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Soal Reading Bahasa Inggris Ujian Sekolah & VIERA / TOEIC Preparation - Volume 2

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March 23, 2014

Efektifkah Hukuman Dalam Menangani Kenakalan Pelajar?

aat berbicara tentang kenakalan dan perilaku buruk pelajar sekolah, kita bisa menggunakan "Iceberg Analogy", yaitu menyamakan perilaku pelajar dengan sebuah gunung es di lautan. Di balik kenakalan atau buruknya perilaku yang tampak di permukaan, ada latar belakang yang menjadi dasar mengapa seorang pelajar memilih untuk berperilaku buruk. Di sanalah, seringkali terdapat masalah yang jauh lebih kompleks daripada yang tampak di permukaan.

Efektifkah Hukuman Dalam Menangani Kenakalan Pelajar?

ikap dan perilaku pelajar pasti dilatar-belakangi oleh motivasi tertentu. Sebagai contoh, jika seorang pelajar memiliki keyakinan bahwa dia akan lulus apabila rajin belajar, keyakinan itu akan membawanya ke dalam perilaku rajin belajar. Sebaliknya, jika pelajar tersebut beranggapan bahwa dia tidak akan lulus meskipun belajar, atau dia pasti lulus meskipun tidak belajar, maka bisa dipastikan perilaku yang akan dia pilih adalah tidak belajar.

Tujuan di Balik Kenakalan Anak Didik

Rudolf Dreikurs, pendiri dan pimpinan the Community Child Guidance Center of Chicago, berpendapat bahwa "seorang anak dengan perilaku bermasalah adalah anak yang kehilangan rasa percaya diri." Menurut Dreikurs, perilaku buruk pada anak didik disebabkan oleh adanya pemikiran yang salah bahwa dia merasa tidak menjadi bagian dalam kelompok, dan merasa keberadaannya tidak berarti.

Dalam usahanya untuk menemukan "tempat" dan makna eksistensi diri, pemikiran yang salah akan membawanya ke dalam sikap dan perilaku yang salah. Karena itu, sikap dan perilaku yang dipilihnya justru menimbulkan reaksi atau tanggapan yang berlawanan dengan apa yang diinginkannya. Ketika dia ingin menemukan "tempat" serta makna keberadaan diri, perilakunya yang salah justru menimbulkan reaksi penolakan dari orang lain, termasuk guru dan siswa lainnya.

Dalam konsepnya yang disebut Positive Discipline, Dreikurs mengidentifikasi bahwa ada 4 (empat) tujuan atau sasaran di balik kenakalan anak didik, yaitu perhatian, kekuasaan, balas dendam, dan keputus-asaan. Sebagai kompensasi terhadap kegagalan dalam pencarian jati diri, seorang anak akan berusaha mewujudkan keempat hal itu dalam berbagai perilaku yang buruk seperti, usil, suka mengganggu, kasar, semena-mena, suka mencari keributan dan berkelahi, memberontak dan tidak taat pada guru, hingga malas dan tidak mau belajar.

Bantulah, Jangan Sekedar Menghukum

Dengan memahami bahwa kenakalan pelajar hanyalah dampak dari pemikiran dan motivasi yang salah dalam menyikapi kegagalan pencarian jati diri, masihkah kita meyakini bahwa hukuman adalah cara efektif dalam menangani kenakalan pelajar? Hukuman seringkali hanya bersifat memaksakan perubahan perilaku, dan hampir tidak membantu anak didik untuk menemukan apa yang sedang dia cari, yaitu tempat dan makna eksistensi dirinya. Dalam banyak kasus, hukuman bahkan hanya memperparah kekecewaan dan keputus-asaan siswa terhadap sekolah.

Budaya suka menghukum dapat memperburuk kepercayaan anak didik kepada sekolah. Seorang pelajar yang melakukan pelanggaran dan merasa yakin akan dikenai hukuman cenderung untuk berbohong dan menuduh pihak lain sebagai penyebab. Sebaliknya, ketika dia merasa yakin bahwa dia akan dibantu atau dibimbing agar bisa menghentikan perilaku buruknya, maka dia akan jujur dan terbuka tentang latar belakang masalah yang sebenarnya. Hanya ketika anak didik jujur dan terbuka tentang masalah yang sedang dia alami, solusi efektif terhadap permasalahan yang sebenarnya akan bisa dicapai.

Hukuman dengan berbagai bentuknya, termasuk skorsing, mungkin bisa mengubah perilaku, tapi belum tentu mampu menyentuh kesadaran anak didik dan mengubah motivasi mereka ke arah yang positif. Hukuman harus disertai dengan tindakan korektif, termasuk konseling, untuk mengubah pemikiran yang keliru, dan mengarahkan mereka ke dalam pemikiran positif. Pemikiran yang positif akan menghasilkan motivasi yang baik dan secara otomatis akan mendorong pelajar untuk selalu berperilaku baik.

Bimbingan dan konseling yang tepat mampu mengeksplorasi dan menampung pemikiran serta perasaan anak didik, dan memberi peluang besar untuk membantu anak didik dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya terhadap tempat dan pengakuan eksistensi diri. Di sanalah kita bisa membantu siswa bermasalah untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dialaminya. Ketika seorang anak sudah merasa nyaman dan menemukan tempat bagi dirinya, perilaku buruknya bisa dipastikan tidak akan timbul kembali.

Karena itu, persepsi bahwa setiap pelanggaran wajib dikenai hukuman harus dihilangkan dari dunia pendidikan, terutama sekolah. Pelajar bermasalah lebih membutuhkan bimbingan dan pertolongan daripada sekedar hukuman. Kita harus selalu ingat bahwa kenakalan pelajar timbul dari kegagalan mereka menemukan tempat dan makna bagi keberadaan dirinya. Pesan mereka sebenarnya jelas, bahwa mereka hanyalah anak-anak yang ingin menemukan tempat yang nyaman dimana keberadaan mereka diakui dan menjadi berarti.

March 09, 2014

Paket Soal Versi 11 Reading Section UNBK / USBN Bahasa Inggris SMK

Reading Section

5. Error Recognition: Questions 16 to 20, choose the inappropriate structure in the sentences below.
  1. Rini: This chair is not more comfortable as the old one.
                                                        A                                    B
    Alif : I agree with you. Besides, it’s too small for me. I feel like a giant when I sit on it.
                                                                           C                                                                D
  2. Joko: There are three beautiful small blue leather bags.
                            A                                        B
    Ira: Which one is yours? Mine is the one which a pocket on it.
                                       C                                        D
  3. Elma: Have you seen my little sister? I left her here when I met my guests.
    Udin: No one was here when I came. How does she look like?
                                B                                                                        C
    Elma: She is pleasingly plump. She’s about 130 cm. She has fairly skin.
  4. Ana: Have you finished the report? The deadline is the day after tomorrow.
                                     A                                                                                   B
    Yesi: It is being printed. I would be able to submit it tomorrow if they finish today.
                                C                     D
    Ana: I hope so.
  5. Desi: I heard you’ve received a scholarship. What a pity.
    Lina: Thank you. I worked hard on it. I failed last year.
                                                      B                   C
    Desi: You deserve it. I’m proud of you.
6. Reading Comprehension: Questions 21 - 30 are based on a selection of reading materials.
     Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question.

Questions 21 – 23 refer to the following text:
Please follow these procedures in order to make a machine withdrawal from your BRI Bank checking or savings accounts:
  1. Insert your card face up into the card slot on the machine teller
  2. Enter your six digits identification number on the numbers buttons
  3. Press the withdrawal button for checking or button for savings
  4. Enter the amount of withdrawal, either fifty or one hundred thousand rupiahs, on the numbered buttons, and wait for your receipt to be printed
  5. Remove your card from the slot. The drawer will open with receipt and your cash withdrawal in fifty-thousand rupiah packets.
All customers are limited to two withdrawals in one twenty- four- hour period.
  1. What does the text explain?
    1. How to get a BRI Bank Card
    2. How to open an account at BRI Bank
    3. How to withdraw money from a teller machine.
    4. How to make deposits and withdrawals at BRI Bank
  2. What should you do after you enter the amount of withdrawal?
    1. Print your receipt.
    2. Remove your card.
    3. Wait for your receipt.
    4. Press withdrawal button.
  3. "Please follow these procedures ...." The synonym of the underlined word is ....
    1. Arrangements.
    2. Confirmations.
    3. Qualifications
    4. Instructions.
Questions 24 – 25 refer to the following memo:
From: Rahardjo
To: Dianita
Subject: Monthly meeting
Our Director, Mr. Sulaiman will not be at the office until the end of this week as he must have research on our new branch in Singapore. I’d like you to tell the managers about the postponing of monthly meeting. Tell them that will be held on Monday next week.
  1. What does the memo talk about?
    1. The meeting will be held every month.
    2. The postponing of monthly meeting.
    3. A new branch in Singapore
    4. Mr. Sulaiman’s research
  2. Why is the meeting postponed?
    1. The managers do not know about the meeting.
    2. The secretary hasn’t told the managers.
    3. The Director will not be at the office.
    4. The meeting will be held on Monday.
Questions 26 – 28 refer to the following text:

Meredian Express

We are the one you can trust in delivery service. Established since 1984 and advancing through five provinces, we now have more than 500 branches. Our commitment is to ensure that the goods will be delivered quickly and safely. We offer a competitive delivery cost with an excellent service. So, what are you waiting for? Trust your goods delivery in us.
Our main office is located in Panglima Sudirman st. no 62. Makassar. Hot line 0856433765.
  1. What does the Meredian express deal with?
    1. Transportation service
    2. Goods distribution
    3. Delivery service
    4. Marketing
  2. What does the word “us” in line 5 refer to?
    1. Main office.
    2. 500 branches.
    3. Goods delivery.
    4. Meredian Express.
  3. What is the synonym of the word “commitment” in line 3?
    1. Relationship
    2. Dedication
    3. Promotion
    4. Establishment
Questions 29 – 31 refer to the following text:
Amyr Klink said that he was going to cross the Atlantic Ocean by himself in a rowboat. Nobody believed him and some people thought he was crazy. “I didn’t plan this by myself,”Klink said. “I had some help from scientists and engineers.”
On June 10, 1984, Klink left Namibia in his rowboat, The Paraty, and headed for Brazil. It was not an easy experience for Klink. He rowed his small boat across the Atlantic for 92 days. His only companions were dolphins, whales, and a few sharks who amused themselves by chasing after the boat.
Finally, on September 9, 1984, The Paraty arrived in Salvador, Brazil. It was the end of the journey.
  1. What does the text talk about?
    1. Amyr Klink’s rowboat, the Paraty.
    2. Amyr Klink’s incredible journey.
    3. The biography of Amyr Klink.
    4. Amyr Klink’s hobby.
  2. Where did Amyr Klink start his journey?
    1. Namibia.
    2. Brazil.
    3. Atlantic Ocean.
    4. Salvador.
  3. Which statement is not true according the text?
    1. Some people thought Amyr Klink was crazy.
    2. Amyr Klink crossed the Atlantic Ocean alone.
    3. Amyr Klink rowed his small boat in less than 100 days.
    4. Scientists and engineers joined Amyr Klink’s journey.

Writing Section

7. Incomplete Dialog: Questions 32 to 41, choose the most appropriate answer.
  1. Ulfa: “I can’t access the web page. It says ‘500 – Internal Server Error.”
    Lina: “Neither can I. I think ....”
    1. The problem has been fixed.
    2. The server has a problem.
    3. It has internal server.
    4. We should open the web.
  2. Hanis: “This is Hanis from PT. ABC. May I speak to Mr. Adi, the Manager?”
    Operator: “I’m sorry, but he’s still away for lunch. May I take a message?”
    Hanis: “Yes. ....”
    Operator: “All right.”
    1. Please leave him my message.
    2. Please call again in an hour.
    3. Please tell him that I called.
    4. Please ask him to be away.
  3. Juli: “It’s getting colder outside. The wind is blowing harder.”
    Wira : “You are right. ....”
    1. Let’s go in.
    2. Just open the window.
    3. Why don’t we stay here?
    4. I am sweating very much.
  4. Laila: “What kind of exercise do you like to do?”
    Rudi: “.... On weekends, I ride to the countryside to enjoy the fresh air and scenery.”
    1. I like cycling.
    2. I usually go swimming.
    3. I prefer playing tennis.
    4. I enjoy playing football.
  5. Receptionist: “....”
    Tourist: “Double with bath. Please give me a room with a view over the beach.”
    1. What can I do for you, Sir?
    2. What kind of bathroom do you need?
    3. How many rooms would you like?
    4. What kind of room would you like?
  6. Tourist: “Excuse me. ....”
    Receptionist: “Go along this street. Turn left at the first junction. Then walk for about 100 m. It’s on your right.
    1. Could you show me where I stay, please?
    2. How can I get to the nearest batik center?
    3. Will you take me to the nearest batik center?
    4. Could you tell me the nearest way, please?
  7. Tito: “The street gets very busy from 6 to 7 am. We can be trapped in traffic jams.”
    Redi: “So, if we don’t want to be late, ....”
    1. We will have to leave at about 5 am.
    2. We had had to leave at about 5 am.
    3. We would have to leave at about 5 am.
    4. We had to leave at about 5 am.
  8. Yeko: “Why did you take the bus? You always ride your motorcycle to work, ....”
    Dedi: “Yes, but my motorcycle is being repaired now.
    1. Do you?
    2. Don’t you?
    3. Did you?
    4. Didn’t you?
  9. Bima: “Have you heard about the new film?”
    Gita: “Yes. I can’t wait to watch it. ....”
    Hani: “Early next month.”
    1. When was it released?
    2. When is it releasing?
    3. When will it be released?
    4. When will you release it?
  10. Tedy: “Have you seen Rio? I need his help now.”
    Gita: “He’s in the director’s room. ....”
    1. He met our client.
    2. He has met our client.
    3. He is meeting our client.
    4. He would meet our client.
8. Cloze Test: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete the texts.
Questions 42 – 44 refer to the following letter
Dear Sir,
In reply to your advertisement on The Jakarta Post dated December 14,2013, I would like to ...(42)... for the position of a female office administration staff.
I’m a girl of 20, graduated from a vocational high school, precisely from Business and Management group ...(43)... Salatiga. Previously, I worked as an administration staff for “Zenith”, a ...(44)... radio station in town.
I herewith enclose some certificates of reference from my former employer together with my curriculum vitae and recent passport-sized photo.
I’m looking forward to your favorable reply and a chance of an interview.
Yours faithfully,

42. A. apply
       B. applied
       C. applying
       D. application
43. A. by
       B. on
       C. in
       D. at
44. A. well-know
       B. well-known
       C. well-knowing
       D. well-knowledge
Questions 45 – 47 refer to the following announcement
Attention students
This Monday, April 15, is the registration deadline for the next semester. Complete your registration form in the administrative office on the first floor ...(45)... the hours of 7.00 am and 13.00 pm.
Payment must be made at the time of registration, so ...(46)... your credit card, a money order or cash with you. Personal checks will not be ...(47).... No late exceptions. Classes begin Monday, May 15.
45. A. from
       B. since
       C. by
       D. between
46. A. submit
       B. collect
       C. bring
       D. take
47. A. accepted
       B. accept
       C. accepting
       D. acceptance
Questions 48 – 50 refer to the following advertisement
Paket Soal Versi 11 Reading Section UNBK - USBN Bahasa Inggris SMK
Don’t ...(48)... your lunch hour waiting in line. Come to Joe’s Hamburger Grill for a ...(49)... and tasty lunch. Our menu features 25 different types of hamburgers served with:
  • Cheese
  • sliced onions and tomatoes
  • spicy sauces
  • And more
Your order is guaranteed to be on your table within five minutes or free. Joe’s is located ...(50)... North Main Street in the heart of the downtown business district.
See you there
48. A. to spend
       B. spend
       C. spent
       D. spending
49. A. quick
       B. quickly
       C. quicker
       D. quicks
50. A. in
       B. at
       C. on
       D. by

This is the end of the test.

March 02, 2014

Vocabulary Exercise: "Animal Races in SEMIPRO Festival" Descriptive Text

SEMIPRO, a one-week festival in Probolinggo city, offers a number of enjoyable entertainment shows and competitions. In the festival which starts from late June to early July every year, there are also animal races, such as goat race, red cow race, and cow muddy race.

Goat Race

Vocabulary Exercise - Animal Races in SEMIPRO Festival Descriptive Text

Goat race is one of the most ...(1)... tourist attractions held in SEMIPRO (A Week in Probolinggo City) festival. Since 2009, goat race has ...(2)... the enthusiasm of not only local contestants, ...(3)... those from other cities.

The most important element in this race basically lies ...(4)... the speed of the goats in reaching the finish line. Contestants are ...(5)... to bring additional equipment as well as noise-makers to stimulate the goats’ running speed.

Looking at the enthusiasm of its contestants and the locals from year to year, the goat race is ...(6)... to be held in SEMIPRO festival every year.

  1. A. interest
    B. interested
    C. interesting
    D. interests

  2. A. raise
    B. raising
    C. raises
    D. raised

  1. A. but also
    B. but as well
    C. also
    D. and

  2. A. in
    B. at
    C. of
    D. on

  1. A. allowing
    B. allowed
    C. allow
    D. allows

  2. A. like
    B. alike
    C. likeness
    D. likely

Red Cow Race

Vocabulary Exercise - Animal Races in SEMIPRO Festival Descriptive Text

Similar ...(7)... goat race, red cow race has become an important agenda in SEMIPRO festival. Despite the fact that the red cow race was never ...(8)... in SEMIPRO festival until 2011, the race has received great interest of the locals.

The characteristics of red cows ...(9)... to those of race cows, marked with their speed and power. If a cow ...(10)... one or more races, it will be a very profitable bid for the owner. A five-thousand-dollar cow can be worth U$7,500 after winning a race.

  1. A. with
    B. as
    C. for
    D. to

  2. A. hold
    B. holding
    C. held
    D. be held

  1. A. belong
    B. belonged
    C. belonging
    D. belongs

  2. A. win
    B. won
    C. wins
    D. will win

Cow Muddy Race

Vocabulary Exercise - Animal Races in SEMIPRO Festival Descriptive Text
One of the most ...(11)... and unique events in SEMIPRO festival is cow muddy race which takes place on muddy farming land. The race is ...(12)... to be part of daily life in Pendalungan culture, that is the combination of Javanese and Maduranese culture. Its integration into SEMIPRO festival in 2011 has made it one of the formal ...(13)... events held in Probolinggo city. The prizes offered in the formal race pay the highest contribution in attracting local racers as well as racers from ...(14)... regions and towns.

Beside its noises and tension, what makes the cow muddy race unique is that it requires the art and skill of making the cows run ...(15)... possible on muddy farm land. The fastest cows will win the race. However, it requires a certain skill to keep the cows in the right ...(16)... and reach the finish line in record time.
  1. A. attraction
    B. attractive
    C. attracted
    D. attractively

  2. A. believes
    B. believing
    C. believe
    D. believed

  1. A. annually
    B. annual
    C. annuity
    D. anniversary

  2. A. other
    B. others
    C. another
    D. the other

  1. A. as fast
    B. faster than
    C. the fastest
    D. as fast as

  2. A. directly
    B. direction
    C. directive
    D. direct

Vocabulary Exercise

Match the words on the left with the correct meaning or definition on the right.
  1. Attraction
  2. Enthusiasm
  3. Element
  4. Equipment
  5. Locals
  6. Worth
  7. Culture

  8. Integration
  9. Tension
  10. Skill
  1. An instrumentality needed for an undertaking or to perform a service
  2. Having a specified value
  3. A state of mental or emotional strain or suspense
  4. People who live nearby
  5. A lively interest
  6. The act of combining into an integral whole
  7. The attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group
  8. An entertainment that is offered to the public
  9. An ability that has been acquired by training
  10. An abstract part of something

February 24, 2014

Haruskah Penegakan Disiplin Sekolah Mengabaikan Hati Nurani?

Hati Nurani dalam Penegakan Disiplin Sekolah

uatu pagi, ketika Ujian Sekolah Produktif untuk pelajar kelas XII SMK akan segera dimulai, seorang siswi tidak diperbolehkan memasuki gerbang sekolah karena seragam yang dikenakannya salah. Dia mengenakan baju Pramuka, lupa bahwa sehari sebelumnya telah ada pemberitahuan bahwa hari itu seluruh siswa harus mengenakan baju batik.

Dengan alasan penegakan disiplin sekolah, dia diharuskan pulang dan berganti baju. Meskipun sudah mencoba bernegosiasi, dia tetap tidak berhasil mendapatkan ijin masuk dan mengikuti ujian. Sedangkan Ayahnya yang mengantarnya ke sekolah sudah berangkat bekerja dan tidak mungkin kembali mengantarkannya pulang. Jika harus naik angkutan umum, dia harus berganti kendaraan sebanyak 3 kali untuk mencapai rumahnya yang berjarak kurang-lebih 7 kilometer dari sekolah. Praktis, konsekuensi penegakan disiplin yang harus diterimanya adalah tidak bisa mengikuti ujian hari itu karena ujian akan segera dimulai.

Karena keinginannya yang besar untuk bisa mengikuti ujian, siswi tersebut memilih tidak pulang dan menunggu di depan pintu gerbang hingga ujian selesai. Dia tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya selain berdiri di depan gerbang sekolah. Beruntung, setelah beberapa saat berdiri di depan pintu gerbang sekolah, seorang Guru yang lain mengijinkannya masuk dan mengikuti ujian. Meskipun pada akhirnya siswi tersebut diijinkan masuk sekolah, ada beberapa hal yang cukup membuat kita prihatin dengan kejadian tersebut.

Berikan Tindakan Korektif Secara Wajar, Proporsional, dan Mendidik.

Kesalahan memakai seragam umumnya bukanlah hal yang sengaja dilakukan oleh seorang siswa. Pasti ada alasan lain misalnya lupa, tidak memiliki seragam, atau seragam yang harus dikenakan tiba-tiba hilang atau sedang dicuci. Mereka justru akan merasa malu jika harus seorang diri mengenakan seragam yang berbeda dengan siswa lainnya.

Karena itu, sebelum menentukan sanksi atau tindakan korektif yang akan diberikan, akan terasa lebih bijak jika kita bersedia mencari tahu apa penyebabnya. Apakah disengaja atau tidak? Dari situ, kita bisa menentukan tindakan korektif terbaik yang harus diberikan terhadap pelanggaran tersebut.

Begitu juga dalam menangani kasus siswa yang terlambat. Tidak semua keterlambatan siswa disebabkan oleh kelalaian atau ketidak disiplinan mereka, kecuali jika terjadi secara terus-menerus. Acapkali keterlambatan siswa disebabkan oleh hal-hal diluar kekuasaan mereka, seperti kemacetan, kecelakaan, harus melakukan suatu kewajiban, atau diminta membantu guru lain. Haruskah kita sebagai para pendidik menghukum seorang siswa yang terlambat datang ke sekolah karena dia harus menolong seorang korban kecelakaan di jalan? Jika memang demikian, hati nurani siapa yang lebih hidup, dan hati nurani siapa yang sudah mati?

Hargailah Kepentingan dan Hak Anak Didik

Sekolah seharusnya menjadi tempat mendidik yang nyaman, bukan tempat yang penuh ancaman dan menakutkan. Setiap pelanggaran harus disikapi dengan bijak, dan diberikan tindakan korektif yang mendidik, bukan sekedar hukuman yang menghukum. Seburuk apapun sikap dan perilaku siswa, mereka adalah individu yang harus kita hargai dan berhak mendapatkan pendidikan.

Melarang siswa masuk kelas atau sekolah hanya karena salah seragam atau terlambat 5-10 menit seringkali bukanlah tindakan korektif yang terbaik dan tepat. Ketika anak didik lebih suka melakukan kegiatan lain daripada mengikuti kegiatan belajar di sekolah, maka larangan masuk kelas atau masuk sekolah tidak memiliki muatan pendidikan apapun selain sekedar "hukuman". Sedangkan efek jera yang diharapkan juga tidak tercapai.

Di satu sisi, larangan masuk kelas atau masuk sekolah juga akan menghilangkan kesempatan anak didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan di sekolah. Demi penegakan disiplin, hak mereka untuk mendapatkan pendidikan tidak terpenuhi. "Niat" untuk datang ke kelas atau sekolah pun menjadi seperti tidak dihargai, padahal itu masih jauh lebih baik daripada membolos dengan berbagai macam alasan.

Bukankah masih banyak tindakan korektif yang bisa dilakukan tanpa harus merugikan kepentingan dan hak anak didik? Di beberapa negara lain, siswa yang terlambat atau salah seragam tidak disuruh pulang. Pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh siswa ditangani di dalam lingkup sekolah sebagai bukti bahwa pihak sekolah mampu memberikan penanganan dan solusi, kecuali jika memang memerlukan penanganan lanjutan dari pihak berwenang di luar sekolah. Orang-tua pun tidak selalu harus tahu, kecuali jika penanganan masalah membutuhkan kerja-sama dengan pihak orang-tua.

Jika suatu pelanggaran dilakukan terus-menerus atau semakin memburuk, pendekatan konsultatif akan diberikan, bukan tindakan represif, bukan hukuman. Siswa akan diberitahu tentang konsekuensi dan kerugian akibat pelanggaran mereka. Siswa benar-benar diperlakukan sebagai individu yang juga harus dihargai. Ketika konsultasi telah menyentuh akar penyebab pelanggaran hingga menghasilkan solusi, bisa dipastikan pelanggaran itu tidak akan terulang. Dengan demikian, secara tidak langsung siswa sudah dididik agar selalu penuh pertimbangan dan tidak terlalu kaku dalam menghadapi suatu permasalahan, serta senantiasa mendengarkan hati nurani dan menghargai orang lain.

Akan tetapi, larangan masuk masih menjadi tindakan yang cenderung dipilih oleh para pendidik di negara kita. Mungkin karena tindakan itu paling praktis dan paling mudah untuk diberikan, tanpa harus repot-repot melakukan pendekatan konsultatif, serta mengesankan sikap "tegas" dalam menegakkan peraturan dan disiplin sekolah. Tidak akan ada siswa terlambat atau salah seragam, mungkin karena mereka takut dan lebih memilih untuk membolos daripada harus menghadapi hukuman. Sekolah pun akan menjadi "seperti yang diharapkan", tak ubahnya barak militer yang menjunjung tinggi kedisiplinan dan keselarasan, tanpa menyisakan ruang bagi hati nurani dalam menindak pelaku pelanggaran. Seperti itukah yang kita harapkan?

Peraturan memang harus dipatuhi, dan disiplin juga harus ditegakkan. Namun ketika penegakan disiplin dilakukan dengan mengesampingkan hati nurani, maka paradigma pendidikan karakter dan budi pekerti hanya akan menjadi sebuah ironi.

February 21, 2014

Paket Soal Versi 10 UNBK - USBN Reading Section Bahasa Inggris SMK

Reading Section

5. Error Recognition: Choose the inappropriate structure or word in the sentences below.
  1. Anna: I went to Batu yesterday. The weather was so cold there.
                     A                                                               B
    Shanty: Yes, it’s as cold than Probolinggo. Did you also go to Malang?
    Anna: Yes, I did. It is hotter than Batu.
  2. Mariana: I heard that there was a robbery at Mrs. Anita’s house last night.
    Lucky: Yes. A new car where was parked in the garage was stolen.
                                                B                                                            C
    Mariana : I’m really sorry to hear that.
  3. Maria : Katie Holmes’ new haircut is cute. She looks gorgeous.
                                                      A                                     B
    Christine : I agree with you. She is looked much younger than she really is.
                                                                     C                                     D
  4. Shinta : You looked different without your glasses
    Danu : I would have worn them if I didn’t break it. I sat on it by accident.
                       B                                           C
    Shinta : That’s too bad. I hope you’ll get another one soon.
  5. Woman : How do you like the movie?
    Man : It is bored, I think. I wonder why people like it..
                          B                                                          C
    Woman : I’m sorry. I thought you would like it.
6. Reading Comprehension: Questions 21 - 30 are based on a selection of reading materials. Choose the best answer to each question.

Questions 21-23 refer to the following email:

  1. Why did the writer send the above email?
    1. To ask for a copy of invoice.
    2. To make payment for the invoice.
    3. To inform about reshuffle in the accounts team.
    4. To request an early payment.
  2. What is NOT mentioned in the email?
    1. Number of invoice.
    2. Date of invoice.
    3. Price of invoice.
    4. Issuer of invoice.
  3. Who issued the invoice?
    1. Paradise Hotel
    2. Craig David
    3. Adelaide Comp.
    4. Accounts payable
Questions 24-25 refer to the following text:

  1. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?
    1. Philips headquarter is located in the Netherlands.
    2. Philips leads only in energy efficient lighting solutions & applications.
    3. Philips has more than 100.000 employees in all over the world.
    4. Philips has a wide range of products in healthcare, lifestyle, and lighting.
  2. “... on fundamental customer...” (line 4). The synonym of the word “fundamental” is...
    1. Additional
    2. Incidental
    3. Important
    4. Extra
Questions 26-28 refer to the following text:

Automobile Technician

Job Purpose: Maintaining service operations by inspecting and maintaining vehicles.
Job Duties:
  • Keeping equipment available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire rotation and changes, wheel balancing, replacing filters.
  • Maintaining vehicle functional condition by listening to operator complaints; conducting inspections; repairing engine failures; repairing mechanical and electrical systems malfunctions; replacing parts and components; repairing body damage.
  • Verifying vehicle serviceability by conducting test drives; adjusting controls and systems.
  • Complying with state vehicle requirements by testing engine, safety, and combustion control standards.
  • Maintaining vehicle appearance by cleaning, washing, and painting.
  • Maintaining vehicle records by recording service and repairs.
  • Keeping shop equipment operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; maintaining supplies; performing preventive maintenance; calling for repairs.
  • Updating job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading technical publications.
  • Accomplishing maintenance and organization mission by completing related results as needed.
Skills/Qualifications: Lifting, Energy Level, Dependability, Persistence, Time Management, Attendance, Independence, Safety Management, Problem Solving, Dealing with Complexity, Analyzing Information.
  1. The followings are some duties of an automobile technician, except....
    1. Keeping equipment available for use.
    2. Maintaining vehicle functional condition.
    3. Maintaining vehicle appereance and records.
    4. Updating technical publications
  2. Which is not mentioned in the skills of an automobile technician?
    1. Time management
    2. Safety management
    3. Financial management
    4. Problem solving
  3. "Verifying vehicle serviceability by ...."
    Which of the following is the synonym of the underlined word?
    1. Confirming
    2. Evaluating
    3. Qualifying
    4. Classifying
Questions 29-31 refer to the following advertisement:
Paket Soal Versi 10 UNBK - USBN Reading Section Bahasa Inggris SMK
  1. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?
    1. Trimegatech offers 50% discount for home users, home offices and small-mid sized businesses.
    2. Small-mid sized business will get free consultation of network setup, web design, servers etc.
    3. Trimegatech’s computer services are available in two counties.
    4. The discount is only available during the company’s grand opening.
  2. Small and mid sized businesses are able to get free consultation for ....
    1. Network setup, web development, hardware upgrades, etc.
    2. New office setup, wireless networks, web design, etc.
    3. Web development, servers, spyware removal, etc
    4. Web design, new office setup, network setup, etc.
  3. “Take advantage of our grand opening”. The word “advantage” has similar meaning to ....
    1. Strength
    2. Weakness
    3. Benefit
    4. Disfavor
7. Incomplete Dialog: In questions 32 to 41, choose the best answer to complete the dialog.

  1. Danny : Where is Andy? I haven't seen him today.
    Wanda : .... right now. He’ll have an exam next Monday.
    1. He might be playing football
    2. He’s probably studying at home
    3. It isn’t possible that he’s at home
    4. There’s a chance that he’ll be here.
  2. Linda : Mom, we are running out of salt. .... ?
    Mother : Sure, dear. Thank you for helping.
    1. Would you like me to buy the salt?
    2. Would you buy the salt for me?
    3. Can you help me buy the salt?
    4. Could you get me the salt?
  3. Dony : I’ll be late for work. I’ve got a flat tire.
    Nafisa : ..... Tell them you’re going to be late.
    Dony : You’re right. I will do that. Thank you.
    1. You shouldn’t go to work today.
    2. You’d better call your office.
    3. You let them replace your tire.
    4. You might need to stay here.
  4. Salma : What do you like to do in your free time?
    Rina : .... . What about you?
    Salma : I’m fond of it too. I always hunt for new films every month.
    1. I like watching movies.
    2. I enjoy swimming.
    3. I like shopping very much.
    4. I’m interested in reading a book.
  5. Clerk : Can I help you find something?
    Nia: .... this yellow scarf and black hat. How much are they?
    Clerk : They are Rp.90,000.-
    Nia: OK. I’ll take them. Can you wrap them for me? They’re a present.
    Clerk : Yes, sure.
    1. I prefer to sell
    2. I’d like you to buy
    3. I would like to rent
    4. I'd like to buy
  6. Mr. Doni : Have you done the assignment?
    Students : Yes, Sir.
    Mr. Doni : OK. ..... I’ll check it.
    1. Submit your work on my desk
    2. Don’t look at your friend’s work
    3. Do not collect your work
    4. Exchange it with your friend
  7. Sophia : My mom bought me a box of chocolate. Would you like some?
    Marsya : No, thanks. .... but now I’m on a diet.
    Sophia : Really? I think you’re slim enough to go on a diet.
    1. I used to eat a lot of chocolate
    2. I don’t like chocolate
    3. I think chocolate is not good for health
    4. I had had a bar of chocolate
  8. Bella : Denise, there’s no milk in the fridge.
    Denise : Yes, I know. .... It’s on my shopping list.
    1. I bought some milk.
    2. I’m going to get some.
    3. I would like to have it.
    4. Would you put it in the fridge?
  9. Clarissa : I wanted to drop in yesterday but it seemed nobody was home. Where were you?
    Issabel : Oh, I’m really sorry. ....
    Clarissa : You must have had some fun there.
    1. I visited a relative in the hospital.
    2. I did my homework yesterday.
    3. I went to the beach with my family.
    4. I got a bad headache.
  10. Alex : What are you doing, Sarah? Let's hurry.
    Sarah : Wait. ....
    Alex : We are leaving at 7 and now it’s 06.45.
    1. I try my new blue dress.
    2. I am trying my new blue dress.
    3. I tried my new blue dress.
    4. I have tried my new blue dress.
8. Cloze Test: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete the texts.
Questions 42-44 refer to the following text:
42. A. advertise
       B. advertised
       C. advertising
       D. advertisement
43. A. into
       B. by
       C. at
       D. in
44. A. reach
       B. reached
       C. be reached
       D. being reached
Questions 45-47 refer to the following text:
45. A. invited
       B. are invited
       C. were invited
       D. will be invited
46. A. Addition
       B. Additions
       C. Additional
       D. Additionally
47. A.of
       B. at
       C. in
       D. on
Questions 48-50 refer to the following advertisement:
Paket Soal Versi 10 UNBK - USBN Reading Section Bahasa Inggris SMK

Matthew Kelsey, Printer

.... (48)... fine custome design and printing for all occasions, including announcements, invitations, stationery, posters, and more. Specializing in exquisite papers, .... (49)... typography, and memorable design .... (50 )... discerning customers. Matthew Kelsey, Printer Saratoga, CA 95070
48. A. Provide
       B. Provided
       C. Providing
       D. Had provided
49. A. distinct
       B. distinctive
       C. distinction
       D. distincted
50. A. for
       B. of
       C. on
       D. in

Click HERE to download the answer key

February 13, 2014

Paket Soal Versi 6 Listening Section Bahasa Inggris USBN - UNBK SMK

Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures

Questions: 1 to 3.
For each item, there is a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on the tape. These statements will be spoken twice, but are NOT WRITTEN out in your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one statement – (A), (B), (C), or (D) – that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Paket Soal Versi 6 Listening Section Bahasa Inggris USBN - UNBK SMK
Example: Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
  1. The girl is wearing a T-shirt.
  2. The girl has curly hair.
  3. The girl looks unhappy.
  4. The girl is holding something.
Choice (D) – The girl is holding something – best describes what is seen in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.Now let’s begin with picture number 1.

  1. Paket Soal Versi 6 Listening Section Bahasa Inggris USBN - UNBK SMK
  2. Paket Soal Versi 6 Listening Section Bahasa Inggris USBN - UNBK SMK
  3. Paket Soal Versi 6 Listening Section Bahasa Inggris USBN - UNBK SMK

Part II. Questions/Statements – Responses

Questions: 4 to 6Directions:
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken twice. They are not printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: “Where can I pick up my tickets?”.
You will also hear
  1. Thursday morning, if that’s convenient
  2. At the Overseas Travel Desk
  3. I think it’s at nine o’clock".
Choice (B) – “At the Overseas Travel Desk” – is the appropriate response to the question “Where can I pick up my tickets?” Therefore you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.Now let’s begin with question number 4.
  1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
  2. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
  3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III. Short Conversations

Questions: 7 to 10Directions:
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice. The conversations are not printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
You will hear:
Man: "Are you a student here?"
Woman: "Yes, Sir."
Man: "Where is the English class?"
Woman: "Next to the laboratory."
You will read: "Where does the dialogue probably take place?"

  1. At the hospital.
  2. At the station.
  3. At the market.
  4. In a school.
Choice (D) –“In a school” – is the best answer to the question “Where does the dialogue probably take place? “ Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.
  1. Why is the man later than usual?
    1. He missed the taxi.
    2. He rides his motorcycle.
    3. He gave his friend a ride.
    4. He is going by taxi.
  2. What did the man choose to drink?
    1. Avocado juice.
    2. Apple juice.
    3. Orange juice.
    4. Soft drink.
  3. What time should the man call again?
    1. After lunch.
    2. Before lunch.
    3. Now.
    4. Some time later.
  4. What can be implied about the woman?
    1. She will go to the mountain with her classmates.
    2. She keeps the man’s photograph.
    3. She lives not far from the mountain.
    4. She will go to the mountain as soon as possible.

Part IV. Short Talks

Questions: 11 to 15
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken twice. They are not printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
  1. What is the talk about?
    1. How to take a plug out of a socket.
    2. How to switch off a tool
    3. How to fix a tool.
    4. How to operate a tool.
  2. When should you release the button?
    1. After putting the plug into the socket.
    2. After placing the tip of the screwdriver.
    3. When the screw is strongly attached to its place.
    4. After taking the plug out of the socket.
  3. Why would you put the plug into the socket?
    1. To place the screw on the tip of the screwdriver.
    2. To switch on the power button.
    3. To push the button while you install the screw.
    4. To release the button.
  4. What is the final destination of the flight?
    1. Bangkok
    2. Copenhagen
    3. Dubai
    4. Calcutta
  5. What will happen in a few minutes?
    1. The plane will take off.
    2. The passengers will board the plane.
    3. The gate number will be announced.
    4. The flight will land in Dubai.
This is the end of the listening section.

February 04, 2014

Paket Soal Versi 9 Reading Section Bahasa Inggris UNBK - USBN SMK

Reading Section

Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question.
  1. Linda: Look! This painting is very beautiful.
    Prita : I agree. I think it is the most beautiful painting in this art gallery.
    Linda : It’s Basuki Abdullah’s painting. He’s one of the best painters in Indonesia.

    Where does the conversation most likely take place?
    1. Basuki Abdullah’s office
    2. An art gallery
    3. A painter's studio
    4. A war museum
  2. Tracy : I heard that your grandfather has an antique clock.
    Agnes : He does. It is a clock with the height of an average person, and maybe 20 to 24 inches wide.
    Tracy : Really? I wonder what it looks like.
    Agnes : Let's see it this weekend.

    What will Agnes do?
    1. Buy the clock for Tracy
    2. Borrow the clock from her grandfather
    3. Spend the weekend with her grandfather
    4. Take Tracy to her grandfather's home
  3. Reynald : Who is the woman standing next to Mr. Arman?
    Rina : Do you mean the one who is wearing spectacles?
    Reynald : Yes, I’ve never seen her here before.
    Rina : Oh, she's Ms. Martha, the new English teacher.

    Who are they talking about?
    1. Mr. Arman
    2. English subject
    3. Their school
    4. The new teacher
  4. Brian : I thought you have met your advisor.
    Hendra : I have. I went to her office this morning.
    Brian: Did you talk to her about your problems?
    Hendra : No. She was going to have a sudden meeting and asked me to see her tomorrow.

    What can we conclude from the above conversation?
    1. Brian would have talked to his advisor if she hadn't had a meeting.
    2. Brian had no intention to talk to his advisor at all.
    3. Hendra thought that Brian would talk to his advisor tomorrow.
    4. Brian would be able to talk to his advisor if she didn't have a sudden meeting.
  5. Arman : You look awful. What’s the matter?
    Rony : I got a bad mark for my maths test. I’m afraid I won’t pass the subject.
    Arman : Don’t worry. There are three other tests. You can make up and do better next time.

    What is Arman trying to do in the end of the conversation?
    1. Do better in the next test
    2. Make his friend feel awful
    3. Help his friend pass the test
    4. Support and cheer his friend up

Questions 21-23 refer to the following letter :
Ms. Ashley Crane
Savbizooe Ltd
28 Green St., Suite 11

Upstate, NY 10947

Dear Ms. Crane:

Thank you for ordering 15 cases of premium paper from Imperial Stationery Ltd. Your order has been shipped and should reach you within the next five business days.

Find enclosed your total bill for the above order amounting to $794.85, and the check for $23.85 is your refund. Because you paid in advance, we are giving you 3 percent cash discount and we also are paying for shipping and handling.

Imperial Stationery is pleased to add you to its list of customers. We look forward to your next order.


Jennifer Lopez
Customer Service

2 enclosures
  1. Who is Ms. Ashley Crane?
    1. Manager of Imperial Stationery Ltd.
    2. Distributor of Imperial Stationery Ltd.
    3. Customer of Imperial Stationery Ltd.
    4. Customer service of Imperial Stationery Ltd.
  2. What are enclosed in the letter?
    1. Ms. Crane’s orders.
    2. The total bill and check.
    3. The discount.
    4. The list of customers.
  3. According to the letter, who is in charge for the shipping and handling?
    1. Ms. Ashley Crane.
    2. Imperial Stationery Ltd.
    3. Customer of Imperial Stationery Ltd.
    4. Customer Service of Imperial Stationery Ltd.
Questions 24-26 refer to the following text:
Excel Travel is the result of 50 years of experience within the Travel Industry between its President and Vice President in the fields of leisure travel, corporate travel, meetings, conferences, incentives & exhibitions – simply it is a one supplier one solution approach. Among its shareholders are leading Egyptian investors in Egypt and the region. In our third of operation, we are ranked among the top five Travel Management Companies in Egypt.

At Excel Travel we have worked carefully to select the right, highly trained personnel to properly manage your business. We are aiming at establishing continuous training programs to enhance the existing expertise. Our current headcount exceeds 90 employees. In Cairo we have two offices in addition to 3 Implants and we have branches within the following cities: Alexandria, Luxor, Aswan, Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada, El Gouna, Taba.

  1. Which statement is NOT true according to the text above?
    1. Excel Travel was established 50 years ago by its President and Vice President.
    2. The leaders of Excel Travel have long years of experience in the travel industry.
    3. The stocks of the company are owned by leading Egyptian investors.
    4. Excel Travel is one of the best Travel Management Companies in Egypt.
  2. “... to enhance the existing expertise”. The antonym of “enhance” is ....
    1. Improve
    2. Raise
    3. Increase
    4. Decrease
  3. In how many cities in Egypt can you find Excel Travel?
    1. 7
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 10
Questions 27-28 refer to the following text

Job Purpose:
Prepares visual presentations by designing art and copy layouts.

Job Duties:

  • Prepares work to be accomplished by gathering information and materials.
  • Plans concept by studying information and materials.
  • Illustrates concept by designing rough layout of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetic concepts.
  • Obtains approval of concept by submitting rough layout for approval.
  • Prepares finished copy and art by operating typesetting, printing, and similar equipment; purchasing from vendors.
  • Prepares final layout by marking and pasting up finished copy and art.
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; following manufacturer's instructions; troubleshooting malfunctions; calling for repairs; maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment.
  • Completes projects by coordinating with outside agencies, art services, printers, etc.
  • Maintains technical knowledge by attending design workshops; reviewing professional publications; participating in professional societies.
Graphic Design Skills, Layout Skills, Creative Services, Customer Focus, Creativity, Flexibility, Attention to Detail, Deadline-Oriented, Desktop Publishing Tools, Acute Vision, Handles Rejection.
  1. The followings are some duties of a graphic designer, except....
    1. Prepare and plan information and materials
    2. Ilustrate concept in a rough layout
    3. Get approval of the concept and prepare the finished copy and art
    4. Request vendors to prepare the final layout.
  2. What are the skills needed to be a graphic designer?
    1. Graphic design skills, layout skills, purchasing skills, customer focus, creativity, etc.
    2. Graphic design skills, layout skills, creativity, flexibility, deadline-oriented, etc.
    3. Graphic design skills, creative services, customer focus, financial management, etc.
    4. Graphic design skills, creative services, bargaining skills, creativity, acute vision, etc.
Questions 29-31 refer to the following text:
  • 3-4 pounds Alaskan king crab legs and claws
  • 1 stick of butter
  • Lemon wedges for garnish
  1. Melt the butter in a small pan and keep warm on its lowest setting.
  2. Set a steamer tray inside a large pot and pour enough water inside to steam the crab. Remember, you are only reheating the crab, so you will only need about an inch of water tops. Bring this to a boil before laying the crab legs on the steamer. Cover the pot and steam for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the crab legs and use kitchen shears to cut the shells. You can either totally remove the meat from the shell or just get each one started for your guests. Serve with the melted butter.
  1. These are the kitchen equipment needed to make Classic King Crab, except ....
    1. A small pan.
    2. A large wok.
    3. A steamer.
    4. Kitchen shears.
  2. What should you do before laying the crab legs on the steamer?
    1. Set a steamer tray inside a large pot.
    2. Pour enough water inside the steamer.
    3. Boil an inch of water in the steamer.
    4. Cover the pot and steam for 5 minutes.
  3. Which is not true according to the text?
    1. You should open the pot while steaming the crab legs.
    2. First, you should melt the butter and keep it warm.
    3. You should serve the dish with the melted butter.
    4. You should steam the crab legs for 5 minutes.
7. Incomplete Dialog: In questions 32 to 41, choose the best answer to complete the dialog.

Paket Soal Versi 9 Reading Section Bahasa Inggris UNBK - USBN SMK

  1. Rio : Will you attend our high school reunion next Sunday?
    Marisa : I’m afraid I can’t. .... on that day.
    Rio : That's too bad.
    1. I will possibly be here
    2. I will attend it
    3. I maybe out of town
    4. I’d love to meet you all
  2. Martha : John, .... . It's getting darker. I can't read clearly.
    John : Alright. But I can’t see where the switch is.
    Martha : It’s near the door.
    1. Switch off the lamp.
    2. Please turn on the light.
    3. Please close all windows.
    4. What about locking the door.
  3. Dani : My throat hurts everytime I swallow.
    Mitha : I’ve told you not to drink too much ice. .... to have your throat examined.
    Dani: Yes, I’ll go there tonight.
    1. Let me see your throat
    2. You should not swallow
    3. You’d better drink hot water
    4. You should see the doctor
  4. Fred : Hello, Jeff! Where are the others? Haven’t they come yet?
    Jeff: No, they’re not coming. They’ve changed their mind.
    Fred : I wonder what they are doing right now.
    Jeff : ....
    1. They will go to swim.
    2. They’re going to swim.
    3. They’re going swimming.
    4. They will be going swimming.
  5. Waiter : Good evening, sir. What would you like to order?
    Customer : .... a grilled cheese sandwich, please.
    Waiter : Would you like anything to drink?
    Customer : Yes, I’d like a glass of coke, please.
    1. I’d like to make
    2. I’d like to have
    3. I’d like to serve
    4. I’d like you to order
  6. Mother : .... . You have to go to school early in the morning.
    Rossy : OK. Good night, mom.
    1. Don’t stay up late.
    2. Go to bed late.
    3. You should stay awake.
    4. I will go to bed now.
  7. Rizka : Did you get the tickets for Cherrybell’s concert?
    Dinda : No, I didn’t. The tickets were already sold out when I got there.
    Rizka : That’s too bad.
    Dinda : If I had come earlier, .... .
    1. I would miss the concert.
    2. I would not miss the concert.
    3. I would have missed the concert.
    4. I wouldn’t have missed the concert.
  8. Mr. Wardhana : Mr. Abraham wants all documents to be ready before the meeting.
    Liza : I’m sorry, sir. Which documents do you mean?
    Mr. Wardhana : About our company’s expansion to Asia. ...., haven’t you?
    Liza : Yes, sir. I’ll put them on his desk right away.
    1. You have finished it
    2. You would be able to finish
    3. You would have finished it
    4. You could have finished it
  9. Rizky : The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was spectacular.
    Brenda : I agree with you. .... on television, internet, and radio in many countries.
    1. I have watched it
    2. It was widely broadcasted
    3. It would be broadcasted
    4. It could have been broadcasted
  10. Rianti : ....
    Farhan : Yes, I’ve had it a few times. What about you?
    Rianti : I’ve never tried it.
    1. Have you ever eaten Thai food?
    2. Did you have Thai food for dinner?
    3. Could you get me Thai food?
    4. Would you like Thai food?
8. Cloze Text: Choose the most appropriate word or phrase to complete the texts. Questions 42-44 refer to the following text:


To: Abigail
From: Patricia Adam
Date: January 17, 2012
Subject: A round-trip ticket booking

I will need to attend a meeting in Jakarta. Please .... (42).... a round-trip ticket flight for me. I need to depart on Monday morning. If possible, please book the ... (43)... flight for me. I need to arrive in Jakarta before 9 a.m. I will leave Jakarta on Wednesday evening. Please put the ticket .... (44)... my desk on Friday afternoon.

Thank you.

42. A. book
      B. books
      C. booked
      D. booking
43. A. early
      B. earlier
      C. earliest
      D. earlier than
44. A. in
      B. on
      C. up
      D. above
Questions 45-47 refer to the following announcement:

Promotion Announcement

Subject Line: Jane Doe, Director of Marketing

We .... (45)... to announce the promotion of Jane Doe to Director of Marketing in the Corporate Communications department. Jane joined the company five years ago and has held positions in both the Advertising and Sales departments. Jane brings a wealth of experience to her new role and we are .... (46)... about her new role at the company. Please join us in welcoming Jane to Corporate Communications and .... (47)... her on the promotion.

Best Regards,
Marian Smith
Executive Director, Corporate Communications

45. A. thrilled
      B. are thrilled
      C. were thrilled
      D. could be thrilled
46. A. excited
      B. exciting
      C. being excited
      D. excitement
47. A. congratulation
      B. congratulate
      C. congratulated
      D. congratulating
Questions 48-50 refer to the following text:

EZ Contacts USA

Paket Soal Versi 9 Reading Section Bahasa Inggris UNBK - USBN SMK
At EZContacts ... (48)... the best contact lenses, designer eyeglasses frames, and prescription sunglasses from all major brand names in eye wear at the best price.Top quality contact lenses like Acuvuse, Soflens, Proclear, PureVision, AirOptix, and Biomedics are on .... (49)...!
FREE SHIPPING for all orders $99.00 or more!
Visit or call 1-888-267-5367 .... (50)... further information.
48. A. provide
      B. provides
      C. provided
      D. providing
49. A. discount
      B. discounted
      C. discountable
      D. discounter
50. A. in
      B. on
      C. at
      D. for