him he (wear) boots.
  3. The car had nobody in it but the engine (run).
  4. Two children (play) on the sand and two fishermen (lean) against an upturned boat.
  5. When I first met her she (sit) alone at the porch.
  6. When I entered the library he (read) a book.
  7. She (stand) at the bus stop. I asked her what bus she (wait) for.
  8. I went into the garden to see what the boys (do). Ali (weed) and Eka (cut) the grass.
  9. While he (learn) to drive he had five accidents.
  10. While we (fish) somebody came and left this note.
  11. As she (climb) the ladder it slipped sideways and she fell off it.
  12. Tony didn’t eat much and said that he (try) to lose weight.
  13. I couldn’t hear her because the traffic (make) a lot of noise.
  14. From the sounds it was clear that someone (practice) the piano.
  15. The exam had just begun and the candidates (write) their names at the top of their papers.
B. Put the verbs into the simple past or the past continuous. Click here to learn more about the differences between the simple past and the past continuous.
  1. I (make) a cake when the light (go) out, so I (have) to finish it in the dark.
  2. When I (arrive) the lecture had already started and the professor (write) on the overhead projector.
  3. He suddenly (realize) that he (travel) in the wrong direction.
  4. He (play) the guitar outside her house when someone (open) the window and (throw) out a bucket of water.
  5. You (look) very busy when I (see) you last night. What you (do)?
  6. To get home, he (have) to go through a field where a bad-tempered bull usually (graze).
  7. This bull normally (not chase) people unless something (make) him angry.
  8. Unfortunately, as he (cross) the field, his mobile phone suddenly (ring) loudly.
  9. While he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. He (put) up his umbrella and (go) on watering.
  10. I (find) this ring as I (dig) in the garden.
  11. When he (arrive) at the station, his parents (wait) for him. As soon as he (see) them he (wave) his hand and (call) them.
  12. The men (say) that they (work) on the road outside my house and that they (want) some water to make coffee.
  13. Why you (lend) him that book? I still (read) it.
  14. When I (call) the tailor yesterday he (say) that he (work) on my suit.
  15. When I last (see) her she (hurry) along the road to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she (say), ‘Surabaya’.
BSESMK X 053111 0324PM 7081

January 09, 2020

Talking about Future Plans and Predictions in English

Talking about Plans and Predictions
Asking About PlansHiding Plans
What is your plan?
What are you going to do ...?
What do you intend to do ...?
What are you planning to do ...?
I’ve got a particular plan.
I can’t tell you now.
You’ll see (later).
Let’s wait and see.
Stating PlansPredicting
My plan is ....
I’m going to ....
I intend to ....
I’m planning to ....
Do you think ... will ...?
...will ..., I expect.
You will ....
It’s going to ....
The Difference between "WILL" and "BE GOING TO".
  • “Will” is often used to express an unplanned and spontaneous decision.
  • “Will” is usually used to indicate a future event or action with little certainty.
  • “Be going to” is used to express something that is planned in the future.
  • “Be going to” is also used to express something that is going to happen in the near future, or it is almost certain to happen.
See also Contrasting Future Forms: "Be Going To" VS "Will" and Perbedaan Penggunaan Bentuk WILL dengan BE GOING TO
Dialogue: Discussing Plans
How to Talk about Plans and Predictions in English
Two friends are talking about their plans for the weekend.

Lina: What are you going to do this weekend, Yeni?
Yeni: I’ve got a particular plan.
Lina: What is it?
Yeni: Sorry, I can’t tell you now. You’ll see.
Lina: C’mon. What are you planning to do this weekend?
Yeni: Let’s wait and see, I told you. What about you? What’s your plan?
Lina: I think I will watch ‘Rumah Angker’. You know, that horror film.
Yeni: Well, I would watch another movie if I were you.
Lina: Really? But I like horror movies. They’re thrilling.
Yeni: Thrilling? It’s just not worth-seeing.
Lina: Why do you say so?
Yeni: I just don’t see the point of drowning ourselves in the movies about mystics and superstition when we are supposed to be more logical in this era of internet and technology.
Lina: Hey, do you think all movies should be logical? Besides, horror movies are becoming more and more popular each day.
Yeni: That's it. When a movie becomes a hit, a dozen movies with the same genre will follow. Movie producers will keep stuffing viewers with similar movies because they think people like them.
Lina: When a movie becomes popular, it means people like it. What’s wrong with that?
Yeni: Well, film makers will follow the trend. They will tend to make similar movies, very often without paying attention to quality. It will be full of ‘a flash in the pan’.
Lina: What did you say? ‘Something’ in the pan?
Yeni: A flash in the pan, something which enjoys popularity for a short time.
Lina: That’s new for me. Now, you haven't told me about your plan. What do you intend to do this weekend?
Yeni: Make a guess.
Lina: You will go swimming, I expect. You like swimming, right?
Yeni: Not this weekend. Maybe next.
Lina: You will go out of town, I suppose.
Yeni: No. This weekend is my dad's birthday, and we’re planning to give him a surprise party.
Lina: A surprise party? It must be fun.
Yeni: Certainly. I am looking forward to it.
Answer these questions.
  1. What is the topic of the conversation?
  2. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?
  3. What is Lina's plan for the weekend? And what is Yeni's?
  4. What does Yeni think about Lina's plan?
  5. Rewrite the sentences that indicate the speakers' plan.
  6. Rewrite the sentences that indicate the speakers' prediction or guess.
Also read:BSE SMK 052111 0427 PM 8868

October 28, 2019

Contoh English Dialogue Dengan Penjelasan Present Perfect Tense

3.6Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan / tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple past tense vs present perfect tense)
4.6Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional, lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, yang melibatkan tindakan unsur dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan kesudahannya, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

An English Conversation
In his office, Jim is talking to Betty, his wife, on the telephone.
JIM:And what are you doing now, Betty?
BETTY:I'm having a rest.
JIM:Hm, you're lucky. You're having a rest, while I'm sitting here in the office, working hard.
BETTY:Working hard! You're talking to me on the phone - that isn't work! Now, I've been very busy - I've cleaned the house, and I've done a lot of shopping. I've sewn some buttons on your shirts -
BETTY:- and I've made cake, and I've prepared some food. Now I'm tired, and so I'm having a rest.
JIM:That's good.
BETTY:Oh, Yati rang me this morning.
JIM:Ah, how is she?
BETTY:She's well. I've asked her to come and have dinner with us this evening.
JIM:Oh, Betty, you've forgotten! We've promised to go and have dinner with Tom and Nancy Foster this evening.
BETTY:This evening?
JIM:Yes. Don't you remember? We arranged it last Sunday.
BETTY:Oh, yes, that's right. Oh dear, what can we do?
JIM:Never mind, darling. You must ring Yati, and explain to her. Perhaps she can come to dinner tomorrow evening.
BETTY:Yes, I'll ring her. And Jim what -
JIM:(someone interrupted him) Just a minute, please, Betty ... Oh, Betty, the mail has arrived, and I have to do some work on it now.
BETTY:All right, darling. Goodbye now.

(A few moments later, Jim calls Betty again)
JIM:Hello, Betty. Tom Foster has rung me to say that Nancy is sick, and they're very sorry, but they can't have us for dinner tonight.
BETTY:Oh, poor Nancy. What's the matter with her?
JIM:She's caught a very bad cold, and she has to stay in bed for a few days ... But listen, Betty, now we can invite Yati to dinner this evening after all.
BETTY:Oh, but, Jim, I've rung Yati, and I've explained to her that we have to go out this evening, and now she's made some other arrangements for this evening.
JIM:Oh dear!
BETTY:But she's promised to come to dinner tomorrow evening.
JIM:Good! So, this evening we can't go to the Foster's, and Yati can't come to us - so we'll have a cosy dinner, just by ourselves.
Bentuk, Penggunaan, dan Contoh Kalimat The Present Perfect Tense dalam English Dialogue
Bagaimana bentuk Present Perfect Tense?
Perhatikan kalimat atau frase yang dicetak tebal dalam dialog di atas. Kata kerja dalam kalimat-kalimat tersebut adalah contoh bentuk Present Perfect Tense dalam bahasa Inggris, yang tersusun oleh have/has + past participle (verb 3).
Bentuk Kata Kerja Present Perfect Tense
Affirmative (Positive)
I/We/You/Theyhavepast participle (verb 3).
He/She/Ithaspast participle (verb 3).
Interrogative (Question)
HaveI/we/you/theypast participle (verb 3)?
Hashe/she/itpast participle (verb 3)?
I/We/You/Theyhave not (haven't)past participle (verb 3).
He/She/Ithas (hasn't)past participle (verb 3).
Contoh kalimat Present Perfect tense dalam dialog di atas:
  • I've been very busy.
  • I've cleaned the house.
  • I've done a lot of shopping.
  • I've sewn some buttons on your shirts.
  • I've made cake.
  • I've prepared some food.
  • I've asked her to come.
  • You've forgotten!
  • We've promised to go ....
  • The mail has arrived.
  • Tom Foster has rung me.
  • She's/She has caught a very bad cold.
  • I've rung Yati.
  • I've explained to her.
  • She's/She has made some other arrangements for this evening.
  • She's/She has promised to come to dinner tomorrow evening.

Apa fungsi Present Perfect Tense?
Present Perfect tense digunakan untuk menyampaikan gagasan bahwa sesuatu telah (atau tidak pernah) terjadi sebelumnya, yaitu pada suatu waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Jika digunakan dengan 'for' atau 'since', present perfect tense memiliki arti bahwa suatu kejadian/kegiatan berlangsung hingga sekarang.
Contoh kalimat dalam bentuk Present Perfect tense menggunakan "for" atau "since":
  • He has worked for two hours.
  • They have worked since two hours ago.
  • It has been my pet for 5 years.
  • They have been here since yesterday.
Jika Present Perfect tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian atau kegiatan di masa lampau, lalu apakah perbedaan Simple Past tense dengan Present Perfect tense?
Pelajari perbedaan Simple Past tense dengan Present Perfect tense di SINI

Latihan Soal
Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan cara mengubah kata kerja dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk Present Perfect dengan benar.
  1. Nina ...(be)... angry with me since yesterday.
  2. I ...(not read)... these magazines.
  3. Her mother ...(sick)... for a week.
  4. ... his family ...(live)... in this town since two years ago?
  5. The students ...(have)... a flag ceremony for half an hour.
  6. Michael and I ...(study)... this lesson since four days ago.
  7. My brother ...(work)... on the experiment for two months.
  8. ... the teacher ...(explain)... this chapter?
  9. The boy ...(not eat)... since last night.
  10. Miss Anita ...(not be)... here since yesterday.